TORONTO CPI survey nmnng 1000 FrenchCanadians in Quebec province indicates 13 per cent favor the immedlnll political separation at he prov ince from he rest of Cannd But 43 per mm uppase the di vision of Canada 21 per cent said My had never heard the soparatis mnvcmsni and 21 per cent were undecided aboui the issue Almnsl all svpnralisls who were questioned said hey avor drmocmlic methods or achiev lng qubccs secession Only eight per cent said they wuuld apprnvc nun dclnl None favored violence The commissinncd ininuy by Mnclcans Magazine Le Magazine Maclcnn iis Frcnch language cdilinn the CBCTV program Inquiry and the Group dc Recherche Socinic nonproï¬t group of social sci cnliss mill and Montreal universities which directed lhc survey Rrsuils were announced on Mondays inquiry program and um published in lhe NOV Maclcans Six diesp electrlc mm hauling Patiï¬c Grcal Easlem Separatism Has Little Support The minority marina separ alism the indicated per cent oi Quclmcs loiul popula lion vmuid IK murc ihan 300 000 includts strum repre scnlunun rum lhc oulhtul wall rdumlod city dmllmg cl he sux indirnlcs The study shuns onu out four plorcssiuxml persons quea linncd and H12 same mia ol pmunnul earning murc than 102 Dunop 59 TRAIN IUMPS TRACK FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS CALL NOW BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE 56000 year invor the sum alisl movement which wuuid have Quebec scccdv from Can nda on he ground that the French speaking minanly ls dominated by English Canadn Nearly ls per cent Mum Iczllers lnlcrviewcd in Ihc sub vey said Ihey mur scpnralism while only 11 per cent outside Munlrcnl share Hunt view Forty ï¬ve per cent of arm crs questioned said they had never heard 01 separali Questioned about he Fran do Liberallun Qulbccois 27 per cent said the FLQ uscd viulcncc ov draw atlcnlinn to hem snlvcs and 18 per cent by lined the aim was flannincly to win imlcpcndcncc or Quclw cm 130 remained uprlght allcr bring derailed Monday near Britannia Beach abau 15 miles north Vancouver Most of hose answering smd they believe separatism has im portance Im Qurhcc and 57 par cent of hose said they believed lhc consequences svnarntisl actiyny hccn good or Ihc province No dcduclianfor sales commission Enquire about CANADA TRUST IMESTMENT FUND CANADA TRUST DI IIUNLDI 51 PL HAHIUE Mnndny Tllflfhflfly Friday Canllnuons wam nmembers of lhe Scalar crs Inlernnlionnl Union Can ada jolnpd In the unlunl dem nnslration march on Parliament Hill Monday The women employed as cooks porters and other galley help on SIU shlps and as cleri cnl workers in shipping ofï¬ces joined an cslimmod 2000 men in lhelr pmlosl the lcdernl governments plnn Io lmposu public lmstecshlp on live mari timn uninns Women Ioin SIU Protest Most SIU ships have least three women crew member employed as dumcsllcs Most the women mlused to give their names and would nnly say they were in Ottawa on union ur ders WORLDS LARGEST Sweden has lhe worlds largnsl Imbmllinn mill lha Scndzimlr lypc or strip stceL Eight of the rains can toppled down 11 steep slope injuring hm crewman CP Vircpholn Ali were highly vocal In their se or SlU President 31 hunks OHAWA cm AUAbnyt 1oo Canadlan Natlonala ruvoluflonnry Red White Blue fare plan of yearround saving goos coast to coast on October 27 AVE UPTO 58 Compmo thuso snmplu onuwny conch mvol fawn on ovary Rod Bargain Day the yum Bnuio to Vnnmuvor 04000 Edmonton 83100 Snaknloon 02050 PA 474 NEW YORK GRANA sub sldiary Johnson and Johnson Dmg Company has nnnauncnd plan to market Inler this month an oral contraceptiva pill my gunman now eald The blrlh control plll de veloped and manulaclnred by Orlho Pharmaceullcal Corgara all of Rarltan NJ has eon approved or Jamil and cum lveness In twwml 1mm dose by the 115 lederal Food and Drug Admlnlrlralor rnld Dr Arnold Crone director ol cllnlcn lnvesllgallon at rum Orthor Reazarch Foquallanzu TQIssue New Contra Pills Nu ornl contrabapklve pills approved by FDA or sale lnlhe US0rlhnNnvum mmllllgmm dose which costs About 56 or months supply and Enuvld made by Scarla and Company Ivemll llgram dose which has no ommendcd pm $291 or mom rganltemsnk+ Drum olIElals decllned to any what the lwnmullmm Ortho Novum plll wnuld cost but said It has been approved In Canada $240 or months nupply and hoped ll would sell or less In the 15 In Toronto the Cnnadlnn Food and Drug Dhcclurala con ï¬rmed Mundny that Ortho No vum had bean approved or sale in Canada In March 1963 The 5519 price at the drug was tnbflshed by the company how ever and not Mm to appro vnl by the drug dlrectnrate N0 SNOOKER ABEEGAVENNY Wales CPI In Earl of punishment or house Making south Wales court ruled that snooker enmus lust Terry Ewen may no la poalroom only once month in the next hm yeam Winng 91300 mum 62485 Nonh Buy 9185 107 Dunlap am Burl Opponlh Ouum Houl PA 65525 hmm lunlu III Fm St 0K JOHNSON WHO FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS CHATIIAM CHThu more exlslcnce food and drug dircclnrnln Ollnwu no guarantee mm the funds drugs and msmcllcs on ma markethave been approved and found sale In every way Health Mlhgslcr LnMnrsh said Monday Them is no aunrnnlcu In lhls ï¬eld anymore than hum guarantee lhnt nocrlmu vlll ha commuted Just because there Criminal Code she old mccllng he Council of Women The amtame did thumbs It could Mum llken police OTTAWA CmTho new has or lhe Mounlles George McClnllnn husky slx qu rm tlvc ol Moose Jaw Snsk wlm has speciallzcd In crimlnnl In usugnuon and nallonal seems Ills nppolnlmcnl ns cnmmll sloner of the Royal Cnnndlnn Mounlcd Police succccdlng Cunard Hnrvlsun was an nounced In lhe Common Nam No Guarantee FoOd Safe Judy day by Prime Minister Pear son The appointment inkes ci icci Nov Commissioner iiarvison April in ihis year reached the data or automatic reiiremcnl in ihe RCMP5 years service in mum5i ui farmer juaiiw minister Donald Fleming ho MOunties Get Commlssmner World Wldl Trull Strvlu Suo Snollabank Youll be mvprlsud how my ll ananaeaHomelmprovamumLonnlollhlwmnvulhar wanhwhllo purpoxn Thu Bank of Nova Scum Talk In lho manage and dlscus how opnymonls can bl ndJuslod In sull your budunl ï¬aflbï¬aam funch And dld even more In ha belief that prevention is boiler hnn euro urn dl recloralo was ndvlslnx mnnu inclu other about the law und providing lhu industry with ma directornlps opinlon nhoui whuihor nuw product inbcl or advertisement likely to Vininlu lhoinw Thcro was no legal nhIIiznllun to do hls It was done In the uterus of cnygurnur by try to prawn vlolnliuns Industry and blxslnm llkcd lhls up pmch hclpcd to keep them out of trouble and mud monay In lhc long run ngrced lo stay on or while lonzcr George McClellan 5t worked hi my up thrnugh the rank the post of deputy cummmlaner nfler nlnlnu the am as cnlll 1932 In 1943 he was promulcd supcflnlendcnt and ln 1953 he camo lhu commander the RCMP In western Ontario with hcndqunrlm at Tornnlo Ha commanded the lorco in Albcrln In 1956 as an usslstant commlssloner and 1059 cnmi buck 0mm depuly com missioner 1n churn he arcon ndmlnlslrallnn In man In bucumc deputy commlsslnncr or operations nnunb Nov sauna ru 11m 3mm EXAKHNER Parliament At Glance my run CANADIAN mass MQNQAY mg Prlma Minister Pearson mid lha governments mu leeahlp legislnuon will in pro claimed wlthout deluY when the lhreo rustle are named Opposlllon Ltndcr Dlelen baker moving non with dance charged ho ovum mem hud crenled chaos in Cnnadlln shipping by daw WALKERS DUNLOP ST EAST Youll chooso all hroo such llny prlcol Luxurious Basket Wonvo wool fnshlonod with air and dollly Ilnod In rayon Tho dolnlllng In oxqulsllo rho workmanship superb Classic Im sheath in blue crarrborr 98 bonmrllow Two pfcca mul will grnbroldcru account EIhmcraï¬ï¬‚aimpï¬zli 98 pineapple 16 Three pitta 3111730in scalloped detail blue cranbvrru 98 yellow bone dllnu an the lruatueshlp Exlcmnl Allaha Mlnlsler 511 me guvemmuu ha placed an cmbanzo on sale or shipment mllllnry equipment to South Alrlcn MSDAY OCTOBER 21 61 Mr Pearson unnounced RCMP Commlsslonur Hnrvlson ls mlgnlna Oct SI and wlll be succeeded by Dcpuly Cnmmlukmer George McClellan yummy Oct The Commons mm 150 to resume debnle on tho onscwnlive nun conï¬dencu motion The Sanan sli PA 601 133