Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1963, p. 6

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WOMEN IN NEWS TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OLIOVEE 21 111 MHmuuh ll mny rm only urrnlly ml wnmm look nvrr mrrlmnlml 0le mum Inc mwl Iml hmpllnh nlmuly muny lhm mrchanlml lulu no plymm Wllh he mm Mllnmnllr Iyllrml uuw oc uulhnvo emhr mu Muc III menu In era nl Inrld ulzlp ulmnlmn Iml nulnmnthn urnllnl mun nmulnymrnl mlh Min IIhio ixczary MnLliill nl lumnlu pmldtnl nl Um Cn mn Fullmile Ilminru lmhuional Vnmrnl luln nlhlxruinz 1hr hlrnnlnl nmrcxrnca no llnslncu and lIullmionnl Vumrnu Club Newfnumllnnd in lhu Ntwfuund luml lime 5L lnhn callrd ullrllflun Hui lumulnl Pul lrm vnmrnl llmpluymcnl mu umlhlcd Mmln ncw mum ul ncuumllum or women MINE Hm nul lrw yrnu And PW President Foresees Changing Trend In Womens Iobs MRS GURZON IIARNEY Vinncpei Mum lell chat with Mrs Kulucar na fional president of Par Col burnc as delczalcs of the luv It In htru Hull lha WHIde cnvhnge ma Ink for me 7000memlwr Cnnmllnn Irdcrn Inn at lhnlnru nnd Imleulou ll anrna Clulu muth Ihip tvuluullnn nxrwy wesz ly luring tnmlurlrd by he rrnllon lv uprclrd la main lho ultnl ol rhino thln mu Inrmlnnhlm whlrh can be In lhlpnlul mull nulamn liuu Ilnmhmy IWNY will mum lmul Ivy whkh lhc lrlann Ihrmmh Indhldual lulu will In Ihll In Ilm wo er llmn lm but Mullly nkllkd nnlurc Hm mucus lhnl unmrn nmtmly rmultyrd wlll have In be Hunkd com pel wllh lhe ncw wnka min Hm Inlmr arrc Honnl convenllon Liberal Women 01 Canada mac for th threeday convcnllon at he Chateau Laurier Hale in mm lhls week The conventlon began ycsmduy Isobel Mcwhrnncy daughlcr United Church mlnlsm rom Kamsnck Sask ls chief of bureau of slallsllcs sec Hun concerned wllh how much maney clly Iamllles spend smlsllclan since 1951 Ms Mc Whlnney cmlribules inlormnA lion that help demmlna liv lnl costs CP Phom 11 AH nlhull It mhnlklum Imll mIm run um mm mom Dc Iner ll mum 011AWA CF Too many women are isoinicd In their po iiiicni viewpoint ino Involved in local or provincial politics to romote Jim national clnse Kinncar oi For Col horne NIL president of in Federation oi Liberal Women Alid Monday When he find We bealcn he makes up an excuse In quit or accidennlly llp over ha hoard Yaslerdny beat him twlce Ind he got so mad ha almas hit me person 01 lnlezrlly doe nol lake dlv or uny reason whatever Do your home wurk during he evcniug and play thus with your Manda PINUP Addrmmx nearly sou dele gale on the opening date he ederntlons lhreeday na tional convention she called or women to uh renter Inler est In the political lilo of the WW Health Mlnlsler Judy LI Marsh said during luncheon apecch that allhoulh she onen called upon to look at legialatloa mm womans polnt view sh trying remuent lha peopla or Canada and not inst the woman Mlu LaMarsh said leeul women have reason to he pnud of their two newly elected women hlPsPanllnu Jewett Nnrlhumbcrland and Mums Konnnlz Vlnnlpcg South She addedJokingly And it youll wait little whlle longer think will be proud In three Bring gs 1mm lhe federal xovernmcnl at Minislcr Lionel Chevrler said Liberal women could do more lid the cause of national unlly than any other group Dm Ann London nm chess manlnc Not very no compllshed one but enjoy the game and Im lrying out or membership In our chess club at school Now that Ive lmpmved can checkvmale my Iathcr king about 50 per cent the time This mm In be causing lal of trouble between us pm him in check with apicce he will make same snide remark thrc dId that com as had chealcd To be huncst wllh you donl want la play thus will my IMher any more My molhur my should play wilh hlm bul MI ought to let hlm wln an we can haw peace In the house Do ynu urea SIXTEEN PIECES OF TROUBLE Wu girl luve burn experi mmllnx and find Il lmpns alblo lo pin flocking lo any thing wuhnut ripplnl It and causing runs So lhnl Ilbh must be plnnlnz her mm to Mr zlrdle Even so how does Ihu mm her leg and reveal he pin Jab wllhoul hikinx hcr drm way up Plum clnrily lhll one In pnpcr NONnEuHV Elm Dur 51mm do rm Ixrcc What your molhcr cnll5pcace rreallglfinppcasemen asking you In knuckle undul In sgapa your aghcrywrnlh Dur Ann Lurk Will you pleas clnrily something or group ol 0th nlda tommu lam In rccenl column woman nld her sloppy olllca colleague ll her parlor breaks she doeml bolhnr la sew IL on Sha jusl plns lhu stocklnlz In her girdle Wlml aha crosses her lap he pln and rlirly 1le allow ll ls rcvolllnu llur Nonx All ll lku II Innljlrdle an um Ilrna Inlcly HI slop ml who dneynl cum how IKE All BROUGHT GREETINGS Your lrllcrr 0171117711 MK did mmo upcrlmcnlkng nm mulhimlu on Um IIan um um um and purllrululy ulwn nnu comldcu lhul Hle Cunndlnn Fedtullnn And rw Club In cl Alxo and char ntler lo rmmu nml nulnln numulul Gunln mtcllon nrmu unmln whlrh ruulll rualullon he women rmplaymmt Ind mmme lmpva Ihu llllul of mm National President Addrese53 Group men and all In In mmmun lly lo lhu mzw opparlunlllrl nvnllnhle Ind guide them to he level at preparullon ro qulttd ANN LANDERS Father Wont Play Unless He Can Win mysollat home no at lhc ut liceand It can be done Incl denlally Kirls the dress neednt be hiked way up Wilh the current hemlincs Its already lhere Drnr Ann Landm am 40 and ill single My fiance ix 45 and Sea Bee Merl and have been gemtogether our yuan Because hl career we are separated area deal the me Merl has In Irnvel 500 mlle lo visll me when he is an shore and able to leave the port We manage la see each mher anon seven times year Merl had an unsuccessful marriage 10 yum ago and clalms the marriage failed he cause hnd lo be away from name so much He says he love me but wlll not marry ngnin until he rclires from he Sen Bees which wnl be in 14 months Doc lhi rcmnsnund like good oneor do you lhlnk he suing me along Mon writes once week and Im phones long distance whenever he can Please help me see lhl nilunllan clearly VISION llLURIlED Dm lelon believe your Sea Bce judgment ls securely anchnrcd to reality Since youve nlrcndy lmcslcd our yms In Marl and he lhlnklnu In terms murrinne putlcnt and go along with Im Tim Lnriies sncilon oi iiu Harrie Curling Club will noi hold in iincy lomormw uiirmoon pinnan dug in bidding mild wcmhcr ilawevcr imldml Mm Robert Pcncock hill an nounced ihcm will he mini hour helm iim dinner which will commch Ii SEND EDUCATION AIDS VINNHEG CWThu Manl lahn Touchm Suchy has shut Ahlpmcnl of ypawmm movie projcclnrl nllnlu Irlrncu Inharnlory cqulpmznl and hook l0 Mnnlinhnlmlncd enchcu now enchan In Mn Inylll 17m Iaclcly nullrlllnz 13300 In provide lurlhcr uh tnllon thin to mdnrdcvcopnd muntrlu Iitney Postponed Dinner Still On MRS RAYMOND KELLY lcll Ind Mrs Stan Enbbelkn Barrie enjoy moments No Toll Clmgu All on Ipuk In MR DON GRAHAM pIIIOMIIY Mud Olllm Yang mm Willowdllc Ont Phono Lung Dlmnu and alkklnr Will be held from 1030 mm to 230 pm 10 FREE HEARING AID CHECKUP SERVICE FREE AUDIOMETRIC HEARING EXAMINA TION SEE THE NEW BATTERY CHARGER You nud Ivor buy Iullulll lauln CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE HEARING PROBLEM ON FRIDAY Moms HEARING CLINIC QUEENS HOTEL ZENITH 69530 SOCIAL NOTES Bob JahnsLon of Samla was weekend guest at the home of his mmher Mrs John ston of Pnrkside dee oulvolclly guesls nllendlng lhe llasslngcr Penman wed dlng Central Unlled Church lneludnd Mrs Mary llassinger Mlss Pal llasslngcr Mrs Eva Allmarc Robert Crossnn all Phllndclphla Mr and Mrs Jnck OHara Susan and Charles Hnra all Sudbury Mr and Mrs Keith Anderson of Onkville Mn and Mrs Laneasler Mlsa Norma llnu Lancaster Mr and Mrs Max Pcrklns Cnml nnd David Perkins all at Wlnd sar Miss Pearl Molnar For Calborne Miss Ann Clnxlon of Montreal Mlu Lyn wllson at Toronto Mr and Mrs Gmondahl cl Codringlon Mr and Mrs Jack Sicillnnn ol New York Clly Mr and Mn Ollvcr Penman of Frood Miss Slcphnnla Morris was guest at tumor at blrlhday dinnrr party held at the Con llncnlal Inn on Sunday Mls Morris celebrated her 12m birlh dny wlth hrr pmnu Mn and Mrs Edward Morris 01 Kim pcnldl Dr her brolhm nnd slutr Edwln Jonathan Ind Chnrlnnc Ind hcr lricnds Mlss Cindy Grimlhl and Evelyn Dumknvnla WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Ben Huddw stone and Mr and Mrs Huddlcswne all Barrie were guests he home 55¢ and mm Al Peters Camp Borden WEDDING GUESTS BIRTHDAY PARTY Mlsx Pnlnclu Haarc uudvn nghllmulc School Nurs ing Tomnlo spent the weekcnd vhilln the home her paranx Mr And Mm John Hoarc Dunlap SI wm REGISTI ED NURSES uprumvgauasrs Mr and Mrs Earle Smith have returned lo lhtir home at Maxntlawan ollawinl wccks visit In the cily Is nuesl nl ma home of their cousins Mr and Mrs Athur Smllh of Hayfield SlmL The Central Renlslry flex lslmd Nums finale me at tho home Mn Gmrga Lllllnulan High Slml Mendy ncnlnu Former thicnl Mu Mule Couphnd wu hunortd during lho nvrnlnL cup Ind Inuter Will prmnltd by MIL Earl Ilunlen lo the mlrlnl pmldrnl who has hinged her occnpnllnnnl llrld Thll marlin wnx chnlml by lho new Pm ldcnh Mn Emma lJllinxlon TRY EAXMINHH WANT ADS IIIONE IA HAN Nlnxallon and prlvma Joke prior lolhe mixed mess din ner which was held mo To be able to llve In her many in multiracial commun ily ll an lnslda Job sald Rev Ray Jardlsnn addressan we second mmunl Rally South Slmcoe Presby lerlal Unlled Church ancn in Slroud on Wednesdayl our wlmcsn In the power ol the Holy Splrll still the greatest need for the work lng nut al the prublema Trim ldud with ll Alrlcnn Aslan French and Brillsh lrndillons he added hirnr Elwuud hichgue vim presideni oi Souih Simcne UCW presided al morning and ailer mmn sesslnns asslsied by Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw recording sccrcinry Nenly oi the 2i churchu were represenicd with ludlcs rexpunding in he mil cull Mrs Trnce iirai viee presideni ni Simeno Pres byieriai UCW brought greeiimzl in ihn absence oi Mrs Bell President who was re membered in prayer wishinl her 1pcch return in health Mrs Roy Goodfellow welcom ed he ladies to Strand Special muslcl mat was melded by Mn Ira Wllmn In Mm Mur ray McDJwell Cochlown with mum and plqnu nlecllons The lhcme man excellent wnyf was Introduced by Mrs McCauue who pleaded or mam dcdlcnllon cvery meet lnl She limcd ll provoking the women Jnlo thlnklnx quoting mm pamphlet based on Mark it warned In dnnzeu In cllnklnz lo lradflhn urging la grow in lplritunl under indium Discuulnn mum were plan ned undll tho ludmhlp Presbylcrlll Semlnrlu Xu mm the grow pln ponled some xuxnmllom and conccrnl lho nomlnnling commlllm wm advlacd to gel younler women Ilnrtcd quuunnnaim could ho sent to women In Ihe unman llon lo llnd new person the cnnxlllullon should be nude pric llcnl lo lull lotl Illulllons In Iomo mu Io main mm lcen The Chrmlln Educallon lmup uprund Iomo concern or clom ramm Ihlp Ind rccommtnded thll sumo lhouzht ho llVlll lo lhl Sernennu Messn ha RCAC School Camp Burden on Sah urdayr yenth AT RIGHT MiSSidnarY Speqks AthCW Bally Natural GAS CanT Beat appointment of persons to over see younger groups 13 formerly Following lunchmn hymn was sung and Mrs Watson led In prnycr Mrs Trace in lroduced the speaker recent returned misslonary from Trl dad who by means map Ind descrlpllve language nld hl work under lhc Presbyler Inn Church Trlnldad Sllualcd 700 miles mm lhe equalur the cllmnlc 11 more moderate lhan llmughl to be he narlhzm wlnd mm the Allnmlc favor he cllmale From Jnnuary Ia Much is the best llmo or lourisl In vislt he land The long rnlny season at manth Is less pleasant Thnulh lcss Khan 35000 of Ihu 250000 lnhahilnnu are nnmlnally Chris llnn lhe ethic of her people He greatly nIleclcd by the Chris llnn way of life Mr Jvrdlsun said Tnnidad dcrim her name mm the m7 vayngu of Colum bus Icclnz the Ihree mounan peaks on the East coast he lhuught or the Holy manyhence lrlnld hlrds 91 HI caxned to lhe mus hy Iisfi nqng School we Mc Captlgmris Steele Ray len FREE MA FILM Ind PRINTING 25 up um lnclndlfll he Fllm Ind Pnlnlt REPRINIS 23 EA REPRINTS EKTACHROME SLIDE PROCESSING 35 MM 10 Exp Mounnd 127 11 Exp Mounlld 36 Exp Mounud KODACOLOR BOX 222 TORONTO 18 ONT nall Ulvrn For Ntlltlm an Prlnled lend Cull Money Order or C0D 0n Requul WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR AlS PHOTO SERVICE The annual mlxed mm dan her or members Llhe 5m Mesa Squadron oI Ilm Grey and slmcoo Formal and flask was held me Ruynl Cnnadlan Corpu School 3111 Mesa at Camp Burj den on Saturday evenlnl Amnns those altcndlna wmu OC Squadron Ca Harris Steele Ind Mrs Ste Barrie RSM W01 Davll Bell and Mn Bell Midland Squadron SgtI Mn Lurne Williams And Mrs William W01 George lumen and Mrs Bowles StallSgt Slam Bobhcm and Mrs Sabbath Sgt Robert Campbell and Mm Campbell Sgt Glenn BrownI pruldenl of Squadron Slts Mess and Mrs Brown Sgt Maurice Puttenden and Mrl Pattenden Sgt Ray Kelly and Mrs Kelly Sgt Chuck Hurveyv nnd Mrs Harvey 51L Brlnn Hudson and Mrs Hudson 52 Howard McQueen Sgt Ralph Gum and Mrs Carson All or Barrie Dancing followed the dlnner with muslc by All Shepherd Mn Mabel Roman 61 Wiley Ind Gilli Rablllard Morton Nova Sculls um um um Cunudlnn Missionary sent an by lhc Presbyterian Church In 1376 There an 73 Public Schnols secondary Teach ers Tralnln and Theolazlcal College lad Mr Jnrdlmn The literature dlsylay wns lln dcr he dlrcclion Mn Dub sun whn Introduced lhn Book fur Mission Sludy and new devollun n1 hclp or mall or larger uriu She was asslstcd by Mn Cough nsm am School wpx Mn Kay and Mn McKay and won Mulligan mm prealdonl nndj Mm Muulm were ham far the eveglnu peck Seggeants Gfiesfs Hold Mess Dinner At Camp Borden my rrlnll Inclndlnl Fm Film Ind REPRINTS 06 EA nav PRINTING BLACK WHITE 00 20 200 cl fiéfififl

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