Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1964, p. 1

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Ago Workers Aftér IEDdiSttrike 11m muncll uld llrr ma uy in mm hm drawn Ibo alunllon Pm Count In mm lmllvldunl mu sholmaphm In lmmde npnn Ia prlvur mm nnd lhe lrlnmu Mllfll 111m cul mlnllM Ilw mlvllunnn Mum mum ln 11w sundu xrrm and Th Irnvle TM Rumhy Exnrm pidum new two nl Hue qmn Mlnln lh lvlncul Io don torpk uhl aver Mr bathing In IMer umwlnu Irlmm Mun dmml lur ulcr mm mm Ihe an mllnlnl an ll lmuml mar her Ind mm In lullImam plclmu of mu lvln rm will lmmn mreplnl whirl DMKW llkulerl Quun mmmh has mmplnlned la ha lrns 2mm Iboul mum lzy mu plmlnfmnhrrl lo lnlmdn can he 1r my Mm and Ir MINr lrlnrul Mamnrel um wnnrll uld Sun dny TM mum wulrhvlnu m1 flrlllflv nwmm clhlrl nmlncd Iwn mmulnlnll mn dawning Ibo mlnm nl una pho umnphrr nml Ilmngly unsur lng anwr govemmcnl said today oil company plnne Ibo dawn near Alexandria SM urday lznored order to land xu American yum Ind Scan dinavian mpilot worn killed They won ldenlillcd 41 Hay William Texas and Kola Gmp as Scandinnvlun us cmbmy spokesman laid the plane lwin engined Fllrchlld €81 belonged lo lhl John Mmm Oil Company of nuflon fllhoplnna Win on 11th hm Ammnn Jordnn to Ben dntflctusaluiaay About 5500 worker at plank In Toronto Call 10mm CPlAnlfiday Ilriha at five Gemral Mner at Canada leiltd plant In On um ended loday when em plwyce returned lo work After naw lhrce year Queen Complains Of Press Ethics Mn MiG Fighteré Down won 00 Plane Two Dead 091110 93 The United Patml leader of the 6th BanIs Girl Guide Company lravellcd lo the Ontario Hos pital uth for marded chil AT GM PLANTS womvaar No 29s 11 DIIsIness osnu Tfilephénes BARBIE GUIDES PRESENT GIFTS 7mm erum In the thr Rindy aper The lmplt mm mm 1m lo Prlnml Mugm mm her In the wnlcr in lwlm wllh rubbrr on Mr wnlnr Iklln and dmud hm mlll carry Mr wet halhlu In mrflnx kn mom Ia mo ruumad It nonhwuterly comm It was 5M down our nuke Idku the Ihom HM Anodflerranenn lha zovcmmcnl me All government laid two USAJL MiG We Inm 1m lb Inc an Ilarud arms lhn innl Desert south of Arinba Jordan and ordcrd to Cairo Aime ghad Libya lo buy drillan de ergenl or Mccom penile in Jordan mmpany make mm mid XIII DM but woxim at the Osh nwa plant walkm out pmma quely Dec and claiming production mudup arincs Oshawa Windsar and Landon went on like cadm hh month when nsgountlom that Sta Sepl9 pggka dawn Shopping Days drm at Grim Saturday to donate Christmas Ills mem ber had made Gm included cards rag booklets and 101 pop dolls From 113 Mt Lana Ml Judy Sr lleulenu Maureen Murphy Chrisimas ONLY lremler lrn Vnn llnoui lml JIM ol Sm rm Kim Run hero Illll nnmmlly In pom1 In hmdwt pmlu nIUVImr play dld Ml mm min fur um um um olllml Ind buttHy Juv lo man lime mull rMII lulml duly mnnllv lulu nvtmmenl lll military and dlpiamM clflm mud nu nfllcll mu mon llw crlII IM Nun ryl nxth nmhvml up mm in In mm mm Ml AmuIcn dlwlmuu Ill widen MIGON MP 1h lulurl Mlh VM Nlml ovum monk and Us In Inlml 1h VluOonl been Ihmn Ma doubt hy weekend pnllllA ul yum by you Vlalnlmm MrIL nll youll dlmlvod the tlvlllunh mammal mm Ml lid nrmtedmoal nlno mmbm plul more lhln In 0er knalnx polllldm Only worker ll Frigid ll Product Cand Hm ltd In luburbnn Scnrbomuzh voltd uninu ha walran pro poonl rt rmmsuumn muting 01 member LOCI ll lM Mb Klmm lndurlrlu lanlulnn plant at Wlndmr About 1000 membrrl vain mflm com In vnr of nmpflnl lht mm MW In Eva ere than 13 500 mien IN Employed ll GM membm Meal Unlted Aulo Workers at Mer Ju MY wha mod on tha nzreemm wm 05 per cent Inlnvuro rallllcauon Inlmdan we of 60 mm ben of heal II II OMI dlud pInnI voted In lnvor ma non Imt nndthm member ol local 199 the UAW In st CamHm ufl ballall South Viet Nams Government In Doubt Following Purge Ihaconlrac muld flu pattern or uremenl caver Ing 16000 worker at Ford of Canada and GurysIer of Can ada LImItedI where negoIIn on In progress and couId also Influence the hamlnlng beIween the unIonl 6000mem bet IocaIa In the urIcuIturIl Implantn Induslry and Muv My Fergusun LImIlcd he GM pallcm will also be In barualninl beIwcen lha unIon and ulo pamIImu Lana McMahon Nancy Light My Smith sealed aulnz lleulenank Joulyn Andraull flamgen glasslord 1nd Sman Ewartrisxamimg mdnr Who In an mm he mm In nub moflu n91 Johnny Wen or Ihlnql mm mm ham flu Imuhmn flu mm menu um workod lo brlnn out this when 01 mlnm mde hulk drcdl be undaflrwnd Tho mlm 15000 led Alma Invel Ind II operated by um US ownd Com do Pam Onmoullom mlnon output ll mod la mllo wkvlor mpper old Ind Illvur mlninz nwnllom It Cum dl Iuco newm mm the mlnc mm In an Arum Mounlnlm near Com do mm 125 mllu nonh can ol Uml Inld muhand In nd coal duxtlupllode ML Balm nnd most other Gum Generative mppomd Una maple lea nu anion Dem Mr Baker stunned the Com mnns by Inviting he Liberal to use dosuru to Jam vote on the flu 11m voted or the new Hui Mr MAMnew vm fir Humenhxy Issistlnl Dielednker mm I969 trim when he look over tha mlnu and Pfihnlca lurvcy nbinct port om Barrio mm ciimrmypmmw21lwd SUPPORT NEW FLAG Whn mo javgmmgn LIMA CWAn explodan In us operated coal mm In cenlrl Pcru Sundny klflcd 51 mlnm Inbred umth Mr Baker 47 Iormer Oonsur vulva mmn mlnliler split opean with partylender John DIelenme during lhe 1344a bale when he Onmemuves mg fuming to retain Ihe Red It wn wont mine disal hlllpry Mr Balm said he would no makuvl dechlon nnlll ha eon qu hll constituents but ad ded that ha would announce his plan before Feb 15 when the Gammon ls ldledulbd lo recon vene alter the Christmas recess He mureported rclurnlnlz in Ottawa may to meet Paul Marflneau 1ch PontiacTe miscamlnzuel lonztlme mud and allow cabinet mlnlx let in the tonne Dlelcnbaher ovemment Mr Maruneau declined Sun day on say ll be was Mulderlnx hallm lnoy bugsald he epouldhm better Idea ME future plans IHM speaking whh Mr Baku MMWA OHA sylillhll developed during the flag debala may mt the ngresslve Gon urvalivo party its Quebec leader Lean Baker said his home In mwmwem Saturday he may resign mm the party and sit In the Common 84 an indr pendant MP Mine Explosioh Kills 57 in Peru Balsa gm 111m Ameru III YOUNG 14 MM ylgodl vlrhul mm lanfll um In Innr mm muchn mm In the am mdllo lhc mum vw The In drama unfolded ll am Sundly Mm the Smith Voyager ndmcd Ill MI uha Wu linking hall lmlr later came mood mgr luteabandoning Ipnnd 11 pm mo reported All mm mung nwny Inlely ma Mabzuublished how an dud mm had met Hubble mu out at lflermud alter am lodly Four of the survivor liken about um Germn duh wm re fled Injured Emmi loa rles was not lelmed The Maulllde Bollcn hm no doctor board hie mgll gum EM day carrying whier Ind Jourdan crew mumenfrom givafitufikgnm2dcnmh DWI wfiiéh naked learn in mid AIImllc mnplaln bl mm Ind IMUlFr crew menta malned aboard lheSmilILVuy Igu war the mm look lo Moan Sunday immuzh nu the 115 mm maxium Ona man was unamlnled for man lha my on lhu Moat Warmjnn cargo ship WA urrylu 10000 Ion n1 rain 1mm Frecport RM Bu hamn to 0mm Spynhh Mo The coast guard miter Rock HID reached the Smih Voy IK mug up mgluufl The conservative now km of the seat In the Oom monsl The minority Liberal gov emmentvhu New Demo oral mdnmu Ind till Qedi ll NEW YORK Mer Ger ngnn lrgqhur Majhfldq Bonn gteimnd gawardfsm 3mm 10 fln omosillon leader agreed lmmedialely and pralsed Mr Balm as modem Freud Canadian leader with mllonal stature comparable lQJhal bl Sir George Etlama Canler lzlel lleutenanl to Slr Jolm Macdanald Mullen between Ihe two men have since deteriorated Mr Balm has also openly dlsl agreed with Mr Dlelenbaker on such quwlom IedHIHMDg vinclal relallons and constitu flnnnl amendment Mr Bucerywnnamed ML Dlefcwukerl chit Human WFd 5mm Qua dele gate the mm annual con venfion asked Mr Dielenbaker Minsk theAmnve 34 ussseqmen Survive Mishap 0m Stcclmrhn ol Amcrlcn up were old Ihnl Alley um down lha MW of In rllnlinta valt firm dud na will be or Jun 15 The umninlnl 6000 umvloy ho wmpnnyl Illlnn workle mm In ducun lho mnlrm today conlnct lerml dupuled Sunday nlgpl pymlnn omclulx MULION CPD Worker It Um Sled Company Cam in llmllnd here will vote In the lo dayg gm nyw Earlier memxcs nld the Smilh Voyager hld lost all power And wn fisllnu became of mun cargo Seu in the urea was re paid up 15 cc with Mad is 00 3Q knot Voyager npparenuy cracktd hold Main mam Jolnl broken dqwn abandoned whip with idem starboard llll Increasing rapidly The Norwegian maul Ham Mmaroul 0510 flood by the crippled mlghler waiting the cutter Many mu Io lb Canalfiche an the xcpqq gnd radiqd Maqudalgomn Later tho US wh épdfled ll to so degreu SteelWdrkers To Hold Vote on Contrabt um mun YTellisg Killing ma Labor Party un nlum to power wilh mm mm dnle mmo wernmcnl um Inll think than hll bullnu In IHNMUVG lo dnvnlul Han Prim Mlnlxler Wllson may be larccd In call tprlnl elmlnn In lumen of mnrlnx III lngmped rpmrj Spring Eléfiftidfi Rumored In UK 111 basu or flu Ipeculullon nnxlely about Briulnl lmnn cIII ponluon Despite the mull lnlemallonxl mum upmflun trlal ol mnlldznm In In un hully ol the pound Ilerllnz hm dcmomllznd Londnnl llnnncinl dlalrln Elnven Ilnliun Roman Cnlhb 111 mm and two British wamen misslanarlu wereillnwn Irom Bltwasend Swiday along will Mn Burke Mn Burke lold reporter Ihat rebel omun who hnd flmlected mlgslonnrlcsl from lhblr awn Imps laid her the 13 missinzwemn II nllwu mm IONRumors map wring clullon Ind change In Constrvallve leader mp are uddan II Mac or an ccnalnfly Ind excllcmrnl to Christmas celcbnllmu In pnlil lcnl chjtlns hue BELIEVE KILLED Thu refugees uld that an Malta hostages Ill missionarlea and their families are belleved have been killed by the reb 10L They Include 15 Brilom tight Dutch our Belgian In Amer ican Ill Australlnn And Mr Burk They had been held pr5 one or three week at the mission station 150 miles unrul 3101 Shawls Sixteui other were missnt mm Banana az mile north of Sululeyvfllg Mn Doienn Burk Ca gnrynnd Emma was among 14 mkslonnrics rescued Satur day by whlteled Congolese 20v ernmenl forces Her humid Rev Chester Burk ol the Un evangelized Fields Misslon was arpong the missing Mrs Burk aggLahe peljgvgd he waskilled LEOPUIDVIHJE Gm1h wile ol amlssinx Canadlan miulonary learlully old Sun day how she wu heldwllh 21 olher hostage ln xlnsle mom far three days by rAbel Congo lese when new ol the Belalan parnlroap landing on Stanley vilLe Novu mathad them men when overnmenl planes bombed the village near theirmlsslon stallon he whlh hostages were dragged out and marched naked Iobe shot But some of he group 5pm npmnd we xaved me Good Lord 0an know why same 01 us were saved and gm rest killed ma Mn BM canadian Relates Stéry Folldwing Saturday Rescue miniy cfwhfionlifii ind 11m mowrfuesdly 14m lanuht 25 mfllhlmpomjo For full lum m1er to Me Locglwgyqggmg MCIHWfilll there In Ilronx mm mm lhc mnurvnllm are hnvlnx lhrlr own locul cmh al confluence bulb Aver lhm lender Slr Alrc Douxlnlloma And lhelr Wernll party umnl xnllon 11m blow lo bullnm erIle time lbunday whtn he invcmmcnt broker wn forced lo £le In and buy up Urilhh fimcmmml umlilcx In In snarl la prcvnnl Munchip 55 WW Bloom In Inanclal circle has dchened became ha pm xure on UN pound no Ianlcr 7min Imm Abroad Finnncln nbfenm say Drillsh huxl ncssmcn who He sclllnz poundl and buylnn dollar or dtllvtry in he Mun will be arm to mule dawn lg livq withrllu box can They nld Honrex men told them that grisly lraceyo recent massacre were all that we and It Banana Chil drenl clothes the hub 91 nun and priest Ind splashes of blood were discoverzdnn the slope leadln down to Bane111s Ierrybont teyvaald Mm Burke luldthe mbefi came farms alter emuII government lanes raided Bal wuende Al the while hol tam whq hndv been milnch ar Inn day In single room were tnken out on Nov la be in lhl nid Mn Hum ma she heard one volley rifle fin and lb other wem mardued naked mm the house when lhey had been held But Aha and the two Britons added 11 they did no no my execution or bodies Shalalrl the mercynary force ol about 40 mzn under Ml Ham surprised the rebels whn fled Thu miniaan km by hellmpter to Miss Louise Rimmer cried the British minionariga agreed with Mn During She said time arriving hen who hadbeen recd by the mercenaries Sal urday also were to have been killed mhei émylng nola say In Ihemzrcenarlerwm com Ing Ind that we should all be shut was caught by the mercu urles Just helme he reached Balwasende and was killed Miss Rimmar nld sdxfieyvme ende vim being then in thé bush But when shafwas asked sh fluouzhljxa had been kllled she repllhd think so lihnvano hope they arcjull alve

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