Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1964, p. 19

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ButNotFromHéfWOrk She lighting anmedlcfl taroIn vppmluon to the Amer lcg Medici Amelauon She in received the ihomu Iliveru memorial distinguished Honors continue to come to her In July who received lha Mednl of Fmdom the highest civilian awnrdthe us bestows 1n peacetime Next year Iho hemmu president of the Amen ican Heart modallan In first woman head In the toqu lines it aundlnb Helen Brook Tami ll 66 and In yearshe mixed met 33 yean ax physiclnndnchlrgi he cardiac clinic the Harrie Lane Home John Hopkins Hospital Bug she has not retired lmm winking or from mun It pald lo educale Helen Brooke husslg physician who neVer married Her wrrrk hi helped save he lives of hun dred babies and saved thousands Id other from de Ionnlly v7 She grew up In Ian age when some people aald didnt my to ethics women they just 10L manleg and had bnblgs Get All The Hot Water You Need BALmIORE Md up Is Hayfield FoiDelails Call Humrustic UTILITIES COMMISSION Dr Tauulz has dldded to use pm the lellaylship or folk up study on blue babies who were operqled on 15 to yam no She 51311 dolnz research on lh¢ ulauon The blue bahyl hlulah lingo is caused by mIlIorma mm lhe hem whichmulls In an oxygen deficiency and death The development of the aurzlcal lechnflque or correct Ing 1h birth defect war mile alona In cardiovascular te xearch In 19 mm achievement and honor Dn Tamil Ind tha Inc Dr Alfred Elalockr per mth blueth She began hervwark here In 1921 bulvbefnrp lhn Ihera had been Ihe VCambyldae Mum schoolfor girls lwn yum ll Rndtlme Phl Bela Kappl It 19 Unlmsily Cnlilornla and match It the Boston Un lverxilyschooirof medicine 70 humhemnst Dr Twin wfl admll IIyou dontJlo 701w begin In sl6w do wpu scuooim ellownhifi andefll use Rhem nogm research Wifli VA hl 4531740 AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH I0 HEAT HIT START ISVGOOD OllAWA0PlLabor Min ter MncEuhrn ulrl Friday he wlnler house building ln cenllve program lo um and expecled In at least match In winters program In slut Preliminary uporl lnrllclle am dwelling unit have passed firslinspec llon undArlhl winterr 11w mm There were moo such unlit this llrne last year 1n ddlflnu la lief war on the hem ADr Tunas was our 01 the flxullowaru the US mth Jul urolmlon of the dungzrs qnlhllldomlde One of her annex foreign iludean topped in to see her who Ill ollael and men tioned receiving an unusual number case millnrmnv on in chlldmn In Germany He Iald be thouth it wu dun lo nleeplnl tablet she rem calls ladeddod Id better go to gummy 19th out warn Tel 7261825 Settle down to some solid flavour The company salt in stale mnnl flunk unlnn mused lo Mcugnm In nreviou verbll agreement and Induced new wage demam Minimum lahry 13 Ill CI nadlan lnduslry mm In haun Th union said In statement released Friday night that the company did not deal nauxtlm ally with such Lune an In ex tended vacuum program and wage equilin with the us sync Industry Larry Selma Slulworken district Iupervisor nld nallher the union nor the company hid accepted he recammendlflons medialur 13le Tummo AldcnStelmA Indus trial negollallom dlreclor nld the unlonv had nepudlaled In oral ngnemen lo Imp mediullon upon or paths deal on wages Ind other hem Kill In addition to 10000 worken at Ihe Hamilton millSleluo has 3400 emplaym hr fabricating planlmn maxunto ml inn BranUord aque Onl and Montreal The United Steelworkers ol America CLC culled Sunday and Monday meeflnn Stand 10000 Hamilton em playees The meetings could re $1 In the selling 01 strike deadline TORon CP Canulct negotiations altha Steel Com pany 01 Canada 1ka down FtdaywiLhhbor and manage ment acculng ench 0th of acUnlin bpd Allhv Stfeflcoj Talks Btéékdovixi flimseoond Item in ma cglumn read 1wmiam 01h ersall ymlm gum be Maddy Meny 01mm Shqu Mrs Sherri OHIth ex plained lnter Hut sbe thought it was cute way to tellrhlmkthallhelr Hrs child L1dueln1 fizhsdflfnrifin mnmsinmm sravms POINT wk MP Wllllaflk othemll usual to puma column WWWaww Andrew Wilma bellem the nu true In mun pet will be am He claIerpeopH mm In mall harm Ind than to up ml lry vi ldu ol mam llnkL The riei said very ur iaIu abridgemenl came in iile income In diviaian politic concerninz invesuxutiun send and nizure ii neongmended lint the widapowen given Io pean euthanized by iheminiier oi national revenue under the pro deon olSection be laiied Ind that the power Mahmud Ieizure allowed the minixier be minim the Lev erai iimilelions now provided in lilo Criminal Coded Claude The accumlom were made In lhelnnul brie presented to Finance Mluhler Gnrdnn Ind Ravenue Minister Benson In lnwa by the Joint committee lb Canadian Institute ol Chml end Accountnu and the Can dlnn Bur Mindflan text the brig yalyeleued here NEON CHThe Eden gnvernmenfl lncame dlvi xlon wax scum Frldny of cut ting into cltizenl Iegll privil exu Ind civil rim ln tbs name 1xdm1nlstnlnn Rand Federation not sending mum card lhls yearlnxlud in making donation to theRoy SMle 101 influential of Accl denu Anohernads tcabh and Wireless wlxh lheh mend Merry mums and nnnmmce that they done Inlpnd to send out company lemucamflnmnd they In making donlnvn to the Mission to Sewn Mgixnqom cm AnnualBrief Criticizes Tax Dept the primime enl typch advertise 199an no flnm front page perionn hymn JAXPEIemifimoni IVE pl IOMPIP Advertisement hued3 und umvnmn umme um Weyulved $12 taxman If at amm clmmnmleudq whim L1 flIepemnllymhnm of 1119 Times Sonic complain dven in Ex Rrgasiqzllpelr Yullvwlshu on Mikazu was Ilmlll the luckirr ol the orphanazefliud children He was pland with the Ellmbelh sander Home run by Mm mm Sawlda the daughter mllllomlm one nl who estate near To the runodelled la bars or hnblel In one wulled MOST WENT 10 U5 jgwagg hu hr While exact lizum 11 not available but ml mutt plnce numer mlxedblood children than 5000 whom about 1000 wen born to pannls who were le gally manied alter Ibo birth the child the remaining 4000 per hnps many ball hive been adapted by lamllle abroad More than 1000 be lieved to have been mixed by their molberl mt have urgm In orphans He one Japanl mixed blood dildren lllezlllmnle thlldrcn named by American soldiers both while and New in Illeurly day of the Second World War occupation Muy lhelr Japanese mthm emu didnt wan to or couldnt lord lunraiae them Ind In Ihem to be brouth plumb phanagu WED 5000 mKYO rmm name on he employerMet the TI jima Prbclsian Inskmmebtmm ulncluring Company read Toshlkam Salau It In name Japanese any of III we 04h er on he lisL Bu Toshlkam Sale In no ordi nlry layeamld Japnuu HI father Negro MI ther Japanese He has known neither my plan In two Mnma Mn Frank Mulr Ire not taking In ldvertlsement in The Times Ulla year Inskad hey an unng auxMm cam to hair lrlendm Asked why Muir upuéd 4k wile and you tired of thin haulh slulfyi mama menu open ewopu in these adverflsexgnenu need sending Sendlng upls Im1111n pression ox skinsde no or two scrimwriter ind qulhivr Mulrn raid said liupflu This Saudi however wasulho autism mean at Mung 61er ur pear to he peérnnd sired generals mm gas eydnim my be oldashion9d Ind uld toured Mae Noel leey but the am hu zone out ImamLu Itwu ImllChrlstmu Me In hlving Wu hmJona on undhu Said Lady Ahmanwai The Imount money spent on buying r1 card and amp was too much and helium spent on writing them wu consideylble my land be money to cancer hol pitll JapanengixBlodd Children In Thousands mi In Bur own iamborhood lhz people have bacon accur lomod to II mlxmlood dill largest home lor mlxcfi blood orphan In Thkya Ilse Ibo Cnhallc Seiyn tllnly nigmm Home mm people Ium Around lo are me but at erwisej donl eel my discrim Inauon he aid For most IhOdlfldlell Ere blaal 313m wrung lo ruler die everyane in the bath Jumped out and lha Iller be dlflnkhyd usiuxuhlx L4 wish ham they deanszd it ll It had been mnlarnlnaled Until then Minn hnd not wanted In go In Bram But hat Incident changed his mind Mrl Sawnda tald Mlkam himself den not lo Ibo luch lugs One day 160 inc Minx lam Iffiutnmlnmsdamglhory company Hum went with some ellow wnrken Lounge Mlic bathhouse He told me about It Inter Mm SawldaJaid He said Dual 00 alt his clothes But We hasnt been any for Toshikuu 51m ha 121 the pro ecdoo ol the orphanage Ins year to get job Neither has been smooth or other of tho oldest nixedflooi are Few any areexpected to on In university although name are continuing me years unlo Mall school Kurd Ind oi had on lhe Ink the Amazon river for ham to arm non swan nm with imme the United States erl awng has figment Saiea and 01 erlilon coniéreizce oi Hill The Mover division of Motor wnyIAVan UnaLtd held in Tnmnio Dec 1nd Emu brunch ngpnsented with the Sliver Pinque indicating neoi and Highen awani inr achievemenivin business in 3mm mm flwms PnAQUEz the Minx Agriculture mro my Camd House uld MZ rlcullure Mlnlsler my my decided ryndinie almr llII 11mm line voulalmwer nu pmblem ollhe hllh can mr dllncry on OnnIdJln Karma Rupert of It mills open on were pulethmuxh Cm ada Home hm lo 0mm And recenfly lhe Canadiln Plrlllu men passed bill exmdinx lhe lncllllles ha Farm Credil Corporation lo help mm syndlf mil The plan under whimInm era arm syndicuu to than lho cast expensive equipment started with three Hampshiru mpg Ind now consist 6001 undlcala with 2000 Irer Ill £500000 worm ml ihlnea IDNDON omA Icheme In htlp onset the hlgll cast arm mechanizauon which lufled in mmpshln six year Ito Ind has spread over much cl Erih min is being adopted4nd 1mm provedIn Clmdn dren and have developed In un derstanding ol mammMem but beyond our nelzhbvrhood Im afraid different story said Tomlji Suzimoto lh homes diuctur But mm the longLem View point Suzimoioue hope lint but the year go by In pm nun pace in wdely Society mm accept them or Huey an un responsiblmy all 01 Ill Canada Adopts UKFani1 Scheme crease or Ihu you ML Shown Ibove an Gard Davin Branch despatchehwarehnuu cremaan Murray 13mm Branch Muazer holding lb award Top award went In the Monlreal Eranm Vnnd hlrd mxd the bronze plaque went to Tomnlo Branch g2

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