Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1963, p. 9

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Knudson Fires Elst Round 69 LAS VEGAS Nn um Galll empowering Arnnld Pnl mer and Jurk Nkkluu rnnkrd 1n Mu nlnnqnn clan lillle knnwn Cnlilornln prulmlnnnl Al thhrrgrr lrd Hue HI inm Iho cam rnuml lhr $701500 thnm Imllnllulml luumnmwnl today Flemmg nnw wllh Winnipeg Blu Bombers and loading polanllcr in lhc WFC hns cuuMcd Almost at many paint II the cnliro Argunaul team Saskatchewan hridcrs clulmnd Jnhnsun but he would pol report to coach Bah Shaws luh Jnhnson went back In Ihc finned Slate and Snskalchc wan put him anywnlrnrs mnk lug him Iron aunt Calgary Slqngpedm sinned hlm Johnsnn regular fur two sons Toronlo mnkn In WFC 51ml ll Regina Snl urday Slnmpcdcrs lry Ill phaucr the ma Rouxhridcr dchntr win Impmlnnl lnr hnlh cluhx Tw pumu Mull clinch ucnnd plat Inr stampede find me Ihnm helm lhlflflfl mnrlalklng Iht lwdm flrll Ih Columhln LlorLL Johnson Zoopound prnducl Mlchignn Slate and reported In be specdslcr was cul ear Hnr his 50150 by Turnnlo Arm nauls already MI known far cufl George Flch Art Johnson lwarway halt hack mnkts hls debut In the Weslern Foolball Conference Saturday under the mosl dlmv cull cundlllonsngalnsl the club heArpluscd Io join OCTOBER 1953 By THE CANADIAN PRESS chk Radilz lha blz Mlle pilrhlnz specialist who won 15 game and appeared In 58 for the Icvenflrplace Boslon Johnson To Make Debut In WFC AT Mm ILAM WWW uuurll In Nullll um ml II lulu nr In mm le will Ilkr Hm Ipml nl mu mlnmnllc pm Hllfll lune UNLIMIIED PARKING 2233 SNACK BAR 5121i HOLIDAY BOWL ILLs TOP SOPHOMORE Dinky yuumll In Mum um ml Al um In mum le will Hip Hip Ipml nl nur mlnmnllc pm mm Ml lan¢u In annlhcr WFC lame Snlur day night lhc Ictkless Eamon on Eskimos are at Vancouver against Lions The filthplats Edmonton Club has won nnly two 01 11 slarls and has lost evrn mathematical chance 01 naming lhe playnfls Two poinll would xlva third plce Sasknchewun mm point bulge over Wlnnlpez Blue Bomber for the last playalf berth wllh both club havlng two games 10 MONTREAL CPI look lwo mund for Zora Pulley figure out Billy Daniels lizhl lng pattern before the seasoncd haxcr moved In In aka unnnl mun Mound dccisinn Umlnr the hrepoim must lrm 1mich Tony Herman Jim Mann and Harry Schulman scored 49 4830 Ind 4143 respecllvtly in favor lolley The ndlnn Ireu flared ll Pulley 1mm Clmndlrr AriL Jighling his 73rd prorcumnnl haul Iklllully plrkrd Daniell meagre Menu nrl Jabblnl Iharply wilh both Enndn Idrrhoroush Montreal KiltMnlr Mman Full Toronln Oxllnwa annlllnn HI Cnlhnrlnrl Nuu Stall Mnlu melmr Nrw ulnnxnw fill hell Junlnr ram Alman Follty ranktd mcnlh by the World Boxing Assoclnliun or Sonny Llslonx world heavy Mhzhl title mighod In 102 pounds bile Danitls Inh ranking conlendcr ucizhcd in ll TH haul at Iha hutend Paul Snuve Spam Conln Thursday nlxlul drew Hula more than Inmum lullnun II Munlrral IanInll Nlnunrn Fall Fulrm Inn Numille llnlon lhllmlchvhll Juhmlown Thundyl lluull Nlnznrn Fall minor TMIIIMI film Iglnhnmunn Turnnla Folley Wins Over Daniels By THE CANADIAN TREK Red Sox was named ha Am4 erican Leagues nutslundinx Iophomore for IBM in lo nn mu Associated Press poll yeslerday AP Virepholol HOCKEY RECORD Onlmlo Junlu NURSERY SERVICE Release Dates Of Playoff Games IA lN HALTIMOHE ANThe Enl Imora man Jum Invenliwlnl Ihu death at hnxrr Ernle Knox II nxpcrlrll Io hur Iulimnny Inday mm the rhnlrmln of Ihl Mnrannd Mhlnllc Commisslnn 7AM NMan rammlulon uhynklnnl whn lmlntd Knox 16 and Mon dny nlxhl nppunrnl nnd lha lwo gymIn human Knux was nInlh rouan Ichrdulrd ll mund hmywrluht haul by Wayne Hrllma lrnm New York Ila tllrd In Mspitll Wfdv nmlny hmfin lwnnrrhnuu The Win In lmmrdlnul an cry or flu nbnllllnn nr mm Ilrlnurnl unnlwln haxlng nul llw Irnlh wu nul tonnlvlrnd mnlllr or Iha grand jury unlll Thu Int game of lbs in If In Hlmlltnn or Montreal wlll he Flayed on Sunday Nov 11 In Ottawa wlll bl played on Saturday Nov la The Mend um In Hamil ton nr Mammal wlll ha playcd on Sundy Nov 24 If Olluwl In the mm It wlll he phyed on llurday Nam All aamu Mantra and Hammon are scheduled to Illrt at 11111 EST ll OlliWI one hour urHer The luddendealh scmlllnal hclween he ucond and bird rlace club will he played at hum of the lecnndpluca mm In Hamillnn or Manl real It wlll he played an Sun day Nnv lo ln olluwn It wlll be played on Silurdny Nov The twnnmu lutllpnlmllnnl In Ichedulzd to um well Inter wllhklhe Kmplace team havlnl the nptlon Julnyinl either the flu or man game home HAMALTON lCPHeadl he Eastern Foolhall Confer ence Thursday rcleascd dam tar playnll names and an nnunced the manner In which pnlnl He will be resolved II cnm lawn of the Ichadula on SUE By Oct 21 Physicians Subpoenaed To Testiiy Before Grand Jury FIGHTERS FORCED T0 PLEE WHEN BOUT CALLED OFF dlq en abled Sular Ramos zalhtr weight boxlnz champlon lo escapl from llllla Maxim nwn callcd Sahlnal where they take their war mh ausly was taping Burris hands when some character nnkcrl his head lnla our dmsinz mm with what ha called but lip llodrlruet aald Someone had curled away all Ilmbox ollicc cash The fighlclra might an paid Rndriguel imslenZIi to Ihe nflim n1 prammcr Sebastian Llnl Lara dislressed heyoml dc uripllnn nld It was only no mm But he would give bolh main event lizhm hi1 per sons IOU Roxan mangm look upnn IOU ns sumclhin Akin lo luhrrculusis Rodriguez xe tustd Id Burris HEM Cuccn Candm Ramos man In arm the sum way All lhix look about an hour The prelims Wm mcr Tha hm ware lllrlilll In he min Rimnx andnuebm Rodri rlaucz of Dallas baxtr Fredle Burris luld mm it on their return he Thursday Rodriguez whose ixhler was to meet Ramos In non ille mulch at Sabina last Sunday laid great number of my population3200 to ba txaclhad paid up $12 each far at In the hull ring 53d In Ihg gnarl nut they lilhtflducr came all IMS HOT TH SAN ANTONIO TEL AP Thlnls were gelling Ilme nervous In lhe mu lust hr the ugh ¢oul TO HELP YOU HEADOFF TROUBLE DANGERFIELD MOTORS nrvlcn lrnlcr FREE Exhnun Syslom Chock Important Items When Hendlng into COLDER Woulhov Hcr Good Fnr lelled llme Acl Now Phone PA 82487 FREE Brake Inspection and Free Adiuslmunl FREE Cooling System Check Tus AntiFreon nu mus remnm II he In rnnn Inr Imuu nIler he Ilnhl no uld Durlnl lhll IIm wu exporIenrlul Iuw rIInphnmls nml HI Thu mmd lummdom Inu In Iddillon In Ian lol Hum medicl ulmlmr rewind Thundly lhll Knnxu body wejthdquy pnnpdl Cohan uncu Irm lnry lhe nlhlrllc rammiulnn and Dr Chnrlu Tnmmmlln an ha rnmmmlonn phyllc Inns hnlh cnnllrmnl lhnl Knox wclxhud at noon weighIn Maudy Dr Tnmmmlln rantendrd Ihnl umlrr um cirrunulnncu arm the Inn cl pound would not hau been nhnomul Tho All have pllyed 0mm twice and hold 11 record with lhe Rough Rldcn The All mt llM Ind won THE They meet Illlmt lhll Silurdly It Iawn Hlmlllnn hll mm In in Iwn game wlth flu Rough Ridr1 wlnnlnl 2019 Ind losing 2027 They cluh mln It Humman an Sllurduy Oct 25 should holy buall even de clslon on him rankingman raven In farIndmglinsl new In joints Ottawa Hamlllon and Mo ml Inch ha plnyed 11 Icheduled nmel Io duo with me Rldm Illd the Tim tied for flu pine It It polnu Mamba ll lhlrdwllh II pulnll TigerCal have meLMonl real Aloueues twice and won both lame by IM Ind 2444 mom 1th hIVI Inolher mm In an Sundly Nov 0mm decided In mu lea wnend lies In Ihe standing on blah of film won and Ian between Ihl lled cum If No mm are led In points after the full amonl play the team wlih must game won In comuu involv lng this two eh the Miller HEM Yaw That Ihonk Burris quickly Ilarlzd earchlng with IlllHaped hands in his panu packm Sugar Ramos and man ager lritd dash to lhelr cr Fan turned It over Ind kltkcd out Ill windnvu Rama lurnrd la road work nol slowed hit by the rock that hit him in the luck Rodriguez and En usrd lhs diversion In It In nu nlher dlmllan They hushed rlde wnh rhndly man Irnm Uvalde Ttx hack man lha bardrr In My It sure felt better nilUnx there in he dark me man ager said Then Imoke curled through window Someuna had set tho bull ring on lire The lwo Tenn Ien abruptly lhrmllh the window and Joined mlllin crowd lhe dreulni room we dark So they threw wnler bol tlu Iha light bulbll eel nbovu lhl Iconuntil Mb mad sure felt better nilUnx ASKS LEADING QUESTION who If they flier Bur rlswho weak no Spanish nkcd Sh up And qurlguu in If lnr Lm walked bnver lnlo Ihe Ann and nld here would be no light The mnney had been snatched he Iaid Then he dropped the bomb There was no money In the till It would be Impossible to givl refund rlghl Iwnyv Lara Illll clulchlnz Ina microphone wn plendinl for understanding when the ring collapsed Roarinuu Ind Burrls do gideq they wopld ho boner all 05 Collier Sl hrlp Hum caunlend looklnl NEW YORK ANU Sur ner Ilar of Swedens national hockey team will out Ihon hi my wilh New York Ranxm And mum to his nnlive Guten burg mum to return lo the Rnngnrs ellhcr All the vinm Olympln game In lnnshruck Auslrla next Fnb runry or ll lhn mm 01 trnlning camp next all lo la uh reception became stronger favor when 13 Mm Asian nations called on tha In emallunal Olymplc Commllleu to age the huge nlhlnllc extra vaxupu In ci hlghwill The National Hockey Lengua club laid Thursdny that ha 22 yearold lorwnrd whnse hope having Iivuama lrlal with Ihe pmimiqnnl flnnzm were hudycheckcd by Olympic rogu Ialluns turned down an ofler to play Inr Long Island Ducks of 1h Eastern Amgleur Lounge EADENBADEN Wm Ger manySaulh Mricns chance at remnlnlnz In lheOlymplc Games are rewrlad letting thinner he evalnallan was made Thunday night by senior Olympic mm as tho Interns lonal Olymplc Cmmlllee now meeting here prepared In de hate the Issue Th 10C has berma it reso quan ll Moscow CDHMIEIIN In June last yaar whlch warned that Suulh Africa would be sus pended from partlclpnllan In thl Olympic Games was un ablo to cnmply wilh Olympia rulel Partlwhrly on racial d13 crlmlnntlnn Munwhile Governor Geom Romney Michigan arrived Thundny lo lead ha Delrnll dclegnuon in It bld for the 1063 Olympic Games against smmg competltlon from Lyon France and lwo lessemaud rival nglco Cllynnd BHIQOI Hold long and dilflcul inun nay Thu vnla on he Ike will bl liken tonight afler lb 100 Diem presentations made by In reprgunlnnvu of tha our chic In Ihe Inga Romney nid Detroit hll unA summed Incillflu for Games and the loud backing th cltlzcns fiefircsehatves of the our cities will havo 45 minutes uch Sterner Will Return Home Will Decide Tonight on SiteForOlvmpics SpcclJIIJIIAnyonnnrlcra um ofWIlkgrlfipeclal Old In Mm uwmu MIMM WALKS dulle LlMltEDmvsLumm nuvuuu mnuumn un vnyl Youre Spcclnlln In good lute when you choose lhg lunurx whhky pupular arms Vllltérl Sprch OIIL Goad me gum Inolu aml economych mule nCamrIAv Inga Idllng popular prlml whhky Nut Ilmu 51ml It pulnl In my Walk Spcclll Old When it comes to Whisky Im menace Roam luunge QUEENS HOTEL VISIT Thu Bunlllnl to explain to th 10C why they think their clty 13 best united or lhn Games Tm 100 also rejcclod pro posal that federation represent lng only trun ummcur should he allowed In the Olymplcs REPORTS VOTE Olln Mayer anccllnr of the 10C announcnd ha vote was 23 In favor andzs nxniust wllh lwu nhslenllons twothirds majority was rtqulrzd lo ap prave Ihe proposal Mayer laid that lederallons representinn only me amateur were pcrmlllcd In the Olympic then such mom on soccer and cycling would be excluded slow in each sport one orgnnlzallon represents both amatluro and profilsllfljah In said there had been aaux gesllonby some members um It meelln Thursday he lOL voled to drop judo hand ball mcllcry and volleyball from the program or lhe was Gamosr culling the number apart to la the lnur only judo and archery Ire on II WE program Tokyo and lhc first llma lnr lhasa sports lhora lhould be separate adm llonn or amateurs and pm In all mm but added um web nebup was unpracllcll In my personal opinion Mayer tamed reporlerl Alter ha official orcnlng nos alnn of lhe Inlernnlunal Olym pic Cammilleecloscd In Ihl PIESI Umbra were DC mnmber prosm out of Inlal ol Can Ada represented by Sydney Dawes Montreal coMMumn DRIVE ELMVKEE ARENA ARTIflggAL ICE SUPPORT ocr21i The Carpenters are almoxt flnlthed we got rid of the plumber today Its Coming Soon THE NEW lOOK at Canadian Tire Barrie We wish to Ihnnk our many customers or their patience And understanding during our renovation TIM For WWW HTU Manual20 Follcy JUJz Chandler Arlz oumuinlcd Billy Dnniels 191nnook1yn Minn IlnTummy Dannls 141 Tnmnn Iln flopped Jon allurchlsnn 142 Jacksnnvillc Tdkyn Jose Mexicv and To um Japan dr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE FA INH FlGHl RESULTS Dunlny St Green unwllnl Allcy llnve Ynur chl Cup Call Will BEHINS Sn at Bar MW Tlrod OI The SAME OLD GRIND use Medal 117 Telauurn anal drnw ID 1m MB

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