Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1963, p. 4

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it is perhaps timely to draw attention to the fact thatyct another session of parliament has passed without Iny ac tion on the recommendntiom oi the MacPherson Royal Commission on imm poLtatlop Lu1 The federal budget contath an Item of some $70 million which Is earmark ed for payment to the railways during the present year This subsidy whtc does nothtng to Implement the Mac Pherson recommendations but rather In part and too late the under lng faclsot Indias ahar defeat by the hin ese Communists In all have been com lng to light These effects were grave enough The Indian forces were horribly unprepared In language that merely tnts at basic conditions the Chavsn report states Our forces did not have slant or being launched by Communist my The lack of reparedness seems to have been dell erote Prime Minister Nehru was dedicated to peace to an ex treme degree He felt that the best way to deal th the Communist Chinese was to behave in an honorable friendly pesceable woy refraining from any pro vocation that might result in an arms buildup on both sides and in effect trusting the Chinese not to press their advantage unduly Auumua won um um rm mm ummnm cu mm mun In mun lundIlJnd mum mm mm um nun aumn 0mm mum ll WIIIIION mun mm Mull mu Annml um IIIIan mum unm MlCllAll Donn nullu In 91 lumen In nu mun In mm um ym Mum mull Omro ammarmmna 71 31 uIzm um Mm cm Vilmlmt IIImm lit 0mm IllM 0m mum only In umn 1211 nu Audll II LImlllhl re or by Defense Mlnlsler Chnvnn to Perl ament deals not wllh causes but with effects Mn Nehrus confidant and Defense Minister Krishna Manon abetted this policy and enthuslasucalW carded It out Ho saw to It the nvnfllb evidence Barrie Examiner Oct 17 1913 Span ish influenza epidemic in full lwing Spe cial meeting Barrie Board of Health to consider what steps ahould be taken About 75 case in town many severe but no deaths as yet New Lowelll lead ing cillzen John Angua Bell 32 mod away Oct Frederick fluaae Red ditt 41 formeri oi Barrie died in Brantiord Oct irom influenza Good progreaa on new BCi building de spite unievorabia weather Expect brick work complete In 10 do Hon Howard Ferguson Minis er oi Education atalcd he could not ignore the Ardagh Trust and give Barrie Board ermluion to roll old BCl lite on Blake Mlle Stark appointed to BCi mu at 81000 per annum Canadal 1918 Victory Loan cam algn in full Iwing Medical Oiilcer Health order all Bar rie rchoola closed due lo flu epidemic Gear Rumble won senior champlomhip at lileld daf lilrry Carson junior Pie George shop of Vea killed in acllon Ple Bernard hi lchell 18 of Ed or died wounds overeeal Pie lirI ur iariu iii of slroud awarded Mil itary Medal for bravery in the fluid WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Snrnla Obmver The people of Ontnrlo all of lhcm nhould thank John Vlmcrmc or or an lhln ln parllculnr ll wn ll pv nlatcncc the chlslnmre duflng 1901 that forced an Invcnllgullon Into organ lzcd crlme In lhll provlnco Ho and llll mlalnnla dug out the angled relntlon nlll belwccn gamblan and the mom cln ly llccnud Iaclnl clubl bclwccn known mkctem nnd law llwym bclwccn gnngalm Aml lml group at Ilockbrokors On Doc 11 1001 Mr Vlnlormoyor allowed rare courage by mepllng elm lcngu lo repent the charm uulIldI lhn pratccllon or the Mulllnluro look WhyNEsAcuon Report To Help RqflWayflfi 95 India Was Unpie pared cumm ha nutml name quuuu 11 In 51 mm um In Anselm mu ll ml up In Wllll Pubth Ehrtmarriefixamiiifi The Barrie Examiner FORCED CRIME PRO Published hiCanndlnn Newspaper Umltod laBnyfleld Skeet Burle Onlarlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE manque MONDAY OCTOBER II 1m Pnnl merely compennter ihg railwayrior freight rate increase ihey have de terred nerves as grim reminder of the enormous gum cont continued evngionoi he uic rnii prop If such large amount of the taxpay ers money In to be spent on rsll trans formation surely It would be wiser by sr to spend it by of the MncPhur son recommended su sldles which are desl ned to put Canadas railways back on elr flnanclsl eels shows that than was no provocation of he Chinese That meant no authentic de fense reparallom Border ltrengthenlng was In nlmnl and such an to leave the In dlafl gogceg hqlpless whefl atrqck Thla took film more than three years after Mr Ne ru had known of the spora die but steady Communist advances in Ladnlm and on the NorthrEagt Frontler Unleer the Jade are clear the lesson will be obscured The olitical lenders oi India understood In they forced Mr Menon out because they were not re pnred to out Mr Nehru himself ln lan opinion in learning The Chuvnn report etill conceal the central tacit but lndia her peered be and them and in now pinin 1y 3n the pet yelldefense Call this what on will iha point to understand is iha it was deliberate and came from the Prime Minister himself He was deluded He was bsira ed Ha now admits it although he siil seems to biamo Chinese nationalism instead of aisobiaming communism and apparenin still thinks that he can irusi communism oiiha Soviet variety The pfcfuiewliilhowing hire remiss and hopes for good yelr nhen should be high Douse Lefroy postmleler informed of ion oi two ran in rction on rune dry LCpl Gordon Douse and Pie Henry Douro both oi 42nd Royal High lrnderr Prevleurl Mr Douse had received word of the oath in action of mother son Pie John Harrison Doure oi the 3rd Brttsiion Two other ronr Percy wounded at Vimy Ridge wsr rtlll in Eng lirh hospital Ind Bert invalided home esrlier GunnerHenry Martin Peck 25 youngest ron of Rev Ind Mrs Peck who went overrerr with 07th Bat tery died oi woundr Pte Cecil Fer guron died in En lsnd oi influenza He went overreu wlt illth Battalion band Pte Hooper her been gsrred or second time He went overrun with 37lh Battalion In Au ust 1915 Driver Ve non Merr min rwrrded Military Medrl ior trsnflmrt rervice et Amiens Pte llmer err Priest of lliinesing who was with the nited Slates Army died Oct It Crmp Grant lllinoir Lt Amer Johnston Barrie lto sl Fly in Corpr pilot killed on sir oi be hind Germln liner Ss l4 ne week uriier he had escape death when rhot down It 17000 feet Pier Ed Tr gm 21 of Cookslown who enllrted wlt l51 Brttlllon killed in Iciion cog of Hmurd lo corridor outside tho amber and or 21 hour rend ho mlemenl he 1nd made In the Homo Ho lhun lnld hlmmu open to libel Iclion but none came Wllhln cw day the government had Iclcd bf forming Royal Commlmon headed Mr Juluco loch Likc molt Royal Commmlnlom It didnt win much But It led lo reorgnnllnllon Ilw control of the Onllrlo rovlnclnl Police um new publlc Iwmncu of lhe morgue pl prglnlml crlmo In On For hli Mr Wintermcgcr délbrvcd lhn llnnkl nnd pcrhnpl cltcr at 1h lmndl ol the clcclorllc llul In poll llu lhlngn donlnlwnyl turn out thn way Tunnel Poll man nlu hll hon du In hll wlla or ll unluppy hll wor gin hllfllna mly bl he my Th oplnloncoinéi frérh DriSldney Olnmhky durmllologln II unlvmlly In Moran HI upllmtlon or baldneu norm III convinced lhnl prolonged nerv oul Ilnln and umlon ml mm per aonl hair Bomo Inuml upon my uuu luddon and tumpornry hnldnm but In dnnuuc lennlom may hm mm 95 WM Viifiilifiiflfliophltll Iboul ll llIr jun lbOIfl thu molt unnmmry lhlnl nu11 up HAIR VNAIIINO OPINION The Ieodln mar In Play tlmo on Par amen mu have been manly crlllclzed or their wnnlon dormnnoo Ilncu My mum to iho nnllonl buglntu But our member of this Home of Common nra ml the 0an parliamentarians on ma iiiil So much mention has bun iocmd on their condud um the member our mum upper dumber have been over looked Ham of Common but been erulclzed or In So was turpde by hman name not very muted comment by om of Um hard core tampch Ind hardwarka undo who keep the show on tho rold Ila drew nuan lon the poor all me In the Rod number and um nlly deplored the bad record ungorglol ow vany Slwrdy Hammer another mam made Iimllnr com ment to me Ind mcnllnned lha dlnppolnunl record ol newly Jypolnlod senator In the mat lcrfiol yundmcek llvfilu lb hlelduy Thurldny Club These an MPI mm nwhy constituen cm in Ontulo and Quebec who end lo mm by lrnln or plum on nmdny mornlnu Ind rt Ium home mm Ottaw an nguquy acnlngu Out In 5mm ll normally on hmday to nxunday cIu Anyhow mecllnz on Tue day ovcnlnul And on thnun dny and Thuudn nltcrnoonl pa ll would In la lo record hdltr IMWNI man In Iowa haunt agMjrons Ilth CALL Unllko lho llouu ol Com ment In Senate hu In Iflcml Inc ll complied by he olll cnch Iitllng Thll II till each Iitllng Thll II publbhod In the My prlnlcd Inglnutu permnncnl In 010 ml two Wflkl In mumod union lhn Scum uullly met our days week had to Friday doc not meet or llxed hourl Ilka lhu hmmonn Ind lhq lenxlh dnlly Mulom vnrlu Whllo Ilw frxnlcd port the proceed MI UN Gammon rum lu Iboul pa on uornin Any mm Um unmar Illl Anything 1mm nur lo 10 Ilmllu 1mm Thu 5mm lil umu cnn normally by ull mud mm an mlnulu la under Ihrm Mun An lllll numlnma mvnl Ilan mm at llrlllm Culumhlan Ix mMarI nnlY om mended at all Ind hn wn ru kul flu In In III only ion In lhll whoum kllum ll Mn IIIVIM Id ml in In In gull llltfihhl lll Th Iuwdan oul Alum In mm rlm mu In month Scum nllrminm mm rum lo film an will lhc 5mm uhlch twu worn vmanl Emu nlrrolily Mr mille EW I10 lLAY IIOOKEV lJllvon mw IonIa um av Wlnlfll durlnl Hm rlaIlnl until in Int Conrunnw llmv maul hm nu xlp fill ll Iho haul In mu mu lad loud ml In and at Milan ud OTTAWA REPORT BIBLE THOUGHT PATRICK NICHOLION Notes Absenteeism In Senate Chamber CORROSIONA SHIPS WORST ENEMY hnl lgalgd candidau or flu House ol Commons These new boy were not keenly nleu to then new llsmoayear Job and showed up badly troop wllh lea than 50 cent undanu Orvll Phllllps PEll David Walker 0n tnrlo and Frank Welch Nova Scalla dld not Ihaw up at All whllo Clement Olmary Nova 3mm wnl prmnl only one ny In contrast Man Ontario nbnu was present every dny Among the oldtim nuch pillan of the Senate In ytnr old Tom Cmnr Manitoba Thom Grant REL Ross Macdnnnld On tario anllanconrt Qutbect and in other wm present wary day Some or he absentee may have been Ill or engaged else where on government business such the Unilu Nations Such vaud mason for nhxcnco II any are not noted on the Heard For lmlnnoe Sennlor Jollo Guam Quebec City who regulnr and active wond nnl mluod one day owing to mlnlcd engagement By MthlYflE 00D LONDONTho National Trust II In lmpodnnt body In Britain ll la mulled with lha Ink pramin hluorlc lmlldlnu Inn mlnl HIM Ibo nmcnlllu Mild In dlumlva chnrnclrr Enulluh lawn and vflllm An no Incrlflml lo lha dr xl of modem pmlrul II II ually llw owner all them arm of nmvnlly land and MMnulrlc hplhllrgxl 1110 nl mm In Um Mndim nl Indmlrlnl munIon nu nlmdy lmn ahn by flu nut II II My mmluln Ir 0hr yrmtvum nl hall dmn ImA mum woulu nm In durInl revolution 01 In Won lay Dolph AMI lmllll nur Mnnrhnlpr farm Hue MM hm umkumund raml mm ml mlmn mm In pm owned hr NMMMI Coal Another Tnml mulbla vmtnflom In llw Inlmhlnl 19M II munlry In mm which In um pow mm II culled In Inhlln unip menl mod In IMA mumry Md at MM ht Hope III ndlvillen Includo Hm vmrrvnllon oi Ilnlrly mn chlnrry IIy lhll ll mum lo pmch or mnlerlly ald hulm lrlnl mam nml lhelr rqulrmcni Mulch have hlAInrlc no In rclnllun lo the dovrlonmrnl nl luduury In Ilrunln dawn lhmulh mllurlrl The schema wlll include Mclorlu dallnl hack la um day Mon 1h Induuml mvlunun rnrly mmln and uoduda mnny vi uhldu Imv bun km loruulm Ilm llw In eumylu llvrilnuo whk runnm In mntdml Ivy my Mher mquy my mqu REPORT FROM ILK The man vnlunbla wrk pen Expects To Preserve Stately Machihery Unlonunntely loo Mk uu ll made the arm fund ex perience and mum In lhc Sen ate which In exceed whll lhl Common can mm In this way or non perilan commutes Marin But Ihe prmm Mn mm of committee vmrk doe not lunlly In poor mendnnco cm In the Senate 0mm Ivy flu Senu in com mimo which mum ll out Ido he full mum of tho chunber Severll oommlueu wen worklnl during the wo wuki which perhapl man lignmcnm LI lhnl exam inllglpmble an Ntlnnn Trust In vealed in In umunl upon Jun lqu or mum It My mom bu bun llrnnlo kl 1n the 9mm Ian Brit only Mmlfln bufldinn wkh their my 1113 CANADIAN mass on 1m The sum of Ubeny of lhe eople France to he Unled Slam wal unvclled th Impallnx ceremonlu 77 yam no lo dayIn 1580 Present or the occulon on BKUMI Inland In New York hnbor ware Pmldem Grover Clemml Ind Iho ICUMOI Autumn Bmholdl ma Anxelo Curdlnu Rancufll wuu elected Pope to lucceod Plul XII Pope John XXHL he wnl alien called he 109 unity Ind peace He died Jun thingy mo Ilnwlylnvnded gm In 1h Second World Ir TODAY IN HISTORY msmuonmsaMANSansrm And Hill dllmond cln put up In 33000 In your hund pulan nvnn mun Nlum Flnnnca bu nvrr 216 Inwlm mu Ia mm upoclnlhlnl In fut mnvanlcnt urvko to Clmdhnl who need to honour for Iomo woulmhlln puzpou How About you 1WW film Ctlliu It no was OvIIlIu II Nan rhol IllIII Cdllhlnll Human It now Im omspm By DON OHEARN NEONTOYou can no problem or mulclplllllcs In the neWladml munIclle 1m provemem loan lund Lulxlalion to nulhoflu pm vlnclnl cooperation In the lund Que reuon for UII mm llm an the nth Thu punpan um fund In em unemployment wlll make low to munlclpafluu wmthlrdl ha out or quality nz prolectl The loan will In It favorable laxmm mu um Mr or the amount wont In be plld back the mm was comyletcd by March 31 Thu problem wlfl In whit will quality MunIprIllllu ymva um lhll II um And you an hem hnvhm tron ble In doing thin For nva everythlnl they wmt to underv take will at lean hm been talkud About 1w nut11y plagued Iln the p32 There II Illpulnllon um all projects haw to bc thing whlch normally wouldnl hm hten Ilgljecl Altulhll Um Thai3 quiiliéh how much vein the pronAm will In lhll winter Ii villlwproblbl bl Ian momh allowing the union helm lny Ippllullom can bc By JOSEPH MDLNEE MJ Du Dr Molnm Whll cum pyorrhen mm cum Yam no marked or In orthdonuu Ind Im wondcrin whiz Idvnno an Inn been mldu Ilncl ulen hecuuu he tried Ivcrylhlnz but flammllnull mull wu 1m Now my 87yearold Ion hu thle trouble He he oomulted number Rdentllu but they dont Ill Ime Some went to extract only lew teeth Ind lens the other or II Abut ment Personally eel Ill the teeth thwld be removed It may In fluentMM cunt In um 11 NJ 201 would he removed Perm perhan not It dammit on Lhn candluon than mm lvo cnnlultcd Dr Altred Seyllr damn of couldenhln prominencl and think 01 which uceedl hh muuuon By any modnu in one When it camel to Ruth want Iha ward at In upon nd dont pretend to bo om TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Ill Iva you thl MannHon he 1m me But um win wonhm duo luml rather lhnn ho mm It In quit poulbll Illhough perhlpl not prohnhle lhll woman with out my cavmu mr mu hav pyorrhu 0mm conmnle In lhl ulel link but in mv lm bulwem or on the urn lhc mm thin continue Ihu gum hummo lnnnmed the tooth mlrxlm mm may be mm at pnln lha lmn colunlu Inc Ihey work down below In lurme Ilong lhv loolh and thc um 11mm no final mm There an runny vnrlullu Then no dnu lhll mm pyorrhu Fans no my my ltnwlnl Yd la noe hmlm pm km alum hm utillechv and aha hm modvm unh nlqm My ldvlur Alnlux Not many year no pyorflm or pudodon Ill all ll wn nnmlly Hurdnd lncunhh and um What Will Qualify FotLoan Fund Curing Pyonhea Is Not Hopeless NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY UNITED Luau Ailmnudnn Conum Lam Compn1 iuily processed And with my projects involving mzinaering glans it will he lomr than thin dare work can be Iluied A1118 COUNCIL mils wunuu Smaller center in the prov ince my break out the formation the Ontario Council or tho Am WI nut 00 elm ytl precluelyr what um Council will do Ill broad terms or referenca Are to pmmalu the am and la ulvo cholnnhlps and other um um But Ila work team could largely bu davoled to spreading culture to the leu populnled mu the pmvlnca 111 him relaxme put In the same field to Canada Connoll And mloun culmm zroups ballet orcheslm play nodule ln Ihu larger center hnvl been gallium luppon Almm the Cnnadn council Then bl Held In the 1m populnled arm however that the national councll LI hardly louchlnx The chairman the Ontario Council former LleulrnantGov mm Kellcr MamrV hu Ilmdy laid he would In the councll und on cancm pmlu Instrucer etc lhrouzh the pmvlnco ion doomed tho teeth to remov IJ Today duniiul havn Dung malhodn to eliminate much py orrhu without extraction If the nilmeni has continued for there ixni much to do But with careful exemlnnlion oilen including Xrny II II now nible to save the ieelh that no not been too much dom Iged while removing lhe one or which ihcre II no hope maimenl Include mecdlcn ion epecill lechniquu or removing underiheIurinca pocket of inieciion and we in raven or remove Iiiu oi new action Honing the ieeih cleaned by dentist every In alien in cur tain the best method oi pre veni ng gynnhon becauu it re maven lorinr or cnlculun which II such breeding ground ior germl nm even when Wonth has develnped pnlnllaklni care can me me leclh which hm not been loo much loomed and min wma eclh ll helm lhln 1mm Ill Or On Seyler null ll 50 hr than an no medl clnu or mirach druul whlch in lhemulm cure pyonhen Nothlnl an take the place duly um muun Ind relular Vllfll la the denllu or lhoroulh exumlnnllon Dru Dr Molnar Wu old to en wnllnwer lcldl lo mu lhen my eyulghL am as Art may nod to canMM They wont help your cyu or gnylhlnl elu Let Ihu hlrdn But you can qulle wily avoid molt pyorrhu and you can now mud on whlth teeth can ht Inv ed And which cannot ll lho dil mu hu lnlned sun but bun manle in time Dear Dr Molnerx Would It bl wlu or nmon la um play lnl mull ll lha II so lbowl occulnnully Ind urn hullhy except um hm An ungomqllvo thyroht Jll no mum why mu would plfly tennls Wed all In hclltr all Ilnrlcd such Ipurll ll 30 mum of lopplnx um to many dn ll my In lhc bulnnlnl

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