Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1963, p. 3

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an Propeller nnd siccrlnz mech nnlsm must be lnalnlled beiare lha most dramatic lhlp building lhe launch nu lJul ev en Illcr lnunchlnL the urn ul Ilnn unlls plpellncs eleclr cnl wiring ventilation nquipmeni Ind Ihouxands oi olhcr litms must he Insinllml and cabin must be ilnished and furnished INSPECTIONS ship mus lullst tho buycmwncr say Mr Black It must pass hm In medium mnde Indivldunlly by in Canndlnn Steamship IMch llun Lloyd Clnulflumlon Soci nlty and by Ownnr Reprmnln Ho Although wa expected to have an interesting visit when Mr Webster mnnnzer oi the Coiilniwood Shipyards Division ni the Canadian Shlpbuiidinl and Engineering le nave us nor mission to our ihu Coilinswood Shipyards wu wan not reputed or the iaxcinnling ih nu we would Ice and icam Mia wu llari entered the ship yard propur and been iilicd with Iniely hcimcla we moi praduciion Gunrze Binck He described how ship building progresses Flrsl An order fur spcclllc type slllp ls malvod from customer Plans are prennrcd ln an olllce where countless drnwlnnx are made In reduced male In lhu mould loll lhe drawlnga are developed to lull nlze and from them templates are made Guldcd by them lem Elnlcs men and muchlnu ln hv ugc plnlmhop bulldlng cut out cl plate steel the nclunl place llml wlllmnke lho Ehly iake no mistake bulldlnz lhlp luruc or small cull or lol plnnnlnl and alone wor dlnnllnn hclwtcn cveryano In volved We mploy up In 1100 people hem and may bu work lnl on pun glglps nl nlmc 6n IiIlriuidn Vwru hull lurk dun ernfiqop Ihlp II launched ll doc name Mr Cooper remarked an we walk hulde the mumqu hull lrelnhlcr rlllnI nbovo uI Hko he Ildo or mnunlaln pllnlcd brllHnnl orange In lhu mnrlne underronl uwd lo wo llcl nll camplclo um work Thll Ihln we Ilmply ul llull number Im 10 ADVANTAGE nollcu lhnt lhll Ihlp whch wlll 116 am an ml Ion when complclod mm lhl welder and llllm wonklnl upon lu maulv zlrnclum Ilka mtlon dwarf lorulnn null award In lmw lhe nclunl cun nlrurllnn nl llw uhl run be seen In mlvanlnum finch luald tuuld uull Iwnllaw lnmo npnlllntnl mlldlnm llm Illlu nl the duly doume Ilka lllo wnlll cl llama Ilclwccn lhl heavy Iltcrlkrlnlfl llml arm lb un wnll Ilmnn Ill lnrm lluu hall wnll ml owl Mldrd ll rllel Innlu lmwy NI tum ou llln Ilmln In an ordlnny Im bulll Several hylm an thch lnr hm MINE ll Elly Conn cll Mundny nlm infillM lhc Nmrtno In On Iuln Ind nnrdavm ud nmmunlcllkm tn he dull um lntludq lulu llom loll nm hylm drll will Ill mmdmwl In tho nlllrlhl plan prmrvnllon In nu ma Ilmll llnnll mnrrlme lot In tlly mm In rncruu mm nn highway and an lumen hrle llw llnnlc lub llc Bthl naul he mm Murg nu manl and II Abaul 400 persons attended the Huronln Harmony llnrvcsl opmlna null at he Continen tal Inn last nlghl The Bur borshnppm hive summed Several Bylaws Scheduled For Discussion By Council Collingwood Shipyard Is Fascinating Place ql cgnglrucflan By BRMN BAKER GATHER FOR HARMONY HARVEST COMPETITION We call these pram Ilde or hllge tanks expla ns Mr C00 21 You Icel ll ahlp Ilka Ill was rammed or ran aground the wall mluhl he slaved lnl bu only lha sldellanlu would be landedvnnd llm shlp would an Ilnk In the subnascmbly bulldlnz 450 level long and alive wllh the his of welders and tha Asecho In volccx or real metalwork In machines we watched crew of Ian and welder bulld Ing subassembly the cum quarter not In 1h rllhIaldeup poslunn oI convenllonal Muse huIldInl huI upxldo dawn Why Beenqu boiler quallly weIdlnl can be lllnlncd In flour weld Inn than In overhead welding Passing deeper Into the bulld InK we dlscnvcrcd all mm cl strange machlncs hlulnm rumb ling clanklng as they cut bend punch and Ian plates cl Ilcel name an Inch lhlck or men plate burner which reumb It billiard Inhie nbovv which mull at right angles hrldu ilkn mechanism mm with prnA pane culling 1m cut on plate of any shape ioilowinz lempinie guides Nenrby llmllar ma chine called mnxnelic racer which aisu follow lempinla de lifllll mm the mould Ion nu cut out up to our duplluio plum at main plus eulo mnticnliy an easily n1 ono win on pnpcr dalll Holes tunu and mum are reproduced nc curnltiy rap he oxygen flames urn lho Icinnrl EIRANGE MACHINES The most leanome machlna of all we lhlnk ll lhs mat gulllnun shear slandlnz 15 on hlnh and tumbling drop him mcr hnnvy flu knlle elm Inn and sloping Ive dt arm on hnrhonlal II hydrlulic ally puth dawn pm clmely Iel culling block wall but these studs are no WWWnun but plate Iva eel wide Wu watched lh apexMar plan yardwide plate halllnrh ulccl undcr clumplnz finch Mr Cooptr told In with clomy Slnwly Iccmlnzly hnrmlculy the hull knfle came down and 11x lnchcl dropped all Ihq md 11 the plate wllh mundlul cyl clean ll chum The Inn plan you we port In Ind htuchml Ihw would be In lhlpylld Mulhl Mr Cooper nu ma entered Im olhrr hlx bulldln whm Ilood two tom wtlth men wm Itnndlnl llxrultlnl lhlfll Ind clump And other Amnlvr llnzl to hunt them mi hat FURNACE Betwun lhu lwa um um um modem nnlurnl nu Iu Mrs 50 m1 Inn in whlch ml Ilvo ban um no or man widr Hum Inthu deep and up In so lat lon could be htalvd lo 000 dfnrm Wu drvo cnvy Iron In time Irand halu and horn Itd hIr Ind chln nel lloll wllhdmwn hm 1mm lhl lumnu nplnlnl Mr Comm Thrn mm mm hammorl Ind hydraulic mm brmi ho muler Thom Km nurdlnt In hnnllnn lho mm 01d lmtlnnrulnlwnt Hand Im IP wlnlmml Crnwlonl Wlllaml mnlnry cl lhc llmln llcc nullnn lomlnlllm rs uminl nl communlty rummmlnl llnt on lllnku sum rm at Furl uquul mm the mm Cmmnlllre luv nn Ivmlnlmenl lo lha Commlllu Illndllll cummlum rubna Worn cny Dmtow mml Flnnnu ml rm ml 7mm will pmenl lhlr Will from all ovu Ontario to com pete in this oneday singing festival The mmpelitlons be In ihia morning in and indications are they will healed material In the shapes we used it This is small relrlzemuon Ihlp already launched being bum or Newfoundland buy er an Mr Bonnell Although lull1y large the err Ire mom was crammed wllh complex equlpment and hun drulr eat of plpes condults Ind Willllflr ln attractlvo con trast to whllc orange black and rllvrr of Iurrouhdlha Instal laLlonr the heavy Wham uw er dlnall mglne rlandlnz an man was Installed In tho centre pnlnted light Iran Com prest alr not battery ltam Ihe hll motor Thll you know actually mall propulsion unlt as far ship remarks Mr Bonnell peer down thn alenmlnz bronze propeller shaft In large chips cullan for up to 9000 hnl we install string or up In four dlescl unzlnel op eraled by Interlocking control an Cvncluded Nexl thk Ian unlll Ibom alx pm nlxht From ll lelt front row mm Iquaws and one brave mistered as guests Mm Shelswall John Kor Roprvsenlallve youre like meet people you buy lilo insurance tor temiiy protection But your policies are sound Investments as well when theyre the caah value kind Mutual Life policyholders enjoy steady increases In the guaranteed values their policies plus unsurpassed dividends Check the advantages oi the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and pmtectlon CellthomanllromMutuul Lllewdey I= ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record IE TheMutualLife ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA OJTAWA Spcclalt sharp rlse tn the number of plenum mu making use 01 the Trent canal In August thl year noted in the latest lummary of canal sluHstlcl released by the DomlnIon Bureau Statistics Themumber of pleasure cralt recorded on tho Trent In the month was 39593 on the hall one pleasure craft through one lock station counting as one This compute wflh 32000 or Agua of ML The number 01p ssengeu cub rled In small boa lhmugh the Trent In August was 144571 comparable Ilguro or August 1963 not avpflable ureau 1er reported there were seven vcuei pnuans inv ing total net registered ion naze 138 and carrying 13 tons ni ireight on tha Trent in Aug ust This compares with sevm pnsrnncs registered net lon Mguol 71 and WI of might in the correspondhm math the previous year INDIAN NEWSPAPERS Then were 0026 newspaper and periodlcnisin India In 1960 cn Mra MacLalnL Mn Drummand slnndlnx mm he Ml Mm Key and Mn 11 Hill Examlncr PM to More Ctait Using Trent ARTHUR JOHNSTON RON mum 15 Shlrley Avenue PA 5230 Willinmn 34 PA moo Extreme any of unlvmlty entrance requ remenla nhuuld bu re examlned Singlztnn director 01 educauon Burling ton 531d yesterday 11 0111111 Addressing over 500 teacher unending ule Pmieulonni De veiopment Day District 11 Ontario Semndma School Ten cheu Federation Mr Sinzleton ragped lanky rusoninu an lhI IE aol retcnlion me the av eneaching methods Ind the pllsflllll and dimmrnxemenl oI rigid university entrant re qulremenl causing mm in blah school day mhool relenllnn me com pmd to 15 year no make cllzd figures from 01 mlqu at tdueallan given Inml which xhowed um per cent the lecondary school enrolment ex Isted percents oi stud He ex round concern over It ljtudes hpcled lqynrdl primit During the hearing members oi the Board questioned whenk erjhe location slated In the pilcalinn would provide the most effective lelevlaian coverage Subsequently CKVRTV enur ed enxineern who have carried out number of tests And In result have recommended that augther silo in used Following puhllc healInn by the Board of Broaden Gover nm last June can to ubllsh rebroadcast nation in Chaney Township about mlle north of Hunuvllla wal recommended for CKVR TV Barrie The new location Ipprox imalely Ive miles north or the original ulle on lot ls concu slon devcn Chaffey mwnshlp adjacent to the property of Rgeve Mbexgl Phillip In omnmenUnK on the new flu Reeve Phillips slated alter liv ing 40 yearl in this am feel that lhls the hlghul Ind best place In um whole are for flu location The pmpoud file In nnrn than 1150 lee Ibovu In eve Ralph Snelmve presldmt of the Barrie Televiflon Station stated that he felt that tho new location would nntonly pmvldo satisfactory final of CKVRI pramml on dmnne eight to the Huntsville am but It waqu be more elfectlvu In tho Bum Falls district Find New Site For TV Unit 17an All Schools Im glad chau he Mutual Ulcj Ive go security and My dividends busd3 Under the lmpelu new courses ha remand the ra lenUon will continue to me but much hum remain am on ungung Ha magnum uemed In bu um every young person shouldbeln uhool when It Ihould be 1th only young er ahyulgba In Iclgxoql on Mr Singleton poinud out Hut we hnve peoplatln our school who havo acceded lhelrclplc Ily We ovgfluch HI nested Mp1 mm to revolt against the type rel nnInz which five to hm 11 person up to 10 or In Adml because thlx would keep them nights laboruglrket He wanted lhanldnt fiddle ghl lnnnclplll31n ylgh this ml tmhllchooll inio mwdhm OAKVILLE Demomuauon uquldxhom flva Candin Army Regular Fore will will our OptHo this winter part of III new emphull hem plmd an Mlmll coxpl and mu mlnlng profusion wldlm mm Cm Idlnn Infinity Brigade Group willum 49 demommum Onurlocltm and lawn Mljor Genenl Gear Kiln Ina Gellerl olllcu Commnnd In Central Commlnd nld um demomtmlm laid in tha ka the blue mllflnry Iru Inko lhavmlmh lrJnlng pmnjuy Thu Armoured corp demon lmtIon um will be dnwn 1mm um uh Clnldlnn Huum Prlnms WWI rum Clmp PEMWIWI and the mill team from RoyIl Cunndlln Hum Anllltry Clmp Pl Iha Iqudaxnumhzfln lwegn go Ind 11 hllely lled yun mum Inlnlnx Ills cendavozed al most mu to Nation Surle ll Chlnllnl conditions nld II Genetl have hmuht about and la revivn Ind update the millumul Iblll to use hll weapons and oqupment under field condition wif in demorfmntlfil mm wlll com mm Cum Squads To Tour Ontario Towns 0n the current ideas clr mlallnl but two lhlrdn ol the mpuanon hm 123 mu nude 1th cducaflon All things being equal Ill mam thn the vmon with he hlzhw education qualillcatlxml II hlred noted Mr Slnzleum Ha uld mu blggest cinnxer was mhunploymenl long the drnflsman repaln roads grade graduates ml gas tanks lechnlclan do clerlcal work they do damage to melely He messed thn mlaemploy men wu mare dangmun than unemployment because of ill concealed nature sad it In no Mr Singleton sald Increasing demnndl for employment are purely election device by lazy personnel mungen who will not define Bud earth or tho right person to do it Perhaps new device pmtecllon mull be oflmd in organized labor in adlan Gunrd nk Camp Melon Ganldlan Guards Camp Pet Iwawl mi The 2nd Battalion Royul Canadian Rexlmenh Ibu don asfastas averageuse demands with the new you can heat water electrically SIX TIMES tmcado 40II tumolmmfinhuenn And mm In in your guamntoo on the tank ELECTRIC WATER HEAUNC APPLIANCE APPROVED Cade 40 Witr Mu Appllunu II In AFPROVED PRODUCT dmlo Ihmulh In comblmd numh Ind mow at 0mm Hydro 0nd oloclvkal mudum SHOWER WW hydro mu cut exchnnn for the pmtecllonof Ienlvflty have ceased Io coop with unreasonable demands In added ML Slnzleton led his audienct rom the mlaemployment Illlll Hon Into that nl automaton Both replacement of men by machlnu In the control allultlpn and the consequent sophhtlcated mechanization are mad ponlblu by thh step indicating the aid aim of me chunlzalion was to incmu production and lower mu hl uld the aim oi automation in to gaping npn and1umr cqsil He itemized aroma of the albla efleclu that could result decrease working me Ill Inclmin Imyortancc ol lghun time establishment of new let mm symboll not the junior exgcutlve type dum er the dullness ol Induslrm Ilfe under putpmallon Mr Sinzlrton aald nuw John must be created or pmqu dll placed as well or new In rlyglslnlq lhg labor force He urzed that Ichnals mun yet back to what they can really do well And resist firmly It not bluntly the pressure to do all things We ought to devotu Illout attention to the llsk Ind not be burdened by multiplie lty oI tlsks min to our buic purpose which perplexed ciety prepared In alve Ill and whlch no In we teem mum to accept

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