ermmL Mam Wlndmu hurl pm m1 oIhy mm mm pl abll nlrphunu Iml nun un unw ma nun nunn1 In llmmn mu rm mm Mun wvl WI Ind IIII III In VIII 74 qlmu lllmlmr ï¬lmma uml to Ih mo num wun mm mummy smi 94 mm FEMALE HELP IT WWW mnr Mum told by ur$1 moo mum lot LEE HAIRDRBSSING Govemmem Bhutaned School Mouzh uunlnx Sn all hm as beauty clllluxe DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WORSLEY ST PA 3962 cvonxnmnm In ma can Uh awem or be ollu Phonn PA Im nun mm mm mu th OI unl mm nu at mum Immnm mm In Bum lllmhm Emu If In my mu ham mm on uypum human um Inf Iu rmhanl ï¬lm2 hlwfmru at unulmclm wnlm unlm Xnnhdu mm nnm rank mlplul Apply an uml In no PA um lav lurlmr Irv nmnllalL mnhm EMPLovMéï¬f WANTED 7m mqu Ann In my Foul whlll mm In an 1hpham IA mu fb PERSONALS anm ll0l ColdIv Bill by manna hllmrlner 1n nur nun home or rm up vlco Blmltl PA ms or PA Nut My mum Inn 11 1mm mm mm amII In nl modm um ma hnnl IA um WOMENS COLUMN IKACILIT L051 Gnld nnx hmalu wilh nqu mmn van on mhntulnr llnk Illchod ll old will ban Moll dny you vklnlly comm of Town phonl PA Mm in mm 1151 none mumn Royl Ml own Clulnm ndlo Iutomluu Innnlulnn thnl dean khlt work Ind on flaunL In fanw my allow In an ovv 13 darn 03 If en Um AM WI Ind or down lb 11 How held llml PA lull four sum and In in Fitchltd pup Illlph include APPLY nun1d sum momma nu ma mi am one mm L9 lOST FOUND NIID HUMAN an Inn to pullmd 11 mun my mm mm at I33 Etagm 55 17 Knew cm Collhr 06M Rim ml FORD lefllfl 556w nfllf cunomvndlo Ind hick ml ID Ilu dew lrud Mm Ln NE in mun with mlchhll Inter or Oflflnll In Vth ley down Mr month TItihom PA Hill lphonl PA Hill l0 HELP WANTED lm DODGE in door mm lulu and brawn wlm mllchln1 Inlular Loul oneown ur so dawn um per mm 71 am PA mm voLxlwmlN Dulnn Ln lXIlanl NICK Wllh Conlnlllnl lntlflar 4000 nrlxlnll mllu mum dim For 10 dawn bl Incl our 36 munlhl 10 than who qualify Tlhnhnnl PA £7911 CARS WANTED TO BUY 61010Morlva MOTQRQARS Fox SALE 1110 our can an Inlrnon Ln color economy Hall MIG urll locll an owner 50 flown Ind uh ovlr plymunll 01 51 monthly Tehvhanl 019 m1 luluan or me MW crib 1nd mun cu II In exczpllnnllly 109d condlllnn lhroulhonl nxo phm PA um um FORD rm ulo Very clllfl VO Momto 610 1011 Term maxed cu Inn Elf ndlo Includrd III nod tandh on am of Ilkec ll Tel thul PA EM or further Inim mum PONTIAC Ln and conduian But Ike IL lenhonl PA 004 lunher lnlormluom Al FRENCH MOTORS 15 Bradford SL PA $5971 HAVE WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS THIS YEAH Sal nur your homm Bo hnpplu and rlrhzr with AVON erln ln Mn Walker Human 5L Barrie or all PA M551 Goon DEAL MORE woo GEE 9A GOOD DEAL MALETFEMALE MOBILE HOMES MAIJEWELT AVON Immm Jelmy Ianll mlnulrl MIMIum Chlruu min Incl In poinll mm Mlkll mun leuflrlmu MantaL Mum Al Let Concuslnn Nolln wnsngn Taumhlp known we hllnd no one mllo norm lllghwny 70 mm at he Sup mm Scrvlce Sullnn on the ml mlnncl nl Ellyn Rule IS hand 01 Hereford Durhnm and claim Cllllt 11m 1m Include ll tom 11 cnle llahlcln Hrlhn yum old mum bud Ind Ilockm 1000 bahI ol clavrr lmy Am qunnmy Med IUW Term cnnh No rmrvc In Mr Ken lm born In ll holpl All lummqr and hnl In no lurk lulu lln um Fcb Mr late of the Township Eu In the County nl Slmcoe Farmer who dled on nr about tha Twcn Iyllrst day June 1961 wlll dlstrlbuta tho assets of de canned to persons entltled them ln alter November latY 1963 havlng regard only to clnlm then properly filed with the un dersluned COWAN COWAN 51 Colllcr Street Bnnlc Onmln Sollcllm lor ha Exmlofl Lot 15 Census Tec ummh Township mllu well and mile mum of Cookuawn Village or nghwny Sula came plfl imvlcmcnu hny naln straw And lame household cflecu A110 1955 Mel tor Sedan hummer mlll Ind all roller Cue lrnclor nnllquo Cullen and hunlm 1000 bunh eLI mlxed min Ind many ï¬lhcr ullclu loo numenm IL Terms cum No menu II lhu um mull be settled JERRY QOUGHLIN II THE CANADIAN HIE MATURE MANhnprunt 10M nubilth BInII llnn Product II In llcepnd Indund by Ill Wlmeull Pavlqu mu or bun nan expHum mnmm Puublo podle with Itlldy Om Fluymem Ind exczmne vomhuh nu Wm mun wan nulled and Hymn to Bax 11 Bird Bunlnu NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Executor the estate of Imam EARNESTAWGE TEE WI EXAM WEDNESDAY MODE 301387 onnnwm younl mm to lurn ham humu mu caneHun um mm na wm Box as mm Ir HALE OPPORTUNITYDIEM Lu Imunc compn1 Inllh cited llI Imln my clplbu 111 TM Puma Illndl wall Ibovu all Ivulll Harald or In nun WM lamll Thu po tenul huh und no In tho qlllllllutlonl Specllllnd tnlnlnl valdgd or tht mm compllh lnlomlllon If Bu mm txmlnu NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Executor of tho estate 01 JAMES ANGUS Km 1th ol the Clty Mule 11 thrown ty of Slmcoe Retired locomo tive Englneer who dled on or about an Slxlh day 01 septum ber 1961 will dlstrlbute ha Bl reu of the deceased to person entltled thereto alter November lst 1963 hnvluz mud only to claims lhen properly tllerl with the underslzned COWAN COWAN 53 Calller Street Barrie Ontarlu Soudtarl lnr thu Executor RESIDENTS 0F BARRIE STAYNER THORNBURY coumcwoon 0M Supervi nr George Meganmuck pied one or two full 01 partum men to help hIm meet the do mand or 0mm Automobile Association Membership Plum um dimmed 100d PM work No experlence necemry but curls For full lnforml uon contact Geom McCorm Srlzli so Nlpier SL Callinxwood 13 AUCTION SALES with Grade or or office work Bookkeeping lulnlnz desirable but not necauary Apply ll LEGAL NOTICES HELP WANTED Aulnn llellulu Mnnlml Maloqu Pllnlv Nu nvll AUCTION mi Saturday Nov pm sharp Ior lhu came 01 the III VRODERI GRAHAM MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD AUCTION SALE Monday November 18 pm ahnrp or DAVID KENT NHL LEADERS JKHIIY COUGHIIIN Audlonm WANTED YOUNG MAN NEED HELP MALE HEP Audlénoci Barrie In 1m Cam Denny Ham lam Pmlth 0n Memo Aron mm Mulm In ImamDun vrnlry Eng 13nd knycllgql only llmuld Nu YulVlnra Slmmn ID Ncw ank autpolnld Anlonlo Klnullity N7 New2k NJ lltuulonlllp nde Homlnn null ml Prankll Numlml um Lon Allulu IO min ltévldenu lll Lllffllllhll Kcnny Whnrram who um lhmwl hm lrltk Iumln nlxm lo lend hlcnuo Illnr llnwh la vlflory aru Do lrnll fled wlflll mu flonllle oulrolnlnl llmry Hunk I75 Delml Is Collun nun ermnn vmlan of wmlcl luhl heavymlnhl rhnmplm lhlp By THE AMOCMTKI Ill HART PLANNING WINNIPEG CF The of mll machinery or Ilnzlnx um m1 PunAmerican Gum hero wan In mnlion Monday wllh lhe Inuuznrollun nl Iha xnmen mllonul exccullvu council Wu announced Tundny Tho wmtmbcr hady appointed by MA or Slcphen Juba ha been do znnlml under lho chlrlcr nu alllcnl operulon In Inl lnlcrnnllonnl sport mum at Hm Amcrlm which will be Md In Canada or Ihl Hm 11ml CROW EVFFERS ST LOUIS AP John Dn vId Crow St boull Cnrdlnnl bltk who led the lam In rush lnl 1m ywr will undergo auri ery chncsdny on knne Injury lumrcd In sunday Nullnnn Foolbnll League name at Wuh lngkou Conch Wnlly Lemm mld Crow pmbnbly wuuld he has or flu lemon COHON WINS FLINT Mich AP Eddie Conan Seattle Jabber his way to unlnlmous l5mund ded xiun over Henry flank of Deuolt to win lhe Michlgan vmlun Ike world heavywelghl chum plamhlp Tuesday night PASS SPORTS BILL VASHINGNN AP Brib ery lo Influence the oulcome Iportl event could be ad ml oilenca under blll ap provtd Nudny by Ina Unlted States Senate Judiciary comm ea The federal govunmcnt could Ilep In lh bribery in volved Inlerslnle or lot zlgn commerce mum SCISSORED SPORT MATHEWS 10 FIELD MILWAUKEE AP Ml waukee Bravqs Itertlng left elder next year will be the Na tional Leaguel hen fleldlnz lhlrd baseman Eddie Mathew who topped Ihe hlrdvhase Iverv age In 1963 ur the am time in his 12 major league seuenns flayed game Id duflnl various emergencles And man ager Bobby Erngun layl 119 my 1d ï¬elder as of new Thu Bruins scored in as Jean Parlse rapped In goal 15 seconds alter the um face all Cullen tied the score 45 ondl later Then Claude culmet put Ihe Bruin Ahead but helm the period ended Alain Caron made it 21 In he second period Phil Ev posllo scored for the Bravn be fore Harm fired In we Ken staphnmon of Minneapolll then maderll Dushérmeï¬eceivek Life Imprisonment of now you Izmw um am violent mum and tax that unlau am rammed rom that puntth 00m W31 Wilma ST LOUIS AmRay Cullen and Duke Harris each drilled In two 1013 Tilequ night is St Lani Braves heal Minneapth Bruins 75 In Central Prom lianal Ioclay Lem game Earthy him mud mm In tho lhlrd period with Cullm Hr lnz In bl lemnd at 1528 ï¬ichflï¬bï¬iï¬ebouï¬ he hnd noted In uuddence Ha ggld Roy had threatened HI Mr Juice Mauricrtkusln elu uid um while much to us was out olhII Jurhdle on ha would do whm he could to 199 um th muesl wu MONTREAL CF Gmfd Dulhnrme Wu manned hesduy We Imprisonment on chum of nonca lhl murder mm from the may of snow prisoner St Vlucentr dongl Penlltgnum Aim untence was yw nounced Dndurma told the court fly THE CANADIAN muss Medical evidence mowed lha vlotlm Gerald Rwy 25 allr Gerard Humalln had been flashed flve Umes with chsn W9 In FIGHT RESULTS Tllnlg Mllflh To CPIII Win Pace Braves NHL STARS Cream CORN MOUNTAIN VIEW WIENER BUNS CHOICE TOMATOES DUNCAN HINES TRENT VALLEY Your Cholcl BEEF SJREW 24 02 MEAT BALL STEW TIN SPAGHHTI MEAT BALLS nus snzw 100 COOKED HAM LEG LOIN um wuou mm ONTARIO mm mam mur LB FRESH EGGS DOIEN 490 CAKE MIXES3 100 BACON SWIFTS CANNED SAVE 20c CARRIER CHOICE SWIFTS BROOKFIELD SKINLESS SWIFTS PARD GRADE MEDIUM 14fb435w pabumpercmpofsavings FREE ONE SANDWiCH CHUBB VALUE WHEN YOU BUY SWIFTS PREMIUM SWIFTS FRESH LEAN PEAMEALED BACK HOMESTEAD BREAD LEANTENPER SIRLOIN WING OR TBONE fswwvs BLUE BRAND BEEF 16 DUNlOP ST BUIHLERsfeaiurésTSWiETs 24 OZ lOAVES TRENT VALLEY mmmmsw END CUTS 250 Fragmules Thur Ffl Ind Sat aur Choice 24 02 Your Choice TIN 15 oz BALLS ll TIN newness smom RUME muME ma on ROUND STEAK LBS 00 39 00 79° SNOW APPLES 753339 TOMATOES McLARENS ONTARIO NO COOKING ONTARIO CEE GRADE PRODUCE OF USA No MANZANIllA OLIVES OR SWEET GHERKINS SWEET ONIONS ONTARIO NO SNOW WHITE COOKED MEATS Zc HUNTERS SPECIAL SIDES 0F BACON SWIFTS 6VARIETIES SHORTENING ï¬lm 29 SWIFTS GOLDEN DEW PARCHMENT SWIFTS JEWEL SWIFTS EVERSWEET suceo kmmsss BARRIE LB AV n8 BACON 23m 39¢ 19¢ MIX or MATCH LAME IN BASKET LB LII 634 ox Tumblcn LBS 00