Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1964, p. 3

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nccn Appoints Allan Byers TManager 0f Manufacturing Fume In mm lmluml In wnlnl ml nun nmrulw UP70 mm mrlve Ihe mum of on nmhln by way pllrnnnu dlvMIndu mm nm um firm paid ll the num 1min Inld In Ill new poslllon Mr Inn lumen mend In man Ihu mmmunlu the fillnt lo hum mm ship ml of vmpnny bu glnirémm mm In Cam Semuynkiglld Chlrlil Newlon luvu lb 0n lnrlo Ho Producer Mmfllnl Vlrdl uni Doc 11m 10 yurl her Inmr Mr Newlon lurrh Ildrr nun mm In nununm tony lumlly arnnlullm will Ioul mpmenIu or Tvnnm Arrumulullvu Suv Im mini lund lnmllnl 1n Lmldlnn mpnnlu larrmr mm who owned Irm in In mm 01qu Im mu ol lhc cllyhI hu warlml dullgmlly far In firm or Ind hll tommunny For 01m fun In wn dlrector Co Ind In Alan mm at Izhl yem on ham Hit Onllrlu ox lmducm Muld lnu Bond whkh In an the lmmdm Charlie Newton Will Ioin Investment Finn In January Amrdm In An announumenl mad by Bob Story GenetI Manner of the Small Appllnnce Department of tho Canndlln Quenl Eltflrlc Company Lim lfled Alln firm has bern appointed Munm Mann gurlnz Blnia mm 06E Mr llym mums Imm AM 11111 when he wu Manner Mnnuhdurlnu Ind Enumer lnz Auxlnllnn Genml Electric ppllnncu 11¢ lo mum hL pew mpomlblflllu No strung lo Blnlt Mr hym cnmu hen lrom Thumb wllh Work Mlnlzcr Jnk Mn chlnmn loanl up he plant In ms Ha mud 1n unnlu Wonh Pllnl Sypcrlntendml and Miss Jullzua ler while beak nurse mm Mid dand spoke on he wwuek workshop she allended on wort In with he relaxdad child workshop was heldnl he mildrens Psymlatrlc Research It London duran No Mirjive while heal nurses mm the 51mm Camly Health Unlt took time out mm their duties yeuaniay to attend one day seminar In Barrie PM Health H°1d OneDav Seminai 1mm Siméoe County attended mishap on he ntarded child yangday II the County There xusuc ALLAN am ucx winmm nucmnr will In who hn mul td with him In Ihe pm In pm No mm lo tlvle pollich MI Notion hu omle Ml pmom million II Mannn lat lard In or mu For um mu he umd an IM mm P935 khan muffin norm and Cum All um hum 1er II Ivrm prlro In own mumm hm hum bun overHm por ml Mama Ontnu Nu Nutdlnx um ml the co opmllvn Mn Nulon uld Ihal nmll II only Mm In Onlnrlo wheri the lurmer hm hm mllh min of tnnmlnu man In hlm either Itll lhmurh IM mullet In or In DPCO Mr Ncwinn laid flu mnm hlVl henallnd ml dell lrom ht omnluliuml walk dnnc uvu lb pull yam by lhl Onlan llnl Marketing Ilard uid In 911va mu mm dellvmu hou Io Ihl puk and MI Mm mo not llhllfllsd ImUl Wednudly or nuurndny mh week commmd that hm In nu mmpqutlvu buying Ind prim munled man lhnn they do my Jack Mllchlnwn hu lndlul ed hls desire 142 mln ln ms uld Bob Slory And he IP polnlmenl at Al Bym will on able In lake lull ndvnnlnuo of Jun wealth nl expcrlenm and ablllly ln lhu tnpaclly ol Couulunl lo Ihu General Man unul MI nllremenl lnfmnlllon they learned to their colleagues muting yesterday we Mlu hora erzht of Thronla member cl the pub health mmlnz btand oi the Onlarlo Department at Health who elm attended the wafkshopl She has over two yeara experlem Mrklng with filmeddildfln nlo lwo week workshop ln cluded lectures and oburvallon Hangs the or re auumelyulck Mllehlmnl rummlbllily 0r mlnufldurlnl an January mumm um en wu promoted Mam nu nl Mlnulaclurlnl Monlml Plant 065 lull been at Melbourne Austrllln or the pa and 9mm yearn Mnnuer annotatingEngin mull December 1955 am Leora wnmd Emma unimlduh wllhMn Juli ette Mania Mldllnd Ind mutation mum 1m muln mu wu Ic nndidllo by Huron flév Ind Mn Lula mw llva rJ Ilh Pfleri 1de hilhihry IO JOIN MINISTRY The Ion Iolmer mlnlMer hlller Sim Unllad cum Hairdo hu hinglxgll bun IC Pour Levin Inn ol Rev 1441 3m punched at Collier HOSPITAL BOARD Member Ike Royal Victorll 0511 Board will meet Dec 115th residence run LIBRARY INCREASE Book drcululion In both Adult and childrenl department hu reached new hllh record data um Iddlunn la Dnrrle Public bnry wu med mldSrpl mm lho bord ol director old It the December meet Ing animun victor Knox pro lldcd Hm bulldinl upon pre muted by Cummn Miss Molly an Icled Inc nllry In Absence Mm Con mncc Hardy an vnctllon KIWANIS 0mm In connedlon with Inkemnliom al Rnhllonl Kiwanlx Club of Rum had mmmunlcaflon mm he Kiwanis Club Alma 0k hnma President Madden once tent that club mm the Adventures In Humnin pa lets xevml my Bar ri leirend marked md map 010mm 11mm mum Ban1e branch Canadhn Meir Health Annexation 1m reach ed its large gm on behalf of the patient 01 the mum IRupilll It lllenelanx Mun mun Kurds pd My momenta v0 uld Inynno who mu wished to gm dunallon my hand men In 1mm gm mm Sim minVfiufé 111 speaker ymerday wen Introduced by Mk 1ng Gfllesvle dlncto The were also able lo mm the parents of young mner children by Idvixlng them 01 file mmmunfly mumcu the 011th Association or Funded Children the holiday season nppronchol advcrlo weather condition sometimes pinco maximum burden on on unit to mnininin our high level of service to our culiomm To nvoid nerioul congestion durth thin punk anion period wu rclpoclfuily mum lint our customers purchase their requirements an early as pouibio my Ilc hum nurse on her rendr vhllrlo all babies wouldbe of due its person lo rel Hzl £19 symptom murder ch eluded lemma mm bowinhd to elude my mi Jemima oméspu nursing or ha Ontario Dr padmenl nlflnflhfi II Emman or Brewers Retail momgo nom your nnlghbourhood IMrodudlon new rm Obad nnd Iquipmenl in the pn vlnchl hydro mum hn mud poniqu nvlnu In our open uon mu ML Fernuon nld Ind 14 In only hy Implan luch eflldenclu 0nurlo Hydro hu bun lo conunun la old 1mm lncrem In 1M lenmer lmbll all will be Acctpled thrwnh Onttin Hy dmn nrloebtidn 0mm Ind plucd lo slum lhe link or Brnmhrldn mm dependlnl on summer loullon hummer ln lha Ball ml In belnl ad vllcd Ion dlIlancu ele phano number they may use In In toll chum in 1b can man mg custom SIHCEWABHI he In Imu hm bun dlndod by IL Win It nnnhrldn Fuluson rezlonal man ner of he Georgina Bay ne zlan Onhrla Hydro nnnounced ha ol Jan all cummrr lnlarmlllon Ind Mum or Bah hydro nu Ind Encebrldze runl am will be mused through Iho Bucebrl nun overall In mice chnnn ll pm of In On hrlo Hydro nurall provincill ymnnm Exllmgtqd um In lb upon an nunlnl nerv lces carried out durlnz Ihnv month Dr Scott said that teach arnune ocnlerence in flames my school an progresslu Ho uld be mad that visit In 557 clmmml in tho mm ly could not be completed or nyml weeks Praia classes were conduc ed in Allhwn Blrrle Calling wood Midland and Onllil duh ism éhisjTa sham 91Tqfruhercu1in TéSts Gndo nlne IndLl ttudenls ho will Neely tuberculin tem In Lhanewlyeu wlllbe mm Mfllm The Quiet BS Iuyll ml ilm prior to belumtzd Dr Scott medlul oil leer ol heallh 111d llu film should live younz People an Intelligent understanding oL tub erculml vcommunluble disuse which can be raven edu well being nu luc pm An evening cbgapu than umn In court Superintendent Gank nldzhlA men will be making ovary elmt lomnh thajhldawnyl sale or an holidayinz mqloflsls He urged drivelLuke extra on Hon Itlhln Menu Vein Ha noted thin ellelm drivenInn no ddnklnx driverum to be cminm not 01 the nccldanu in the Banlo bu uld thnlgpvtchethg hummer Mu would be used to wegd out be driver 119 Idvlsedciuunpto ule Inkle If my mj planning MIL Cahs an mm awemm ho nld He wlrnedflm the Madly ol caddenli occur bewoen um and Im Luz yeah the simchetwmn Muakohv am between 1201 am an Deni and 1153 pm Decanter land two nu Ice denu In which two la dled am My owed our pernoun ry accident with nix peopln InJund HydrorAnnounces Billing Changes unnand qu Yearl holidlya Superb tendéqt John cm ol the me dbglflctnllmd my l1711 Jcompr Simon And Dufluln Cmmly yd ha Mmkoku fiéhmk qu Emu unubecil Ind wm eslahilnimi more than 11 yam no and duplla Ihlrp Inaum 1n malertll And oper the human of HydrnJo mnflw no Ill Mle mind customer uglcgln each at rynlllnltes erghgbss It run rate 095113 vmu warn made on behal 1687pemnl In November the breakdown as follows inllnu 387 yarnschool 60 uhogl 464 adult prelim 67 maulI henllh an nodal walla 21 mlmllnneous thepapulnum of older perms In the total madman Increase the need for 11min union to thIs us my pcded to rise Changes in gram may be necessary to meet thsuneexvi in the £11m Dr In the fall Dr Sm llld Illn ily physicians had contributed in the lumen of the course by bringing lha 112mg um 11 lentlon 0L expectant molhen New clmexwfll begin In Burris and Orlllia in JnuuarySlmikr groups arat planned or Coiling wood Alllsmn and Midland and will begin in March Inst yegr on the highway Tulal ac cu Jum to October nrfl1eled 434 37 deaths mmleq There has aka been an inmu In magnum 11812130ve last year or the in munflu Jim Ontarlv Prpvlnglal Palm hebd office lnafleuflyemv in the number one pause accidgnknglmnesi caused 5933 or 136 pu cent of fledg dent In yeln Aecldenu In Wehtho driver last round numbered 571010 131per cant um um moi efloux cause accident was exeuxlu weed his later canted mt 109 pervcenl nuke ml flhm werg 1731 chdenls in windy drivel did mum knight of way Thln ix mu pereen¢o the total Sam per cent or 1485 acclfienuwm caused by ddveuonlbe wrong slidegl the road 15 wing 00 closely19d 10 132101 11 perch 4115 accidents Improper tuxpink lédtqillfi Igddenuv or 19 per imminng Jim and ncddenhnm we uod denljjnhrediwo people OPP lzuges or flu first month JIIOWUJI lawmaker an Increase of 2752 remnantae cident our the 3pm per yegr lhe yva Now lord Immmon Fuel way to mm on wllh Tmco Fuel Chm homo hullng oll uol Chlol lo 150 nut 01 Ill klndooconomlul olenor burnini Protect your oqul menL GonlLommon uoln willtchedulnegu 19 mm so you can never run lhofl For mth wllhoul worry nfl lord ummon Fuels 11458424010011 iv TEXAOO CANADA UNITED HEATING Ull DEALER COOKSTOWN GORD lEMMON FUELS Emmott Among lechmiogieai advance in equipmentand mt lhpd mentioned as ennblinl Oninriu Hydro to Improve dyewiunxn IN nature are Improved inlephona communiti lion Ind iwwuy radio zinc tmnic qumenl Io hmdia cus lomer uinr permimng an oiflu in protest work in mg sr tmupl oi custom Auto mlic reclining Iwilchel or 15 umlion ni union in use oi lnnsimi line hulls impmved lnnsporuiinn Ind work indi um lung com ovér he pas decado have remained leanstant Polnlm remained unchanged at 45c bu $1 humr xoLx 15c 11ng turnlm 15¢ each Squash me up Celery 75¢ bun Cabbage 20¢ parsnlm Ne cwl Mower 30c udlsh zybun 15c moklnx onlnn 25c pix or We link Large green pepper tor 15c Swecl Spanllh 5e nach Wo wish you all merry Christmas findcilnis and mince Maids loam cookies buns bmd butler tam were menarche home blklnz Grammwero lbs tar Mommy ransz from Se in $110 horseradish we and uyjSaze 15c apple butler me In Apple inciuded Macs Delicious Cortlwl and Spy at 75c M91 Dada geese Ind turkey are badly neededamrch by And lend the FamgrlMiriet lhls morning and uld quickly at 45 These upon wellhed 10 nu to 11mm proan or other Itudenand their arena Hun Mu MM elow Hndargtrten tench er CominxlonStmI School mmmm Minimi Ira bum crop up when 21 15 MI mi bl FARMERS MARKET The hall 01 lbs mhool wen allvo with nngelx kings lime furry animals And elm 11 Ink Inl part In the pmmm opening exerclses allow ed by the5mm nl emu and then by chunky Room elm presented pm mm Monday enifled0mst muAmonx the Huron which united the Humnfiarol CI nadlnn caml wrmen byJean Brmeur one at Iha Canaqiu Martyrs Tuesdayxymmm was look ed after by mom even who presented Cowboy Carol and the play Cm Lillie Can ol Wednesday room Ill buad their play on Ihe carol Word Jeane pvlco Wilma and ils many mean inu hm been explored by Cod rlnnon Mlle School pupil dur in thc pus wed Gum have been prmnflni Individull ro mm ogchool numb eld 1951 me hm tun er lull 101 cu lugmé upm millingcl In exceptional 40 miles per gnllgn oliluolhla Complpy Car Thinmodal wnh udidrngululynllt fcl $201700 Dingorflnldlfi hglltylg Thll tough llltlo from Gonanl Motors his lha lute glutinon In In dun winter shed hul mun KenySum costth balmHm pmnlm henna an the mymdy Jory At Codrington HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1964 EPIC DELUXE SEDAN MinIv uiieiiuan 14959° fiahununz En lar dent had ch7ch month urlln Clark dledIller bum Ibo he bid will Massed bullet mm an mum rifle Clnrk mum um he Hm wig he lhguzht wu Ideelj negllgenl when he accidentally xbul Ronald Clark Tor onto duran In Illegal hunting Mg Deg Vihe jury recorhmended ha Gowl bunting ptlvlkgube MW cs on wheel mm which lq lake Vlhern gnlg lgolnudujels SIURGWN FALLS 0nk FHA comm1 Jury ruled Frldny hnl Barrie am eager Gorgon ames Gaw wax Mo ay Index two three and our agent will 2ng thglr MgeLennan rprindpal Oudrinxiun that ii in 1951 mid Ihe auntiesInd Ipecili Grimm pronms havecolumnth annual Christmas tradition ntVOodrinz tum In act pas program hava provided three inmh iuli costumes which mummy In two magnum Parents of the senior Iludapu 1n the school received pro vlew no wortwhkh on Into these canqu nLlhe De genbgr Iii aunndzsdml meet ififaiwhich they darkly Natlvll lingual Rules BarrieMén W515 Négligentm Inn EmmrKeIlymg mum and EULabeIh

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