Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1963, p. 1

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WASHINGTON AP Im dent Kennedy hm hailed onus of ncpmscnlallvc ludlc my commlllrc npprovnl MA com mmlw Clvll mam Blll Ilgn llcantly lmpruvlng pm Ich or madman ol olfocllve dvll right glalnllan Ml year am Konnrdy uld lho bill wlll pmle the bull or mm of goodwill In every city or our land In work mm mom their rnrlnl problch within lhu lrnmcwork of law and Juuloc The blll Ill must Ix mmd by Hus 0qu rules mmmlum and nppmml by um um um um 5mm II more madam than drnmlu lubmmmmw propolnl and hullhu bncanol Home imlm In both pnnln 0n lho Hnnl Inlly In ludl alary tommxm Drmocuu mu Lamm Indlulu that um um um nml lmrnblo WM aha lllflllnl rimm lodnd her mm lurk mum on luvmmwnl did ual inlan lo stampede mm mm which mlmndmtood and unlml which Ihuz Im Men dolllwr Aummml wllh nlmlo mllnl emullnl lrul he wr unhlc mnlrllmlury unnda Im don llnn may Illll In upprnml by lullnmenl In llme Io mm ullllnnl uclmlulu to pay ben eIIlI by Jnnunry 19rd uh anlvl OTTAWA lll Nenllh MIn Innr Judy Lnth lunml her pcnulnn rlm rvlllu Tuwlny nluhl In Hu Common Mr Hays said our thinking In the federal zavernment that nmculturnl volley am he pm 20 yam has been put lo elim lLke patchwork quill lillla here and little then It seems ml 11 time we came up with lemonan dlflcr 0111 Wu have examined other wunlrlu some ham com Milan our and this lludy Illll going on year Ilenele Um fill an oamprchcnxlvo and Ialr 1n nllmmlq In France they hnd too much malllure and he gmln was pmullng In llclds ancu was Ingfigssla they were exponentan drought Iuch as wed hnvMo go back Io Ulo 1930 to remember President Hails llpproval 01 Civil Rights Bill By Reps Haul Hurry Haya federal min laler agriculture and mayor 01 Gummy Promised delegates to the 12th annual convcnllon of thu Ontario Farmera Unlun here yellerday lnlolar as he drought lltuatlon hl Marlo concerned wa will stand by ynu and help you much an wo cam 299 Your No 253 Hays Promises To Aid Farms Hit By Drought 11m mm youths Dean Kelby 16 Bob Whalen 16 it lax Zinn 15 mgmered REGISTER FOR NEW BARRIE TRUMPET BEND For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PAtmll The telephone number call for the Buslnesl 91 Editorial Dept PA 537 Our Telephones SM rmnllnm Im Onlmlnlnlml Inlmlral mmmlllu rel uu nl live In ledrrul pmvlnclnl mnlemm wwuld mul his not TM nul IIPD would he tho lrdml wnvlnrlnl cnnlrrenco llcglnnllll UV and urn WM unanlmlly uldlnlw rm mm mndlllqunm the gumyou phm uunl htmlnn hm unlll In New mAInn at lulln mull 5119 lulu an ullonllvo llmnu Column In her Hm lwnlhy mmkm plm Illmnrnl Ilnu llvo luhkcl lnlm ducalIn ounlny deble lul July own mrqmmmN mhsbncr Howard Leary laid lho HmUn wlll b0 lumal ovcr lo unmet nt lomey and lhn mcdlcnl exam lntr dammum wlmhcr Um 1qu WM uxllflnblc Phllndclplfln whlla po llennun who Ihot and HUM Negro lmmy mspcd mu and All duUu pmdlnz Inyqyunllon mafia big Its lntczmllon dcmonurnunn cmwdlnz around city hall la was an open mpnnty boul lng ardlnnncc dvll ddch dlrrdur eulmnlm he trawd at more than 1500 Dcmonslrnllon lender Inld Ihc lurnoul wm loan lwlcv 01M BTAO DEplonpmmoN WWW warm the mmpmmlu hlIl Vodnz against were le Demmall and In Republican Spiaking wwnl anch Mr lnyl said In Weslcm Canada hey lure lhey nre about We must helpmtm lnrmcr hi those areas ll he 11 gain com lg In ymrld markets Mr Hay laid his should Insurance and It nmdnlcoxt lhgflgavernrpcnlr In much Ho summarle he lhreo maIn oblenuvu n3 betlcr arm mill bellzr use of machinery and In surance In times of dinner Inch as hurflcano or when the ar mcr frozen out and on And lhe family fnrm muxt be preserved or 11 will dlxappear ult dig In Rania Rumdink the cast of arm machinery he said Were taking look at how we can put rented Wa decided the credit of flu tanner Ihould be taken whole new look at We am trying to mnkaa man pay for In yuan what he cannot pay or In 20 years Hulland has credit ar 60 ycfll Jlof largllyjanpa grown about 30 per cent as much xrfl a9 we du 1m nlghl or Illa Golden juxrlea new Immnn band BTICEEMCH are Elna In July Ilr huchom lo optruin Ill own vehnlon plan ml Uulnvlu nllpr mmullnIlnn bzvlrmc Iw lend Imrmrlnl umlm mu ha Inn qunllllrd Iv Iurlncu at nwnlnl la wnllan Illlflmlll umr all durum by Hlnn Ivy Know NDI wlnnlpu Nan Com Ural the mu1m lnlffl vmvldp llrm umrmu Illnl ll will pmcml ml min aw Ilon llh Ilnllrm Furl er ho blll would be nmd In purllnmmlnry cm mlllu Io HIM rrprumlllim lncludlnl on In lama Innurunllcu um llull compan chmuld hunt only lhm wrrh In HII rumnl pnrlluprnlqy unlun mu flood us In chem and lhcrel no reason why lhny shnuirint hacnuxu they spend more with ihan wo mom with them Asked why ii induslry eniayl such high laxiii tani agriculture cnioy such inrlii Ind hen soil the uurpiux on tho arid mnrkeL Mr iiuyz mld ii we galnz to have two prite lyslcm wa no going to Ilirk lhe consumer During the quutlon period Mr Hays had this to Bay on yarlly prices ll our price gull Another twn cenu higher un Sheep New Zealand would TIMMINS MEN PAY POLL TAX Tho nnmal Ind Iddrmu Hm 1211 1mm been lurmd om lo anHUI who lmvo order la 01ch nod and rlmflcll warlh mm enrh at men who mum to mink cramd ififimmmg In Hell and we Ihauld get out In ell ll he said Them nm 120 slum men In Tlmmlnl whn are ollhar gnlng my poll III I0 each or lose lholr mm JXO worth lhlru my WW Mr Hay messed the Import anco of keeping farmer lnrnnn ed on whats going to happen Whats going Io happen lo lha when am he lonacco mm 14 wnw nmr ké and the bee market and TIMMINS CP John 1an In Timmlns are Indlnz oul Hunt It docml always pay In avoid In clulchel matrimony billion dollars short of the Ullnzl they need Web as refrigerators and an on Western Canada It the best market for Eastern Cun ada where these things are man Imed rmwu shipped Wu em Canada last year because they didnt pmducc enough Auupcflltfl 13c Bind Exunlnei Zrealarui Under he Inlrm pramAl Emplnycn um emplnylw wrmld mnlllhulo mull nmmmu and bend would mm In law Jammy 19M II nn lulull exer Indllelunl lunnlh mlnl In Imulmum mm mm mnnlllly on up lha hula ullhln 10 pm MINI HM plm wuld In 11m Tnnudn lrnnlan llnn would luprlnmrnl the unlvorul mnnlMy ml an pomhm Junk mind 015 mm pm my amum qr mom Al kwl nnl ol Hm lwo mnln ymvlncu nqulml In mnkn ll Indmll Irllrme work MIII Lnanh nnnphanllod 1m day nluhy mull mvlndnl plan Mlh the lnltm pm nom mm nmf 118A 51hr wllnmvd ha shaming nnd mnnn rd la capo lo neigh born gnu Dcnd nm Erllnu Halo and Ill chlldrm Roy And Glmdn Dnuxlulm llohecca In Am Ch skyqu movie NANMMO ILC Cl Inmlly dlapulo émnlcd Into hull 11ml Monday night 40 ycnr old man shot And klllcd lwo hln lnur chlklren In Imnt MI wife then kllled himself onslaught on mainland Nova Scolla and nltnckui Pflnco Ed ward Island with malty do ucribcd by veteran Mixnon fisherman 0m worst in mom But the blow nppnh cmly Id 111113 damnzu on lhu inland 111536 uwcpt arms Iho Norghmpbulnnd Slrnu mm In wns upccimi la receive winds gusflng to 60 miles An hour while tho rest of he province wag to get easier ireniman Family Spat Ends In Death In her wake sh lefl uprodcd recs disrupted 00minme cadam stalled shipping and da mngm buildings There wen no report of death orjnjuriu The wenlhcr office at Gander Nfld predlded Ginny would die inlhurNonh Atlantic ALIFAXCPI Hurricane ny moved over the Gulf SLEhwmce early today on mum Inrlhe Jamaal Nmmm mar 1mm Miriam province with wind la mo miles an hour Thegavemmem had ilaped to complete passage in brie ses lion but combined Liberal and New Democratic party apposi lian mad the legislature into Iiiiing ioday starting lo Ginny Lashes Coast leeral House Lender Far quhnr Oliver charged Premler Rnbnm with allempllng black discusslon an important TORONTO CP Premier Robam minted in his plan to have short enemy al union of the legislature ex peeled in push ahead today with pamge of legislation bringing Onlario Into the lederal muni clpgi development and loan UH Robarts Loses Bnirlo Onhrlo Cnrildl Wednnflay bu ma Pfljullflfln The hm nr III at lha hdom wlIl be Ml mull IN Md will Mumplludmu In Annul lurmuh dulmd may ndlmlmem or thin NIB maulam ller pndecnnurt Inc mlln Induu um bu com pllnl lwmly The Iulrlmlufl ma lndualrlll India III mmpllnl once day Al clan lndhu flu MW nymm will mm lmiunlrinl Index and nubinduc Invnlvlnu 77 mm IIIHuck xnhl lmlux ll Muck ban mml Index nlne ulmh wnlun nll Index xIM mmpmllo ludu clllcd Iho Turnqu flock Elthlflll Index which wlll lnvnlvu Mocha 11w our Imlfll mm mm pllullmluslrlnll znldu halo mrlnln nnd mlcm HIwill dmpprd Thny Involved 7D nlorkn Hownnl Urnhnm pmklcnl ol lhe exchnnue mld new lmllsxrn wlll ho rompllwl Involv lnu xou Iluch Tollon 11m Tor nnlo Stork Exchnnxn Announced mlny an lho uponlnl lmdlnl Mondny Nov It will lnlmduto new hula tyflcm PRIME MINISTER Penman wean brand Imfle hill Liberal puny cnmn through Iwo nonmnfldenco mallmm Stock Exchange Gets New System hoi The newlyelected iegisiaturg also wiii in asked thday to re constitute committees dealing with consumer credit and mu nicipal iaw which expired with promgation preceding the Sept zsieiection public business when the me micr made motion to walva debate on Hm throne speech Liberal amendment can demnIng the Progressive Can servntive government or falling to allnn debate time was de feated 7328 Bu me had run out and the House was ad jaggud unlll edgy ombu 39 ms cmcmdlm us rulenl Nnrmlu numu mmmlm Incltd perw many Io truck mmmwur nmolln mmfladlux ml m1 Ihfi mun mnlrollnl WWI um Mauisav mm nnomnm Wm Oomuny Ml Mum drilled In rum led of lhm mlwl mp In In undernlu lr bubble mugIll pan Iaynpmjor the mod umul NKYO cultn Cum will upon memo mm when to gun In the cl monlm from Dmmbtr July under hula ummrnl mch hm Tuesday The pure um Ind II In bums In mm at Manitoba Nu and um bushel or MIM lob No 118 Invoxtigklon Crack Dope Ring Irllon nndor tunllllullonrul one El lnr In In llm Index 11 cume muxu AFG llxln no your old Hope To Rescue Miners Late Tonight Canada To Expoxt Wheat To Japan wilh uncxpccled no In the Home Cnmmom mmy night The maliom Mm againsg lhojnvcmmrnlu IE4 hum mile 01 erephola Vdan know haw many Imus have stood here and said we will stay here unlll the rmwm ad prevlous special sesslan In 1955 lasted only one day and the Ihmne speech de hate was waived then He lacked the opposition or trying in sell the public thulmprcs Ion he was trying to block de hpke on business 41 Premler Robarts said the rush In mnnecdan with the mu nidpal loan bill was to get It into clfectvby Oct 31 so mucL clpalilles could get In on their share nffiha federal fund this wlnler He convened the legisla ture lust one day nlfier It be calpe legglly posslpge NEWS BRIEFS Pfemler Royal2s Nu llunlnn diplnmnln flrV IIIH wilh the Soviet mlulun In Hm Unilcd anlunl In Now Yark flly Mm wcro npprrhondrd hy Um Flll lull Hwy wm nlmnd nwy wm nmslul Tuvsdny nluhl nfler rrndmvun Mnr nu old Ilunn rnllwny llnllvn 1n Enulcwood NJ NEWARK NJ AWARCH ol the mvn lflpptd sovcn mnnlhn ul nmumHheclnck work with ma nrmu ol an Amtr um nluclronlcn rnxlnm cland lo hnmlh lop TH mm Icrlnl And Ilunlnn clmuflclxr an uplonazo clmrxm Unusual 5pm and alliance developed on no motion by Cw diflsto Lender Henl Cnoueuu wiring thu xovcmmmt Ior subscrvlenuy approving mo slurnzu olnuclcnr warheads In lho mm of Quebec despllo llmnnly nnHAnuclcnr ucnllmcnt In Qucbcc Thu Cradillttns drew UP OTTAWA CF All uppnsl lion ottnnsive against the gov etnmenta dctenca pnllctcx liz ztcd out In the Common hxw day night and the minority Lily and ndmlnlstratlon survived two nnncanfidencr mottom with un expected use Members at all curt opposl wmln mailed the govern ment or slgnln an agreement wtth the Unlte States to ac qulre nuclear warheads but Credlttste nan cantldence mo tlan on the tuna wnl voted down 155 to Is Moro than 600 attentive spee tatou jammed the gallertea to wateh the votes presumably nt trncted by speeulutlan that the men manlh old gnvarnment was ln danger 0t bclng toppled signs pnmor Hls remarks were echoed by New Democratic leader Don nld MacDonald whn also Wan muca The province Is no corner grocery store any more II Iglrlllondolhr busines He said Ontario run by the cabinet for in month of Ike year and by the members al the legislature at only two months The House should sit longer to deal with lhg wryplexissues up Mr Ollver charged the pre mer with attempting tn clnse of debate an that he would not be put on the spot onlha Can ada chslon Plan business Is complete hesald It sounds trite but my it at inns every lhrga daylf Spectators Iam Galleries To See Crucial House Vote Na MarcThIn 7c Par Copy10 Plan mu In mum on lm 11m bonny lum mum mm meet III IMI mm mam hum ulllll W01 Cummluluncr 111ml Klmrm onloml lmlh mm held in 00300 hull pcndlng Hun lodml mm Jury They wuled nal ullly Va luulnn dlrlomnll we hruulm when ItAmi mm Fl cullme hm duplla lhn rm allu lu vmvldn lhem kinmrlalm Clear and cold tohlght Thurs day Hula warmer Low lo nlght gh tqmomw 50 mum ml mmrlnl and lllhrr ol Illyuuhold dnunhlcr mm rhnullcur Inr Amlorg 50le auvemmeul wonsnm nutHey hm hundlu UJLIlulflnn lrmlo nlnllam llu mu la lhI Unllcd Elnl Mlnfll 1961 Omnze NJ nml Igor vu nuv New Ymk Clly nutrnlo Whole Hun Ilnn pnrrnlnzo 611700 ycnr rnnlrol mlmlnlnlralur lnr lb lnlernnllnnnl Elmrlc Cor pu ll lnfnmnn NJ Sclml In the Ruulnm cur wen brlel cnm lhnl mnlnlncd lnfnrmnllan nhnul mm nlr lnrrn ranlmrt IIan tiny docu munl mmcrn dulgnml In pm My nun ho cnrl tllamln Ham 11m acmqu lulu clmrgrd curly today with drllmlnn lo min government Inlnrma lkm nlnllnu lo Hm nnllnnnl do mu nl Ibo Unllnl filnlu am John William Ilnlrnka 38 Omnze NJ nml Igor vu nnv 31 New Ymk Illv Mcnuso of lhclr dlplnmnllc Im mgnlllyi ermixnnl II had hm xcnarally assumed lhnl lhn Conscrvnllm would back lhc Cnaucnn nullnuclear malian but tanner transport mlnlsler Lmn Bnlccr ma jusl balm lhn vole to announce lhnl his pnrly would mpporl tho luv mmm The Liberal novemmcnl now has survived nlno tests or con dnnco since Pnrlhmenl npencd my 16 The closest vole also was on he nuclear 1an NDP mollun duculcd in Hnyll The Churchlll mullnn was en dnmd by 85 Cunurvativu and opposedby ll lecrnls 15 New Democrats Credilisic and eiuhl Social Credit MP1 1th molinn alleged mmlve mniuslnn in the delunca dapan ment it specifically trlllclzcd lhe government or cancelling Conservative government pro gram in build eight navy lrl ales worth $452000 Local Weathér port from eIgh New Democrm and six Social Cred MP5 rum Quubac The Cnouclge motion was opposed by 119 lenrnk an Conservatives and five New Democrats Nmmmy Euan to pan IVE 853 ONE Mr Hobart uld he wal no In favor ol all sessions because the difficulties they pre sented lo civil servants and be cause or the distractions Inher ent In the holiday season We Insist on um apporlunllly to meet here he said Elmer Sopha LSndhury who seconded the nanom dence mollan declared North em Ontario was restless par ticularly in VIEW of mine lay offs and It was no wonder um members complained nf Innde quate time In discuss Iguslnesx charged tha government was galng back an in word by not having sessions urnEma We on

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