Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1963, p. 6

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35 Tfll BKRRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER By MM JOHNSTON Annivemry utvloes bald In Esson 0m Presbylerlan Church on Sunday 02L an 11 mm and 710 pm Rv 060 bufinlnfium rScnrboroth wlll be In nest nuke jinxy cum unu mu wul ha d3 snlom fnTho mnrqlng andfilson choir 3n the Mlu Genevieve Jlmlesau Toronto spent the Thonka ln weekend It Jnmlexons Min Eleanor Jennett ol Tor onto was home with her on em Mr And Mrs en vett or the halldny weekend Mu LAG Jameson la 0an to Ancestor on Nevdoy to end two week with her douz ter and sonvlnlaw Mr Ind Mm John Wilder uuuu Judu Anxllcnn Church an niversary urvlcea were held on Thanksgiving Sunday at 11 am and Thu church was heauum 1y decanted by mem her of tha Mm Guld Mien danca was nu very lam at alum aervlce but than wha dId attend enjoyed the Hun aermons preached by winning mlnlaler Rev award of SL Johnl Anzllcnn Church Cookstuwn in lhe mornlnl and Rev Br Harper rector of St Judea 1n the waning Jnnlar and senior cholra provlded male or both aervlm Gnry Maw who la mending Univerully In Toronto was home with hls mother Mrs Maw lor the bunny Olhcr visitor with Mrs Mawweru Mr Ind Mrr Harvey Lnnzdon of cm bird Mr And Mrl Harry Lynn at Barrie and lormer members 5L Judel visltcd on Suudny wlth Mr and Mn Curr and lnllended Lh nnnIverury nerv cex Mrflnd Mrs Norman Murrow of Enrrlu were Sunday visitor with Mn alignow Mr and Mn wnum dreen Icm Bun1e and larmerly of By MRS JAMIESON Dear fad nsson oao smcon chum NEWS DENIS SHEml 11 LUMBER AND BUILDEllS SUPPLIES nmlo lllnaukk lmllh 0600 lhauu filmml XA Hm NLI IMth Sill7U SERVICE STATION PA III Dunltvp 5L PA ma THORNTON Kln lChvonlclu lulnu IN INNW ILH When Grandmother WM glfl prayer was no ntranxer to her She learned early to turn her thoughts to God andrm ask Him for courage and or guldnnce The country was yuunger then Men were slili probing phyaicai hori zons in nenrch better life for their families Their quest took them in the sea in ships or along the dangerfilled trails to the VesL Sometimes the women shared their peril Other times they stayed at home and waited And that was even harder But whichever their course they prayed guns 21min ITPfiY Our horizons are dincrenl today nnd our lives filled whh less danger But we need prayer Just as much it not more than we did in Grand molhern dly wxumummumv Remember that prayer In our greatest source of Imnzth If the habit of pnyor hu become an mlllu in you and Ndla oovarlnn It by attending church services regularly THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Tlmn ll ltnku III In 11 lhnlo lImlm DIM Anuunumv mumn mum HURON MOTORS SANDHNSON MON UNIINT C0 ATTEND TMI CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE an Thurman ma vlaltéd Mn and Mn Ber Shellnweu on Sun evening lian snpwgn Lu Wednesdny n1 ht Mrs Ecol held own at her home in honor Mil Do my Johnson who Is belnl mu tied SMurdny In St Gearues AnzHcan Church Alllndale to Brian Cngnpboll ol Barrie For mer school chums Dorothy attended Ulo Ihower and presen lcd her with beautiful and use ul Km for her new ho Mrs Fred Arnold hurl all her lumlly home or Ihe weekend Miss Marlon Arnold and Mr and Mn Murray McVanel and lnmllyTomnlo and Mr and Mrs Boyd Arnold and lamlly London Those wim altended the Com munityConcert Saturday nizht in the new Barrie District CenA mi Collegiate auditorium had noihinl hul Dilifl lot the spe ciai artists tile BDCC Band who gave inc performance The trumpet uinist Miss Karen Embersnn former member at the band and MW attending Uni versiiy ni Western Ontlrio in Landau did her part excelr itinnaiiy weiii By MR3 BI MULEOLLAND Ccnzrflplallon to ML qnd Mn unn Neal an lhe birth 01 baby 1n Rnyal Vlclnrla Hos pital Ban1e Oct 14 Mr and MrsRnlph Robertson and Mr and Mn Blythe Black spent lew day in the IIth counlry gnlng to their collage Tilden Lake North Bay to New Llskenrd to can sale Ihen lo Hllllardlom vlsillnz Mr and Mn Glen erzht Mr and Ms Lennox Black stayed with Blylhe Inmlly The meetan Strand W04 menl Inslllute will be held in Community Hull munday 01 24 week later than advertis ed due lo bereavemenl Thu Brownie and Guide Ma Ihera Ire holding rummage and bake sale in Stroud PreshY lemn Church Wedneidny Oct mm pm Everyone nurtml MI wélcema 150 Vnpu El STBOUD COOKE CARTAGE AND STORAGE TD PA mm Em land MDN PA 00131 JOHNSON SON Mr built Im llElllflAM ROS LTD BUILDING MATERIALS By MRS DOWNING Lllllea Hm W1 will meet In Holly School 02 The warm II education undur con venershlp ol Mrs Flshlr Speaker on this topic wlll be Mrs Blumflarten Lunch cum mmee are Mesdame Gtaham Grncay Ind Hultema Everyone 15 wecome SIECKLEY FUNERAL HOME There will bu no church or Sumjay Schoolht Holly Un ltcd Church Oct 10 due to Anniversary services at 111nm ton Unmd Church Brian Dykllrl llnpallent In Royal Vlclofln Hospital Blrrle fly MR5 MAURICE REID Prof Brown and Mn Brown of Tamnlo spent day wlth Mrs Ran Kenny Pflze winnarl In the mam auchre wed evening were Mn Jewlson Mrs Bridle nnd Mrs Reeves Mr Thomp son Mrs King and Norman more and Mr Mrs Frank Wllllams um spendlnn two week with Mr and Mn Jim Ellis 111 Ml Kalirher hpngg lnlortwilllnm Mr and Mn My Law and daughan or tendon and Mr and Mrs McLean Tornnlu were weekend mm at Mr Ind Mfg Wlngmm rfcenfly pent lha long weekend with Mr and Mrs Brad Frld at Cooksvllle Mr Ind Mrs Maurice Held Ind Mrs Wilfred Jack were the plowing mulch In Caledon on Saturday and matured on to spend the weekend with Mr Ind Mr Kennflh Jackat Clarksgq Mr and Mrs Albert Cun all and Erin lack molar rip to Ottawn and Hull during the Ian weekend Mr Ed Mn Ken Wyse Ind lamlly undnn spent lhe week end with Mr And Mn Ken Bax ler Mr Ind Mn Leslie while at Iended lhe plowlng hutch on Sal urduy and molorcd III In Tm hegnareyA flag wgekeng Mr and Lachlnn Shard HOLLY LEFROY CHURCH DIRE Wanky SI mmm 00 6L Mr and Mrs Kelly and Rnnald Mr and Mrs Jack Con slab Ind family and Mrs Jenn Constable and sang spent the long wzekend the Inrmera coune onBear Lake and Delbm spenl the weekend lhelr collaxl near Gnven ursl Mr and Mrs Jacksnn Ind Mr and Mrs Dave Carmen at tended the Km Caldwell nun llnls In Banla last Salqrday Oc tnber 12 Mr and Mrs Culhlrt Ind baby and Mrs Dallery of Tor omo spent the whzkend with Mr and Mrs Jacksun Ind llgqlly Mr and Mrsnoland mmer Ind llmlly and ML and Mn Douglas Reld Ind lumlly men Thanksgiving at Isabella Lake Mrs Joyce llforrll and illch ard motored Mr and Mn lan Mklnsan Ind hnby mam hack to thelr home in Smith Falls alter they hnd spent the holl dayn wlth relntlm and lrlenda Conzralulallonl to Mr and Mrs To King nos Marllyn Caldwell nn halt marriage Saturday Oct 12 By MRS KEN BUSH Mr and Mm WHHam Gailap visited Mldhum Irlends Satur da evenip fir and Mn Andy Laknlos Jr Angus attended wedding 1n Windsor Von lh algegd Mn and Mrs Willard Dobson and lamlly mended 1h Atkln non Thanksgiving reunion Sun nlglpla Hnflyn Sggurdny Mr and Mn Walwnrnawe Barrie were vllllau with Mrs Arlhur Dobsqq hrough last vi Mr and Mrs 111an Eer mended he Beale Mlckemla wgqalng 19111112 on glurdpy Mr Emi Mu Jahfizmi enxen hined all their amlly for dinner Suygay evgnggg Mr and Mrs Ed Sway and hmlly of Hurllnutan vlmed Mrs Jnhn Mason on Sunday and Mr Ind Mrs Sandy Dempmr Mr Captnln and Mrs Randall Phnno PA MI nu Sundny School 00 Im Mornlnx Wanhlp Sermon mm Sundly Schwl IlumllIl In The Klnldom 100 pm Eunlemllc smite Sermonx This Immortal Soul wednndly 300 pm Pnnr Ind BIN study 945 mm Sundly School Mr all an pm 00le mm Thu Lords Supp NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Wodnudly pm Prlylr NH Sludy UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP ALL ARE WELCOME THE SALVATION ARMY BARRIE CITADEL FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS YMCA BUILDING EVERY SUNDAY OWEN 57 BARIHE FARMS REGULAR MEETING Sunday Sorvltu UTOPIA Gunn Smfl REV DAVID REBVE BA n0 DOUGLAS OARRAWAY ORGAN mm 901 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES REV 51 non TRIMBLE an ll mm THAT DISTURBING POSTSCRIPT pm CHANGE THAT COME SUNDAY CHURCH ECHOOL SUPERVISID INFANT CARI AT mm BURTON AVENUE THE UNITED nnd Mn Neli Dam and Mr und Mrs Alex emplter Elrrlo on Sunday Mr and Mn Cecil Denney of Falrpart Beach went the wankend wllh ML Ind Mu Bruce Mlllu Mr and Mn McCann And Mr and Mn Ken Bum Ipeni Thanksgivan with Mr And Mn Gogdqn 3th in Anus Both annlvamry Vivien at Free Methodist Church 100 sum Meeting temporarily In Codylnglon Slraol Publlc School Sunday School 1010om Worship Ausnibly 1100 PERMANENT BUILDING SITE COOK AND WILLOWDALE FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Ilolh flenlm II lll Chunn 11m to and Ilaur ndlo we even omun up man ll Vlnum mm hum nu Jn Geuuhml Phone PA Hm mm my Ilad munJinn Octal mu munEm luv 500 mm Allmml fluwlu In luau Burt Month Rev IIOLTON Pillar 45 SUNDAY SCHOOL 00 III III 1x00 Mn ALLIANCE CHURCH BETHEL CHURCH STEEL Ind C003 STREET Rev Gear no inr Frl mu Youth Benlca PLAN TO ATTEND RN 730 pm FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST 159 Colllor Service And Sunday School 11 mm Tesllmonlal Mooring 2nd Wed pm 1000 mm hull Bib School 11x00 mm MORNING WORSHIP WORSHIP SERVICES Chpperhn sum ll WarIcy Rev Gordon Wnllar BA ML Futon Mlu Cloughley MI 13 Dlrecfior ul Mmlo Bélh ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will REV DREW EA ED ORILLlA FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH mm CALLED CHRISTIAN FIRST NILTHE THREE 11s 01 THE GOSPEL You ml nut luau lulled mum VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS CORDIAllY INVITED PENTECOSTAI so mm Bundly School 1100 mm Manly Benlc Wed In Blhll mtu Tho MAN From Iho OTHER SIDE SUNDAY NIGHT SUBJECT aum 5pm 1h Unned Church on Sunday were wzll attended Gum mik ar at he urvlcu wen Rev Mr Lewis Orlflla or an mark nlnl an ce IndPldlé Mac Leod RCAF Cam Borden or HM evgnlnl Vldlou wlth Mn Arthur Dolr Ion were ML Ind Mrs Humid Rouhn Tomb Mn Stone hlm at Barrie and Mr nnd Mn Ed Hwardol Cranial Rev Tunkl Pmor 00 mm AYMKNR IUNDAY Mul bnlr Muan Incum II uh pm In In uhr flli MEDITATION Flan OUT Till nANNKfl IUNDAY CHUMII Imam lulu um om lulu IIM 7n Mun up and um pm Ill Ian 11 nm kin Numlu ILL ll MI 1mm aumn Chnlm no Ind 1mm llmu hllnlllfll REV DONALQ ll JAY Flloly Camuunhu Pcllfllh Ichool mumMom rnyu man Burton Au Cor ll Mlundalo ST GILES CHURCH In pm And an CHURCH of CANADA Mn wmu Ornnhl REV BELL ILA CENTRAL Vhllm Ind Renaul Walmm ESSA ROAD vou An wricom ll mm MYMENI SUNDAY ll Cool Elm flu A2 lynch IUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL yun Iaulu THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EIGHTEEN MULCASTER THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PM THE FAMILYVTHAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYSJOGETHER BAPTIST CHURCH Scnlnr School Come And nrlnl no runny Tu Church 1050 Junior School ALLANDALE Burton Aunnn II Gnnvllh Street luv Walla Dy mm on Cummnnlan 1100 mm Holy Communion 100 pm Evening Pnyer munm flu uanan flhlly MJL IL yum Ind mm Up In mu ll Im Cur Iullnl AnnLII ILL Meellnl In Hfllcmt Eeth Antlllorlllm Xhmnto at Dalton IN CANADA ST ANDREWS mm Hunky ll EV ADAMS ILA Mlnllm LAVMIN SUNDAY SERVICE 10 um sandy School 11 mm nu 700 mm MMIII MM In Mddolll AND WHOM Ovunhl cm NAZARENE 945 mm BIBLE scnom ALL AGES 11m FAMILY WORSHIP pm BROADCAST gem OVER cxaa MINISTER ReviJ Williams 811 IAM rmzm UNTO GOD COlLIER ST Waldo lull PA um CHURCH 00 Mn WORSHIP SERVICE Wlkh The TV Program lhls The uh Sunqu Lnlhmn Hour Branden Sun 500 mm CKBB mrold Dcmnm Director 01 Pnln IUNDAY MIlOOh ST GEORGES All he Vlulmm OF THE TRINITY XVI 00 Im um um LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel II all uniy No 11 Rev Joseph Molllam Church Phnnn PA M028 Pularn Reddenea PA Hm Sundaé School 945 um AdulI blo Clm moo am EMMANUEL BARRIE mm um 1015 mm mm Sunday Mn Wadnoxtgny 730 Our Mcihu Parputunl Help Nnvonl FIRST FRIDAVS MASSES moms mm 600 pm JOHNSON Er swoon Roman Caihollc am Rething Upurd sunken Mfl DAVID McCLYMONl Olhm TIllnl rm Minier Ill2V SUMMERS BA Dlnrlar cl Prlln Mn Mcxlnnon LAYMENR ummw WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH MrIc 931m Mr l1 Lumnu Mr flujunl mm Church Bthool Nurmy thrown to am Uu Your IIlvlluo Ta Warmly am WESTMINSTER 10 HELD IN JOHNION IT UlllJL ICIIOOI mm mum WEST SPEAKER MIL MIW ALEX liq Mnhlmll Wllludm Jnnlur hulv 01 so vnlm EUNIMY CHUIICII SCHOOL 00 mm NUMFJIY 10 INTIRMEDMIE EVENING DEVOTIONS REV It MKIJL we lllnlll ml dual Ind Mn Arrhu olwlll Come street Nu to Put Ollie Van IL Rand too Ian 01 Communion Morning Payer lfnyu 100 mm Enmonl You Arc Welconn 81 MARYB CHURCH MULCASTER 81 PA suNnAv MAssas TRINITY CHURCH ST VINCENT ST

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