Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1963, p. 16

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TIE BARBIE EXAMINER TORONTO CF Senator Wallace McCulchean said Saturday privnle welfare agen cies should not be engaged in oiiering dim ilnnnciul assist ance but in providiuz individual or group service Spea us to the first biennial meeting lhe Cnlhollc Charl tlcs Council of Canada he said these scrvlcc would rungs from counsclllng preventive measures in field such an up nation and cilizpnshlp recognlze at government agenclu also opcrnte In ccrlnin of these fields but prlvnlo ngen clel can mm Ipcclal and lndl vidun need lhal are bnund to ml through the net of mass yublic programs Sanntur McCulcluon past president Iha Cnnudlun Wel nra Council lnld tho mpnnsl hillly or dlrcct Hnnnclul nulsz Ancc has been assumed by gav ernmcnlx result legisla llvn progrnm whlch In my judgment would have been on aclod In subslnmlnlly he mm mm regardless Ike party In power Enoch Powell he Brllish health mlnislcr and Iain Moclcod right canny pollu cal slratogls who was leader the Common were Ihe CAPSULE NEWS SCHNEIDER 0m CF Frcdcrick Nichols and Dnvld Durroughl15wm lound an Sundny uner upend Inz nearly 24 hours In nlggcd counlry ncnr this rallwny mm yugnily 540 milc east at he Lakehcnd SARNIA CPIThe mooInn Irelxhlcr Snskadcc muvcd on Ihanl In lhc SI Clnir Iver Snl urdny lwo day arm ran aground In In hcnvy an Thu 421400 lrclxhur was able to Ile unor mm moved part or lhn bulk currloxl wootan cargo at can Find Two Boys STE HOSE DE VATIOIlD Que CPIJnscphannd Nn dean Union Nallonnle mem bar of llm Quebec Irxlllalure for Darchuslcr dlcd Snlunlny nlxm ll hls home in NI cummunlly 50 mllu anullucml Outbra Clly III dculh loam um Mand Inn In lhcufrml lcglxlulum Ill Liberal AZ Unlon anlonnlc 30 Independrnl one vncunclu lwn Ship Is Freed Member Dies NHW YORK Allrcndcnl Tlla cl Yugoslavia wnx booed Bunduy by Ilnnmrrylnn plckru nl he arrived at lho Wnldnrl Marla lInlcl nflcr In light mm Vlrglnln Tila will mhlml lhn Unllnl aninnn KMlnL 11w picket mauled Tlln mur Boo Tito III lumly brlrk Inmunlnv In cmvrnknlly Intled 2va rim In pnlnlk and hluh Ichaolu Him hum with llll alumlnum ulnar Ilmm ml umnu Inwm Iran and mum hunhwnd flmrl crud nlr all but Ind IIMI TV lmlnllalkm In an no Full Mm mm mm lumch munl MIL an 1mm bfll fault In Immlh ml mm 01 MM Mmllnu Ej lnv mum at IVMIMI FL or all IA um McCutcheon Hits Direct Aid By Canada Welfare Agencies TWO AVOID CABINET MODERN 3BEDRO0M BUNGALOW FOR SAlE MONDAY OCTOBER 1363 dam and carried signs say ing Tims visit national dis gracei Dont help criminal Tim and filoMoscows Tm in horse two most notable umlsnlon In Primevnllnlsler Lord Homes cablnel announced yesterday an objected to thc way Home was phasen AP Wire photo CHURCHILL Mun CF The Irelghler Deborah loaded with 667500 bushels of wheat called from here early Sunday the Hudson my shipping season closed anlannl Har bors Eanrd spokesman aald the northern part handled 22860400 bushels or wheat his year retard Bay Seéson Ends UPTON Que CmTwo men were killed Saturday when small plane mslm and burned near this communlty 40 miles east at Montreal Bend are JeanGuy Adam 20 an ILCMP constabln rtulloncd at St Johns Gum and the pilot 38yearold Robert Groknu Pollce sald lecnu had just received his pilotr lccnce Crash Kills Two QUEBEC CWJustice Min lsler Liane Chcvrier spoke to mm 500 persons attending lhu Qutbcc lenml Fodcrallnnl an nual convention Saturday un nwnm lhat pollco Icurrylng around the slant were looking lnr bomb lollcc received nn anonymous Iclophune cull say ing bomb had been phch near the mac The search lumcd up nulhlnz PARIS WomanPresident do Gaulle 3an Ms wtte Yvonne rtturncd Sunday nlgm by planu utter tlvulay stna vllit lo Irnn The vlalt wn vlcwcd n5 hernldtn nnnlssnnce at Frcnrh Influence nml culture In Iran nan the Mlddle Enstr Franc was expected to cxcnd comldcrnblo lrchnlcnl nulst mm to mm or development project Get Bomb Threat De Gaulle Returns SALES Ind SERVICE OI All Typn Of HEATING EQUIP BOWENS Meldo Ilrlflnx In lbudlllunlnl 24HOUR SERVICE IE 136 Commoners Needed BY r1 mu LONDON AHTu be suc cesslul as prime mlnlsler lhe Earl Home must descend ram lha rnrlflcd atmasphcrc 01 British arlsmmcy and diphy macy lo the burlyburly of the Ham at Commons He mun establlah quick contact wllh the common man nly by doing this can Ihe lor mcr orclgn secretary staild chance leading the Conserva Ilve patty vlclorynvar the opposition Labor party led by middlec1359 Harold Wilson in the election that muslcnme he ore November 1964 Thc Dnlly vflprald staunch Labor party supponcr reported that Wilson was beside him self with joy aver the Conserv allves chntca for prime minia elf Lord Hams will no achleva the new Image simply by uk ng on he ermine robe lord any earla cnrangf wnu To the man in the meet Home alien appear re make and antiquated figure liv lng an bormwed time Many are against prime minister rum Hie House at Lords on princh FEW 0PPOED IE4 urruanu In fact Home probably go the top jnb bncause cw wen against hlm rather than be ecguse finany vaunted hlm Eul unlud him were those who counted0mm anclenl tnmnles such 1M Devonshlrea Hnlnwn Harald Mnemlllant and the Churchllls whose bucking uml counts or great deal In even modemhad Thy WW fitrlhe resentment 01 many pally members sxmuldlers The quea on In many mlndl Is Can he talk laugh enough against Labor attacks 1n the commons Or Is he loo much ggntkmnn ncsplleull the affacka mm his critics everyone agrcen lHome basically nice EL 0W SAID NICE CIMP and poll peer moored lhc Labor Dany Mirror man wilhaul face has been smuggled into No 10 Downing St Brand 15 now the boss nnd you can like it at lqup llAunHl tho next FlecglonJ Home success forming government wllhln 24 hnurs al though many lhought he would not was probably due to Tory loan the Labor fluent obviously the current disar ray in the Conservative rank could not be niiawcd to go on much longer ii disaster was to be Avoided WARSAW Reuters Pnlish blshops hnv pelilloncd Papa Paul II bcnllly Francllcan monk cxoculcd by he Nazls Auschwllz canccnlrnllon camp alter volunlucrlng la lake the place ol another man ncv Mnxlmillnn Kolbn volunteered In 1943 lo who the place Mn other Polean urmy sergeant whn had WI and child LONDON leml The Gnlld Drillsh Ncwxpnpcr ed llou has called or nn cud lo unluckan In scandal rev nlullon passed tho gulldl nu nual xcncrnl mccllnz Salurdny warned llml the nbusn pm lrmlom may Milly lead In re prmlvo lcxlnlnllon whlch would um um lurlhcr our llbcrly Ask Beatification Object To Scandal Tlme lhould man show Give yoursglf break llodny Whether lhe doep clcavagelgin the party have really been re pqlred or just Ilghlly planned aver to mean qmerggn ll uniy mastering lab Tory chance the next demon ncver rated blahwould dump stlll mofe It lake united pquy and strong Iendcrshlp to Mn The new prime mlnlslerl task between MW and next mums Gm lnvlnfi blown paltem with Gold colour de algn About le SPECIAL or TANKARDS Clear glau wllh hnndlu About IWWL SPECIAL or PlLsENERS by Waterlord Glnss in continental design About 15 01 SPECIAL set FRI3AM AND UGAR Made olrennhenware Tray will Mn dlex SPECIAL set GARDEN BOUNTY SETS made of English earthenware WhileInd Browne Dinner Plates net of Cereal Bowls Set of Fruit Nappies Set of 10 Planer and Open Scallop Se BOASTEHB Enamcllcd metal About 1551X101fl6 SPECIAL en FRY FANS made of cast Iron About dlnmem SPECIAL each NDNSCALD KEIILES made of aluminum SPECIAL each MIXING BOWL SETS made Polyclhylcnu plnulc SPECIAL alone an COVERED SAUCEPAN mado aluminum About M11 SPECIAL and TECO STOVE MATS made 01ml bar ColourlfiYellow Turqunise SPE CIAL each CAKE TRAY AND COVER mnda of while plaulc SPECIAL EASY CLEAN CLEANER 16 oz bolllc PLUS mm she baulo at EXTRA CHARGE SPECIAL complcln HOSTESS TMYB made alum Inuml About 11 diamelcr SPE CIAL each Remember EATON Gunmnlee Goods Sulislaclory or Money Relunded PLANTEM SPECIAL each lry Cnnednn fnsleal growing aleLebelle 50 Alel More people like il every day SHOP EARLY SHOP IN PERSON ONE DAY ONLY TUESDAY OCT 22 CHINAWARE HOUSEWARES made of plastlc yearl election II wen temporary holdflng acuon lo lowed by lgomus preclu tlvn assault when ha party wound an heplcd On international alibi Home will plug tar continued attempu to case EastWest ten Iion close cwperaiinn with ma United States and watchful altitude in Eurapci At imme ha wiii aeekto nulhld the mini llll with every votecatching dévice his welfare Itate pian ncy pug dream up Eu lh measure success may depend In the and It does now onmeJar the 14th Earl of Home cnn establish pap ular contact with tho mum ol modem Industrial Brllaln 49 49 49 49 149 149 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 SALAD BOWL SETH made of plny In Large bowl small hawls serving lork and spoon in and pepper xhnk erl SPECIAL set InDNING BOARD PAD AND QOVEII SETH SlllcanaVtrunth Vcauéh caver aver cotton bra pad SPECIAL set TECD DlSll DRAINEIKS made of rubber Colour Yellaw Turquoise SPECIAL each moo mum mum 1135 mfig plaslm Calour Yellow Tilr qunisc SPECIAL each CARPET REMNANTE Assorlcd nylnn wnol rnynn ln ha group As sorted colours 5110 27 x14 and x30 SPECIAL each PLASTIC RUNNERS Clear plas tic with metal undL Slzo about 30x6 SPECIAL each smn mama Mndc ul Black rubber Size nbaulflWXIBW SPE CIAL or UTILITY BAGS Mnde ol nylon wllh lull tap zlppcr Colour Blue 01 Drum with while handles and Mmth About 15 long SPECIAL cnch MENS BOWLING SHOE BAGS Vinyl ylnsllobackcd nylon wllh zipper walling Golauu Navy or Brown SPECIAL ench CAR CUSIHONS chuovlhnpod Made of loam plague wellshaped and comfortnhle Assorted conlrnxllng col umn About mus SPECIAL ench Alll CUSHIDNS Venulnlod Plus chnulcd lihra cover wllh polyarid Hog Silo nboul 17x33 SPECIAL cnc GARDEN GROVE IOlllNG SOIL Gcncrul purpose pnlllng sall lnr mo wilh all housu plants and bulbs Also useful for Irnmplnnllnz garden plants Composlcd dlslnlcclcd rlchcd 441nan pntkngoa SPECIAL or OTTAWA CPITh Claim dian University Service Over nas which sends graduate voi uniem in work in devalopinl countries nverms decided Sni urdny ask the federal govern ment In Iiwuldu hail the out Mmlng at 150 graduate or more in the Held yepr ram Ilnw CUSO approved $250000 Iund railing objecllvq but member of the cxccullva com mime Iald win need lederal Ask Government Shoulder Cost VDr Andmv also execu Ilve dimlor of the Canadian FLOOR COVERINGS AUTO ACCESSORIES SPORIING GOODS GARDEN SUPPLIES Unlvenltlea Foundation Jald we havent hope of filing he manypeopla hula the field without government lupyort resnluuan camng on the lovernmenl to mm the pro gram was mud wllhout pin muting volce CUSO formed twn years no has already sent about no mdualec Alla Africa and the Caribbean and there an new about 90 avaruu The or ganization railed mzm Ill year from students lndullrlel and other donors Dr Leddy vicepm dent the University 01 Sax kalchuwnn who loan will he como pmldem the Univer 49 49 49 49 49 49 149 49 49 49 49 49 GARDEN GROVE AFRICAN V10 LET SOIL Special mlx for use with Alrlcnn Violets gloxlnlns begun lna and olhcr Ienderroolcd plums Compound dlslnlcclcd enriched quart packages SPECIAL or RODLESS RUFFLES Cotton or gnndy Colour Red Green Blue or Gold column Size about In SPE CIAL each TAILORED CURTAINS White TAILORED PANEIS Vhllc Dac lrulo raian Slze abde Nuts SPECIAL pnlr run Sue nbouisa CIAL each WINDOW SHADES Roomdark ener type made of plnsllccnal ed cellulm llhre While only Site about 3570 SPECIAL each HEATER Kns Each pnckaxa has one let wnlllype one not calling Iype len 4pmng hooks end plus zzlsynrd picnler tape SPE CIAL kill FOAM WEBER EMBS SIZE 15 x45xl or 15x18x1 SPECIAL ea DIMPEBY TRACKS track compleha with endbracket 14 mm norm hmckgl crpwa qnd an nu packed idbei SPECIAL complete PLASTIC LINED DflAPES Paly clhylcno plum lined wllh plnsuc Cplours prawn rquolge Size about an 0113931 PAINT BRUSHES Firm nylnn hrmlcd brush In wldlh pacinlly sultnhlo lur lamtypo pain SPECIAL each PAINT ROLLER SETS Conslsls 01 75 Dyncl roller and metal my SPECIAL lpllce let GARDEN GROVE FEAT POTS For Ilarllnu n11 vegetabch and law on Mada 1mm up qunllly pcul moss All mu grow right through pal dlainlegrnlu nddinz humus lo lho mil SPECIAL 36 lnr HOME DECOR Illy WIndIar Ind who wu elected Saturday to his mend term chalrmnn CUSO said an movement should not he cumpletely dependent on government we mu pri vate venture CUSO Executive Secretary Wllllam Mcwmnney nald the ornanlxallon did not face any problgm ln Attracting volun lem So far only lwa lucccu flgl ngpllcnnu had failed to be placed BIO HOLE The amouil Kimberley open pl diamond mlnu In South rlcn aches 3601 lee dawn lnlu atone 49 49 149 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 am am

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