Friday nlzhl action In Inc On lario Hockey Alsnclallon Junior loop leh Ilhreewny lrlfllu Jim at tpg top of angina Jul Nlunrt Fl Flyerl mnlnlained slight edge Iho top of tho heap with home victory over Hamilton Rvd mm The victory for the de endlng champs was their leo En two starls Niagara FlYers Wu 2nd Game By THE CANADIAN PRESS 67 TORONTO STREET onsumersCBas It ms the UIhd mum Ion or lhu wlnleu wlnu their uc ond 1n In many night to the Plum lmnlo Mulboros hundcd Pamhoroth Pom thumplnz London Ont lhu um setback of the mm for tha Fem Ind both clubs wound up with 21 maxd 1nd ll with the Flym Monlrul Junlor Cunadlem and Oshawl Generals bolllcu to 41 deadlock in Montreal holdlng Ihe Conodlons ln fourth place The Montrealero how wln In oddlllan lo the Ile Niagara Falls spotted Ham on goal In the llrat period but domlnnled ll home opener the root ol lheway Defence man lnhn Arbour collected two goals wllh Bud Dehrudy Brlan Bradley and 6111 Mamlle udd lng Ihu others mm Knowles got the lone Hamlllon lull MARLIES scour crowd more lhan2700 turned on at London for the ï¬rst Junior league nme ever played 1n lhe any and Mur Hcs brenk nnen the name with YOURE POINTS AHEAD WITH NATURAL GAS THEFUEI THATOFTERS MORE FOR 55 The first period was scoreless and Grant Moores gun for Tor onlu midway In Ihc second wun matched in the Emma ncrlad by Pelerbarnunh defencemnn John Vundcrhurg But Barry Watson clicked In the last minute the period or Ihc gwhend ml lhrce ï¬nals wflhln ï¬ve mluum In my thlrd period am Selby mm and Paul ï¬umnt scored In ha Ihlrdpu was xeunw blllle Mannell wllh Ron Buchanan acorln or Oshawa with only so second kit to km up The Cunadlem led early In lha period but he Generals who had buunced hack fram You Cant Beat Natural Gas um uguna gums uxaln Ill Unrucher Hob Lcmlcux Mlke Ilyndmnn and Yvon Cour nnycr scared or Mnnlrenl Rod anne nu ma or the Gencrnl and MM Debnnn not tho other ATHLETE DIES NEW ORLEANS AP An Iaycnmld nlhlao died Friday hraln Injury sultand In high school football game weak ago The boy Robert Cruel Jr ol the MidClty Bap Ila ngh Imam had been un conscious since hclnz hurl In Frldnywhlle lrylng Io make Inckle Ill dcalh is the nth In His US mulling from luolbull reported lhls year THE CANADIAN PRESS Hllh Icarlnz bySenIlles Bnb Barlow Ind Ray Ojr of San Francisco helped to lend both cm In vlclory In the Wexlem Hockey Lulu Friday Each Icond three ml San Francisco Sell deflated Vancouver Cnnucka 67 and Se attle mm mutant over 05 Angela Blades Other Scnls norm were Cllll Pennington wllh two gull Seals Seattle Win In West ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER anunnn Ind Lon Haley Chnrlle Burn and Nlck Mlckoskl wlm innlel Euddy Boone Icared two as far tho Cnnuckt allowed by Dave Duko Bab Knhel Jimmy gang Run Mauhm Ind be un Barlow neared two in the loc ond period and annlher in lha lhlrd lo IIWI thing up or 5e Iulm Larry Halo Addcd goal The Sin Francilca wIn put than In In with Denver for mu place and the Seattle vlc my banned hem lnlo Ihe lec md Ipnt Porllnd Vancouver and Lo Angelou Ilva won only one um nplech PHONE PA 66558 COMMUNITY DRIVE ELMVKLE ARENA For ARTIFICIAL ICE SUPPORT mpllun nun ocTI2123 octonefl in ms In Your The