ft um Hummus uncumuunul Unlon branch ul the SIU North America AMO Iluuevrr Hum wm alum rluPuhrrl Hun lhe NunInn lendern muvn may rnlele mn munlllnn lur Ammhnn um nl lvuuy rue wrmllul Srnnlur anxm Anllmnn tlmInIvnn II fknnlr mace mmmlllrr auvrnl Flu ul nlL Ilu nul Milne IlmuM lmrlnp our umw pmnmmn um lhv hull llu mm AMI mrMI Mr Khrulnlwv Iv Nrw MIIhvI Immmnl IIM Tln AAmlulnl Um WASHINGTON MI Ill lull npwl hm 0r lho UL lvniunn In land mun rm to mmm 1n III decmlr T1IIIII Hm wny Alucrhnn rpm nlllclnln ImNM he mm mm Mmmw Ilml SWIM Ive mlrr lilmuhrlyrv nppmrnny hlu mllnl lllq munlry nul 11 any mm um ST JOHNS NIId ICII mirth 1qu German stnmnn has jumpnl hls Mxip In porl ham to nsk or mllllcnl asylum ll wnl lcnmcd loduy The youm man how idem my was not nvnilnhle ltll lhe Ennl German Mary llshlnl fhlp Vgisxnnr loday and asked or uylum He Mn Hum D031 11 Brim Audi 19 and Volrznnn Ilmlcl 19 HI vsqu have Ml mu lnclnry nhlp extol Drum In the lust cw dnyl MIM Andy 1m nulxlnnl cook on lhu dulp lcll Salunluy night nnd has hcrn lmnslmcd Im mlnmlhm drpnrllmnl omm In 1an olliclnls hue mld The Manllcrs owned by S4le Mlscner Sluumahim Lim ltcd 01 Pan Colbnme 0Mv nailed to Pan Arthur 0111 lo add nnolhcr 20000 lam graln to the 5000 the Superior lam Ihoremcn placed in her halds hcloro flopping loading in sym pathy with he SIU The SIU had pickclnd the Mc Vallcn n1 Sumrior nncr her arrival Thursday unlil slapped by temporary injunrllon Fri day night The Cnnedlnn graln enrrler Mollalters moved to more haspllahle home walcrs Sunday alter lanzslmrcmen nt Superior Wlsl refused to complele the Job ï¬lling her holds The ship was victim of union mutual gains the Cana dian governments newly 1m posed truslenship our live Cn nadinn maritime unions Includ ng um Sgalarqrs Vlnlernnlianul The next momlng Innushum mun rnporlcd or duty but re used In conlinue lumllng wh hey describzd he imp East German lumps Ship RUSSIA PULLS OUT iln Ii lnliivlu Sllub Jubilant num hearing hc good new that they had won ï¬rst place in the Ontario dis lrictquancl cnnlesl In Barrie Saurduy evening lhe Thump By THE CANADIAN PRESS Longshoremen Picket Canadian Grain Ship 99m Year Na Moon Race Over lum For Examiner Want Ads Telr phong PA mm Tho lelcphona number Io call or the Buslnes or Editorial Dept PA 845531 Our Telephones aw TOP QUARTET IN BARBIE FESTIVAL Jnmu thrlt ldmlnlllvn or HI lenml Armnnulltl an Fxmre Admlulnlrnllun IRII Khrlllhtluvn xlalrmrnl rnuhl hmr rllrrl plmuzlllm in lhll tounuyl dnln la luv mu Hle In lhn mm Ihu he Alnmrmu want In land man lm he mm Wm wlm Hm mum Am Ihnll watch how Hwy Hy llllll hnw hey umm lu MINI or vallwr Mlle In mun AM lhll ho mnln WM Imw Hwy lulu Ml Ind nIurn hams day nlxM In Mouow wllh qur In Jmrnnlllll thxlulwv tlo rum rumn um plun nlnl manned monn lllghln WXRIIER NUCCER nu rvntllun In In vnvkrl In Chicago grnln handlers continued rclusu lo load lho John Ednsfln owned by Up per Lakes Shippan leilcd Toronio The SIU has been en gaged in long cud with Up per Lakes since hired Cnnn dinn Marlllme Unlon CLC In Duluth Minn SIU agent Slaltord McCormick said lhe lnngshmmcn refusal to work the Canadian ship was pm lcst agnlnsl he Cnnadlnn gov zmmcnl lrusteeship 19 um INDEFINITELY armor vice president ol the SIU nl Nanh Amcrlcn said he SIU program or picknllng ships would last indelinltely said he lrusleeshlp 13 lo rec lrnde unlonlsm He auld the SW would use plum bank and pnlmX docks lo make known to other unions lhe SIUs nbjccuons lo the lrus lecxhlp EFFICIENCY EXPERT URGES QUEEN T0 SCRAP BUGGY In lmnl Ill cauchmnn mnunlflcml In brown mm Pllk hat and hlnhwinflcd col In me back Ill ml cltxmll IndyInwnlllnn cnrryinz lho royal allowan ILxl ram am dmamnkrr In bunk pmcmlon honklnx cur drlvrrl dawn to flu pacn unnunhurrrlnd hum LONDON AWA gavcm men emmm expert lodny urxrd lho Quccn la scrap lhc horse and buggy lyflcm 1011 llfl Invmlly mqucflng cnrrlnxcs knawn llraugh nmsnrc familiar slum ln Londonl ml nd shoppan ccnlrc lar sun Brothers slug lhtirwny into lhe Anuslow the Continental Inn after he show They outsang seven other On Iario quartet and are reign an Edward bowling 511233351 Exammr WIIIMHMMI In mm Mmhn mm lur NAHAI maximd unocc mum pmgrmm Ill lhn Amtr rlm mnnn rlnrl Ihuuld run nnnr 1er Irmlml ul nny nrllml lluuin mnhl lnho HENRI NLMIKENINIH lï¬tlwmd WrML rmullve army HM anlmvnl Arm nnuflu nml 5pm fuuncll Inld lhn Ilurllnnu lmvu unm Ilmkrnlnl nl nurme lnr Hm mm 11mm hm Rfll haw min xlralulc man In rupllnllla MluIlImL Tho rnundl In up mlmlnltlvm lsury gum snl Krmmly In 1W nallmml gnnl llu Inmllmz ul man um mm In III Ilrrmlc Mummy lem he nunmm 11M II has hm nlul ll UMNWMM or mm 11an xgllh anan pmxrnm Thu Mum Ike llruuz hnnu presumably will be In to um Qunn IIIICD nlw Inn and Ike Mummy nludlu The bani Sunday plckclcd an other Cunndlun ore cnrrler ho Algaslncl The ship loaded 000 an are Dclhlehcm Steel Company dock In nearby Luckawnnna however then left the harbor Tho Ericsson 67ycnrold ship has been lrylng Io get load of grain at Chicago Alum early October but grain Irlm men have consistently relused to lead her dcspllu naurl ac tions no and annals new mg large Ijncs Tho STU plannid to picch second Lnnndlnmjlup in BM lalp udpy spokesman lnr flu SIU aald he unions small outboard boat wauld picket the Tecumseh Canadian on carrier due lo un load laday lho Republic Steel Colnpany The ouibonrd bngnn pickcllng flu Algosxccl Snlurday crew for it ships Inst year In place SIU sallan Only last wnck on had In culllslnn wllh tax and Inn wo hub caps cw dnyl cm Her roan ham Iny down In Hm mlddlc he mlllc rc lnslnu to move until It was un Immmcd The Ural Brnuxhnm wns dc nlunrd by me um nnmn llmuzhnm he nnll Ilnvory cumpnlxncr who llvcd mm 177 la 1M8 treasury lime and mollun expert ha rccammmdcd that can should Hupplunl lho Brgngh cumInc Ihe Bmuulmms nrc no flow and loo ncddcnl le ing champs for 196364 From he left Wayne Brubacher baritone Rod Alexunden bass Barry Fox lead urd Harry Kalle tenor Exam lncrr Phom WILMINGTON NC IM Ulnny nml Ilrlrlln tmlcd lhrlr Indy munlulu wllh Inml mly lmlny and Innvrd Inln npfn Ml lull Iler rvrnlunl comm um ullll uuly vmllrllun llnrrhane Inny nun parklnl Hm Vrmllfl mumm wlnu nhlrh um um up nml dim mmhmmn Unllm Elam roul llnu 1m max wu mmlnl alum we mun vml nt rrmmln Ind huh may mum lu Um enll mmnl hmxru mnnmo cm rum hm mm mm mama lmmlnl ln 0mm lodlf Inrlmlln In In lhe Nnrlh Ilny dlnlrld 1N Mlmrnl nmh um mm way he cmllunm In extreme 11 ml lulhnrrml Puma mum my mum Mala SAULT bTIL MAINE Ont WI le llnllNl mum llflllrr that Whflu rnn nlrlluml Indny In Hm lax blnnkrml lllllo nmlxh cm In Uu lower 5L Maryl Illvnr Tlm vrurl Um Innl In Illp Ihrmmll In lmkl bdrm Hwy um rlmml by Inn nlmul 150 In rrmlml unlml mm an ll wnu mnklna mm ylwulnn umnll hula In In Ilnvlmnl Ilvlm 9i11iumemm Italiah Saildrs SAN FRANCISCO AmMn Nxo Dinh Nhu who avoldcd illppinK lhmugh about so all dawn lcmnnslrnmu when she ancnkcd lhmugh candy slam tnlrnnoc In her houI Sundny nlum says she um wnaldcrl hcr cmssmunlry our the United sum lumn More lcnvinu wmhrm Call lnrnln Mn Nhu Md cw wonlv on he latest aulcldnl humlnz at Duddhlil monk 1n Saigon II crime Iho mid Ha lrylnfl In mach pande by doing whnl ho Chink right on canh TORONTO CI 11m lhreemnn novrmmcnl lrunlmhl over mnxlllmo llnlunn mu 41 ml Hal Hnnkl laugh mh ml ho Sonlnrm lnlcmnllnnnl Unlnn 1an David lAwlI rm New Hemmmllc lnlly mrmbcr MIInIntnl and Innamu lnbur Inwyrr Iald lodny Dcnd bonlswuln ana An tonino about no chic flrcmnn Gllihcrlo cm 45 and llrcmnn Edcrl Gulsoppc 25 Their bodies were lound by crew members wwrinx oxyxcn masks ho 1ch mm dam bvlwcun Iwo holds on tho Ens fllvcr to march or them Must Get Bid 01 Banks Says Lewis Va lack lho Ihlrd man or am they mld 5an pop ulm German card me that requires minimum three players PORT SIANLEYuOnL UP Thm llnllnn seamen were killed by fumes aboard an all tanker curly loday lwo of them they lrlcd lo mcue their shlpmnlc Fmighter Runs Aground 0n Rapids Forty Foxost Fires fleponed During lhn nluhl rescuers fared the men deck of lay lng card But they dccllnc tho ollcr explnlning Ihal nnly two Ike hrce were curd plnym Hurricanes Head Out To Open Sea The miners reported to tho surface lhrough communch lan shaft bored 259 teal down to the Mr pocket in which they were enclosed by water It will lbs at oust Wednesday bnlore second shalt wldo enough lo bring them up can boidcomplctcd rescue ofï¬cials In By GEORGE BOULTWOOD NROISTEDT Germany Three West German mlnerl trapped for more than 80 hours In flooded lrnn mine cheer ully mporled today they are It Ind welL Tour Is Success Says Madame Nhu Fit Welll Trapped Men Say MORCCAN ARMY CONTINUES DRIVE NEWS BRIEFS vlo Onhrla Canada Monday dalobar 29 I963 No mumvcie burned10 death and we hnspltnllzqd ur result Sudhury ï¬re which gutted 90 mm board lnn house Sunday mnmï¬ng The nnd mmpnnywhlch claims In issue mum mumps lhnn the us post oIIIccd¢ scrum the move as Ihn blues slnxlo mlan rndln lump history It uh hlflcr um luu mumps In Nanh America but never hml so large num hcr slum bcxnn lo use mm once Dlmn Imhlml 6mm Mu cnll said Um mavn nprtscnu major hmklhmuah of the 11mm lmscwm uddlnu Slxnnllimz massive haulo lenscly watched luy housewives lrndlnx slumps the Amcrlcun llrm Sperry nnd Hulchlnwn nr rived In 55 slow Vcslonl chua holdan company Includ lnz no um Iupcrmnrkru By JOSEPH MICSWEEN LONDON CF Canndlan tycoon Garï¬eld Vcslan today unleashed rndinx thump war in Edwinearner and an big gcrl lec him he had prom su Trading Stamp Battle Launched Thll kmncr wmpdlllon wlll TWO DEAD TWO INJURED IN FIRE lrlccrllc comparativ ely small group apermlnn In the south of England Imroduced slumps Iwu weeks ago Last Friday nu nnllrslump nlIlanm was larmul representing more Ihnn 37000 ihqps headed by Ian Snimhnry who hand some 150 Ilores IL mm In mm Iv middli hl Ilua mm number lb Min Jnhn Amlmnnce mum an In unqlrowm lalww III mm an Sninsbury Inld Snlurdny 0m Humps nrn lypiwl American Klmmlck Hut llm Hump mmrunlol hum MK shock mmlnu Vcslonu group had an munccd Krcvlously would lrodum slumps In llmllcd urea Nov zlnivlng Um lmdo hm W0le notice Iho plan hul kept ll hand rm lot earlier umJou In the event oln mm by mmpeulors benclit her In terms armor overall values Includan lowrr prim better service and trud lng slumps The mrgeuutorey JHUEIUIO wul nmnxs flames In mln ules and flames cut or all ox ll so um Ienanu were forced lo jump mm windows CP Ill huh rm nl Hm up In MIMI em Irylt at BRIGADE OPENS BARBIE BUILDING no mm am now In lhu process lrylng ouch wllh lhe mm In the ulhrr tnnv spokrsmnn mld 11m mlnn Inklulu Mild uhllo mIncr working In the Thu 20 mm In lho can he 1000100 level worn unn luml Rescue cums unlocked Hm can in Um shun and tho mvn wrm nhlu to at out at an undirgmunll static Emergency brakes stupme uno cage the 10001001 level lho Wm the 5000100 level In he shnlu whlch go more than 000 col below the earths surlnce Rescuer lrkd free 55 men lell trapped nl Hue ammo level In he Wemrn Deep Level gold mine 50 mllu wcsl how The loose cnhlo whipped inla he wlndlnu lower where one mlncr rccdvul Imul anurIu lmm llylnx drink JOHANNESDURG South dcn ReutersA trunk mlnlng uchdcnl Ioday cosl one miner his and scnl 75 olhm plung lng through two alcvnm shan In mm the worlds deepest mines Four wlre cabins snapped lumlng loose lwn clamor cages carrying 75 mineu Emergency brakes stupme mm mm the UmAM In MARRAKECH Morocco AP no Momccnn government un nmmccd Ioduy that lu troops are men mm mm the Iran on cemro of Tlndour In the Al crinnconlmflcd Sahnra Maroccoa Klng llnssan and Algerian Presldonl Ahmed Ban BclIn are scheduled to meet Tunsdny In Bamako In an an In only tho barng dispute The leaders lhc wnr ring Norlh African nclghbnrs be Jylpcq lnBnmukoï¬lhu Mull khpilnl ihyr Emperor Hnilo 711m nnnouncem by rlninr mntian Minister Abdul iiudi Doutnicb indicated the Moroc can Army troops have penk hated deep into tho territory contested by he two countries According to most intornatinnal maps Tindout is same 60 miles ingigo thn Algerian Sahnrn Our troops are on floutnlob said tel ynq Isrlhfgt lhqy We have no fntcnllon uk lng Tindou by arms but by ne gnflullonsQ Asde whether the Moroccan were launching an olfcnslve Io sum TIndauI on the eve of our pnwer talks at Bnmnkn Mull eh replied Mine Elevator Cables Snap One Man Killed 75 Trapped Neighbors loin Peace Talks But Hope For Settlement Fades No MOPQTIIII Par Copy16 Pun Clear cloudy period today I01 night Tuesday Scattered show ers Ihls ufleinoon cooler Law tonight 29 hlgh tomorrow 50 Local Weather r1 UM wpmnlni um 11 building In allualrd pt 353m rur Utmdu lillggh nlngwflor mm llnn Huiah Cfl case xu nluHon lhu prohloml of ulomlc weapon prmludiun Chen wn mmmd In hm mld mm lhe delay In lullng was duo to tho Imckwnrd stain of Chlnnl lnduslrlnl base and flu 11 will In Mme ime More It can mm produce nlnmic weapon he cnlphusiwl lho Chl nrsc Communlsl avurnmcnl has cvuy lnlwllnn nrqulr Inn nuclear poucr bccnuu wllboul It China would rclnaln miniclan nmlon Kyodo news sorviu said he Chlnm vice premier made lhls stunmam In Pakan ta visiunu Japanese newspaper mm TOKYO AP Rod Chlnnl Foreign Mlnlslcr Chen was quoud oday as saylnn It will be 5mm your home hll country can last nn atomic bumh winder house nl tho top Ike shnlt wns badly Injured by do brls scnl Hyan when lhu wind lnx mechanism overwound Moroccan hca qunrlcn said so Algerlnm were killed and 76 were caplurod The Moroccan clnlmnd they captured Di weap ons moslly or Sovch and Czech origin The Algerinns who hnd boxno our day nl nllnck apparently withdrew to Tlnlauchy 30 mile la the soulh Selassle Emlopln and Pres ldcnl Modlbn Keiln mm In he our power conference tn seek an and In tho fighting But lhc umludu both side let um hope or quick sel llcmcnl Hen Belln was expected la demand unconditional wllh drnwnl Ihe Moroccan mm the dlsputed frnnllcr Muroccan omclma said than would be no yielding land tho klnxdam considers part at national herilalc Moroccan lnlarllry uniu Sun day chased lhc remnant ol three Algerian battalions lmm llml Held muddy water hole cluslercd by nlm trees norlh ol he are rah Tlndaul Valley Two US lclevlslon learn at lho lmnl conllrmcd Ihc lllnroccml vlqlary Bomb Years Away For Red Chinese Myng