Wu Christian Love My king or Israel was Well pleased wllh David he map herd hny nflcr he killed Gol lalh chnmplon of lha Phlll slim5 Snuln mli Jnnmhnn liked David so much that he TORONTO CWThe spread in vmcnlcnl muvcmen is ngarded wilh great uusplcion nuuy Lhrisuan who ulsu see it as sign retreat one at Cnnndna Christian unity leaders snld Friday night nevi mlyn Davies promi nent Toronto Baptist was speaking at the inauguration oi the Canadian Schnal at Mission and Ecumenical Institute at which Rev ll Puxley oi llnliiux was installed as lrst director Ecumenical Movement NOt Sign Of Retreat Dr ï¬avlts chnuman the lnfliluws Imard of manage 1nation varylng dcnnmlnalionx nailed as 51g retreat mark the eccleslnsllcal passion for monalithlc super structure powcrml ucrntlc and rutmcssly rmclent mum Nu amount at protesting that this Is false almost vicious mlslntcrpretutton the move mcnt sccms to math This is what some pcnple want to be How and this is what they will believe The new ccumcnicn inslitu tnn snnnrarcd hy the Canadian Council Churches ha been ihnLhUnillfl since July and expected lo play landing role in the mowinch award Chris tian unity The Canadian School Mis sion formerly was run under the direcllon or nan An brlght as an Independent Inlet ram lns overseas mlsslonarlos and nercs hc world mm lhe Chrlsllnn church Our Sincere Congratulations to the Barrie Builders on their I963 Parade at Homes We are leased to have been chosen as supplier pl Brick Block and ReadyMixed Concrete NIXON BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD 207TIFFINST PA I4 SPRINGHOME ROAD GEORGE DAVIES HOMES I6 SPRINGHOME ROAD HOMER BUILDER IE SPRINOHOME ROAD GORP SPRING ENTERPRISES LTD 169 DUCKWORTH ST EMERSON WEBB BUILDER LAY STREET PARSS CONSTRUCTION LTD I9 LAY STREET PRATT LIMITED JI STEEL STREET Bud ALLAN CONTRACTOR 10 OTTAWAY AVENUE GEORGE DAVIES HOMES NEW HOMES LOCATION OF HOMES Dr Allbrlzhl rented earner Ms ycgr Davies said he Insulule wns being born at time when the praspects were anythan blqpromilng gave him hls robe word bow and 3mm Samuel 1314 Snul put Dnvld In charge hls nrmy David wan sue ccsstul however and apulur that Saul maner nn lb church especially in oversea form is under grave and minus term en lo the all Airlca conieronce oi churches In Kam pala Malaysia last April he mid had attacked Chrisilan mission nhrami Christianity has become in the eyes of the paiiilcniiy conscious Airicans an extension at the aggressive white regimg Another irican critic had said ihe whole idea of mission ary societies far away in meiw pnliinn cities Paris Damian Berlin New Yorksmacks oi colonialism These are the comment iriends Dr Davies said The anemia oi the church are much mnra seven and when ihey gain paiiticni power they close down tho missionary enicrprise hi the western chuxch lie laid the church historically In fragmented almost comv petiilvo and it npvean to many as an nparimcni housa uii oi selfcontained tints with no viini reintimxhlp or alsaci ntlan with ench other ENEMIES ARE WORSE Canon Puxley Xv All Saans Calhtdral llnlflax wnl lnsiulled Friday by Rev Dnvld Hay pan president of tha Canadian Caunqll Churclmy Ccrcmnny In Knni Collegé jg 1322 jealous no trled In klll Mm wlh input as he was playlng hll lyre but Da vid dodged Samuel 185 11 Sanll younger daughter Michal loved Davld Sau promised he David as hln Toronlo Chime Unlvgy vunw Former president ol the Uni verslly of Kings College Unli ï¬ax Canon Puxley was hom In England and educated at Eton Oxford and Yale He went Indln In 1932 as mlsslonary and taught economics at Ann Coliege He server In ma In dlnn Anny mm 1940 to ma reachan the rank lieutenant colonel In Canada he studied 1901 any at Trlnlty Collage Turonm and was ordalncd in 1947 Ho was general secretary the Student Chrlxtlun Movement In Canada or our years and then served year notary lar evnn ulism and oversea my Hum or the Canadian Council of Churches helme golnz to Klngl College in 1964 Canon Puxley was also an Angllcan delegala to the lhlrd assembly the World Councll of Churches at New Delhl In 1961 low Quinn mm Dunlap SI Barrio Toronto my 5L um mm in mm um wnnw Wlnl TRAVEL name All 5th BIII Bill null Belem Cnllul mu JDI 50M kCu Te PA 525 TODAYSUNDAY MONDAY TORONTO CWAn RCMP nanFolch expert le accom pany member the Duluth Police Commhllnn hc Unllcd States In the next cw weeks on My to learn about emuharder links in organized crime wile on lita condition that he kill hundred Phiiiatlnea hop ing that David would be killed But Davidmcl the condition and married Miami Sam uel 1mm When Jonathan learned that hin lather planned Judge Bruce Mncdonnld commlukm chulrman Anld Frl dny Macaulay an RCMP mm sergeant will be nuached lo the commlnian an lmellb genca alllctr Narcotics Expert To Siudy Crime no In In expert on narcotics and several other aspect or gnnlzed crime the judge uld Sgt Macaulay wan an Investi gating umccr far 1an years 0n turlo mynl commlulon Xoaklnz The My said William 11 Schneider Buflnlo NY wilcg 5A1URDAY FROM pm Do pm SUNDAY FROM pm to pm MONDAY mom pm to pm Chance Irzx YOUR PRESENT MEDICAL INSURANCE DOES NOI PAY FOR En Relncuon 0mm Conunltll Comman Ncrvoul candlllnnl or mental dlmden Chlmpnclor omentil nl Ambulance PreExlnllnl Condlllau YOUR IIAEIIIE MULTICARE GROUP PLAN PAYS All BENEFITS FOR THESE CONDITIONS RUMBLE AGENCY PHONE PA B41I0 CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION BARkIE MULTICARE GROUP INSURANCE OCTOBER 19 20 21 For Plrliculm conlnl enmflmenl ofllca By Alfréd Buesgher commlulaner Invited him and hls mil to Buunla few week ago He hope to so than ma nudny or dllcunlon on how criminah have set up llnkl ucruu lho CBnldflUS border THIS WEEKEND once morn lo kll David mm his friend to hidelhen he wake 1n Davldn behnfl to Saul who then promised not In klthlmI Samuel 1917 GOLDEN TEM LCoflnllk Judzo Macdonlld it to meet with 11cc ollldaln tn Detrolt Wash nxton and New York to see what connecting llnki are known between orznnhed crime in the United State and On aha 154 Erin In In 7mm mm mm to II All lhlmnnu hm SOFT WATER in Appomgm on PERMANENTS lm II connuu HAIRCUTS 00 EVES BEAUTY snorram ulum Cupbnudl ll th PA 571 ALF BROOKS 550 PA 66491 lhnly lIy I1 02w Hlfll BARRIE EXAMINEB SATURDAY OCIOBER UNITED NATIONS CF mood or dun puslmlnm over the Mun of the wutham mm ol Mrch ha mud thrush modmlamlnded deluam 11 United Nation UN Sees No Way To Avbid Disaster In South Airica They we no elm and practic able way avoldlnl ulllmaka dinner In that part the world 1th hultata to lay haw noon will happen but they It can only be matter of lime they Ira frustrated by mun um the Wemrn pow whlch they think could nun acteflecuvely will not do becnuaa the npalhyol then geo lo and the reluctance of mum and government to jeoplrdlzn and market and nvorable lrIdï¬ bylnnces The am In danger include almost Ill terriioriu Itiii under white control South Airicu Southern Rhodesia and the big Poxlumen ierriiories Angel Mid Mozambique WHO LIKES T0 SIT ONTHE SIDELINES HO ANNE 51 You say nobody likes to sit on the sidelinesancl watch You say everyone would like t9 get off the bench and get into the game Well guess perhaps youre right if youre talking about football game If youre talking about the mov ing business my friend you are all wrong When moving day comes Ive never seen such smiling faces as those of the folks that are silting on the sidelines They are quite content to sit back and lot our men have all the fun of packing thulr furnlturo and uppllancos lndviduuly wrap plng their glassware chinuwarc and sllvorwam carryan their possesslons to the big orange van and carefully stowlng thom Inside Did we sell you yet on Iho idea of sitting on the sidelines when you kick off your moving day If we havo nv give us call on Iho phone and ask us some gunsiions about our service All of 0mm hm been living under tho threat of violence or years The new elemcnt lhll yur II the Incrcued unity the African powers coupled wth their lrowlnl determination to nu orce Kl other min are not effecflvv lhe Palmum territories an expectedlo be the 1m target Already the Organlznllan of rlcan Unlly mulling ald more or less openly to the lalnn rebelsthrough the Pa guest lovcrnmenlr repelzuv nrnmentvlnexuz has been re upn The C0 Portugals poalflun know an weaker than that Southern Rhodeslg 50th Mrlpp This partly because of the dis tance lepamun the vast tanL Iorles tom the centre mm In Formal and partly because lhe dmerent pattern 01 whit pattlem2gt Although controlled by Portu gal for centuries ngola be BARRIE cause of climate Iran trad uonally been placa where whim flayed only temporarily before relurnlnl home In Southern Rhadexln and South Africa the while com munlly ls permanent emb llrhed entrenched Thu Euro peans eel there In nnwhera elrerlor linen110 go What dlaturbs modurnlea at the UN that there seem lo he no mm or manoeuvra among the three groups most directly Invoivedlhu Itubham while supremaclm the almost lanalIcaIly blue Africans Ind tho lethargic weltemm holo rl flaw mm ac um For um Chrmmn port nll with proleulonnl look In In BOON BE SURE TO ENTER 01m LUCKY CHRISTMAS DRAW °é°°3Jaom CHRISTMAS romanrs PA 61863