Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1963, p. 22

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III TAX HAUL WABIIINGNN AP nw United sum mlledal alum 00000000000 in In In ml flu 110 ll lhe lrulnl amount not mllmwl by my mer In hluo ukl rpmman or IM Memnl llw mu 5min Fur Hum ma Ihldl mm JIIM M4 In tollodloun vim ummm MIMIle AMHL Mill WASHINGTON AP Four ulmluhd Hlxlfls by US Mio Mu cum Mm rnmrllnl VNL nuday In whnl mu ulllclully dammed mmr Iv mm monvy nml lpeld up mhrr MIan UN 11th la put mm un lhe won The Mrlrxl Ilium Mulch now In hnu luv mm mxly In nun Iml Iwrn mm mum Inna mm Apollo Illnrflrnfl pawnI Ivy Mum rnclm In law mhll Omund lhu Mllh WIN VI DUBLIN MD llnw Mlu lItr Sun anu IMM Full lovmmml um vilnl Ma nl mnlldenro mummy nigh Iyy lamyd margin Ium 1m IliWME um new In dun Io mmu IMo npflnllnn ivl day mm wwld apply In vlr Imlly Ipnulin In Iho mvub Ila THOMAS QUITE HOLLYWOOD Al Danny Thamm quilting weekly lrlt vlurm whih hol xllll on top In ammunml Wndncsduy IN will bu lhu In season Ill Mon dny nlxhl Ahnw 11m 499nm mmrdlnn mnllmml recurring runer Ihnl III um um II anork uhnw would hll ml of haircut going up 15 emu to 3150 in hecllan Metro pollLm Townlo next week Ed win Wnrk xctrflnry and or xnnlzcr he Onlnrla unrbm Asmlnllon maid Vcdnculuf pmlidcd the Increase uoud Ipmud lhrauxhoul Ih cily MORE ron CLllllNG CHICAGO AP Ms gain to cost more to cupped in Chlcngu 11m Mnslcr when Association nnmunml VrdncsA day ilx member mm In ralw weekday nrlm of halrcul lo 125 ram 32 The Saturday pme nlso wnl raised 15 will In 150 MINISTER ARRESTED CONTONOU AP Dahom eyx foreign miniskn Derlin stau was laken into pmlec Ive custody Wednesday on his return mm New ank mill lary mup wind power In Da homEy Monday Zinsou had been rcprcscnllng Dahomcy the UnJud Nations General As sembly Ho was taken la ml Itary camp where other mem hm of ex prcsldenl Huber Nazis cablna are belnz held THIMS UP TOROVmtCPf 1113 price INTEGRATE WEAPONS MONTREAL GP The United scum must initgrnle ks military production and conimi overwnpons with Eurupe Io Ichieva Western unity Pram sor Ernest Haas said Wednes day night The acting chairman of the Bureau of lnlernalional Relations at in University Caiiiornln was addressing the MG University mnicrence on mid allalrs WANT POUCY CHANGE TORONTO 1C Protestant churches inFrunce have urged the French foreign ministry to change the nations nuclear pol icy World Council of Churches vi said here Rev Elian Rees said the lord has mnlroverry wilh France overFreneh relusul to sign the limited nuclear lestbun trenly Mr Rees Adviser on reiugee aliairs to the WCC spoke to the Canadian School of Missions and Ecumenical Institute CHARGE WHITE MAN COLUMBIA SC AP lweoount indictment charging slavery and peonnge involving Negro worker was returned by federal grand Jury here Wednesday against whlte lariner Robert Monltire Cook 54 is Charged wilh using lame and violeneo to keep Max nay McKenzie in his employ against his will last April 27 PULL SIIIPFREE SAULT STE MARIE Ont CF The While mound and slowing trnliic in the St Marys River since hlnn dny won pulled free Wednes day The ship ran aground in dense fog Shipping had been halted overnight because of lhel hazard and low visibility HHOYJAVED TORONTO CF three yearold Tomnlo Island boywasi Inved=fmrn 0043101 drowning Wednesdnrhy liftJacket his vmoeherhas made him wear 111 times Mm Charles Mhlen wu standing with her son John on dock when he boy slipped and tumbled Into 10 eel of we tar used lee silly about him wearing that lllejnckel evi erywherefl sald Mrs Mlllen bul net any more POPULATION GROWS OTTAWA CP Canadas gpopulaflon reached an esllrnaled 19021000 It 00 or an in mase In one year 338000 or 13percent the bureau statistics reported Wednesday 0ntarioled the way in numeri cal growth117000whlle Brit ish Columblar Alberta and New faundland scored the on per centage IncreasesIll 23 pér cenL nm nAnnm Innan ravnxom oqropm 1m womn mzws anus fiurw uulnlnmllnl Influxnu um rrnlly nod buy mm 250 ml III lm ANNWHMAKV I95 uImw 34 BAYFlElD ST Thu Mlllr Buy LllIlIml Luxury Impnrlnl Irlh wuer um In Mdn var Irly ul nluum Prl lmlll lmnlrr Mh ucllnlvu lldo Ilnhlllrn prcvrnl cdur Inge T110 Immlml Imrnl IHI glva llrm wpporl yrl mlhll cnmlnrl lulll In cmnlmt mmmnlvrd unkanmlllp mul numlitv lo yrnr rnmumlluuummnlrc Enve mom MI 20 00 Annlvmlu 95 MaulI Kutflnl heavy qunllly mva with ulm hrnvy Mal Mule Iuyrr Ml rnlIlnlau nml luqllnu mn1Ilr lluronllan SPRINGFILLED MATIRESSES 44 an 12 791m Inllmul hum llnlnh mm lmmllil Ilunly mmummuu 33 Afimvanflky 59 muclu Imn 5mm 9x 12 5988 12 15 9988 fiffig3v CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS MATTRESSES Lnncnslrcum tumu In nan 12 Mdlhl mod ulccllon admin and pallmu lllflllblu or may Ylmln 0n Nbvembeirjst 19115Mrycllar openedgthe Barria Tam and Awning Companyfor budiness years later ClarksHome Furnishings came in lio being under the same ownership Now an November lst 1963 rheae companiésl will 56 Integratad urider unified management To mark this great event an array ofoutsjanding values isbeing offeréd to the people of Barrie ahdDistrict whose patronagsover the years hasbeengreatlyapprecialad by the management rvl Flrsl Come First Served Can you lmnglne one of the fines Glbbard Bedroom Sulch made belng sold at rcducllnn of 3200 Well weve got one here and Its on first came first serv ved basis One only Glhhard walnut suite with 72 lriple dresser wllh huge plnle mlnor roomy chest and panel bud Sm 20000 Reg $5000 For 35000 Remember Glhblrdl lure land line lurnllura or 125 yun Gibbard BEDROOM SUITE lANCASTREUM Al great saving to you Sulle consist 60 dresser with beaullful mhmr lame drawer chest and bookinse bed Smooth lap mums and mulching box spring Save 7000 22900 or tho plecel 5Piece Modern BEDROOM SUITE Vinyl inlsh floor covering mm in wonderful vnrlcly of coluuru and dulzns nm modcrn llnorinu ll lncrcmlnuly popullr bunqu In rxrcllcnl war and appearance IVHHBMI In um 12 widlhs SPECIAL THIS WEEK Vinyl Finish Covering Armslrnn budgetlone vlnyl floor covering L1 mud or hard wear but has rich Ippcarance nvnllnbln In and 11 widlhs SPECIAL so WEEK VD Armstrong BudgetTone BEDROOM SUITES SPECIAL THIS WEEK At halt rrtco Now In the time to not In outott Ioordtnary conttncntnl at ml swing lhm unltn Include umoolh top mnttrcsl with bound educu extra llrm ronutructton tor tlrm lurport cl hnvlng hutlltln comtort Irchutt be an turn tnu handles The ox rlng tn capcclatly constructed tn nun ort hll mnttrm Tho hvml board has llpotl top and In cnvor rd tn durable Vlnyl plnallc The null tn tlrmly Iupportcd with amoolhty lntnhcd tapered legs 33 Illo onty ltcgular 11000 mmvansnnv 5950 5mm s1593 Furnllun Distinction Deflcrall bargain prlces plus ultra modern bedroom suit In walnut lhntllells nrdinnrlly or 39935 Reduced IMO mm 31995 Doilmfl BEDROOM SUITE Mm NW BEDS CONTINENTAL COMPLETE EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET wm oval lhio levrl rhnlhvln buck and whfla cam bhlnllom Gun mo but on tha markel MVE 1000 gm 19995 mum modcfi llxI hent IlaIn and mnrrpmo Arbnrlln lnblc lop wcll comlruclm camfnrlubh chnlu In my nllrncllvo Ilylc ANNIVERSARY arBCMI 139199 CHROME suns 2Pc Skllrllnnr DAVENPORT SUITE The lines on the market Camlonnblu or lilllnl well lecplng The Sklnr helgllllymone or fink hp arms mu mm nu mum mu arms din par when made Inlo bad Th uphnlslcrlnx good an Nylon in plmlng brawn Ihnde HAVE 21995 45 labln with nmfurlnblL chair In good variety colarl SAVE ON 3950 5Pc Dlnem CHROME SUITE 1m Dlnpllo CHROME suns All wool Brondlooms In the popular splco wllh hlgh low pllc at bargnln price mm In Addillon you get my underlay FREE with every rug purchnlcd long woir carpov by Colony blg big navlngs for you Whllo Insls 6x 2988 9x15 7488 4488 12 12 7988 9x l2 5988 12x15 9988 9x 9x12 6x9 Features roam cushioned luxury sofa and lounge chair In the popular chocolate shade HAVE Rgnuns 8900 2Pc Modérn CHESTERFIELD SUITE Elcgnnl furniture oi enduring quality and Ins lng comfort Made or many year service cuxshinn min with narrow urnAL Dark brown coon SPECIAL minus 29900 Braemorq CHESTERFIELD SUITE BROADLOOM Your Presentfurnitflfe As Good As Cash When You Shop At Clarks Suite greatly reduced price Really oni sianding value oiiered at this sale The Ityiing in good lheworkmnnship is up and the npptarancu leave nothing in be desired 8in ish cushions llllcd with genuina air loam add to the coman of this suite 2Pc Frenth Provincial CHESTERFIELD 4795 15 995 95 12x 12 12795 959512 l5 15995 llNED PINCH PLEATED HEADINGS Regularly 249 to 395 45 48 wide drop cry plain and pvlnts Clearing at $189 yd Please ask about our comflflclo decorator service un der no obligation New In samples now In drapery and upholstery Free esllmles in your own home day or evening Clearance of Discontinued Inns palrs 2w 84 long covers Reg 3595 pr Sula 2750 pr pairs 3w 84 long covers 12 Reg 5495 pr Sula 3350 nr 4a REG siefvs Pn 2Pc Nylon FHESTERFIELD SUITE ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Modern 4Sealer CHESTERFIELD Sulte with moulded back This lovely suite covered in hlzh grade nylon In the popular dark hrovm shade Very pleasing appearance and built for 1mm wear In an exceptional and nyfon cover The toll hnd chair are well eslgned and have moulded an back which add grow SAVINGS 32 2190 DRAPERIES JPAIR 1V WIDTH SHORTIE DRAPIS LONG 72 WIDE $1995 PR SALE 1444 Iluu bau mu mm wllh mm wulnul Irlmmbu In rnhnnra Ihrlr nod amucnunm mmvnnsmv 995 uvinlvll Vrll HM rm ruhlnm In bright chlnky colon la ldd rotor and ham to your room ANNIVEan mww 5c 17 high All ml rum hrluhl colauml vlnyl plmth cpl In nod choke mum ANNIVKIUMIW fllECML Annlvmlry Sale Bream MAGAZINE RACK STACKING STOOLS 279oo TABLE LAM SPECIAL Sula 3350 pr 2175 8281 pnlr fifisfiéfix

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