Junior Soccer Players Shine At Banting High Tlcku tun nnw ohlnlned or ho Toronto Mmdolmhn Chulrl pellurmnnra al Hnndnll erxlnh nl Ccnlnl Aunlllmlum In Drttmlur Conlurl llcd llptr mm Jnnen Slnllamry ur Wchbl chcllm lur Hum Tho Dun Nnnh Junior and Stnlur loolhnll ltnml will hull lho Midland ltnm an Frlday In MM lhnl promlm In be hm and ML 11w Sludrnll Council II loll lnx North Ilullonl In green And old uhool color In lhu mnln all helm Iclmol nnd Illor 115 Support your lrhool and buy lhru hullonl lnr 13 cmll the um Dunlan goalkeeper lennui nondmlanlly elm lhl animal the Picker on kecper made brilliant perform ance by flopping shall Only three Um did ha Ennllnx goalkeeper have to leave MI romlorlnblc podium when um Plckcrlnn loam made the three 3110 whlch lulled lo enlcr our inn SENIOR GAME The team composed oi David Bohier Anthony Butts Eric Burnham and Brent Qwehuk won the title or North or the ï¬rst timu by outshooiing about 70 other high school in tho competition at Winona muii oi thb uxcelient shooting the team has been asked to be one oi the two representatives the Ontario Central Command Cadet Corp to shootin the Eat Robert Trophy Match at Camp Borden This competition is open to out standing cadet team through result lhoallng Lho asked to be oprysgngflvos Dy MYNE STOLK Enuunl Memorial On Oct the Bunun Junlor meter team coached Mr Pegs defeated both the vmllnx Pickerinl Junior and xcnlor Ienms ln um Junior name the num lnu lanm 5huout Pickcrtnl NJ Throughout the Kama Gary Smockum pcd the norm list by scoring our ï¬nal or Bant Ing mmll scored two and Morrison Hannah and Parliament each poured gne In lhe senior unme both lhe Ennunu uniarl and the Picker lnx Icnlorl losl lama pmllxa Because name poan Ill nlrccmcnt between the ranch and KM lcnm the unlan rolul Army Cadet animals Bar rlc North Collegiate have been Inlnrmcd that the senior xlllo team has captured dis Ontario mu Association lam hon Iif1e aboutan champlgnsfxl Barrie North Football Clubs Host Midland For Two Games COLLEGIATE ch2335 OUTSTANDING member ul nlnz Nnrth Collegiate lrophywln Iell North Sr Rifle Team Wins Coveted Award SIMCOE MOTOR MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Spec mm In ALL mu II Tmln IL lly DIANE IIUXTAIILE IMIUHE NORTH noov WORK lwuuldwlï¬kt In nrloxlu lo Conrad Milanoy or mhlnkc In buyer column lo lnlltd In nnnnunce Hunt the Illnu lenm will be compcun In he Earl unborn Campclillnn at Camp Burden Good Lurk Couldthe exhaustod junior hold down the fresh and super lor Plckarlng Itan Tension nipped um Ipeclnmrl lll each Ienm In turn turned lho other lnlo their and the old Sup ported by cheers Irom lhe cheerleader and the specular lhe hardflghunn junlura mm axed lo hold their ground Fln ally Ule unexpected happened mu Ennllnl cum curried lhn bull deep Into the Pickering end and Smockum norm uonl er Bnnllnz Thll nvn the Junlon tho boost lhnl lhey needed In Um rumaln dcr 01 lbs gumo Smockum Pnrllnmcnl Crowley Ellison and Connull each scored one ï¬nal in View th1 dtlcnl lho Pickering acn lor loam the flaming unlorl Ihould have He dlmculy ro ulninu tho GBSSA champion hjp lhlg ypar Lon FrIdnywns husy and mm day at DMHS During the day tho nude xludcnll Thu ISCF ll holdlng Grndo Nlne Hoolcnnnny In Sprinanl crflmkgnï¬nlurdny EXAMINER ANT Am PHONE Ill mu In addillnn to taking cam lIIIo with an aggregate score 01 362 possIbIe 420 polnll ï¬ve poInls better than Blake Inck ï¬ll or IIamlllon Eric Bumham placed lhlrd among some 300 with In the slow Ilre IIIIII In the rapid and seven th In the antenna win scan 171360 mebIe lqsyaln Thls leum coached by out Ed Martin at he Barrle North Cadcl Corps In only mm year compellllon It has won the 11L Dayle Simeon County cd to play Consequently dm junlnr team nulslcd by lwo 10 al union were on ha led mm thu ckerln lcnlar team out the Brllkh Commonwealth and it Ls considered quite an honor to be chosen In shoot Sn this campemlon Ruultx lhll match which was shot this week wlll not be known or mjora months nabdï¬lous SALES MEETINGS Alrcondlllomd Atcommodlllnn or 175 Pmom HOLIDAY INN VICTORIA HARBOUR nANduns couvannous wannmo FHONE COLLECT VICTORIA HARBOUR FOR FUMHER INFORMATION NO CHARGE FOR BANQUET HALL tlfle team are mm Brent muchuk Erin Four Seasons in the evening over 300 Mill hilllca dressed in icnnl woollen shim and straw hnu illlcd lho glrls gym to dnnce lo illo rock lnz rhythms the lIvlclna The annual sadlo Hawkins dnnm wnl me big event For this even tho nmpicd custom in boy nsk xlrl declared inboo and tho III has the opporlunlly oi nak lnl her invourllo boy lo tho dnnrc Judglng by tho Inrxa number in nucndnncu nullc iuw alrll must lmvu inkcn ndA vnnlnzu oi ht anewyear op porlunllyl Tho gym wul dccomlcd In ml hlllbllly 1er 100 Dam of urnw uhcclbnrrnwl loaded with pumpkins and repllcn of cedar mm muted nu uulhcn llc counlry nlmoiplmrc GLOSS COUNTHY lnlammHnln Hvintan Floyd nnd IL lnrllnmrnl ltd wllh limo 01 ll mlnulcl and nine mumln Jhnléénmmn Cam bcll and Wclr mlnulu and momh Thu Vlal n1 Vim lho mull lho mllc crass country tun hold lhll pnnl Nudny Senior dlleanl sviwm nmy lo mlnulu nnd no nowrccnn Owtn Despite the lac the team has no range lhe school which to practice seven cadcls Bob Chappei David Bobicr Andy iilalcomsan Puui Mar shall John Robinson and An thony lieu have maived their recreational award with 10 lar gcu oi 97 out ol 100 points in one year Four boys Bob Lar kin Bob Chnppcii Jim Sellers and Dnvld Bohiur have be come member ihe exclusive 100 llail higher award held only by 50 student marksmen in all ol Canndu were formally Inlllntcdlnw Illa Banting student body This year the Sluden Council ruled that all new mama regardless of grade would also be lnlllalcd Consequently several lennr sludcnls had to wear baby ban ncla odd shoes nxceulva maka up clc much to the nmuscmcm their class males Through out lhe dny both he IIIanch and the Ionian obeyed the rule and every one enjoycd tho event It was reported that someone was soaked wllh Wnlcl hose however IL lulled lo dampcn tho hlzh splxlla of the day lllLLlllLLlES Trnphy for each of the three years the Georgian Bay SSA Shield or we years and last spring cnptured the Ontario nine Assoclnllan mallbar schgol Shamglmtnlp Burnhnm David Bnbler and Anlhany Bells Tho Hnmll 0NT CANADA Jenn Brlssel cuumcl or the owners of llu lloormgh and uld lhu caplnln could not have been on UN brldgc the llmu tha colllalan ncnr Quebec Clly bccuuxo he would lmve Ihmd no late of the nlhcr men than and druwncd Mr Brim mld Capt Swan Ion cDuId not have rnachcd lhn on dcck wcllnlgcr pacppq burn on the bridge The lnwyrr nld previous lulllmny hull mlul lhn cnplnln was one nl lhu nm nmon In much the bent Inck MONTREAL cm Oppos ing lawyer argued Thursday over whether Capt John Swan son was on thn bridge oi thu Tritanicn when it cullldcd with thu Roonngh Hand In the St Lawrmcn River July 20 and rank linking Amen to their deaths The Admiralty Court inquiry into the shipping disaster rc rumcd in Monircai following earlier hearing in Quebec City under Judge Arthur Smith of Montreal Superior Court The lellns also look ollero Lost nndFound al he juuc llon of tho west and soulh wlngs Thls cluh probably aha profit sold apron lo the shop boys or less than rclnll price lob all Key Clubbers look lo occurred last week Chlcken icklns Thlrteen members onlrtn help Mr Cameron and ew catch twelve Ihousand Soma dnclded that they would rather wear bnlhing caps sloppy pair of dads overalls or jean rolled up in the knee Luthers shHK and no makeup fllkconlrlbuled to that relaxed oo Most pccullur of all was Ina they all limped but you were observant you would how no Mud tho on one 00¢ was heavy wool sock and high heeled aboeand on the other was nylon slocklng rolled up to the knee and flu shoe The boys had melt choice lwwn ugh 5k Fr proved to be much Inn for students in 11 ill13 and Special Commercial who did the initiating heiore nine during the lost haii pi ihe lunch period and alter 310 This year not only ihc grade niners but all the newcomers had in her initialed In the morning most of the girls came mshlng In with wit hair still up in mg curlers whlch came In such pretty as wgtmcnlr of 70910 The Key Club ls really an active group boys who have many responslhllltles in and out of the school This year at the ï¬rst time at Central the Key Club carried out book ex change This consist buying used books mm students and selling them to others in tha lchool With the experience gul ned from this years work the boy hope to do an even better Jab next yeah What beller way there to acquah newcomers win BMHS the Vlzy jnvltathn ny 1311an Emizuson LLuGIArE The Key club Ionnded by Basx iwninls Club In 1M9 certainly begun lhe school year with Ila best out onward To xtart the year an this clqh lave every teacher and member the amce 3th an apple All these teachers that didnt notice from where this gltt came please note andrramcmber the Key Club at Christmas Banting Memorial Initiation Was Haywire But Enjoyable Ship Inquiry Still Goes On Holden rrpmcnllnfl Centrals Key Clubbers ngltrable Contributors nmmmn AT In YOUNG HAVE II VJ mmmuovn munva um um mum mmmumm IUNIIM mm TONIGHT SATURDAY SUNDAY AND MONDAY Mr Holden lh oonngh Head was blame or tho col llslon because of tha incom petent way In which she was bulnx nnlenhnt flu said an In cxncrlcnccd scnmun lBytnrold Willlum Mnlcomsnn ml at lhe nwnnxh Mend wheel at the time lho collininn owner of Ihe Tritnnlca nld there was no funndnllon to thc Implication Can Swanson had not been an Iha bridle the me of lhe colllslon DIjAMES OTHER SHIP Most of the iockera were cleaned nut books were car ried to homa room In the mom lng and In lockm 310 stnlrs were swept with tooth brush he grass along the edge of Hm sidewalk wu cupped me clgmh an inch each blade separately piggyback rides wen given autograph am alu leachm were obtained and the chance of lileflme pro posal ol mmlage There were law mummies wrapped In IXssue paper girl with two hot waler bottles nmund her neck lew new coiner led mum on dnz leash es and many groups nl Christ mas runners and patrloua sinu ers to the rim the newwmen Whether they wlll admit It or not they thoroth Inland themselves he executive or the Key Ciub International consists ni president iwn vicepresi dents secretarytreasurer and eleven trustees Each district in turn is headed hy Governor and the divisions have Lieute nantGovernor at the head Ench division range in size rum two to is individual elubsr shorts Thelr hair had to be parted In the mlddle nylnns aslened lo htJr skim or shorts with at least ï¬ve clothe peg and odd shoes Earrings and heavy makeup reminded you 01 Liz Taylor but only ll you had good lmgginptlaq For Cemr alllclal npenln the boys parked cars ahd wlll lngly gave the students Councll lha Key Club eaat racks These werahsed In the coat cheek operated by the Studentxï¬aun Another duty In the school that these boys poxfarm conslalo daily turning the page ln our schools Remembrance Book Thl book contalns the names all the foxmar students at Central who died in the Twn great Wars and the Korean ar The Key Club only in Can min and in United States This men is divided inia dislrlcu Texas Oklahoma Cnilinmia Hawaii Nevada and M2 0n tario Quebec and Maritime lnia which cuiugory the Barrie club ails EXECUTIVE Tie execuï¬ve at CenualLKeY Club this year Is president chlékens Too bad 11 member hni unï¬lerq ljlf Initiallqu Fudge at 325 much MASSAGE APPOINTMENT PA 37 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvfln MIW Vllllll MAXI Mn Morrow ha been chnlr mm the Ontario St Law rence Development Commission since July simmwyenr past He expected to resin that lnb once 111 nomination speaker cnnflrmcd by the house leeml House bender Farqu har Olivfl wlll second Mr Mar rnwl nomlnuIIon when the leg Iahflure meals for special one day scssjon Oct 29 Same nuts 11 us ayeu were Jlm Burke Run Hoggnrlh Tum Arnold Moose Crowe Fred Ross hmy Funecoll Pee Wee Peever and Ken Kmecker pronouyccd likeBenyg npme TORONTO CPlDnnalrl Morrow 54 farmer Ottawa school principal who has been member the legislature since 1943 was named Thun dny by Premier Rnbarts to be Speaker at the new legislalure Mr Marrow ï¬rst served member or Carleton but has sat for Ollawa Wes alnca 1955 He will succeed wllllam Mur duch Speaker ln the last Iezls lnlure who was delenled in the Say 25 generalrelecllon It gives me pleasure ta an nounce ttrumpet tanlare etc that Centrala Juniara are new undefeated In their season On Friday evening they met Park Street Collegiate tn Orllliator night under the lights Since the Barrie bay never see artl iieial llghta after dark they had llttletrnuile getting usedto playing under lights and mlseed several passes and opportunities to acare Because the tunim were at little aiow the game was score less at the halt Late in the third quarter although the tel laal realized they were supposed to make passes and Fun Funcatt trapped blocked kick and made touchduwn in fourth quarterrBah Nellaon kicked rouge The game ended Barrie Central 7tfarlg Street Central Ixst lea dance is In be held on Thursday from 320 to 500 hope this successlul and gets full backing from the students Since LIz want 10 lot of work lets get behind her Centrallles JEGK 8ka EMMON Maome ï¬luvmwms Irma NIL mg Dove nalmoown PWWOM Despite Wthe 111nm victoryY the seniors simply could not keep new by Bnrry Dyck vlceqwresidenl Grant Home treasurer Jim Wenh secretary Mike mrner lhis tlmc wank like thank Barry Dka or the help he ave me In gatheran infor mg on concerning the club Nonéuiua mu um FEATURHATMG hum 1m AT 400 Name Morrow New Speaker WIEEINS lllBS 11ml AroI ALL PRICI Lug lcmuon Iu Ian I1 Bullll lulu Ion lawnm Nu Ohllllllol ulnmm mmuuon unuuuud Campn AI fa QULflI numu Exam Furrch who mm no ulh Inn my TONIGHT SAT JACK IE GIANT KILLER Bdgn You mu Fun Spulal Chlldronl MATINEE hunky p01 Dunlap St PA HEY KIDS forum NORTHOLT England CF Erilnlns first munlclnally built skldpun hnshecn npcncd In Ihls London suburb On Mr crisis will be able to learn how In avoid and control skids THE mnnm EXAMINER FRIDAY OCIOBEH 19 1963 Cascade 405flamelessclean silent And there Isa ten year guarantee on the tank ELECTRIB WATER HEATING APPLIANCE Banana PUBLIC UTILITIES asfastasaverage use demands with the new you can heat water electrically 8IX TIMES Blyllold The same volume healed by nnolhnr mulhod could con over £1300 per month YOU CAN USE OVER Independent surveys prove that more water can be heated at lower cost with flat rate electric water heating than any other way Matchless electric water healing Is proven to be over 00 efficient other method may only bu as much 65 efficient APPROVED The now Canada 40 WatarHeallng Appliance an APPROVED PRODUGT davolonad through the camblnad vouarch and resources Dnmla Hydra und electrical mulnmvom Electricity Is Safe lean Hameless More Efficient too FOR FUll DETAILS CALI KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT BUILT FOE SKIDS The Rendezvqus Lounge OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL NEW NEW COMMISSION CHRISTCHURCH Enflland CPI This Hampshlre town has boughla wmpressod air booster odur caan system to cancel out me mm the ln cal sewage works 200 Blrrlol Larson And Mon Luxuriou Fully Llcomud Lounge GORD HATCH IO lhu blg HAMMOND ORGAN FORCES FRESH AIR Presents Nightly Entertginment with GALLONS PA Mm