vzu Says Boxmg Is Dyingi Because Man Is Dyingi 3i NW at no he work In Walter read the walk such philosophers tu JennJacques fluusscuu and Blake Pnscnl and rum deï¬citridden boxing achoal In rundown while nlMed building lhnl once oustd Prolcslnnl church He ls albn acllpmclnlmud Irpamllsl supporter lhc movcmunt sackan to shear Quqbcc from Conflujquf MONTREAL CPchie Chlnrnnd went soulsenrching It 22 gave up he prim ring And plunged into the world of the thinker Chnrlrnml houghl hl bulldinu or $15000 yunr nga drab Island nrcn whch lrncmcnu rn ed loxelhcr nnd toughAIooklnn klds Icuny nbnul xlrccls Imlde In cuhhyhulc cl nn olllcc MI desk hours ulc phonc copy NM Flclichcrl an Rccnnl Hook and nn cm numl lrcnlisu by Raymond unrhcnu ll nprunklng separ Illll flaunt Once one Cnnndn leadlnl wellemrlahln Clmrlrnnd Muml munculnr man Nu lmlaovcn wllh Angry deepSCI ryu dark turly hnlr and lyplcul mum of lho Murr Hnl Into hrnml mug and um Inna rouml ryu rQllMHn CONTENDER 155 pound lurl or henvlur Ilmn llw nighl ho hum Tnny lrrr hrre lur the nnu dlnn lllln um um huwrd In IZmuml Irrhlm Chmtrnml dmlnlvly an ulrovrfl umulna Mmsoll randldly ulth nulurnl In bouminl lunu llko ll man uhu WM Im um he ll under Ilmd Ill cnnvmnuuu In npvlnhlnl ullh mulllsyllnhlq wmlA lwly In lnrmnl rdurutlnn Ihul Iln ml nllrr he mm lnulo Ullmnmy 1m wnnlu lo wlln lmhnx Cam In Iflmnmk dam JIM and Imlnl wll come hark huh mm My um ma ur my wllh an mu mulded lulum mun nnlnnnely My 9n haunt Plclnred above are the mom beta 01 the winning teams In the Knight of Columbus Ll lle Canadian Football League Grey Cup game staged Sun day The Montreal lop photo won he senior in by beating Toronlo Argos 4335 Calgary bottom photo thum ped Regina 36 In he iunior In Uprclnlly ulspuhru nn Hm luhkd hvxlnu MAN WANTINO nnxlnu in dylnl he Ifllll Muun mnn ll dying IlaA dylnl lo and Is yum Mum +1 Ihmllrl lncnlnr lim nlly Wnlmifl M4ka Mun Im mud Mm null 1hr vmmnn III mm many run lhnl hm unto lm alwly Ila hu Mrumn no Ixy In nun Ia lnylhlnl about II II mM WINNING TEAMS jIN Kink6 mm LEAGUE In wdcly where man can show hls muscullnlly and Ms hnnar Nobody pushcs you You get int the till want Some neoplo say lhc pound lnx makes man slawwillcd nut sucicly Ilsa maku not more people alowwillcdf POOR CHILDHOOD Why did Chumand quit For mu lhe lulure as Killer was llmlhsd ustd In em cnsy umund the eyes knew wuuldnl he Kolng nny whom might have become flood club Iixhlcrl mm mi 37 llzhll pro ynu know ul ml was norm was born In Hocklnnd Onl one town rhlldm of Inwmlll worker The Inmlly muvcd lo Timmlnl Onl when he was In Ioddlcr aml mule mulls MI yum nrnwlnxrup in school hm wnh uncvnrenltd dlsmlc We never Ind much muncy My clothing wn Impavcrlnhtd In lho numnlcr didnt oven wtnr mm In lhc cllmmm Wu dumhhcll In Illa Ichoolynrd with my Ilm WM chnmp drlllcd In Montreal yaulh Mk II tlsmwrvk In In clumlnl mm and mum fmnpnlxnlnu In nmulcur Imx ll AIINIZHT Illflllim contest total of 120 boys cnmpeled in the scvunvwnck leaguet Members 01 tho tcams In Montreal front row left to right Cherrntl Llndcn Kelly Lcclnlr McBride and Hook Second mw Miller 0r tiz and Mark Vincer captain Coach um Hinds shown Thlnklml ullllnn the Hun rule xlnrlnl neurrhln lnr Hm world hed nIlmvllllor qurr Sm he wu Ilvvumlnl olnlnu ul lhn tlnulu NEW YORK lAIIommlp IIONI JM Fm remnnl In rmunl nunMunro nml xlanr ulxmw In um Amech Fm hull Imam Mnllny Aaml mnlnd 7M luur ghmmr xlx of HM eluhl Ionml wll vmliln 1W Attendance Up In AFL mo wukly mmlmz llm cw ml Fm imll Wrflurl IAII nutMann had mud lbw mom mmh lllo Imllwny pulul In lhe urnon an lumm cl 00000 um Ii potllgl lnu ymr Iinllaninhrlme luup 19 NM Inlvl F0 ally lmvlnfl nlonl All lhu rluhs nu Foul uh lb league hml be come my well bulmml Ilia v10 pad hu bemmu Dbl nm your sic oit Um mini year ngo he started leach lng Iho manly anEcolc do Boxu My Ihe elcclrlc sign oulaidbbuylnz the old church and nullilllnx tho mnln hall45 Inc by 70 eelwllh ring lhrco 11th bugs Iwo hcnvy bum weights mlrrorl or shndnw work and cum pam phfnlqlin qr lrnlnlnl II we Just if had Ipcn all my earlier We on number plqnnl So at 50m miounxxlcn have passed nu 1110 thrnrrgq lsfll or lhrco months Ills boxing bachelor anyl red almost every month thlo um Incurnbly an opllmllt dont over expect It to mnkl any money want In hclp the Frrnnh Canndlnn Sumo Enxllnh lid come In hul mall nro French can help lhem noxlnn ch kld wnlldmcc And my Frnnch hero need ll Wu mm mm man lnlerlorlly com plex standing In back Cnlznry iron row RF Fermi iinnkin Marion Win ter Gariopy Fiann gnn While Srlziey Kramer and Trainer Back row Cormrnn month Lighl Wilson Shaunh nessLy Quinn captain hi Atkinson Clark and Len Wilson coach nu my Job In Waller ï¬lm me cnmhflublv llvlnu and look on lht Ichool Inbur love lap I0 luurhvx pmtminnnl gull hnv wun $6017 um your headed by Amok lnlmrr wllh Hun Ilu lmlunlxmnl loll Anoglulinn trollfo lmln Jnck Nlrllnul In mend plnro man he wlnnm wllh mm lollawed by Jun Hum 1330 Tony VIII 111x Hnry Plurr ISM5 an Flmlrvwnhl mm llmlnlphx Dun Jmnlnry £11754 Hle Nlrh nlu mom nml Gena Lllllcn mm Pro Golfers Win $607731 numgnm awmo MOTORS LTD IA um 1le REPAIR NOW PAY LATER DANGERFIELD wllh Inf mule1 BUDGET PLAN THE BARBIE EXAMINERWUESDAY 0110an WINNIPEG CF lemm murage thalopllmlsm or or merchamplnns and week of lurIoua dickerInl was he or mula that key Fort Frances Royals In the Manltobn Junlor chkeyjzeaxue this agnsun EEFC Clubs Have Edge lIn Points Over West Royalg represent the northwestern Ontario lawn 9500 population wcmon tho hook or 000 peflormnnco hand even helmo Ihe lenguu fledula started Inrlhem on Their first npponenls 1n two game lerles were lhe Brandon wheat Kings dulcndlng league champlom Brandon won 132 and 1M and It appeared the hand would be needed or Lhe dnb ungrnllexpenscsu But with slx new players Royalsmse up In their scéund weekend series to heal Wlnnl peg Mannch 71 and and Ian who had stayed away num he ï¬rst names the season llllcd the 150052 arena for tho lourlhn bem dlslp lnled we hadn come bac sald Clarence Graham Royal general man agar Now lho townJa very nlhuslnsuc again Everyone talking lunlar hockey MANY PLAYERS junlor hockey last year valsu rplnyinn experi mentally In lho Thunder Bay League to last their wings uslnz lull local llncup devoIA oped In Iho 121 layer mlnur hockey system town The 11 F011 Frances team or play an under 12 juvenile and mldzels lax he cnpncfly of tho mm and seven oukdour rink We lhlnk were ready for the rest the league now said Graham It was Just unlurlu nnle that wa had In hlt anndon right he but Fort Frances wilh cams called the Canad10n5hud claimed he Canadlan smlm hacke chnmpionshlp In 1952 and la lulermudlale crown 1n 1959 Now anhouxh may not come this msnn the town hoping or Ihe Memorlal Cup Juqlgr hockeynchnmplonsu Alter me ï¬rst twu rdelcnu wo knew wn had to do some lhlnz Inld Graham Wu went Gaolen 26 Blll Bums 24 Misï¬ts 21 Mley cm Ha bceus 19 Unprcdlclnhlcs Hoatcnnnnkm 14 Muxhxidcrs l4 ROCKCIICHOWS Throwers 14 Nuggets Call leh Slngle Blll Bradshaw Bllls Bums hluh rlplc Blb Bradshaw 717 Verna Grgcn LEGION MIXED LEAGUE HANDIND Cdï¬fdée ékaddes Kept Club Going leh Slngle Blll Bradshaw Bllls Bums hluh rlplc Blb Bradshaw 717 Verna Green halgh Coolers 25 Helen Bur nrd Rockurlcllawa 637 Who would hnvu lhnuuhl an onlo Argonnull would lum an In be he nvlun ol the Eastern Football Conference The haplm Argus lhumpcd Snsknlchcwnn nuuxhrmm at Sunday at Turonln nml unvu EFC team an even spill lhln lensan In Inlurlnckinl numn Enmm and wcslcrn mml wan to Interlncklnu unmca nplnc his mum onan deadlock whlch um be broken nnjy In lhn prey gums 13 um nr lha lnnlplnw Ar gos nw mnrnln llm vlclnry also an the RFC club an edge polngl film Arum nrn up nu ruuplo lukn lonl lovk to low nnmcd chk Shaun when lhcy cl Iround plcklnu lho HI Fmgrn monluvnllgnblg plnyer hmllo lhu cm nu Iconr lending pun mrlvcr and II Mid In nuhlng wllh lnnnl lhnl hm Ml IIInwlxlml null nlfrmlvcly The mun Imll buck lull Hum 13 lnurhdnwnl nr 7n mlnln pnlull mam umn runnerup roruo 1qu Munlrrnl Mnutllrn NEAM WAGNER MAIIK Thu mt ludlnu mm he lIFC hilnflo now Imn mmrd 7n lnuchdnwnn to olnlna Ar ngs ln Mt la my my ol lho rteuni uld Ixy lérnwr Monmnl mu Vlrxll Wain Hy HIE CANADIAN PRESS My flrlrntllnn man munx cmmm Nlnnm mldlllonl nr mull Mind martor MumIII Amhullnro lllnl andlllau YOUR Munm MUIJIlfMflE mour HAN PAYS ALL BENEFITS FOR IHESE CONDIIIONS RUMBLE AGENCY PHONE PA 84110 CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORAHON ONLY FOUR DAYS MORE BARRIE MULTICARE GROUP INSURANCE BOWLING hum Irll YOUR lflKMENT MEDICAL INSURANCE 10 NOT PA 70 Inlltnlm unlul nrIlmul mu VandguLomu new plum They didnt coslmucbwa did lam dlgkvrlgll plckcd up lolllo Ban Harper and delcncsmnn Bob Janka from sandmanudlnr wards Vlc Bushy Nell Ihel and Dan Johnson Ind de an IIglxm Hank Neufleld ram an urns But they um hm nlno phy eu up from lhulr awn minor nrganluuon of 1m yurl lenm fnur or five wenl to university and two man Mned 1110 new Royal the only tum ln the Manitoba Junior lulu lacking Mlluann with In NHL club Detroit Red Wlnll how ever are showln an Interest In helxgnz th guy in Tho NHL club In llllhl walchlnx Hw como uprwllh good prospect or twoth yurhen mayho theyll IIIW more lnlemt In the melnllma through Isle of about 500 mm umu and local subset ï¬lm the club lu wqykjnun 000 01111901 whlch they have men thou $4000 lncludini the permm ance bondw Wu Mad About 700 or 000 an or each Kama lo break even at dollar head nld Graham In meivlnl Shlllo II nhtnd he appmlflon thl Inn wllh so rcccpllom or 4190 yards and he Id cum ard In lhll duplnment Sunday whcn he Krnhbcd men to give Mm 381 Alx morn lhln led ulnn he lormer Monlml nu whn now ll nncrnl Kaila Quan nqunh ï¬ld Wagner however pllyed moat ul hln career In he flvepalm touchdown era Ind hunl mgnypolnglz NEW STYLE OI RACING SHOWN BOULDER 0010 AP Just like Ihe nubmohlle bual ness skiing Introdch or Ihe IBMM mode your new style of rnclnl Aimtum do ulgned by United State Olym Plg cow Bob mm Bent unveiled lha dyna um last weekend It the Int coacth clinlc conducted by gm Unlled sum 51d Ameli on Dlxon country mil thud or Ollnwn Dm melen hlu nenml rlvnl In on nuth db pnnmcnt Dixon hul churned m1 ynrd on unlu Tha len 73 on Ollnwnl nun Jncklon Ind lho pmcrm II hu complvled of llllmpll or 27 yllEdl Gamay lltnluy Ihc vtrullo Ticnl hnndymnn bu picked II Will lhll Iuwn Io load In lhll dcpulmenl Mlnlln Dilun llnulne Thrlen Slnwml MITUI Whlil lame hll In Rough mdm the but ll mumlnl klrkalll mverln 11m whllu runnlnl lurk llJn aver 15 nrdl lry Hcmlnl render Candidates or the Us Olympic downhill Ind Ilnlom mclnx tum dammitled um dynnlurn on the Icy bur fgce of ISL Mm 019dqu place where novice Ihouldnl make any kind Hum Bums Inld kl simple Basically In keeping the russnro drMn through In ram the nu Erguyp Emma Thats Kiri way nylng you awan into the urn wllbout pulling on lhu Iqrakegn in new aphrolcilunml lhadynamlcl invoived ln ugly 51m 1322141 91d not unllko um mm nc 1ng driver who steps on to push on Huth curve rather than lnlnl Lo llldc or lkld nrvund Health dount recommen It or mvlces Tl F05 PM VERSAILLES Franco AFD Jack Nlcklaus played the last round at tha Canada Cup golf loumamunl In mm on Monday ha hnd radlr and he dld Thu 2gycproldfllguskx 1th Thu 23yearon husk hltler rpm polgmpua 0310 Alter he hnd won the Indlvldual lltlo with when omo 231 and Ihe mm lllle or the United state with Arnnld Palmer at 451 that ha carried klnd of radar Nicklaus who had played well In the In man before In Iha 1m US amfleur Colorado Sprinu Calm dld the lnnl ulna hole In nununderpnr 32 The 1311 nlna hole were can JII in my 111 packet in he nhape uni he laid ï¬les avury mum lay new the dlllnnm no Just looklnzhhul knowinl dont play by visual lueulnfl all tanccl Clark GrnnlY Hoppmannv Sulhcrln AMEMCAB ARNOLD Pal mer 1m and Jack Nicklaus hold tmphlu In Paris yester Vlll chu Jacksnn Kunlz Caleb ll Canadians Bitter On DeciSion To Cut Round By JOHN FARRDW celled beuuu of the hi um blanknled lhu course for the WAIEEBW an cklaux Ioul was live ulroku helm than Subnllnn Miguel at Spain and South Airl can my Pllyer who llnllhad In III or Imnd rm UNDER mm Nlcklaul and Arnold Palmer carded uhole team lnul of 48122 under var for 1h Salut NomlnBrclecho mum 111 ha suburb Park They were three Ilrokel betlnr Ihnn no and placed Spunlardl Mlguel and Human Soul and 10 better Ihnn Player and 1mm WI mnn cl South Mrlcn day Iller wmnlni the Cnnldn Cup 001 loumunenl It ml the fourth Ilrnllh war um um US has won the tummy Thu Canadian team Tor onlnl AI nuldlnl and San Leon ard Vnncauvcr wul mirth with 105 and Enldlnl llcd Palmer and Australial Bruno Crnmplan or mlh plm In tho Indlvldual tampelluon Baldlnz matched Palmerl Monday In he ninehalo wlndup la IlVo hlm CHEMM Leonard wn SWIM30451 But tha Cnnndlanl wcro bluur ahaul he declllon lo cut lho ï¬nal round to nlm hale even helm shot wan playch Omuulzen nald weather con dlllonl made It lmpoulble la pint Ihu MI 71 hole mund nmll okay rclortcd Bald lnu nut lhm wu another way out Everybody Ihuuld have been lnld lhnl nn cflnrl wnl In In ho made lo phy II with ma prolea lhnl lhI lournnmrnl would nvcr lo ll wgnlhcr gingnpcd dawn Leonird loo wu oullpakcn The tournament wan cut In hnlfl between ï¬x or mun lums Thm was chanc ku mm wauld temple Ihl lsrven the ether mml dld nn The polnt II we could have ruched the um remand wlnd could hava blnwn Iwuy the on Tho nun might hm came nut But It was all cut and drled belorehnnd It wan nlno holes Ind Ihal Wu NEONTO CP Tommo Maple Leaf announced Monday Ihal rlzhl wlnzcr Garry Ehmun and defenccman Al Arbour from Rochesrcr Amerlcnm will bu culled up or NIUonnl Hockry Leuue unmu hm Wednesdu 31m Mnlnsl Mantral Canr ens NIcklnu Illo look the Indiv ldnll nu with uhola tnul 257 Pulmur cardod 245 MP erephnlo Punch Imlach Luh um tralmnnazcr and coach Inld he Amcrlcnn Mazuerr needed In Ill vncnnolos mmd by Injuries lo regular Bob Nr Vin and Carl Brawcr Navln luflmd Iovm bone brulu on no unho Int week and Brewer hns Men absent Ilnca last lpllnf when ha bmkl nn urm In the um 04 In mnnlcy Cup llnnll GOES TO HORNE DETROIT CPI Sld AMI managermuch Detroit Red Vlnxl Immunch Monday nith th Iorwnrd Tod amnion hll hm ordmd Itpofl Huh hurlh Hamdl Leafs Recall Two Players