MUTBIILAZL DECLINES JOHNS Nlid CF ndiuhda gnsirn eniuri epidemic which this year hu clnimi lhe live oi 79 bn bies appear ha subsiding Dr David Savers he prov inces chlei medial heniih uh Hear Enid lhure were fewer ud misslons during October in ihu over hospital here where no childrchnnw are under mm mm or faslrownterius Cam being adm lied an less serious TAKE FRENCH MISSILES OTiAiVA CWNo French nulltank guided missiles the Emma and lhe $511 hnvo been gdupicd by lhe qflllllid my nkna gum nxmmm yummwr ofloquIVIMfl WORLDNEWS IN 33151 p1¢aa guilty To Car1le£t uuym It was nnnouncad Enlac Ia nn InInnlry upon thIaIhn SM wlll he em ployed by Ina armored cmpl GETS EIGHT YEARS QUEBEC CF Leonard Couombe 52 year ald Gaapa woodsmnn was sentenctd to algh years In prIson Monday Inr tho aucmpted murder oI Mnanun Levamur 21 Ste Manhe Court was told Con Iomha had IrIed Ia run down III tnrmcr Irl IrIcnd wIIh car aIler an argument RUSSIANS PAY CASH OIIAWA CWAll Canadian when ahIpmcnu Io Russla ara beIng pnld or In cash Irnda MInisIrr Shnrp Iuld the Com mona Monday He added In III reply Io nucsllon put to blur last week that tho denl does not Involve any barter mange meals WATCHING THEM OTTAWA CPIJustice Min ister Chuvricr said Monday in the Commnns that the camhlnel invesilxnlion branch is keeping bread prices in Canada under surveillance Ho added that so inr he has had no indication that them ye suiiicioni evi iilencc to support any prosecu on Wle DIG BID LONDON AP Eriilsll civil engineering group an nounced Monday it has won $1000001 $30000000 con tract to repair tho iamous ilejnz railway blown up in the First World War by Lawrenco nl Arabia Tho line run from Dnmnscus Syri lo Alhia dlnah Medina Saudl Arabia PEPE TALKS T0 ENVDY VATICAN CllY ANPope Paul VI conferred Monday with his envoy to South Viet Nam where Buddhist monk burned himsoli to death beiore the mnn Catholic Cathedral oi Sal gon Sunday Tho nature oi the Popes Ialk wlm Archbishop Salvnioro Astn was not known Presumably it iouchcd on Bud dhist agitation against tho gov trnmcnt oi President Ngo Dlnh Diem llamnn Catholic PLANS NOT MADE LONDON ReuternA Buck ingham lnloce spokesman raid Monday no loot travel plans or engagemwtl would be mndn for Queen lIllmboih unlll after the birth at her new baby The Queen is expectlng her iourlh child early next ycnrt The pul acn spokesman had been arkcd to comment on report lhat the Quocn might vlnlt Cunnda In autumn at IBM DELAY WORK HAVANA AP Ilnvnnn newspaper wld Mondny lnnd Illch Orlenle Pravlnca cnund by new heavy mlm havc dnlnyod rmmrucllnn wnrk on damnue mustd by Hur Ilrnne Flam 11m mpnrll uld leveral mud have been blocked allnr Mm reopened and that tho lnndslldu nro changing lhe um 01 Slcrrn Mueser hllls nnd prnkl No new cnsunlliu were menlhnnd VlIHZNsKY 10 RETIRE SALISBURY Router blr nay Vdrnsky prim mlnlmr llw Frdcmllan Ilhoduln and Nymnlnml plnnn lo rcllre and lake up lnrmlng ncur hm wllm lllo lcdnmllnn ml on Dec II In In lclmlllon broad cnal mnrklnl Frdcrnllnn Dny he Inld hu was uprtnlnl llll rnnildcncr In Rhoduln by llnusllnl my root even morl Mcply In III In FHIH AT DHUHI MT CIJIMEML Mirth CPI Alnmred Kornrnmml nnd tlvlc lcudm mum Hominy pm mu mmljmmn lwm hemman mujnr mennco nmonl mo cllyn lrrlhnncrl lnIILn CM Whichex Wont Run In Liberal Race TOHUNTU II Rn Vhlclur nnmr cmuxldnla Inr lhr ï¬rmlmmp nl nlmlol Mm puny nnld Mnmlny he Imlh mi mum the lrndmmp vncnlrd Ily Jnhu Wlnlrrmowr nllrr It Al llm Ktpl rlul cl Llllvn thhrr Inrmhrr lnr mu um an II Hhrrnll who inn um Il Mr Vlnlvrmexrr nl Ihl ml mmrmlnn In Infn Mr Vlnlrmwyrr Imk our lhcn lrnm Fumulmr Ullm nhn luu Imn hum Imlm Irndrr unlll Inl WiderMp wmonlinn In lhl lprlmt Ith luallmnd wlummmr If Amber mm ll El um ha Ma um All hm um um mu and mm mm MW nlo lawyer Jomvh InuM 51 ha ammunrrd um 11 will avk Hm lemlmlvlp WII Mr lvmh IIM lwn mnnlwr or IIIlurmlnli Ilncr WW cly nnnnnmmud 01anch ll Arthur nu ma Hum Nnvllu Ind Vernon litrm Dnmvlev holh nl Mug lmllrnlnd Wlnlmmnr Phillp Oaklayauldin meal rlaa In Ihup lllnnuppum matching and Ilmllnr crlmel palmed to it use wllhln the school community The crime ware commlllcditn ralsp money or purchase of the drug GINA ls ILL LONDON AWThe hcnuu ul throat of Glna Lqubrllldn fell vlctlm ma Englluh cllmale Manda physician qlngnpsgd 19m pm and Lnr dcrcd Ker days to bed or thféa The 1964 Ford is champion built for total performance Heres what Total Performance means to yOu car that is remarkably free of vibrationthats durable easy to control smoother safer stronger Total performance shows up in the way this 64 Super Torque Ford clings to the roadthe way it brakes smoothly steers with precision The way it feels comfortable even after youve spent hours behind the wheelThe way its cushioned luxury gives you the smoothest ride of any car in its class Even the way it looksrich glamorous totally and beautifully new This Super Torque Ford demands that youfeel itin actionsin whatever kind of driving do You will then know its true and total worth 764811perT0rqueFord and y0u 11 know total performance Test drive the 19ta performance of the 64 Super Torque Ford at your Ford Dealer EYEHDHBAYLCITVY MOTORS LTD mm mm nmuyumuL unmnlncmm CImlnlnlm IIImm ammnomd mum TORONN CPDSIX mem her teenm crlma club Iaur boy and molsyeamld girlspleaded guilty in court Monday to charm then car theft Mansion at mien goods and mum and enter huz 31 1119 alx plus iuvanlle zlrll who will be My in Juven lle court were unwed llvlng toxelher In dlrty downtown baxement apartment One at the Juvenile was IonndJo bu two monflu pregnant The Mo ï¬lrls were placed on vVHA KN 1ij probation and ordued 1h Hvu It home with their went for 15 months The our youth werelold byl Mnlslrnla Donald Grnlum llleraa very good chancg youll all Ia lo relormamry Hum ma PENKRIDGE Englandiwl An orthopedic surgeon has med Iil artificial leg on deer an animal hospital in Staliordshlra The deer lost ill leg in trap MINNEAPOLIS APL Two Juror were selected Monday at tho npenlnu duo murder trial or Eugene Thompson St Paul lawyer chnrfedmllh HF ranglng or the nylng oI hll wlfe who was Inlurcd for more than 51001000 Last March Mrs Thompson Illa mother of am youn chil drtn wasmally stabbed and butenln the Thompsom In shlonabla St Paul home not long after Thompson had gone lowork The smé will topmva Ipompsqntrss wt the killer vla an intermediary Iurbrs Selected In Mmdei Trial ST JOHNS Nfld OP Four Ens Germans now have Iuccesslully desenedthel ship here lo seek political mlum apgurgnlly lens yum re lult of Ihow force mm by the RCMP 1n rescuing die Int deleclor mm his own glflpmates In week Slllce Han Dust was taken on the factory ship Bur ton Brecht Ifler RCMP wen abonrd and spent more than an hour surchlnl for him three more East Germans have de racked two Ihum mm tha Brecht RCMP Aided Fouf East Germans Gain Political Freedom Here 56 Mulmm St ofl Thunday about 24 Mom In In seven cars blockaded ula Ihli wan aboard with 1mm muon ollldah and had the mw muslered Dost wu asked he wanted pollllcnl nsylnm and when he repllad that he dld the RCMP escorted hlm all the ship ErlkIAuch an nsslslam cook lei the Brecht Saturday and the next night Walls Raedel In walked into the city Sauce Itallon lookan or nay um Miss Kuch whé also has heed lranslerred In Halli want Phonu PA 05526 FORT W1LL1AMCPD Nenly vessel eluted the Lakehead with morn thin 15 000000bulhell oLmln during the weekend lollawlnz the net uementol the Sefllreu Inter nmlonal Unionltleup GM Lula ships Brink acuan conllnued Mon day la nhlplY loadodlt ter mlnal eluvnlan Activity After Dock AStrike asylum in Canudl Medellin to go In Web Baxmany Nfonduy momln lï¬yéuuold Witold Stankqu Em German vmel Welmnr