Im In excellent heallh con Lnry to what aha helleves but ltl at morn canvcnlcnl In tell onel mlslrcss lhal the wile ls menlally II or ha she sullen lrom headaches hncknchLs ex hnunlon and so lorlh Thl pro cuu or mklng ouulde cam vldel hlm wllh nn excellent ex any and It make lha mlslresl Kellen Ihe ll lilllng vlul need ln hls llle ive dedicated myself in belnn good molhcr an active and main member oi the commu nity and im deiormlncd lo hold my htad upi We would be infinitely nsiu however ii weiimenning iricnds didnt feel it lheir moral obligation me win is noingon have Adored Ihls man wllh Ill my heart mm mu years aand you can add another 11 yum or good measure be cause Ihere were two other wnmcn helmu Ihl ona came Alon courage and to wait pallenlly unlll my man came home or load will welcome Mm hack and yrseven push hlu wheel chAIrbccanso law him and Ilwnyl MILGrinni Dnr Ann hinders was ascinaud by um letter from tho woman who Admitted tha far 11 yam she hnd bun lhe mistress of marrled man PM Jun bar lover II my husband ell Hm mistress of 11 yea that her lnllcr awnd bull 11 my husband aim has lrIht and ha ugn have him Ive been begging Ih hlz clown lo cltnr am for ma hm le yearn Ive lnld hlm Im lick and llrcd coming up or him wllh lhn kids No ucn ackcd hl clomu and onch Im to leave um do you know what he myn Nancy lhul woman cnnl rhino your uhou Plum Ilick wilh me unMI Re III Inollflmm out my Iyr km So Im Mlckinz wllh me flur umlerllnmlmx llml um Mr And Mn lnul mum Smlm an thorn allowlnl ler chdinl Al Crnlml Unllrd hurrL ll Donald lny Mlldnlwl nl Du ewnlnl murmur he luldl MINA 0le unlnllex ll th mm AN INFORMAL roceptlon was held for Commodore Goodchlld CD RCN Senlor Naval Olllcer lo ronla Am and Mrs Good chlld prlar lo attending the lralalxur Ball held at lhe Beauty Conference Sponsored By IODE An Intereslln and educatlona Contlnenlal lna Friday even lng The Commodore and his wlle were cues ol honor at ha Ball Shown above It the reception are from lell LL Frank Ladauoer Ollloer Com manding Navy League Jack Glulland chalrman Sea Cadcll Mrs Jane Dagncault Chairman of Navy League Commodoro Goodchlld Mr Gaodchlld Lt Robert Gra ham CO ol Sea Cadets Ex nmner Pholo Change Of Command Ceremony Held At Owen Sound Saturday ANN LANDERS MES RICHARD LES TER wile of Flu Ofllcer Les loronla divides her at unUon batman IA Jon Ann humm Plume Man With Mistress Is Confusing Wives WED AT CENTRAL UNITED NAVAL BALI COMMEMORATES HISTORIC BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR year mslress came from Ham Htan Ont My husband has been acllng funny since 1951 and ItaII lures Thanks Mom Den Ann Linden Im no Iurious could chew nulls Thursdays mall brought Chl ugn Suanlmu cllpplng at your column about tho woman who rm been mlstres or 11 years Friday morning rn telved cllpplng or the lam columnthls anu lrom the De tron Free Press Saturday so another cupplnglhis one lmm Grandmpld Mlch marrlud or 11 cm and cant ï¬gure out chcr someone think we are living logclhcr without the henclll clergy or whether Im bclng old 1n nulmlublle way lhnt my hus hand ha mlslms What does his sound like In yamBundle or Nerm ï¬rst tlme he embarrassc me or his child byflappegyingfloq Denr Ann Lndm Please wlre ma callch either yes or no Did that letter rpm the 11 Denr TAIL Sorry will not tell you where tho lcuer camu mm but will all you that did not come lrom Hnmlllon And Im no your mnthen Denr nundlc ll munds llko you know notdlonnlsl with an aIrlravel card Farm Dur Ann Linden Youll never print Hill Idler bcqnusa ll doom lunparl your slupld ouldalnd nuï¬lunltnl ndvlce mlAlrcu Icvtn yum Ilnnd In would like In my hope lhe man doesnt marry her be cnuso lwill poll evgrylhlnz mlslm cm wash lho guys lock or llatnn la Mm more Ncilhcr docs shn hnvo In pul up with hll mlm nhlu nIullvu or horlnu boss ï¬t hu mun nl hll but in nu hlm at MI worIL lvn been wlle Ice and Ill never In nne nnnln Thin II Ibo lilcliol Mndn pinc aldewéxfivnh m3 dams Ill knock hla block all Mr ml Mu Krnndh nnmlllr Mrllnn Mum The hulamom ll lha Inn II Wally anh ul Iluvlnn Md live We Mr mm The rmuvk ll nmku er Imnw In Harri 4Ilmm Hill In Cawvu Sludlol Cmmplon left and LL Bruce Law right nfllcera the Barrie Sea Cadets Mrs Lt In and her husband accom Damcxllc and social ndlvlllu are generally lavaer or lllll new year In your Illa and ro mance will he cspmlnlly well nspcclcd In lnlo Dmmbcr nu April May and Aukusl gru tlvo worker are willing to work slendlly and pmxreuively and wllhoul expcclallon hlghly drnmallc rcmgnillon or toward Hwy should lmvu good your wllh hlghly lnsplrallannl perlndl whch could lead to lulun cmolnmenlln lnlo November February March Ind June ï¬rst pcrlods lor travel Jnnu my May July and August nu FQR TOMORROW xovemed by generous Influ ences on Tuesday In yau can expect all the cooperation you need mm buslncss associates as well as happy domes and social sllnallans Some new con lam could broaden yaur hori birthday your horoscopa holds out some very pleasant prospects ior ihe coming year Within the nut 11 month you should iind your energies at highly consinxc tive peak and the outlook is ex cellent or Job advancement business expansion and mm clnl lulu You will liuvs lo inks advantage oi opporiunlilea to henaiii by such influences oi course but the Aim urn on your side Bosi pcrloda or ii nances November he ï¬rst Him monlha oi IBM noxi June and September Do avoid ex travagance undo speculation during December Ind Apfll how Adverse inilunnccl dlscourngo all risk than Best lob periods Tho bnlunco oi lhil mnnih the period heiwcon mid Dccombor and lnle March oi next year alto May Ind Sop iembor MONTREAL CWGovernor thernl Vnnltr reulUnl lhnl 25 yum 01 Nl cumr haw been Iprnl nhnmd Accrnlrd nlcdnl Snmrduy or nulnlnmllnz Icml mlllp and nchlmmmt on he Cnnrndlnn mm we nnw he Jnkul In arm npctlnl nutmth um lgyoln Lollcxa Alum Al pnrlnllun lhn my yran nhmml mlnm hnvu mulled my dumcu nr lho mednl lelm tn my whrn MI Amarnnched nlmul lhn mnlnl nl lmnll nlmlll llvln wn lmuztd Ihunro 1mm Du coun try Hui cl mum dldnt hnva Ir nll lnm iavrmar Irnml cnml Iho llrll In rcrclvn lhl lwwacmw mudl Awarded by Hm unwclnllnn Ila lrndu MM mm Loyola In mo F9 THE BIRTHDAY hildbom on NI day will bu cndnwed wllh many ulcnu but may dllllko lha drudgery In In cuplullzlnz on hem EXAMINER WANT ADI IIIUNE III Award Medal To Vanier panled Commodore Good child and Mrs Gundchlld to ths Trafalgar Ball held here on Friday eveninz Earnin er Pholo THE STARS SAY Hy ESTRELLITA Miss Fellow was introduced by Mrs Jack Dnvnl Regent the Kpmpenlclt Chapter The second part of 11m pm mam was demonmatlan on makeup Mm Helen Ideson member of he LOrDrE acted as Mrs Fellowa model and mlny warthwhlla tip on mnk up were learned An Intmsltnz and educatlonal beauty conIeIence was held Trlnny Hull Oct 18 sponsored by the Kempenlelt Chaplet of thl IODE The conferencn was conduc ted by Miss Chelsea Fellow an Ellznhelh Arden Consultant Ml Fellows theme for tha Hm part Iho program was an Haw to row in lovellucss Thls deal with akin care make uï¬ exercise postuu huh cple hand gnd null can she wax presumed wllhl an orchid comma by Mrs McDonald and thanked by Mu Clifford Rnllason Prize winner for the Elm bath Arden pmducu were Mn Phyle Sknndbrook Mrs Ada Gates Mrs Collon Mn A1 Allan Mn AL Dean Luncheon wan awed by Trill lly Guud was held for Commodore Goodchlld CD RCN Senlor Naval Olllcer Tm runla Am and Mrs Gond chlld prlm lo attending the Tralulw Ball held at lhe Mr and Mn Glenn ermn len the rumor lollowlnu llwlr mnrrhmn nl Colllcr Strut Unlltd Church with llcv Gnrdlner Skelly nIIIcInllnz Tho bride Inrrnlno Gregory II llm dnunlllcr ML and Mn BABY BONUS CHEQIIE $2500 CREDIT COUPON BOOK DRAW TO TAKE PLACE SATURDAY NOVEMBER Wlnmr lar hpnmbor Mn Flornu Monll RR 11 Anon AUTUMN CEREMONY AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR DRAW 0N Cash Your Mm Mnrin Laura Avlna Cav nm of Mexico In Invelllni fluent of the Girl Guldel Cu adl witch In her rola She II usually part of Ihe welcnmlnl committee It Cuernavncn when she heads on 01 three World Gmdc Ctntm The Change Command cera mnny for the Grey Ingl Simeon Forester RCACCA wal held at Owen Sound on Saturday when LL Cnl Enlland CD look over command lhu Regiment tram Ll Co Sygnons CD The ceremony was held Victoria Park Owen Sound Commencing pm Brlx Wellhead MI 013 Mllllla Group Commander look the general mluke Mll Mnmcn and wamen ram Barth Collinzwcod Durham Midland Orlllln nnd Owen Sound wm inspected by Brigadier Ruth chmenlnllve the World Fellawshlp of Girl Guidel and Head Of Mexican Hostel Visits Canadian Girl Guides Continental hm Friday even Ing The Commodore and his wife were cues ol honor at ha Ball Shown Ibova It the reception are mm lelt LL Frank Ladaucer OHIm Com manding Navy League Jack Lnnrlo Grran Slmud nle huhroom ll Hm Ian at Mr and Mn Frtd Nellon anmn StuIL IInit Th nuwlywndl will mldc In Hurrlo tlhalo by Cowper Slu um ll our Slam WI try Iva ham mm thlnl or Mexico Iha added and Hill Includes arls and mm minus Most of mo ml work done with straw The lllll are taught lype lymlx painlan 5pcclnl lo Max ca Girl Scouil iiiiu Cnvazol wai cnmed nix companie oi Guldu lmm British Columbia Saskat chewan and Ontario at Ihn Mex ican hostel during lha nummer SM laid 1000 Guides visit the II gam oid centre overiaok in Valley Cucmavacl durinl year lulu Avlna who wlll he In Canada for month lound um Canudlan Guides are tlmoraul about sampling Mexican nud rm prepared at foreign mm It the huxlel The Gulder luld that 60 mun lrIu hava been rcpmscmcd the hostel In one lime and to popular that nsurvnllonu have In be mado yum nhcnd planned vim alm of the centre 15 to promote Inlernnllnnnl Irlcmlslvlp Mlu Avlna explnlnud Other centre If located In Switzer lnnd Ind England and nnuxncr ll expected In open next lprlnl In Paonl Indlu Among lhnso Allendlnx from Barrio Wm 00 Squadron Captain Harris Shale and Mn Steele LI and Mrs flnnlow Mller Lt and Mn Art Fuller LI and Mn Vnynn Stewart Ll and Mn Ben Hanan LL and Mn Dlxnn SgL Major and Mrs Lorna Vlnlams POTATO RECORD FUNTINGDON England CF Slx pomo planu gmwn by Suucx Arm worker hnvn pro duced crop of 39 munhu lleved to be war ncord erlard Brigadier Weathead and Lt Col Symon lea was held at the Owen Sound Armoury allowing the changeover lollawed by mess dinnar and dance Thu Intpectlon parly was led by ADC Cam McFaul Gmum chairman Sea Cadcla Mrs Jane Dagncault Chairman of Navy League Commodore Goodchlld Mu Gaodchlld Lt Robert Gra ham CO Sea Cadets Ex amaer Photo later Pearson hlil to the lnmulnl ohwamcn In bun prggeulaqa THE mum EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER Cm Tho prime mlnlsu lnunchlnl Cnnad mm Womcnl Week that leMll woman Ill Icllve only In buhlncss bl allnlrmt all levels good um ship of Ihe hlxhext Prime Minister Praises Women In Launching National Week OfUp To 550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER 0mm OF BARRIE 44 DUNLOP ST EAST Slx Monllu On Your MRS JAMES MORGAN Rupmnnllng Mlnnlng Mldlmm Phano PA 37409 Slx Mann On Vur Two You If you dont give hoot HERE ARE THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR Ml SCHEDULE POINTS NEW IUBSCRIPTIONS STAYNER NURSING HOME srgvnan our WINNER Mail Subscription Contest MARSHALL mcnl Week today said lnlmulale amonll III Icllve Imam no buhlncss but In publlc It all levels not only nu and chlzen Ihe hlxhext order PHoria THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL Could Be Ill be calling on you soon QM to minister nmdnll Cnnadlan Bua nI Week today said IIrï¬unge among About the can you Wm 01 winter donl read urtherl Bu youre selective bout Ilyla and keen about value 11 who to remember lhll nobody bu comma Ieleclmn CF has businul wnh voun Help RENEWAL EUBSCRIPYIONS Prlme Min pam rlbulo achlcvcmovls mid 71h Mr Pearson the Iedurnllon lhruugh would Ic mam ahead PERMANENTS 99 Jflflï¬fï¬fï¬ PHONE blah Mlnlc veil OPEN EVENING Pcnrson conzrllulntnd durnllon or ll work In and said hu hapu lhut sh dedicated marl larva Cnnndawllh oven Iucml In the year All mini nvnuzr Mum I0000 palnn 15000 polnn 50000 points PA NE PA 84284 EM