iVows Exchanged fAt Noon Ceremony $23 in mm rimmmmmm 1s Mr and Mrs Harv2y Walkom ol Baden The bridegroom In lhe son of Mr Ind Mu Leo 1ch of Barrie mm son now pink mm And lo the mum of an one Porlonll relnuomhlpu mum be congenhl Ind you need have no bultlncy About rcquathw liven Mlemoon In fluence emolan ciao mmanu and II MlIn F011 1112 BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow In your binhdly your homvaa Indium um ma mom mum will not hnmedlm It would be am uh lo mm hm hr bublnm Ird and may now um yur In 01 good mum mm can Imde alloru Mud too In cooperation mu thou who lnumud 1n walln Ind who mm to 2m 1311 on on you In lomafle In dullnl with Givzn In marriage by her In her the bride wore Em ahlnned 01 pm dl rule dc Ilgned on imple liner The 11 led bodloo necenled wlh 0th munded neckunn Ind ll paint duvet Th controlled Iklrl was floor lemh coronal or Iahde ram held the muler length veil of mu llhnion bride curried bouquet red rom and whlu mumr Slandnrdr of yellow Ind brnnze lrrums adorned St Paull Ruman Cnhollc Chum Allll tan or the wedding mm Lillian Glenna Jana Walknm to John Joseph McCain NW 23 Rev Father Bulxer conducted he noon ceremony Wedding muslc was pruvldcd by Mrs Camsoylï¬lllstnn Illa organist MTENDANII Mu Patric Audel Quebec mm flu brideimm Ah landed matron honor Thu hrldou liner Mm MAI1m WIPst Euler wn bride ma Thu nllendnnll wén mun hulh own 01 IplCQlonld mu FOR TNlOMOW Imn4 9m An Ill1mm ood dlyl 1h LII whit will WHAT THE STARS SKY VomhdanMYafnluni lmwmmmhmw MRWMMWTIO emu am am doom Yaw MmmmanMM mdu ME AND ms JOHN McCANN mum On rumn from the wedding Hp lo Nlmn Falls And Pal IWIWI he couple will mnku their home at 15 Clippcrton st Guam Attended from Peter borouzh Toronto 03mm Naw 15111131 Qafllnzgrogd flanla Ind Ilommemkmed lines until he Féruary March mld July 0am and Novemba Perlonll miller wfll be gov erned by memu lnfluoncu or most ol the year Ahead be am to Na dormlllc Halon In mry and Octo ber am period or mrnnro Imm Much mldJune And 5mm lot luvs Short trip in Jmunry or mldï¬prfl lorl Ion Mm next Sap mild born on thll any will mm with th lIleMI rm wired Io named lnwyrr bulltlimu uncuuvn or Amy Tho receplion was held in Baxter Halli Receiving the gums the brides mother was nilixed in gown oi monlaxo blue Iaiin She mmpiemenlcd her ensemhia with matching blue accesxarics and colsaga of while camniionsi 11 bridegroom mother as lisled wearing suit oi Royal bins wool with ammriu in matching lane and coxsaga oi white carnation LelvluJar the ho exmaon he bridl donned Ind bud tweed Inn ammed with whlu Ind blld necessaries and mute while cinn aux Avoid umnnm And me ulltlon In ery And Junm Mme 01 Qurbec Amulet mull Ind mu bur ll um mun vr hr but Mnndlnl two mt hlzh And 1M In mtham Alan dc wk with matching wart ding ring henddresns They nanled hauqueu yellow Ind bronze muma Arnold Neal Barrie was mmlman Gerald Decali2 of Bank Ind Douglas Walkom Allislon brolhgr of the bride mended ushers mlleg Ion the an by nvuo CACAOwmmwm mmwm OIRIIIkaMpM0flwIn mum AIRICOTvanm HIMWM II First Usedelnf Religious Bites Thu Romans wen even hm tler my compllmenud Ihslr women Hands by drain cup lar each later In the dune mm Undoubtedly th hasten with the mountyua blu won 11 popullrlly you 0ns of themoblest Romm Aboullown fellow named Pe tronius mined rphase lhlll cbme down throughdu cen turies Lel us wet our whin lesl Wu hlx contribution to cunvlvlallty AngleSnxon ml were even damn as midwbe expected wm the with liarcelyvfluhllnz beer drinkers Their beer wm called mad and made 1mm lamented honey Wee Hall the drinker would cry men translated be healthy The hygienic beverage mg came in be qnfled WISSIU 1VtVflIeflIAxhnl Ikel ulna or ldmn than chimed thn toast L1 the shot heard round the world It rlnn out when aver memu mm 1cm And me whit of the Mum Oddlyenouzh thlg happyqu tom hm solemn um The ancient drunk to their 10d And unh dend during tenuous rllcs wasnt lent howmr before name Hoodum Greeks 10¢ lbs Idea otdrlnxin to the here andnnw Mun laulmulm drlnk to the nk In their hund Hurel champalne to our ml frienda Ind ml pain to our Ihlm lrlendL Snld Englllh 90 Lord Byron Let hnvo llnl Ind women mlnh lad hut ler urnmu and Iodl wmr menyn1ler It wunt unfll ale 1m een lury that people called out coast The term dulved tom quaint English custom of floating place ol on In In dran to improve flavor nla legend gm that lard onm VIle woman Iller her bath The gallant gent lllled wLm glass wilh the balhwater and announced hrwould drink her health El Ienslhle sldeklck advised hlm to pan up the drink and lake ï¬le out instead mennlng ma pretty glrl who Ind namely floated In that pmlul lar punch Although Amerlcun tnestlnl procedure coulan be Ilrnpler just stand cllnk Ind drink our toasts Ire among the most colorful In the world Who has nt heard or sold Heres mud to your eyel The phrase wu born to ploneer day when tanner about to lelve town and head west would xtnp at the tavern or tut mud of drlnkl wlth the boyl The thought on everyoneo mind wu would tho new land he rocky and turd to plow or would the poll be loft and rich throwing speck mud Into the rye at the men behlnd the plow toaster or the letter when he llgnn mud to your eye Nu too mmrhinuy mu dlu nmnln our healtamed ub Jecl Hem to thc vicmmon my dcxk Mn my never mmlnhn ml omna dun WM 11 mm Him MI shun to thl one mm to the lhlpl of our nlvy Ind Indlu of our hnd MI In wellr Ind flu Ill ar llmum Nat la at widen the Iumy nun Ll an In th lower Ind ll Imu Fall in men all In Hm wvmnlnllnd her Irma Gum dlvmlnm mnlvc lhclr dun 11w lmllour mhonnln Ml furiouen Hml our Libelman bold Hero to flu ah ha null 11 lo lhl one that on any And bmI to am on WJ Dullnul ml plum ll mmmd Mum taut their promIon lbw more In chr ull Far Ian Lime altar flint women were caHed touts and toast were drunk only Women Britons often toasted heir true love an bended knee Scot wm mom athletic Scots man have dmnk In mid Ian sync or over two years with one mt placed an the table tha other on the chair Try that HIM yml nay bde Slnce nun wavs touted lav And wu mother and mom wevo evnn muted bunk Thuu nm tender out Ind dryly humorous anu erk 1mm wmldam Let mm the lookbu or them thc mt of gu could not cued Jenn short Farmer get put on the back and dink our aha Good luck to the hoof Ind the horn Good luck to the 101 Ind tho flnce Good luck Io the grower of corn With Plush plengy Ind Dec men even tout or those ComflandShopdt JIuStmjomlm ANCIENT GREEKS BEGIN TRADITION anyhow 41 Dunlop 59 In CRAIG Mum um mm In mum unnummmwvhm HWIMMMIMMIMMMINNW mummwmmm Brieï¬ng Emuk SERVING BARRIE FOR 68 YEARS Ind SONS And In the won spoken by 1inyflm in the immortal Rory of Girlstmax good will Christmas Carol Herel us allGod bless us evary ong who rarely work Hobos raise their mug Lhusly Heres to de holiday Bleu do hull free hundred and ijlyflye at emj 7236197 mmmï¬fxm 1Dont hie ma InkMr lg and tell mmmw to lo er on arm inï¬ll$0 ml plu mm bariumher emu ymrr mum lumxu wm ml do hold In your mknd ll you In enthpllnflc Illy xtrMnl toward 3011 your win mm the Frankly do not bellow he will is calendeMMexmlu holdmmptyngn en MI un the dank Cohtémï¬laié Subfle Plan To Diet Without Struggle compnru Spray button gives extramolsturo colourokeyed fabric dial with wnh wear setting Precklon thermostat even eat solaptate roven more effecllve than hand mshlng cordless unll includes waterproof rechugable battery powered handle four snapn brush cs remarkahla new Induction re charge holder thriStmasGift $09bVibuslyfirst choice 31 Dunlop St GE Spuy 5mm Dry Iron Automuic Toathbruth GE Elem Cln Opomr PLUS ll OTHER CGE SMALL APPLIANCES SEE IHEM ALL AT 1995 um um v76 you make nomthl ull twill Wm Wodiomd Emma with pounuuuy viblch you be Have an name About not ummwx Wu th 2Â¥ mum com wmmnm do ddou yyumhd you will Aimuyou 3° IM sn hm relax and 191 can te In yum pun hr vely 1min the VI Wilb Mll 1111 lt llku thalth pa 69 mm iaj7232431 gas the witch and glldo through max dllflcull roul perfect lllcox every lma tlmluhrcslslnnl blldu opcme In smooth rcclpm min mlon my sharp for ynm ml quiet even drying heat plus cool netting lncludes Lpiece mlnlcura set speed curl attachment ii unbreakable mirror and shoulder ap Italnleu steel body and pump gleaming chrome exterior 1n elegant styling makes cups of brewed loordemolfee signal light and re heat control GE Gold Medallion HairDryor GE Aqlomalic Coifeo Maker GE Hum Slicing Knif 47 mm obllvlon For yam shy hAd tried to diet 11ml she gathered herself Mather Ind talked to hexum out loud Ih the In My In the mirror aho uld New look form about the 85 execs dl Take it all in ltrpoun loll You an Iurely 1m 10 pounds wlthout goo much lulterlnxl Once you low It nuke up your mind never to put ml 10 pound luck on 50 than the my we mm than emm on Mr Ms Inï¬lrue will power or It 11 hlrnessed In your ml almost you hid turned the wbole mm over to higher Authority Imp your ml up bean In mind and you who the mice MI the jawed wlypgmr estuary mmd $2995 Only Shopplng Day $2995 $3995