Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1963, p. 13

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AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE llll VOLKIWMJSN and mu 00 Gun 01 but out phonl PA mu II Mm nu PONTIAC load an Inlul comma Bu in Tillphn PA HON ml VOLKIWAOIN 0mm in nod tonfllllnn mun Mull ma on Tellphnm HI ur PA um II romuc mmunnl ImamHr In load candmon n9 gum PHVAIIX ma Mlllln Clmlfld In and candmon In 50 In Anclnl In nmnnd by nwnu dawn Telupnom PA 50991 am nirdcop commtel own brawn cylinder cum Al mum VIM wmu lulu quflhlun III MERCURY mumHe um blink Ind Mme Al dun MIIII lllth Tillphc n3nrd mm mw fir ym ms ru conch Kiinnmy um ML tm An mnwuy 11 mm 1m our DuPulIu on mm mm cl 7n phml Ivy mm usuormgg 1m Imp Bl lhnumll r9 ll DEIDTO INK pluh huh ton Ind Inlnmlll tullom Halo with mr ml IDII an hum moln Plkl II TIIIVhflnl Illa pm mu mm lend dxlun In dam runalu II can In or autumnu IF mullI Cc ll Call PA 065 mu PONTlAc Plrhlln Convlp um v4 mam pawn lulnl and mm ImamIla unh cunom Fat to pm 3101 10 um ulmlly law Dr um down Tflophm PA L7 nu auxcx Ruldml door Imam mm min cumm mm nd 11 mu um um mind my mum on lulcmohlll so down monthly mup WBKCKlND And an rem nu with mm mm llllflln 31 Plymth Suburbm Rumban Sllllon Wllu ma cnmmu Chuvm onIlon plnnl smu sum 1m Highway 21 an mu mm of Tharnun 119pm nnu 33 luuy en mnphm mamton mu power wlnm an nl ubhs mom nhuul Awlx it Cum 1m max mum mu wh bm Ind box mo orlllml mun Cumvlny mm Low Inw prl or me whn Windown hiephon mu nml WANnn mm uynnlu lar phonl PA Mm mnlnl muum Io Cllflcrn cm uh am or mo In mp1 hvo Telaphnm um um run PERSONALS AN rammo mud mm mm In Tommn tumor You um Wellully slum dilly mm Navunbu 11 lo mury II In In Tornnln pha PA 1mm in pfm IIIAUTY Illa fiaXdIleI Ifll Ila by cull hllrdn yuur nwll ham or hnlpllll uh 1mm in ms or it HELP WANTED COMPANXUN An my Indy Imlanlr UumL Wm MM Ilnlll muma In th1 hum 1n mum murmur 1m lllul nanny Tilerhonl Hill um PA on II Ibo mu MI IIII Wm I14 In In murqu Local mnnulntlurtr mlulrn malt and cumin or Inlmnrdl pomlan in Accmmunn pmmunl Mul hlxh M1100 mmkulnnl and Dunn mur1 utounllng buclzrmmfl Flw day lmur wrrk lull uan Impbyu Imnrnln Apply peran Mr IL Murlkmnltl IHHDI AND GROOM Wllcll Clnsslllcd My fnr lmlllc futnlluro Iml Ip nlhnu bunml TRUCKS TRAILERS llA Inumu um humfl III nl mm mm Wm mun mml In um sin mm In mm iununu SELL AVON Gm sm CASH IN ON lha hlx Fall Ind cmm mu Sellinx Season Refre um AVON In your ne gh bourhood Vrile Mu Wnlker 3a Thnmmn SL Illrrlc or call PA 66351 ACCOUNTING CLERK mncunv mumHe um mm whe Al com M31 pig bins mm WOMENS COLUMN MOBILE HOMES WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD HALE FEMALE FEMALE HELP Barrlu in an HI modll Io HELP WANTED nunled mén nqulred or training in the home Improve ment Held lfloufly was and confinlulw Car or pnvloul experiam not necemry For nppolnlmen cull PA Mm or came in to 10 anla Av Barrie Young man with Grade 11 or 13 lar nfllca work Bookkeeping ralnlnl dcslrahlg butno hem my Apply Mansllald Rubber Cnnnda Limited Bmle IINGLB MAN or dll um ad will WANTBBI Irlumd Ilumlnum wlndnw um our lmlllllr Mun hm truck umpluymenl or ml Ron IALIIMAN Wlnlll 9n om ID Ellu Ind Iqulpmnl to but Irfll DII communion DI ll Mu Wnu an 49 mm GROWING Inlullnn nlllhel Imln human not um um wul pmldn marouh Inln III you In Ind llnunly lnllnllld In mm Int omlan with ma Mun all Illl PM In In Mandi lo hidy In In ll noon Ahlrdly lnr no BAY CARI or chllflnn mlnd chudnn In my mum Tillman PA 4501 EMPLOYMENT WANTED CHILD DAY CARI In In Trumpumllnn IIIPPIIIG phonl PA Mrfll HAVE IMALL BOY who Ilnll eumpmlun Dly 11 In and hem or an chlld 11 PA mu lnl my lunhu dill unr mnvzn lo Bum 1mm amen malady dulnr on in Hn mum or mn mk YDUNO In malnu WM byurveld would wark at room Ann wm upm Im me Birth Ellmlnlr sxrlnlchBn Clrpln dnlm work Addfllonl nnavnlln In ll mxmlnn llllnl no In all menu III Nu 10 loo MIL Illphonl Iny Hull PA EMPLOYMENT vunud mm In lellu Ibeul to nu DMD lumd mounun um cum mm uunun unm um IonL snlnry no of PIM Luann wt Blnll Dlmm NOTICETO CREDITQRS lEGAI NOTICES In the estate 01 HELEN XSA BEL RODSON lnlo Barrie 0mm Supervisor Chlldrenl Md Soclfly deceased Credllorl and other havlnl plum llllml he above male an requer to lend lull par llculm Inch claims to the underllgnod on or More In 2nd day November 1961 after which dale the esmel will be distribuxcd hnvlnn re lrd only In clllm the hnv then been recelved JOY AND OATMAN Room 291 King SL London Ontv Saliclmn or tho cxcwlrlx TOWNSHiP 0F MATCHEDASH Tenders or Snowplowlng Tenders will be malvcd by ha undenluned unli 12 oclock noon Fridny Novembrr 106 or the muwplauxhlng up proxlmnlcly 15 mIIu Town nhlp randx Please Ilala me Mr hnur Thu lawn or my lender not nmumly acccpud Dated at Caldwnler lhl 17th day Oflnber ML MRS DORIS COOKE l2 TENDERS AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 16 1230 pm sharp for JIM ALLEN Al IM 74 Conrmlon lnnhlll Towmhlp mm next in 400 lllghwly Sale cl culllr pln lmpIrmcnu uln Ind Aomo hounhold ecu Includinl Inthuu Term Huh No mtm lhu um Inld JERRY COUGNLIN AUCTION SALES haunt you Know that bod amlmu lnhlhl In min to In much lllh mu mun mm wiodI Ihm yuur pnvm mun dllroflllnutd YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK hr um wllh um um am from III buyln In Donl lrl IMI Mllmn mm by bum your IMIrlIIIxl HImnllnuod For Wanr Ad Service Dial SALES CAREER PA82414 MALE HELP ClerkTummy Aurliomr nu mum zumumhalflunnfl moan nanu ALLISTON Special The first meeting at the 1953M mm for Bandnx Memorial High School Rama and School wn held In line Ichool auditorium on Monday evening ombu 1m Following theulual opening Canndl Ind prayer ecrctnry Mn Palmer rendtho mlnutu ol lagt ercha cloxlnz mntlnz and also the trealul ua apart In the menu or trensurtr Mrs Sutcllflo She pomd balance 520 in the current account and $33 In the award account At Ill paint president Mn HunIo Handy nddremd me group hrltfly on the unblock Why You Should Belonl to Home and School Ind Whit Yfiu Wlll Recelvs With Member 1L She xtuted that by joining you will warklnl with othm in tha wt belnwf hams the hunt Ind the community And through study and research you can help take lotion on matter Home And SChOOl Groups Praised At Glance Parliament By nu CANADIAN mass my up Indullry Minism Drury announced plan to grant will mum on mo and 1qu pm import In relurn or hlgher expatu by uto Inguglry Lube Mlnlster MucEnchen laid he made no commitmen Hal Bank that Bank would be Allowed to any resident Seafarm nlon Opposition Lender melan hnkcr Mr Banks appear to he fllll ha pnmpcrcd pet dying gnvemmjgfl Paul Murllncnu PC Pon unc Temlacnmlngue warned um changes In he Ix Itmclure are most ur gently needm by the nations ecgnpmy Primal Minister Iald new View bond will lake mend leak at all use in whlch perm are judged to be pom neuer mks MgNmy act is WOULD DROP REPORTER9 OTTAWA CPIA manage mcnl survey has recommended ha ultimnto disappcnrnnm ol the shorthand rcpancrs who re port Common dnbalc or am sard the oHiclal record dc balcs The survey uhled Fri day In the Commons propose that Npofltfl bu mlnced by lnpe rccnrdm Tho lnpcd rec ord debnlcs would be trunk crlbed by employee dnslknnled pnrllnmcnmry transcribe 250 pm to debate govern ment lupply motion Thu Sen ate nlnnds adjaurncd unfll muduy nlm DIES 0F INJURIES TORONTO CPDAnn Fm mAn ll nearby Mliliken died in hospital here Friday at in lurks auflercd he nrcvimu in day when cur in whlch Ihe wnl fldinu flipped ovcr Aiex Jnmuiiia cl Nronla driver ho car was churned wlih cnmleu irivlnn and consumlnl liquor whlle undtr an RATS INVAIIE HOMES LONDON Onl 1Cl Lam me In lcnvlnu uwm Ind 1n vndinz homo ln cortnln mas lho clly mth Olllcer Dr lluchlwn wld Friday He mld he ml um pomnlnl emu rlm ol lnlcdlon nnd vcnnln MAN ELECTIIOCUTEO OWEN SOUND 1CIfluudl Slewm In emploon lual company or mum hnn l5 ycnn wM drummed ul lhn wolzh Irnln yml Frlllny 11m Mmr duh wn mnncdlnl heavy canu IM laude bum Ira COMMIT COUPLE TORONTO NUJohn Gu bdln In Irpnml whool mum And Mary 27 um mammal Friday or trinl an flmm ol cnpllll murder 10 ACCEPT MINE OTMWA lClDellnro Min hlrr llollyvr will ncctpl he Hrll No IN funndltrrhulll TORONTO CPD Onlnllo le Demucmle luly Lunar Ilunald MacDonald Flldny ulllrlml lhu rmvlnflnl lnvrm mml lur no min an mam mmlallnm lo umm Iludrnl lulmnlnllcnl mum III III mnvlnm lvuhlrnll Duluth Imhrr Illbn In ler nltal pm thI yul In lh mlvluury mmmlllel cl unlvmlly mm Iald vnl aludoul lullulu In Imnol nlknl Inllllulm an Inldth uum Dvqu pun1n Immqu we um nm Inan Ilwu dlmlnl ll lht nmnwnl MI erlmm uh uh In nhlunml nmn lmn lmrllnu mm lha grwunmwl on Iho pmhlnnll pm MacDonald Hits Provincial Govt WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF or Interle to Ill umnu Ill teacher and Ill claim You naeded luppoll current projecll well an equal educa unnll opportunlly or all unl fnrm Canadian curriculum re search In eduullon znrlyle tend lmum Instruction 1m proved llbrlryjervlcu And Federal olllcq of adncnlnn With membership you will celvu voice in presentation to dovernmcnt and cducollonni bodies participation in roupa studying educationond ch id de velopment the utioinction thnt come with increased knowledge lniormution About your Ichool it clutroom programme and llcies glue to cxchonxo dean with parents oi your childl classmates Iho advan toga oi meeting with the anchor oi your child the privilege oi knowinfieoplo oi varylnl hock frnunds oodLintoruts up ortun ty ior training in ion erlhlo nkllls Ontario Home and School the oitlclnl publication mm to puhliutlono obout children Ind education ire ulo oi the Couriico Memorial Lihrnry nod charm to work with one oi the Iorwt volunteer groupl in Condo Game WrIuht mutant prln clpal Introduced Iha two zueal make Jonph Delaney actor 01 map BMHS and Flulerald dlreclor the commercial doputmml or BMHS Each maker oulllned the various apexAllan their raspactlva deplnmenll Mr De lIneanlroduced ha member his mm at bl time while Ilse Ill memhm oi the com mmlal department met me Home and School memben in the classroom during mm whlch allowed The members were divided in to two groups which Ioured the shop am where they saw da monslrnlions by tudenu wel ding electric work woodwork and motor mechanics and the commercill depldment when cludanls demnmlmed thy mm clllar adding machines sund ard and eleclflic gypgwril Thu lunr finished up In the Glrh Occugallanal department whtro lane dainty land wither cookles Ind come was mved by Iludenu 1mm this class The and we prepmd Ind xerved cnllrely by the girl themselves under 0w Iupervl Ian at molt anchor Mn Newt Wnsun willlam Bales thanked the teacher Ind pupils or making the meeting lune CNN kt tralnara at brlel ceremony Al ha Cnnndalr le llod plant In Mammal an day The nlmalt luan ha Tulor wlll renlaca the plslon engined Harvard whlch has been In acrvloe or men than 20 yam In ha death last manllr lnxl drlvtr They wm charged Jolntly nller ha hallertd body Mlchaal mm 40 or Tom was laund The Garbellaa ara pnrnnu 01 two amall children PLANS PROGRAM REGINA CPIThe Indian Emmn Amclnllon Canndu holdan ll nnnunl convention hm thin week nnmunccd Frl dny mm It wlll allcmpl to let up mordlnnlcd promm lo firoduru ucnulne Indlnn and imo handlcrnm for exvnn and domcsllc consumption The wclntlon laid ll hm hm Ip pmnchcd by 113 and Enmpcnn buxlnmmcn lnxemmd 1n dil ribuflnz thu hmdlcrllu ASKS MERCHANT FLEET QUEBEC CF union londcr nld Frlday Ounwn Ihauld um he 51000300 it wunL pend on cancelled 1qu pmnm In develop CI npdlnn merchnm 11m nny mand Parent pruidcnl Fulcrnllnn NnUonIlo du 11 Mulalluruln I1CNTUI whgch muxu Ihlpynrd woka rnuuhoul Qucbrc Md lhu Ihlpbulldln lndunlry 111 mn llnun lo depend It dou now enumy Im Menu pollcy OTTAWA CPDA New Dem ocrch lmy MI cut all by chairman mlan In the Cnmmonl Frld nlxhl whrn he nxktd JnIHtu Inmcr Chmlrr to haunt Ihu nlnllnnu lnnrlo Suptmi Cour hulnu wllh llw Nnvlhrm Onlmla Nn lurnl GM Company Andrew llmwln mrmhrr lnr Onlnla lmnwmd rllod newn vnpN npmll Inn lrmcnll In um Hnlnrlo lvul lure llnllu Mr Julllru Lumlrpvlll mm lhn Unlulnnyl lllllllhullml ol um Iham Mmlnnl Rll In prumult lumhlul In alllmn 0mm Juqu Mlnlmr lhmler uld rnmamrnlnry ruM lmhld mmulm hum HIUHI er flnm m1 lhc mln Ho uh ht rm mmly quell olhor pm plel nplnlnnl lo lmlirll Um uml In Inmllnllon The flmk deal luwpm lulu Judas In 1quth Jr Ilw bomb Speaker Silences Greenwood Rep lqu Bunker Lutkn 144 mnurml uld Mr Chmkra umlmlhm In tnnKI Ind Mr 3min vn oul ol om You receive The Barrie Examiner And you have selection of 66 popular magazin es from which you may choose your favorites One weekly at our car riers regular col lection period co vers the entire cost of both the news paper and magazines Your Barrie Exam incr will be deliv ered by oUr car rier and your mag azines will come by mail We fufly guarantee each order How It Works CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE MA GAZINES HERES THE BIGGEST READING BARGAIN IN CANADA PLUS All Im small numb cl Hum Elnmlm Emmy lmdlnl lho prlvllm ol muvlnI 1M flmln Fumlm It anM and mum mud nbm um la pry mu null or II month ulh lhu Mammm lhll lhln Imflml all Ml PI mnl nmml nlu luv mt only the maxim MIlu NAME ChVu rnwmm own mm mnuo mm mm Io Mm lam but Hm NOW um Hmnl Nonmu mm In mu llm Murlnn NW II ll 1H Rm Amsy The Mini Mawlnll ncdbank qu nener Mom and Gardrn yu Lndlu Home Jaml yr True 5on Chulelnlne lnnnln Sport Magnum yn cum Llle lam Nil yr Ilmur Grum Modem lholoumphy yu Iluhllan Herald 3y Mcrhanix Hmmlrd 1y Mandy Munlhly yn Armmun Ilnxllo Glamour qumm Mnerltnn cumin 0th Inn 740 yu Mnrluml Hwy rr um by Popular llwlognphy 1v cm Mmlcmnmne Hindu Dual lam Klluy Quunn DruHr Mullin Jltk JIM Jill an mnumul fipolll Midd Vllul All In WI NOTE nm nIler lullbl uni to dnllyhodehudIm Bublulbm FOR ONLY mm mm may THE BARRIE EXAMINER GROUP Nauru Delher Ily ulul noun No IMMUNE mums OR mums GROUP Ylnl Mllnlnfl New flu McCulll Cllhullt Dlml US Cmm syn rm Hch and 51mm Im Phooplay lyn sum 11 ethnic Teenum Inunuu yr Allnnllc Advouu Dl Ilod Ind Gun True lava Hunting Ind Mth nummm yr Goad Humekteplnl lyr Snlurdu lehl llumply Dumply am My Iyn DTV lhdlu Mirrnr 8m Fopulnr Gnrdflllnl Ind Iln1 Dmdoau lnpuInr llalllnl D1 ILQ Sande lFrD DII llnv lwulllrl IirJ Inn DA Grind My 1h Iyn nu Mod Lhml It IA Munlna Mdun 1F Ilmm And mkn fial Eunmx Im Holiday HnlrDa lovullr Muhmlcl rlnnl Im Drudle Ilarwl II Emir um CHOOII inn jrhuguy mama1 1hw67£i cm II from HIM NOv mm M1 N0 WEEK In Vfiw

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