Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1963, p. 1

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gm Your No 144 taking lhe unprecedented slap at Impusingn chzrnl trustee shlp on lhc Cunndlnn SIU and tnur ulhur marina unlons re Icsunling 21000 Cnnadlnn sal ors cnglncm and deck am cm LONDON CHThu Earl of Hume the Scnullh peer known to Mend mule Alex Iuccceded today In Ionmm new government and became prime mlnlsler uhBrlluln Thu sonarold Iorclgn secre ary Immediately reported to the Queen at Buckingham Pal am that he had succncded In lormlng cabinet Ha kissed her hand In Ihe tradlllunnl Inc humane lhnl sun appoint ment ma Mghes pallucnl al llce In he enunuy Home overcame blun arpusl Inn Inside the cabin to in up rolnlmcnz Friday time mln lur desilnnlc fol nwing mu resignnunn lhe alllng Harald Macmillan Gentle Alex Succeed3 Forming Gavernment Hams lrlp lo 11 palace lol lowcd Inn cnnfcrenca with two the Conservnllve party lchcrs who mosl srongly op posed Ms cluvnllon ram oreign Aecrelary to succeed Mucmlllnu Th two Deputy lrlmn lllln lslcr Rlchnrd Butler and Chancellor the Exchequer chlnnld lllnudllnx talked with Home lur more Ihan an hour OTTAWA CPIA blg barrel chested man from Iowa has embroiled Candi and 1h Unilcd Stole In Great Luke labor crisis that may ma showdown between lho lwn countries hamberlnln Dunks 54 exconvlcl snilor lnbor organ 1m and leader lime 1MB the Scafnrcra Inlujnnllnnnl Uno lon of Canada ll at he centre oi an Inlumallonal web at pol chs lnlrlzue Violante and com lruvcrsy Banks Inflames CanadaUS Ties Bccuflée of him rnlmlun be tween Canada and the us hale by lqglnmed nrllumunt has approved hlnllun mmpuwcrlng Ihc ovum mcnl la lnkc aver and canlrol all orcmllon the we unIaM Proc nmnllon Ivy Ihe cablnm mp that can be lnkcn qulckly or wixhhcld lnddlnkcly Mill ntcded PLAN DEMO lllAllON Mcunllmc Ollnwn hrnced Ilse or muss dcmonslrnlinn Mnnday against lhc lculslnllon OTTAWA CF The Su rm Court Cunndn mltd rldny lhnl Iharovls mlhlng In the Lord Dny Ac lhnl abro lalcs Icrllon of flu Cnnndlnn mu nlghu guaranteeing Cn nmllnn rnllulom lyccdum dnclslm wnl con lnlncd In lo Judgmcnl rc mum an appeal by two llnmll on OnL hnwllnu allay opera orn naulml lhvlr convlcllom or opcrnllni buwllnl ullry on conqury lo lhe ncl Court Rules Lords Day Act Doesnt Stop Free Religion WnIlcr Ilabcrlmn and mu llnmnml 27 oxmar ropcrnlnrn ol the llnmlllnn Cm In How mm mm us And mm In Whrunry 1w Ivy llnmlllnn Mnnlllrnm IL Mar rlum ler losl 1m npponl unnlml lhrr ralwkllom In lha Orflnrlofixipcul COHI Tornnln lnwyrr Jnlm ll lob lnrllc rounm fur llm hm mm Aruml hrlum llm mm in Feb wary In tho convirllunl wrra filx Cnnndlnnn wun llllll erpslquI prlm ammxnllnu In HM memo Md Mlh Cvmunanrr ihlrln win In It Cumhvlduulllv Slnkll Newmer linnlnml an Conanan wan 000000 mh lvvr umrpulalc Mull vn lrlntlpnl uhkh plum 2mm and mm Cunmllnm llml prlm DI 01m 0n Mnlvlmd IInIlY llnml 1hr lop wlmuIu Imlel on lhhrl uhlulmllnn lplrnml Iny nlmlnln Um hnullnl lnlluy In Ilw IIIh llopululfc rnlller In Hm neck uhkh uva rm numlnr mum at nnm do ylum Mul homemwn Ihm nvaHan um Mk mu mu humor mum Ms um Ema Flu lrmn Mpgul lvul nn wlngp Iu NHQMm wukjm uw mm mm For Examine Want Ad Telo phone PA mu Thu telwhnna number In call Business or Editath Devi ll FA 06531 Hy Till CANADIAN Illlifll Canadians Rich From Sweepstake Our Telephones lo Downini Street helm he left to in lhpfiueen Home the Nth earl of In an clcnt Scottish llneI is the Ills member of he peerage lu be came prlma mlmsler since the Marquess of Salisbury In 1395 There was the composlunn or lhe new cahlnel Reporters were told probably wlll bu oflhcomlng by Monday at he lalesl ND WORD 0N CABINETV remuned to he scnn whether any of lhe 20 minister who formed Macmillans cnhi not had expressed their diy plmure wlm Humes appolm men by dcclInlnn to serve un der Mm In lhc meellng with the Queen Hnma was received lnlhe audl ence chamber overlooking the sunliligardem As Home palace he waved to scattering of spectators climbed lnlo his car and was driven out lhmugh lhgpalnce glut Thus an ed one he great est power struggle in the hls cry the Conservnllve pm by SM membér who began leavan lhelr ship Friday or fllfimles march on Parliament Whllo tha Great Lake crtsls revolves around Banks Ottawa observer see these dislurhlng impltutlons Iailurerhy the AFLClo to acknowledge the autonomy of ll coumerpnrt the 1050009 member Canndlan Labor Con grass in dealing will Canadlan unlon lumen Danger of lho rift between the AFBC10 and he CLC widenlng Into 0an canmd wilh US unlons boycotting Ca nadian jpx 1n ogposllion In the Irv uptamuinduu Labor Lawrenu Seaway The llmbela diplomatic strain between Canada and the US that would resulL Slnce coming lo Cnnudn In 1949 Banks has been denounced by orlnnlzcd labor by ncwr npern and by Parliament But the man carlng Indict cm was mndu lust July by Jusllce Nonls sh Columbia Appeal Court judge who mnda yearlung Invcsllgnllon of Oral Lakes ln bor mm and lhippinl dllrupc llun lho Cnnndlnn mom menl Invalid on ground lhnl lhu lmdl Day Act viululca rcllg loux random lunrnntctd 1n the III oljlnhu Mr noblncuu nrgurd that he an lmpom Chrlnllnn rcllp lous obncrvnnco on all Cunn dlnm whehcr or not they are Chrlllnnl contrary In he BI 01 IUKML It Imposed Sunday cbxcrvnnm In nllllaus vulua upon the whole Cmmdlnn community Includlnl hum who rel glam values and ctnln Fermll ham engage In nrllvllu lhul prohlbltc Thu courtl mnjorny Jmlx mcnl rektlcd Mr Itoblnrltcl nruumcnl Mr Junlcu ll Cnrtmluhl In llmnllng 1le mcnl mid Ihu MK II clur nnd unnmblgunul nml do lnlrlnxu lhu lmdom nllulon wnlun plumd Ivy lllo Cnnndlnn mu llluhln Ho would have qunnlml lho cunvldinn Unrlmnulh NJL NIH 71311 luvmlon Vnntuuvrr III 605714 Dnle VIVIKUIXVlL Nolxlrn nu IIIMI al um IIJ 36013 TIFF MHTIlrn MIL NIH IIICII7 Wlnlur VIlIflIII 11C INH 5559 Anne Wmml out Im mm Mr Mgoo Hnmnhy 101 NC 1M7L Jud labor La SIHI ll Manh nil llnldm an my Clnuvl um NAQ 516 How Valium NMI 71m mum Montreal lll mm Mlm Vnumuvm NAR M100 ml Chum lell Survey Cs INJ mm my Tumnlo NIIM MM Ml Illm Mbul Bulk NAB Rum Qwhoc filly Tb lalll lnnndlnn wlnulnu on llvl nmluldmhlu mm mm In ma nl he hm nrmunf Inn In nld hnwlA In In Iho hllih nmnvllo wlll mm In mm lhln IIMM 1c divided thepnriy az time when it prestige war low ebb allowing government scandal triggered by the resil nnlion of Balance Minister John Proiumn over his affair with Christine Keeier Butler Mnnanng and Science Minister Lard iiaiisham were innrllnz contenders in ins lend ershlp race which began when Macmillan announced plan to min after prostate operation Iasi wegk The Queen who remained at Ihe palace ovemlghl to await the next move in the dramatic smuggle received Home in roqm in her privall apartments drumnlic windup fur Homc Born to land awning aristocrnuc amfly in Scotland holder of an ancient earldom he has always seemed mm above lhu polllicul fray reluc tant to dirty his upper alas hands In parllamentary Might Ing H15 brolhcr wllllum Douglas Hnmc wrote the hk play The Rnluclnnt Debutante and Home hurl seemed to be reluc Innl premier UNITED NATIONS CF Canada has directed an appeal to Communlsl China to joln United Nulluns members in wayking Inward balanced dlx armament Externn AHnlra Minister Paul Marlin speaking In he General Assemblys main pol lcal cummluce Friday urged all counlrles Iain In the pur lnl nuclgur toilMn trga Asks Red China Aid Disarmament Th ale quguage ha dl ch sped cnll lo quing In slgn lhe treaty Cnmmunlsl China France Mbnnia and Cuba are nmang the few countries that have gm yet signed In lhu General Assembly Frl day the Soviet Union aald It would not pay lLLasscssed share the cost to keep lhoUN axco In Tl GuamTho llunlana have no paid cent towurd ha pcacokecpflng operation xlnce St was sent um Thu Congo three ycnrs ago OTTAWA CPlPrlme Min lsler Pearson xnld Frlday In tho Common would he promu lure lo conclude the govern men docs nnl plan to go ahead wllhlla Cnnadn Panslnn Plan lcnlalnllnn nl lhln sullen Purllnmcnll mmcnl came nflvr Slnnlcy Knowles NDPWlnnl pm North Centre drew his al Inmion to rcpnrt lhnl Premier lluhnm cl Onlnrin hnd Iald 0n lnrlo wlll proceed wilh ll own plan Inc federal plan was Ahflvcd or dclnytgi Pension Plan Starts Soon Mr Knowles also nsktd Mn Pearson nbuul mum mm two Kflvcrnmcnls ore dlscuninx meshan lhu two conlrlbulnry Mr Pearson mld he already lndlcnlcd the Rovernmcnl In londl In proceed wllh the led eml plan an man as possible Trains Collide Eight Injured TORONTO CIUElghl CNN rmployrrl WLYE Inluml early lmlny mu lwn rdxhl rnlnl mman headon In Mal Turorflu dermian nur Iliucl wilan Ind ncvcrnlAlrclgM can Flrrmrn dmiml flute new mcmhm mm tho two Xaromo llvn nil llru InnI1 under lho Ovarlurmll ulxmu llwy oxllnmmlml he Hm More lhcy mum Iprrnd nmn wM no Imnmilnlu plnnnllnn or he willnlnn llolpllnl allltlnll mhl vmne ol the men WM In crlllrnl wndl Ian nmkrmnn Jmnu nunulnm lmm ul Ilnrrle wilch 11an In lurlrl nml lnrcmllum and Ho Ihnld Tumnlq nmlhrr Ibrnlmlnn mlltml lllarnlcd Mn and tuln NEW YORK AW11 NE Innnl lmmr mluuun and uh lvvldny llu Nrw Imk Nrnpnvrr lllflufll llFIlfllfnl Union ll nllrmpllnu Io mu Irhhmlnu or Um Nrw Ymh Mlnuv Mompt Roopen New York Mirror urh lrnlwnluu would Iv ulrnunllmi uld NLNU lawyer anurl Kaynnnl He lulth Ihnl llrnul4l mmrwllhln bonlhlu MM mmum lnr he Ilnlrm ll lh hoard mind ml lhe anrr Mad vlolmd lbs lnlln In numb wflh unlam Invnlml More Inhlnx mp llul qu 11ml unlan mlmbm Is Unse99n9L H91 $13911 Coflééfn T6 Farmers Duran Oniarlo Clnnda Saturday Oflebor I963 TORONTO CPIA prolonged Mriud unscasonal hot dry wcamcr £5 causlng growing con cern amung humor and or cslry ofliclals In Dnlnrio Tcmpcmlurcs in lhc lllgh 7n and low 305 ln he soumwcsl cm rcglon nl llm provinco have mado plowing dlllicull cur lallcd pruducllon them ere mod slnrnnc problem in su gar heals lhrmlnncd lhe all wheat crop whlch wlll be har vcslod next spran nml lurccll lnrmcrs lo purclmsc walcr lor much as 10 com xnllon SEAFARERS lEAVE SHIPS ATWHARF Commodore Good chlld RCNflU Senior Offiwr Commanding Terrain area and his wlle are graded on nrrivn by AC Kenneth Dunn lull whoropvnrd lho In Norlhorn Ontarla lhc dwughl has produced lho mast minus lire lmzurd in 10 year OTTAWA Cllle cxploshn Grml Lakes lnlmr Illuallun Icel cml laday bclwrtn lwo poul blllllu Slcrn lrdcrnl ntllnn speedy nuurancc of Inllduc my privulc lnmushlp ur gnnucmcnl In In murino mv lulu Nnxollnlimu lhnl mumrd lull finhmluy ulvc lmpol um mainly no that ru MI rurly und mrrmlul conch nn or Hm mlvalu nrrnnxr Stern Federal Action Might Strike At SIU ml mmnhm of lho lnuh Irr Franhtlme Ilnll walk down my mum in Monkul hu LOCAL CBDETS GREET DIGNITHRIES pnornsr musmsmp door for Mrs Goodchnd and AC Chris Nlchols on the Com mcdores right Thu Cnmmm due and wlla were guest ol honor the Naval Bull marking the Battle mm and Allen Imam are linger rtprcscnlnllvn lor somh Slmcac said plowing hnx halted In sum men of the munly although work Is continuing in areas with sandy and medium mils sass many annmnn Mex tho Vcslum Onlnrla Cheese Ex chnngc said tho drought can linues Onlnrlo will face 11 dnlry produclu thaflnga or the In lime lle mid hls cheese lnctory has produced 5000 pounds 1m dumo lhls your mainly be cnusn cl mlucllon ln milk mml Prim Mlnlslnr Pearson lam Iho Hausa ol Commons lrl uy llul um govcmmcnl wlll no mm long wllh In own name Ihlxl plnn lm Added Slmnly nfltr MI filament Ihu ship lululnllon pnmd lhc llnnl pnrllnmcmnry stageroan anon nml now can he Invnkrd by pm Ilmlm uhrncvcr llm unvommml dc cldu Mr Illh Half on onlm metal lmpoflllan ol lm Mnmana Munlion dual lavqnmenl lmtmmp Union HM In Nonn um ol Mummuymn élcwan Page ngrlgpllurnl gar which was held at to Continental Inn last evening cum mdcu lrcctinx guests were AC Jlm Trnvcrl LC McLean and AC Gordon Gar ner Examiner Photo dcflvcrlc caused by the dry The Cnnnda and Dominion Sugar Company Limflcd whlch hnd rntumd In accept sugar heels at its Chnlham and wab lnceburg plan because nor nge prnhlems mid Frldny llm fled deliveries will he ncccpled Monday wgnlhcr rnprcscnlaflvc for Waterloo xnld Um drought ls thrtnlcnlng he normnl crop from the my and pnslum nch lhl min as well llw qu whom Farmers are dlzulnz deeper wnllu Inpplnz nlmd depleted creeks and dipping nlo ponds and mcnolu Thu nIlcrnallvc la publlc lrus ship bclnz Iouum 1n mm llnllnm Involvlnu Hm Conndlnn and US gnvemmcnu and the Cnnndinn Labor Cnnxrm Md lls Amlrlmn munurpun mu MerIO Tm negnllnllnm ME bclnu rundurlfil by chphone hnlwccn Lnbor Mlnlnlrr Mutlchhcu nnd 113 thnr Stcrnlnry Willard Vlm whu In mm annull nz lhrlf mpcrlho ccnlrnl ln bu imam IA Forsylh Egrlgullqrnl MONTREAL CP Shlp abandoned by membefl lhs maverick Scamch Imema llomfl Unlon 1nd nestled against whnrves In Canadian pom Iodny while shIpplng com panies lried to assess the ech the work smppnle culled to protest the edeml governmenla mariUme malnexhlp lcglslallnn The 511 ordered Its member to sum Ieavlng their ships at noon Friday to prepare or srolest march on Ottawa Men Hw survey Canadlan port mdlcnlad many members were answering the can to leave heir ships but no one seemed to know how many would par In Vuncouvtr members were repurted In be virtually Ignor ing lheSlI In Montreai SlU manned lugs Wera null operating al though unlon sources uld Fri day he lug woud slop wad lng lm today On In mm said mm as result spcclal arrangement with the SIU the tug wlll comlnuo to onerma unul midnle Sundayt N0 mmgymr Ocean shlpn were entering and leaving Manned wilhotn dlfllculty Foreign ships were still moving up and down the St Lawrence Seaway Crew ware reported lo have 113 xlUmnlrnztcdlrnlahlzrl In Montreal harbor Some he Irelxhlen hnd hronzhl when lo Manlml elevator or trans shlpmenl to Run as pm at Cnnadan $500000000 grain Inln In Illa Soviet Union 1113 bhlpl wm belnx unloaded by part employees 0n the other Ilde ol elevators xhipa wm Ionjinz grain to fingerch There were shp nVMnnt real harbor 60 of them ocean gojpg emls Shlpp ng compnnlc wcre re luctant dlscuu the overall sllunllon although lhey readily ndmlund that men were leav lnl thall phlps They were null Plan To March On Ottawa To Protest he Trusteeship llom are um no In unlon the Roman Cnlhollc ccu monlcn council wlll bu called us curly In January 1m in Ilcad of next Iprln or all The tuntn IcssIan whlrh be am last Sept 29 mar nine monlh men lollnwlnn lhu dcnlh at Penn John XXIII II ichcd ulbd lo and Dm when tinned it Vlfll xcncrnlly rt portcd that Mn usslon would meet dopendlnl an how lhlnx wozmlcd lho Iccoml uulan Indicate Ecumenical Council To Be Called Again In January anlcnn Aourccx mid wmo Mlnn nnd Scum Amcrlcnn prel Mu wnuld rnlhtr have lho Ihlrd mulun um curly nut ymr 11w helluva Um lhlrd mslon mnld be cuntlmlcd by tmAWA 01 lulupuny hlthcrlng ghoul Um Commonl mln nmnuuuml and rum prucedura look up mml an ulrndnl Ilnuu Illlnl Fll nlny Thu Mll lhnl compMul nnn wuk Iv drhnle wllhoul plulnl ulnalc vim ol lllll Inllnn The Cmnmrml potlormmn cunlrnhd with lul wrcl winn lhm Imporlnnl hllll wm pmul nm provlded lur lav Immenl lmllmlulp avtr Inhvr unimn MD bmll in nd penlam Ind lulhnrlullun go tmumml womflnx In Odw bu ml Novrqnlnr ammonia mm whelhor In Cmmluu In by Camel vimM In ml thud or Ifler mnn Thumpon mm cmn lIm mnllnuod or flu mom mid Minnmu And mqu chum Ind nah Inertssh mm ll fin ly Blnle Metr llrl null mam um Im mm In Idiomd Muflmleiyqflm HighPaid MPs Pass Nothing No Man Than For CopyM Pagni Cnnllnulng wanm Pmlbllnlel ol raln tnnllhl Low tonight 55 leh Sundpy 70 ample lummnr 11 on paaar 5m Local Wediher Irylnl lo sues the lull elfecll n1 lhgrwalkoug Hall general manager or Hall Corporation Canada which operate 16 Great Lakes and Atlanticooast vessels uld the slmatlon coninaedhm the men generally no leaving their ships TIE UP CSL Unlun name said most the 45 vessels Canada Steam ship Linea Canadas hinges 1n lund fleet were expected to be In unmanned by SIU crew by the end of the day In Selees Qua dun manned by th SIU docked alangslde ship manned by tho rvnl Cmdlnn Maritime Union and crews worked both In Halifax no change was rm ported In he mnulion ram Friday when men leh twn sw manned Ihlps Thu unmenl flzhls commit tee established SIU qunmn In Montreal to manna the walkout claimed almm 100 per can support in lhl East Ind on the Great Lake when man the union mem bcgldp lg The SIU murmurs plan to gather in Iron ol lbs Plrflr MenlJnIldlng to from thl governments Ieglslnlon lmpar In runeuhip nn maman unonl The government In nld ha move designed dunnp 1h flu and to put an end to lawman on an Great Lake Labor Mlnlxler MncElthen In Ottawl called the SIU Ic llan clearly 1112531 and nld wllhnut elaboration lhn ha government had mp under cansiderallon Then was no Immedlnla lndL cnliou whether the camelI planned file delarllon chums under the Canldn shlp plug Ac Again scamcn who leave their lhlpl One actor mlth In that halleved SIU labor contrl canlnln provision for men to go ashore Io leek legal Id March and fourth ll nem nn Ichedulqd or Rm Thu wuld ilvo ma bIshopI lull hullyen lo Ink urn cl mallm In lhclr Mme dlncclen one councll mum Inld The councll rm qualified uprravnl Frldny la reform ha wH Avcnluully Illow Cumulch to melva hnplhm penance Ind mher mamman In thelr awn 15 Mnnnwhlla Enxlhh mild nnmnn Cnumllc bhhopl plan rlnnnlu ur drnwlnx up new Ilursy In Enullah or lhe mm Ind olhcr term public won dam the man lncludlu rtplncemcnl much Lnllu prnym wllh vernleulnr Innzunuel wu approved In lub Ilnnco um week gallon wu currrd by vote lo The ullmmrnl lnlluwul nu pnllvm clllblIlml In urllcr win on mllnl luneUh uan Ind Soclnl lell MP op ln nu Conmmlm Nu ommnll lml lellhlu Mr llckmunl mad or In nxmurumcnl Io lhll IHI would have Um ln Hen ml the glo luru Iny Wm pmcnllnn la Ind nid in hr lchm an be complll qukily Monday Thu lellllu flllpull lam mlly wl nl Ill ll lvlmo lnlaler lurlon an mm on lovcmmm mallow la appoint ulul mmmllm ol ll llama la mlov pull mullr1 mm maxim Mr lumn uld mm In ur ml and or fuodlmmul dun In llu rum lo mm Iman mm rllltllnl ml lm ml pl llrm In cumld In mmnlwn

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