Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1963, p. 1

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c3 HAVANA Prime Mlnlsler Fldol Castro has announced that Ma government ralslng the price or beef poultry beer and cigarettes to help pay or $200000000 flood control pro gram In hurrlcnnc devhlnlcd Orlenlo province In lhrcchaur lclclelon re on Monday hi hi on hurricane lv Cum are accused Iha Unllrd States at withholding wunlhcr Information lrom Cu ban mclcorologisll duran the alarm MONTREAL CPIThe cam Hnuinu wnikaul by members of In Seninrers International Union IndJ In dcliance lcdcral government orders In return In work has had little lmmcdlnln affect on the ship mgnll of grain put Cnn nlzem In Montreal Inld meetings 510 hulls near es the vessels abandoned by he Iallurs are Icheduled to ba held around noon lodny In tha tune of xovnrnment lhreaLs to lake dlsclpllnnry actlnn agalnn the sailors and union olflce lor flalalm federal labor oug graln nul St Lawrente Rlvcr Parts reported to be nnrmnl by dcpnrtnient of transport om data there were em pro longed SlU walkout would soon empty Irnln elevatnrs in East ern CBnada SlU crew an the West Coast dld no Inln in he walkouk Followlng Mandnyl march on Onawa by an esllmakcd 2000 51 members in protest agnlnst government lrusteeship over llve mnrlllme unlana scheduled meetings In unlan hulls Monday night did not materialize REMAIN 0N 51mm non organ zen suld later commlllee of 15 In charge cl lhe protest had decided tn sched ule lhe meetings ladny and Ihnt Ihe SIU members would remaln on share at least until afler he dlscmlons 99 Your No 246 He mid charge by lhu Unllcd Stale Hm Cuhn had hucd lo allow lllghls cl US hurrltane spuncr planes over Cuba was qbsolulcly Inlscz Ports Report Traffic Normal Ian can they dare say um whtn hay dont ask permission ln fly lhclr lp planes over Cuba ry dny Cnslro naked WANTS momma urn1 llo demanded lining ol Vlhe US economic hlncknd be cause or Ihe hunlcnchllsinslnn Lift Blockade Castro Asks US LINDSAY Onl CF Flrn Hm lhrcalcntd lhc mnln buxlnm ucllon here lme Mondny nlxm was brought undcr control nllrr drivan 10 apartment mldcnll lnla lha Hunt and domain most 01 lnrze flutelorry bulldlnx TISHIIIIY Enulnml AP Hrllninl new prldo nl llw IHM lhc llmhy OnoEleven Ihorlrnnue nlvxlnnr rmAhrd Amll near Hula Imnll mulhwul England town lodny and men lcsl pllou nnd obuncrl nlmard dlcd in Ihu wrecknne EDMONTON CI Four men Wm nrmlml In eight pollumrn Ind lwo pollcrwomrn onward on tlly muncll rhnmhm Monday lluflnulllfic in mcrllnl he nrw ruuncll under Mnyor Wllflnm mm OTTAWA Wall ll Mru nlumk ll llfl mld Hill Hunk la luppmlor uolhuxl yyl Thu pulldrnl nl he srnlnr Iu lulunnllnnnl llnlnn Zun mln Ilmul mnlmnllnl llw Inr llnmcnl IIqulnl rrldn1 aku Mudlnl bulldcnm am Iprmllnl he wnnl pcrmnnlly In hlu unkinmllile lhnl ha lhmlahl they re dullll pm PM man IM me muu ha pnll xllrd lullnmrnt III quls mp continually nur Thou uuyn tummum of lmllmmnh dldnl Imnw whnl Hm unr wasJun wlml lhry Ming MI LndlllIrha nrw one my yparMr Mk Mllml In Unuwa ham Mumer RIU hemlqulrlun ll lend Mnmlayu pmlul by mm 1000 memhm unlml Mnnl lrululnllun Illnl wlll lmpnr nwunmm mllmhlp on he MU ml luur nllur mulnu unlnnn Lindsay Firemen Control Conilagration Britains Pride The Skies Crashes Hawrelaks Firét Meeting Starts Riot SIU Cheers For King Hal For Exnrmnel Want Tole phoiu PA WA The telephano numbe to an or 1hr Busing or Editorial Dept la PA um 01 1mm Our Telephones NEWS BRIEFS APRenter Neither Hal Banks unlan pres ldenl nor members of hls ex ecutive were seen unlnn head quarter In downtown Montreal Monday night although they were reported to have relumed rum Omwa or reponed ahlp were moving In and out Mon real harbor as usual because most grain carriers were able lo dock at and null from grain logdiqg ahng with Be as 35 pa tled up In Montreal Harbor at least an other 54 ships were led up In reven Ontario port between Klrlgrtongngifnrt Arthur port ofiicinis in Port Arthur were reluctant to pass out moor lns past to ships waiting for berth while the SW wniknut continued Ind there were ears continued rail deliveries of grain in Lnkehead elevators might be gin tn back up ii the inading npyatinns remninzd staiied The Wlnnlpez grnln exchange urzed renewed government ef om to keep grain moving in the face at the SH walkout MOVE WITHOUT TUGS in inking on grain Montreal Quebec Ciiy and Txoisilivieres Que moved out on schedule without the help tugs One iiussinn ship carrying 1300000 bushels grain nailed from Quebec City Monday and another vessel with grain or Russia was reported ready tn move said that they cease blacknda on country whkh End suner disaster ths The prlme mlnlslcr salt mnsslve public works program lor Drlenle provlnce In eastern Cuba wlll lncludc dams and flood control systems so here will never be repellllon of Flurns floods Admllllnu heavy losses In the sugar crop Cubas principal tamer lorelxn currency Castro rald the prlce lncreasu are necessary In buy henvy lbulldlng uqulpmcnl lor lharc camlrucllon pmrnm Teacher What Is your mm mm Smnll Buy Jule sir Teacher You shouldnt use nickname Your name is properly Jullux Next whnll yoyr nngny 1117 mundrtl by Mk III mu mmlc Clmo by Wu Tnnncr lrnm Wmhinahm me pmldrnl lhe HIU of Nulth Amulm has mmhruhlp and alllu In Amrrlrn purl lmvn lmmurd Innmllnn Ihlppiul udnl um SIU Ieamm Mr llnniu chrrml wildly ha lnxlruclcd 1m SIU march ru lmpml llwlr Imllvidunl mnnlml lmllnmrul with lhe mllre Iv llle MU rum All lth lhryll tlrrldr old parch whn Mimi whon lhl dcmonulrnlnn wuuld ulurn In Mr uhlpn mm hllo II whnl lh lwvrvmmm rnlln annlllrnl mm ml Innnly me Kln llnl null mm ndvunre apprnlml Hue nrxm Inmlwlxh Inml llnmlrll MII an the Inn In Inrluhl mmhlnv lu nrdllllll lhr Llelnumlmlml pmnl nl 1101 pm In pwlA In all All film Mill mm huly hnnhnll In my lmleud bun lmm Monlml nd Small Boy mllous HERES ONE nldrl OlTAWA CF legal showdown loomed Iodny with lemon and their uniun who marched 2000 slmng on Par liament Monday in defiance or frdcrnl bncklawnrk dnmand Slop are under cansldcm Han and will have In be viewed III thl of what happens lad1y Prime Minister Pearson old Ihe llnusc at Commons as the marchers withdrew Well know he sllnnlla whm we gut hack in our parts Presldvnt HM Hunks cl Hm Scnlnrcrs Inornnlional Unlan Canada old Howlmints In nr dtrinu dispersal or lhn plcnic like and peaceful lhrnc huur dcmonslrnuom Well know whnl Io do lhm Mcmhers lhrmwlrn wnnld dthe WlllUllr la rm the wulk oul Hm has Ivann lcnnml nu II lcunl mike by he guvrrnmrnt In mid Irum Monlnal SIU Mndnumlcrs Inlcr cumu wunl lan mccllnus uuuld be held ln day by Hue mrn uhu had made Idle 51 Illlp lrnm lhe Lukchoiul castwnrdMurllng hum noun Wm lhu Hum 01 Hm demulr Alrnlun TIN In wilh Hm nurcrxunvn Nun lnr poulhlc luau Iclmu hlnnlnx on HIU acliun mlny were part ml llw Hlpplnx cumpanlcs durum1v may ftmly In lnkn Iluipllnnry nciinn or nmvn Wu mm In NI Illan ml limp Hm 1m hindrml mum nlllpnimz hut Inn MEMBERS 05 he Scalar crs lnlcrnnllnnnl Union of Cu nadn cheer their leader Hal Banks centre as he walks nmam hhcm Inward me sir Legal Showdown Looms Over SIU Ilmk ml Mill lw Mul nn mrl qulck Imlllmx mlqu Inurr wilh mumd lmo whm mm mm nml hmml Ihmll rim with hlm irrm shurlrr llu leln Innkrll llltrrllmml rlgnlrl ll mm mm lllhl ill ProceediAtI ith as ONT NOTE Ml MW lluvr wu mu um nnlr yumuz mnn IIIIMMNI hum lhr hmly llnnh by Ilnul Ilrrl Irma nhuuhd flnnhn mm dnnmul mmk nlm wllh yuu mini llnnhl Ilhuul lnrnhlnl ulmlr rr null tlnnlwrl Mum Mn Irclh lrlnlk mapmlmuwl darn wm mum on llw lmk Ile lmul mul lm mm any mu Ilrixwl MIN Imlmy Ilrlml aml lnm gum Mklwnldu TM WM lhw mnn Ilml Mr hltllw Nlurlu of Vulmnh vrr nlnglml nubwilh llnlhll ln llu Irlnl xmlnvlnl luqulry Inlrv llle veal thrl InMr wnr Tqu udznn mum lahl Um Im In nr Ihe Inlprnl nulmhlv In lhll mum Mr Junk i5 ifiarrie Emma lulled so fnr to cum record when Export movcmcms The dcmonflmlian an Parlia ment Hill prulcslcd the govern mcnls odch lruslccshlp legis lnllon rcndy be clamped an the SIU and our nlhcr uniuns wlicl ham acccplcd it Last clIurls lo nonmlalc In private sclllcmcnl ended Sunday of Parliament Hill in Ollawn lllnndny Thu seafarers wnlk ed all their ships war the weekend in pnrticlpnl ln ha march which is prolesling lho WOMEN SAME WORLD OVER Barrlc Onfirlb CanlaaTuudly Ociohor 12 1963 Nnrvll ma um my nhom lhn mun hum llm Unllml Slnlu uumlmnl who mun In Tnnndn in mm hmk me lllnrhm lmlnn nnll muw Hpth In ulnln llll zmlp 1m mmllvrr rumlwlo ulrcllu ram with Inlulnnnl nml nllhlru III II llu mm In In vnnri mnl Ihr lltvflnl whom ho Heran llmmumul Mum Ill ymlulywu Ha II bully rrurl lllihnnld grmlr vlmrlmnury wnlrmphmm nl llw law In an mum mm mannlml lnnlullnn lnlmr MM Ivy lhn Cnnmllnn lynhur Imzvm lwr Inivllni ullwr unlwu llI hm lwm drnlrd nnmlbnn illllmhln In turn up rllrnllom uml ulme now Im ng mm by um Julllu durum vmnl la pullmlnnry mum Ivy umlnlly nmmlnml muan on ulwuw Iran llflllfll mlnlll In 1M1 unlnnl hlm Hum 01 Hm Ilmvml Manila WASHINGTON UPIAn congressman 100de Mm Dink Nhu In Um on and ask Why cant yau cnnlrul your wlIe Mm hrnllwr Son Vlcl Nnm lrnidrnl Nuu Dlnh Diun mum ll ho same the world ovvr Thu cxchnnxu wax I34 pnrml 1n Vnshlnnhm by llcxircsrnlulirc Wllllnm nrnnmlicld Ilrp Mich mrmbcr he Ilium ol lhplrsenlnllvts lnrclxn lulu Lolmniflw whlch m4 rnlly vllllml Snlnnn Hmumlhhl nl my ulm mknl llm blnul quu lion Mu Nlm 1m nuhpnkrn Mlle II 15 volley In VIM nm In lnurinu llw Unllul nlrs lhe llnwn um Nv ludnl ilven mm In USDesuoygx Is Hepoxted Safe NEW YORK AHThe navy destroyer escort Fogu caught In lhu whlplash ot hurricane Ginny rode 25m seas oday withqu engine power Jul lwo US Coast Guard vessels and ing by her all North Carollna reported her mman crew was safe decision on whnl lo do about lhc Fogg wlll nwull wcnlhnr de velopments today coast guard spukcsmnn 5am le 300400 dmmmlssloncd vessel had drmgd south 9bqu 70 mills through lhe Allfillé since breaking loan from her law Saturdny night The coasl guard tuner Cuco reached her Monday nlzhl sum 16 hour lam alter ha Fug was spoiled by navy hurricanehunter plane govemmenls proposed lm lcnshlp ol marlllme unlom The government has lcrmed Ihe wnlkoul Illegal CP ercpholo The Cum JiHoai nnlroi xunbonk was joined by the tub ler Chiiuln in lnndinz wuich wiihln 1000 ynnis oi lha Fan npuxlcd army N100 miiu all l0NDONRoulcrI Prlmo Mlnlsirr Am Hnmo lvdny mm hl Hm cnhlntl meclannnd 1n dulng Mann lhe llrxl lirll Ixh pm lo 11ml Iu dllcuulonl In yearn Man made plum ln no Ln hnr Lender llnmhl Wllwn III Ilkcuu plum or an cxpfclfll drlny in mumpllon at Mr Hnmrnl mm In mlnwn lull in Iul 1m gum Uw an In Ilen lrnnnll lo call demm Illnllon llu urnl hid Hm Pullman lhnldmzu mumla lhu bathroom ll llllflcvlmll but Inn nutml muldly among Mn lup porlm Ille ha lml am In ruunnnl Hm INWilman Homes Cabinet Holds First Meet Ll MHJIIY IIMR llv lul parer II mmy clmxa Iml llnnlly mlvrd ul lho lvuck wlum humlmh and wlrhu Ilrl Ilaml Inr lhc noon InnaMm loll dvlnh Wlml Iiwul ha NMII mm mum ML llmlnl Mr Jmllre les our uprmnlul he BIU In he may nIIVLvr Euro Mr lxnnh nod Hm III Why llmuu tnnudlln leof Conlrm at lflor my ulrl he lh mm lube km on lhu Wm VANCOUVER CF British Columbia entered ll third day today under Ileady rain wllh town hall under water one man dead and tumbling bouiders an dangering hlghwny travel Almost our Inches 01 rain has fallen here slnce Saturday and the gun was hlgher for Me rlor EC points The lurecnst was for the raln lo conLlnue Steady Rainfall causes BC Death The pulp mill commimily of Woodllbre 25 miles north of here inflated mas under tor rent ht began early Sunday slgnalllnz the end In the was coasll Indian summer Pollen In lhe central interinr blamed the storm or he death at 21yeamld sawmill worker xlruck by killing me Th Tran Canada Highway through the Frnscr Canyon uo miles east here was closed under he threat falling rock Examiner Contest Is Going Strong Mrs Anne Bowers represenb In Shanty Bny dislrlct wnlln In to maintain her lead In The Banla Examiner Cash Awards contest She Is closely lollowcd by Mrs Ulllcmp nl Thurman Cnnkslnwn mu and Mrs Joan Pope 01 Strand Mn Llllicrnp moved 1mm lhlrd to second place as the can test enlcrcd It ounh week The participants slx In all nra canvassing la nbtnln mail sub scripklun tn the newspaper Mrs Pope dropped from ice ond Io third Ipol but sha Is not at behind lhe lwo Icadcm It slgnlllcnnl loo um lho um 21 Ihm women In he comes In Ier bid or he lop prim are pulling up good showing mm ma 51250 in ward will be given In hum mm and sixlh pos llion respccllvely are Mrs ONeill Elmvnlc Mm Jnmcs Morgan Mincsing Midhursl Ind Mrs Sylvln Swan Allision Many rural people whose suh scripllom nrn up or renewal can help the mnlcslnnu Mlch Ml Donnelly Examiner clrculn Uon mnnuzar sInIzd They can all lhclr rcnrcscnlnllves nr mull xubscrlptlonl dlrmly In Tho Ex nmlncrl ll Ihcy mnil ll would be hclplnl la manlion the con lcslnnu nnmos VUJMIIIV mum Drum Mun lrr MI Ind Akkm Kullnnovic Imkd on film duly Mud thu In Mnnhnlun Ute III on early ludly luchln lho DEMAND TO SEE TITO BRINGS ARREST OnAWA CP Acknow edglng that he situationcould became dangerous Prlme Min lsler ea rso snld Mondny nlght the government intends to proceed wllhoul delay in put um Canadaa marmme unions under gavcmmenl controlled lrustccship He revealed he had phoned President Kennedy on Monday morning and uhtainui the pres idnnls assurance he wouid do all he canld to prevent the American labor movement ram reacting in way that would mean harassment of Canadian ships in use ports Mn Pearson said in mid Presidant Kennedy that we would be In for serious trouble unless the AFLvCIO in iho United Stnios is persuaded to accept the Cnnndlnn legislation airendy passed by Parlia ment and made necessary be causr talk on private ms ienship had been washed out by the illegal wnlknul Hal Bank Scalarers International Union Pressed In the Commons or Mr Kgnnudya reply Mr Pear He said he regretted the ccssily or lhls action but ho understood the necessin and he would dn nll ha could to nvold any Impact whlch would cause nimble between our two coun lr cs evenled for the Elm liml mm the lnlfil round talks between me AFI CIO and he Canadian Labor Congress on private lmslm shlp came nfler he phoned Mr Kennedyhe didnt say when nnd nskld or and received his lnlervcnllon lo gel lhu talks res tored PIIONED PRESIDENT Thcsu nlks were scuttled by the SW walkout the prime min lslcr said The wnlknut was illegal and the 2000 mun dcmonslratlan on Pnrlinmcnl Hill Monday by Banks und his men win an farl la bring unjustifiable pres sure on he xnvcmmcnl wilh rpspccl lo truslccshlp legisla umL We must Show lhnl Canada and tree and responsith trndu uniunism In Canada is hlgucr than Mr Banks and that Canadian xnvcrnmnnt mgt Kg an that Canadian xnvcrnmnnl In gm lnx la bu lnllmldnlud by he 114 luqu ncllan nnd pressure onu who has dcslmycd dcmncrnu xnvnmfncnl In his nwp aMr lcnrwn snokc lcr bclnz laced In lhu Cnmmons Conscrvnlivc non onlldcnm US Président Will Help Prevent Trouble In Ports fiunnlnl mh floor thhtMI Imll ultl of Yuumlnv lmldenl flln Ind dammdlnx In allowed lo lull lo hlm mu nrmi mm an hour um nlnn Ml N60 M5 Thlnk Pu Copy21M Sunny wllh cloudy periods today and Wednudny Warmer bow tonight 33 High tomorrow 60 For summary turn in nu lwn Local Weather motioninc in coma in win tonightcharging the gnvmh men with encnuraging chaos approaching anarchy in Camp dinn shipping hy pusilinnlmnu dnwdling on the trusteeshm is sue But became immedlalely clear Um In he Commons nnly he Conservatlvcs Ihnk thnlway SUPPORT ACHONS clnl Crcdllers and CrediUste came prompt and practically unqualified support for the gov ernments actions ln delaying the puhllc lrustwshlp unlll all anon gain private settle ment had been exhausted And 1mm Mr Pearson In an angry relnrl came the charge that Conservnllve Leadc Diel enbakcr in his motion pnd mm long speech was melting palm cal claplrap and directing lha clflclal opposition the Housa by zinnucndo insut and invoc lve Mr Pearsnn said Mr Diskr bakerthe mules dnwdler them HIPdemonstrated wild exuzgerallon in apprabhg the situation The chlcnbaker tends This government because II cnnIusion Inconsistency and pusiilnnimaus dawdling and de Inys In taking cIIcctIve acilon has encouraged than approach Ing anarchy to dcvclnp on the Great Lakes the scnwny and in several Cunndinn ports ihcrcby causing disruplInn In shIppIng and lhe pinning In jeopardy oI csscnllnl lrnde in general and In pnriiculnr cam iiiacts Iar dclivery oI when to Inrcign cnunlriesi Myanc point Mr chlcnbnker mid Sir there no help from the United Slates In this labor difllcully because Mr Kennedy nuteds voles Mr Pcnrmn xapllcd Inter £th he had more help hum Mr Kennedy in conlnz with the ill unllnn than mm Mr chfcn Pres cm asp l0 today called on ha Unllcd Nallom lo lake lhu lend In ulmlaun he principles or pcncclul cocxlsl cnco Into reality baker Make Peace Real Tito Asks UN UNITED NATIONS CP Mmml Mal Gen MIIn Ind ml lwu mmbm ha Tun mumn mum In lyran Iflh llvu Yugml lulu MILIds un Mel Wluflmlol mollon

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