163 Mk Domlhy Kenn 22ho Employed wllh her parents In store at he earner of lhe WI line and 11 nghwny hm came the 20mm member lho Inanlil Fnrmcrs Credit Union Inst week The union hn cumulnted nssels of $932000 and hope by flue and of the year In achiew lhe milllondollnr brac The in new ngcncy Tess said Saturday nlghl ll WI d1 lnnion or newspaper mm In erlc Um Gromyko had spoken In pessimlsllc Icrms oI lnlk among the Unlch SInlcs Bril Iill and he Soviet Unlon on all International subjects III re marks duran the Prnslwlck Alrporl stopover nppIch only In an assessment disarmnmcnl nczoIlnIIunS ass sald rcchcckinn repnrl dislrlb ulcd ln Thu Associnlcd Press and other news agencies said tho port had boon distorted In lrnnsmlsslun mm Prnslwick In Lnndun ll snld Grnmykn used he phrnsn could nol be worse In rclmncc only In bl hm lnlk on disnrmnmenl LONDON Ml Gloomy mnrks by Soviet Foreign Min lsler Andrei Gmmyko Friday at Prcslwlck Scotland were ap plied Io only one aspect oi inlcr nullanal niinirs dlsarmnmcni negotinilnnsil wnx mndo cica dillan the weekend nos makccs he win ner cllgmlc for the provincial competition at lhe Unlnrlo League of Cmdil Uninns an anal mocling am my nlghls colchrnuon saw 200 persons sit down hnnqud at Owalssn Lodge out side Orillin There wum renne scnlallvcs from 47 cred unlnns at the area as le n5 01mm of lhe league Orillin Mayor Mrs Isabel Post and he move or Mam township TAX SALE SHORT The adjouï¬ï¬‚ in sale was held In Slrvnd Frldly to clear Last years Beauty Queen Mrs ern Ayres Slrourl was on hnnd to escort two new cnndldalcs or the line hcfnrn the Judges She crowned Mrs John nnhcrls wire or James Roberls an employee or the orer doparlmcm Carmen as the new queen The olhcr con leslnnt was Miss Lnrrulno Ty snn member or Kempcnfcll Ocdil Unlon Barrie who re ceived second prize THBBARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER liSlg The uninn whlch depends bnlh on armor and urblm member ship has gmwn aver the years through excellent scrvlw It operates personal chocklng service nnd nlsu lakes can lozm requirement 01 members nlu ny evening um union was represented by 32 members at big parly hcid near Oriilia hy lhu Georgian Bay Chapter which Includes various ma cw dii unions kel Gxomyko Claims Press Distorted Gloomy Remarks INNISFIL NOTES Girl Becomes 20flflth Credit Union Member KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY TODAY WI YOUNG AND TIIH DIMVH CAPTAIN SINDBAD The Rendezvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL WHQSWZWWLL Ind WARNINGI JHIS ISIHE Immzmmrmwamrwum 1nd BIG HIT HIE DIAUIIESI Ull MPIRE 0f IIIEM Alllll Blflï¬K GOIII TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY IMPERIAL NOW YHEATR snowmo Local alumnus mened Lay mans Sunday yesterday when parts or Lb services wm men by member lha connexi Hon SR Pauls Innlslll ser eml men look purl In the sch vice The lessons weu read by Jack Colman and Ray Nellw Nu any was said by Jack Walnut and the servln com duclcd by Ben Gamay On Humor pmched ï¬na mum on hu um 1M Sam This Christ In You lhu Hope of Glory lo Come St Jmms Unllcd Church Slmud will hold Layman Sun dny ncx weak when my Gout ellnw will be lhe pmcher Lloyd Cumming spoke In tho sonca at Cnoksloun United Church ycsmdny MASON Al SERVICE Mmuva Musnnlc Lodge of Slroud mended the United Church av Churchill yesterday morning with about 50 memhen occupyhlg lhe body of tho Once Jill 13100 mm of the few pmpcrlles lcn tom the sale week Also Ono mm which had been bld up over axe due last week was no sold It was redeemed and withdran mm the sale We other par cels were sold less than rim mlnulc alter lhe adJoumcd snla opened LAYMENS SUNDAY mmm or All IM mutant EIIOWN AT NO pJn ONLY Burvlol Llrgul And Mon Luxurlaul Fully Llnnud Lounno Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH HAMMOND 6mm snowmo ALL COLOR SHOW Adult Enlulllnment II blg mime Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelxon Strand whu are on lour Brllnln with zmup nt Cam adlnn lumen wlll hnvo Break In London hl weekend Mel helm nrmxtd or lhem hy the Smud England BrlckThmwlnz Commlllue Mr and Mrs Nelson who no com chm ol the local trick and MI In pln teams to be con ucled In London by upmenlm um nl the llrm sponsorlnz lha Brlllsh loam The seminar there Mr Clark lays We will mow lhem huv nod hm can In and the church Rev Pm mn Aster who member of L10 order preached very lmpmsv lve mmon whldl wu much lamented by member 01 the YoucanbuyCanedeSavingsBonds for cash or on lnstelments Buy them on the Payroll Savings Plan at workor at banks authorized investment dealers Stockbrokers trust or loan companies They come in denominations of $50 $100 $500 $1000 and 65000 up to limit of $10000 per person They fit every pocket bookl EASY TO BUY IS NEW IDEA LONDDNICP company has quxnsltd th bulldlnz In brldle over the Thlmes MIA SAVINGS MINDS61 wouldcost nearly ammo Vo looklnz forward Ir hearing mm the Nalsom or lie mknnd when they will hive hid an opporlImiLy to lamina wlth our Strand my land Manda Tho meetlnu was planned lonnwln our corru paudance with the Bulls om claLx when we heard the Nel sons lour endeavour haw our champion mower who on the worlds championship lhl yearwllh lhmw 110 can show your coachu how It was done Ho nllernlcd mu lcdeul gov ornmcnl Inland to call fed eral provincial conference nut year lo may the umcndmcnls which should hu made to muslllullan or 1587 Tho CnnadIIn government is conscious ha problem and In trying lhuck it all he told me annual mealan 01 mg Quqlpec LIpegal AngaIï¬allun QUEBEC cmJufllce Mln Ister Chevrler lnld Saturday It must be muted that tho Cann dlan tonsmnuon neodavcanlln unl Improvement to mock chm pndgglons Constitutions Said In Need Improvgments You can cash Canada Savings Bonds anytime at their full face value plus earned Interest When readymoney is required all you have to do is complete the redemption formlon the Bond and present it to your Bank You will receivo your money immediately Canada Savings Bonds are better than caahl SIMPLE T0 CASH WEDNESDAY OCT 23 nauuum ammo suluu um WEALTH mcm ROUND JACKPOT $300 LEGION HALL COLLIER ST lEGION BINGO You get Interest on Canada Savings Bonds on November 1st each year 4A for each ofthe first years for each of the next years and for each of the remaining veersgiving an average return of 603eyearwhen heldtomaturlty In 12 years wlth accumulated Interest every $100 Bond will be worth 616100 GOOD TO KEEP HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Mm Nov Our le Addrm and Phonl Numhm wll IN ORDER lflSEflVli OUR CUSTOMERS BETIEE ARE MOVan TO NEW AND LARGER PREMiSES Wlfll AMP PARKING SPACE mm 1m PHONE SERVICE us NOTICE 175 JOHN STREET