MIDLAND 1mm detenti Iland by helplenly as SevenUps captain BobGuner Weekend game In the Na dional Hockey League 1mmch lfunding near the up of the hat gave Chicago 15 games wan this season one ahead of the Canadians agd it put the Hawks In twoway with Dellalt Red Wings It 32 win cash 11 55¢qu plug Montreal Canadflem still held on to ï¬rst place with 34 palm But Chlcago Black Hawks Itarled nudging Ihe Hahn by dm eating Montreal us Saturday night and winning again Sunday ILover Boslaqflmlns ed three of the melmnd goals for Chicago and Busted on two mom Ha lmw has Mal of 28 goal in as games PM Esposlko neared two and Sum Nikita gm our asslsu It was Bpoailoa goal an assist mm Mum and Pierre Pilale that broke 21 ï¬e wflh Boslon and lava aw 9459 lhe vlclgry he Cnnndlens afler their hm to Chicago moved duwn to New York where they edzed nut lhc Rangers 31 Sunday anht RANGERS STILL WINLESS For lhc Rangers the weekend brought double defeat on Sal urdny nix Tomnto Mlpla can scuttled hem Nwl York now has been winleu or 1x slrnigh gumx Rflnmmï¬m Awnmnwm rmmnmmm wuwunno Balurdnyl Rflflll Chicago Monlnnl York Toronto bthya nuulu Montreal New York Tomato Dclroil Chlcnzgaymslun Bummer valdmn SiprlnxlitIx 00am llmhcy Wednudyl Game New York at Montreal Only anmc Ilchcdulcd Amrrkln Lulu Eulrra Dlvlllon Saturdlyl null Pludnumh Cleveland Gum Ilomwy Bunnie RprlnullLld Mndly lulu Bummer lhlflalo Chvelnnd INmmrm Quubec lrvvldmc llurï¬Ieyjlpouhr Ianlmore 5mm lonllnd Vuuwvor KAI Amlu Frmlun By Tim CANADIAN PRESS II THE CANADIAN pm mm mm rrévmcnu Bull Rocha Hm Frmlun 1H1 Hillfll vldorh an mm Mulbyl llnulu Mn anlm Vldofll Bold loflland Malta Lou Anne Vlmrln Dam rmdm lonltmd va LindSays Scores Topple at Toronto Fm the heals the weekend NIUaul mm um HOCKEY RECORD Jean mlelle Camllle Henry und Vic Hndfltld smred or flew York against Toronln on langhl lmm Bob Milford Dav Bmlna managed to hold an to thalr paslllon In the cel lar but they lava Chlcago Ilgh on Sunday nlghl Alter ï¬rstperiod goal by Hull Reg Flemlng equalled the some early 1n the mud The Brulns held allcago back unlll late la the alum whcn Hulla brother Dumb scored for the Hawks Johnny Bucyk matched Illa Ln II he lhlrd but Esposl oa won the game It was the only weekend ram or BoslmL mm was scam was split After taking the game mm New York they went on to lose Sunday night when the Red Wing beat them Ted Lindsay back from re tirement cored two goals against mnlohls sixth Ind seventh lince Ills remn In the micngoManlm lame Saturday Bobby Hull and Ken whamm scored lwo goal each Singles cam mm Den nix Hull and Wsilo Bobby Rousseau Dave Balm and Claude Lame mustered the goal or Menucal On Smday night Balon lean Guy Talbot Ind Ralph Each mm 93° Wm NIE us against NewYork Bod Gn bert and Don Manhall scored or the Ransom HImHWII 014 9011017 Ellnnhyl Mull Hamilton Dahnwn Swan Rewltk Kitchener Momma ID Pderborwzh Tomnln Nlazau Falls Cnlhurlnu Oshawa llnmlllon satunhy Gama SQ Catharine Monlxenl Hamilton Pflelbomulh Sandyn Oshnw Mammal Pelerboroufll Kitchener Niugnn Fall at llnmlllon SL Catharine Toronto Guelph Gill Woodstodl Onkvillc thlmd hlturdly ltuuli Guelph 011 hidden in centre fires the ï¬rst tying goal durlnz the first period Banlolloker 00 mm mm mu III lull llm Ha out an Nu Duh It Int MI hm nu ml cm In mm Mutt the flu whimn plug mu MI Illml nitIn PullI MI um um III enumm Apply lakeviow Dairy 7266500 AVAILABLE OFFICE SPACE Kean Frank Mahovlldl Tim Horton Carl Brown and Garza WW The maximum looked more like retreat when ma km got to Dawn mly Andy Bath gale Imred or 70mm nn Sun day nlgm Apafl from the two by undsay the Red Wing had third by Gordie Howe In the yenRy brackfl Bob Baun of the WI lncrused his 1nd or the season addmz Ll man minutes on Ihg bench for total of Caplnln Bob Clayton Mika Dom and Bill khan provid ed lha Ammunition or lha pansemen they ran up unn mh victory in mm Penman was held to tlo by Drill Huddu and lhelr only Meal was 1m Frldny nigh 12lo Sporll 101113 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER 1m were denied their chance to take ï¬rst place in the Gem11m Day Junk hockey league lerday and It the ume Ilma were handed men um shutout Mom The host Huron hung more on Spam and man Inlncd thelr first place mamln Whres WW Spun 1th Purdlglll crnllu Icrqu from 111 left wing post In ward of possible rebound Hurons Hang Shutout Loss me Me sm TUESDAYS SCORES Muglnngn Typhoon Snbrtl Mmulloel llurrlcnnu Bpkllm Hunkmmm Mom III MINOR STRX nwn 1n 100 00me 11131 per lad oulbum without reply by the hut provided the diner em 00111an ddsled Barrie In an OMHA Blntam exhlbluon contest the Call lngwoog Qumqu Argnn Deadlomd at 11 mu the ï¬rst period and It the and Intermission Colllnzwood mu with our unanswered 93° dam MM lmze Miko Quinn registered two Bards goal David Edd mt ed once Berns wax named flvn 310 ulna mania Last Period Burst Stumps Bantams Vang headed tha winners at lack with ha kirk Including third period pair Bell tallied twin while Cain recorded gall and Iwo ushui Philllps also managed on Collian Eonan 0r his mom and the lemal third 1n games no Pane mu netmindor previously blanked Madurd Kinsmen 70 The other umym enunud by Banks Lam Smith mm mm Huklea it the In lon openen E9299 wwmumm Mel In Junior competition Ihl week Spam vhn Mallard Wednesday nldhl who Pene Im an Colllnzwoodl luau tomorrow Midland pllyeu mBnb Hen dricbou 11 and my Gm iepy 95mm Photo by Dav Gnarly GB JUNIOR WAY RESUM Pennu FUTURE am NannyPenna Co unnuma Aaunmm rmwumu TIIIII Lxccou wuwual Thcrcl whole lot of ale bought thin tithe of year And the way bccrdrinkcra are buylng Blended Ale wowl Named to panicll1ough Theres still some left for you But dont delay get your Blended today Its an oldtlmc hefty ale and great light alerlvilfglded together Dccply Iadlfying Blended Mel BEERDRINKERS THE BIG RUSH IS ON IN BARRIE dudlock nlvued lab In the unwound yesterday flur noon by Burlaï¬emU all edlodmtlcallynmce enan mzcentul Onlnrln Senior mndlnu More over 700 Young mlda Day mum at Bar rio Am the 10cm nllled to am 22 do wldz Midland FLY mmicï¬uun he nub malewax Midland ndvanclnz In wweumy ghee wish or ll Pepsi and Barrie drawing even with Newmmnet Huskies 5ch three mints hmver upmm the mun liveclub xmupA rematch between Sev euUpu and men scheduled or 043 pm mnemw night Mldhnd ArnlJmle Newmarket 13qu the Orlllla Community SevenUps wan on the slum undollhescomluthowayu Mldllnd mud ï¬n Initial gall alter only one minugo and um Barrie squmd the count just over 1M mulqu lam Ind 15 visuals resumed the only second pedod uore Sevenvpc managed to dmv oven or the Ina count with our anan and 16 wound to pm Won the umqendlnz Capuln Bub Garner mud the 1m Barrie all and Jon Weeks brought home lha Impor unt lame evener Gary Law son Ind George Wallll clicked Myers The work of Midland zunnflan Gnugkjeyeu gag mug 3an11 IEWELIs OUTSTANDING Bmle flew around nyen not or most at the um two periodn The hosts applied the pressure mubly In the scum period Ind cum Myers 2746 over he nut 40 minute lrhe land Mldlnnd goal came mddenly SevcnUp nelmlnd er Mn Moon hardly had chance but an eyelid From meet deep In the Barrie end 1mm cmmed of the blackboard and In nncnverod pwson flimd bad buner put Mmre Mtypgnngll¢d BilHo gnm um tumyum 9310 am egen 55 with Miami Tom OConnor us dlsmlmd nr dupe D3129 Mc to end rush Norm mm mm mm In front of an mm Ind ed Gamer who ludxed badhmder not 1mm dose mu MM mama Muzhoul this second session SevenUPI conllnued their nult Ind held distinct Edge in Mullenh advantage Jewell wp kept My Ind THE CANADIAN Pm mime Mtwlnzer Bobby Hull advanced llva man palms Sat uxday and away to load the National Hockey luxuo with nine mud ol flan MIHh null Ind HIM cab Ind two mm mm lam mm wish in mah m1 at polnu 11a lander As SevenUï¬s319¢1ed Hun mime man Gllcllo Wm miuxo Ullrmn Dew vam Montml Bllhllla 1mm Gown New You 395584 ==== 8353am Esposito Hull 36th Advance lden opportunities either were mod 91 buzde of posu Almost mu dhnd slrgckglor the second win and clnlmed the lead tenths umpd time 118361 Dm Nichollshm whippng that rum well out In merzsnz ml dilution the SevenUp not and wmmu plum Ila Lick In 016 way 11 thinned qlnghngnd mm in my into Shortly mu Moore puvenled the Kama mnvlnl out 01 team WI PmPS am New scoring cenlm ï¬red law shot labelled lur lhe oppoalle corner and more dovq nuns ha grease gpecueularly to deflect Ill slmllaly human slap early In 19 third period Bah Elle ddencaman Al Slrnllhworked my rough on quld upenlnz and from palm blank mm Jewell Imolhered the ï¬lm The Mldlnnd defence ï¬nally ended after 15 minutes yleld In to Am twomm bmk Gard Thompson mlle lead er pass up the 1d lldl and Howl Fad ngzodated hls way to the corner The con verted deltncemnn sen Across perfect pm In ton of the mm Ind Weeks succeeded in with dialing vs Westhll brokp through Ize hl3h knee Gnlep Yarko Hm Hendrllhun Pawnd1 West all Nldwlkhen OConnor lawn Mahala Dorian Rob Lawn Mmboriuï¬ mud Splint Edvard BarrieGoal Moon be fem Babelhon Grlgor Wampum Smith Forwards Boomn Garner Furan Pur dle Adan Abbott Furbcs Weeks MM Referee Dalton McArthur ania lineman Barry Pool at Am mu gagged Mooren fluid BMNEL mm mad mmmfld onommm Ilnmw 011 9am mflmwv fluflflflu mm Bovrnunl 45 Penalties Week trip 4sz OOmno hold 110 Folk bond 12 H1 Hindi 1712 Nichollfllen elbw and Garner Illcm 1745 SECOND PERIOD Midland mm deilahen max Penal Mobun and 1mm rough Spike Hr 1512 MayBARNES II mama MG cumM OHIIII Wednesdly 0011mm Newmmet Mammm RIB 233 WWL we Winn mnipm Eu Pena gorge 1mm SENIOR STHX 99E yam 1m CLOSE CALI 11m muon urni6 ï¬hlnztlléwck thruuzhrfafll Jamal qn he milky rBarflohadlan rlqnlty la um winner In the guns penalw was called on Mun my Yorlu 1318 111 call wu extremely close to penal ity shot RolexV Purduku hmklnz out from hlu lell wlnz berth He vulva stride or two shut oi bplnz completely In the clear as Ypflm commlh IQGI Hoping Infraction ICE CHMveanpl mlss ed up goal mm Blll Prlng Gcorze Bootman druscd gs an um larwnrd was named in lo Prlngl wlnz sloulonz with Game and Furlong Alter Thompson mlved mld way In tho ï¬rst period zlvlnz Bmle wtman blnev no unit Fodnswns advanced to the port alde with Weeks and Garry McBrlde lldes wiped the contest with wall mm muckEdward ap pelted ln Midland unflonn He was granted release Me In theme alter unnang our mists over eight games or SevenUps and Wu lmefled on regular Flyer sth wllhï¬ob Illml Ind Morley Spiller Im axiIllofley Splker SevenUps are at home next Sunday atlamoon 230 as Newmarkel Huskies pay their ï¬rst visit mmammun Ionlupml hmdwlmhdm uwmmwflm BATSTON ES TIRE SERVICE Nm Io ch Roxy mm Goheens Billiards I0 BAYFIILD STREET n31 Earl Bangui Héadsiflomets By ma CANADIANZPMSS Earl Bailout Masnt quill good enoughh Idckllnlhe anIonal Hockey languev but load enmlzh or 01 Hor neLg lhginarlo LHockey Av saga Senlor mien Ballou reinstated as in ma Itmlr llhls year ï¬ller llflIngJo make with Toranln Mlpllv Lula and Hugo Black Hawks pinked updwo Hull and added an assist Sunday help the Emma whip Olhvflla Oaks in Oakvilla and um within two point 01 flut plgco ï¬quh Regaja In Sundays other game Woodsmck Athletic handnd Welland Blacks their 15th Ion in In games 01L yenr by dc fegung them Saturday nlghQ Jim Damnet accounted for both Gall wall as the Hamel lumtd back th llegglsrzl Lloyd Mercer scored lwo goals or cult in 10 vyln over Oakvflle and Joe Hogan and Larry Dietrich go brothers Brian Pryce and Norm Sibblck scoregifar the on In Welland Bernlo hwrencq naced the qudnock muck wflh two goals Phylngcolch Ted Pawer Gerry Strinng and John Hanll also scared Bob Seager Mike Latinode Ind Tom Balkwell replied fur the Blacks Guelph neared In Sahmhy night Bob Pale lav tht league leader flnlrperiod lead but Dahmeruond Men In less than our minum In lht Decondlo win Ihe Kama 932125