New $106000 SChbél TIs Opened Innisfil ed Wllh he hehnvlour MA yearold ar Iennuxm hr anld Elementary school can help develop churnelcr but canl of themselves In expected lo mould ehnmclen Only by tho pawer nl parnnls example can lhls be done ml by classroom Inslrucllnn nlonel what achaull haw lo do teach chlldren good clllxcnshlp To achieve this aim elcmcn iary schools lodny ham to lend oil the onslaught oi demands made ï¬ll their services Ele mcnlary school hav to mug nlze ihelr lmiialions he warned The lime they have at lhcir disposal between mm and pm is precious and must no he lriilmd uway dullan with ruponslbillllc hu lonxin to the home nnd uihur agencim We dont thlnk lhe clemen lary ghnql spoyldï¬e concern CHURCHILL 51am Lcll hope llrst class educallon comes out of lhlx school Just It came out of ll predecessors no so wlequippcd as guest speak er Vandchurgh assist an oupcrlnlendenl at clemen lary education Deparlment EducnUon Toronto He was speaking Thursday nlgm at the oulcial opening or the central lchufll for lnnlsï¬l Township School Aron No InnIsflI rows Cochrane extcnded congraluialions the board ram townshlpmuncil He called the school another mark progress Prams ls costly were all were 01 that Mr Cochrane need to remember the things worthwhile In When came an ha hoard about nine years ago was against this central achaal Idea Mr Bealty saldt But time have changed and now wa have the school snmethlng never vexpcctad to sue during my time on the hazard Naw we are un animous that this school will hrlng an advancement 1n the townshlpl educational sland Brds Hopes FirstClass Education Will Come From New School Schoal hoard chalrmnn Don Bcally was mnsrar cerumbn lea for the program staged in the schauls primary classroom wllh the avcrflow audlenca ex tending to the corridor beyond Bolh helm and alter the cere mmï¬es vlsflou were welcomed to the classroom In chat with the teachers and see tha stu dcnls wnrk displays huh just east of nghwa 11 and about mlla noth of are The new school brings under ona roof all the pupils who or merly ntlendcd Bethesda Flllh Llnc Nanlyr and Cherry Creel schools in Area Na Classes in the Central Schnal started In cmpzr ll located an the CHURCHILL Slam Students and pupils had chance to show or their new $106000 Cen ral School here to parents and ofï¬cials losl nlghl Tho occu llon was Ihe umdal npcnlng of the Innis Township SchooPArea No bulldlng The nlnce Ihe leather In cluurnom will never be taken by mechanical enchan all such as projcclum and lelevl nlon In Mr Vandernurgha nplnion The lenchcr wlll sllll lend In Ihe development of tho Eludcnll lnleresl In nuhjeeu on the curriculum through perman al mngnellsm We must give children love reading he nald An adult who nuvcr developed lhu desire to rend good banks no Iurlhcr ahnnd than man who cant read at nlL Especially in the reading the most teaching methods Inund he emphasized Elemenlary schools mu have lo deal with Ihe indlvldual dil crencu In chlldren To do this different educullonnl melhods hnve to be lrled In scafcll the mast effective ones Conlnr vurslnl though some cl these are ML Vnndcmumh Iald lhtse experiments must cun llnue unul lrlal and error proves whlch host as wall As good uhnlnrshlp Children should be glven the only education and shown how to usa them Mn Vander Burgh Ielt society today expccu loo 11mg children In this re spect Is the cornerstone Mr Beatty asked Pat Bertram mum me contractors Bertram Bmthers explained that the stones lztlerlng was not completely Inscribed Therefore the alone would have to com later Thls lelt hoard member Russell Stewart ln an awkward positlun as he was slated to resolve the stone and make an acceptance speech He made hln speech anyway wlth law al terntlons commenting that he was sure the stone would be dchvered soon Ono bitch the program came at he prescnlallun of the corner slona which It turned out wasnt there mj he lurmallch Music supervisor Mrs Elaine Mchwcli Cockatown and Jack Constable caretaker were in troduced Mrs McDaweli aided by two teachers led some the pupils in xeiectian of song during the program She told parent Lhe chinrs siu had to bmt to minimum or me cercmnny inst night because all available space was reserved for the audiencei Prlnclpal Lindsay Bell was in troduced to the audience were the other teachers Mrs Flarlne Housman Grades and Fred Murphy Grades and Mrs Ray Pelera Grades and and M15 Margaret Camp bell Gradu Innd part at Grade 2MrA Bell teaches Grade The prescnlntlan the key fur Teachers shared In Ihe at Me too Mr neatly praised them for the smooth transition In bringing the pupils from Ihe our other schonl under single admlulsqudgn this war are not easily 014 mm Hold elfccllvu must be Chlihrcn rm ve lru mllk durl rlzprupk pqlod WE IUIPIISMILO hr they rarely lmd milk lhclr homu the mid When old lhem Although English haul chlld ran have holr meals unbaldized they eat no bread buller or waler They cal sllrchy loud du at break Sb 5an Englandnhu carried the plan keeping the child In school all day and now the country In wondering In reel negugn Like many In Canada the pu pl stay the Ichool day Thls was aimed 1n wnrllme she said to help mnlhm and ram do relief work and other mponnnl Jobs M4 SEE CHANGE Ono ol the first things the sold she nollced ln Mancheslorn St Johns School ms the langlh ol the school day or many child ren lmm ulna oclock ln tho momluz until 330 ln ho alter noon comparable wllh Cana dlgh achaol hours teacher at St Monicas was chosen by the board to no to England or the 156263 leaching year on an ex changa plan She tauth nlnr yearolds argd aver Mrs Collcaux was address leachen Bunlo SCPIIBM ichonls and St Joseph High School at mule waning upon xored by th lepnma lchanl board 1117 dlreclau Much of Englandl presentday school hours and curricull an result of World War II uld Mrs Eileen Colluux Barrio separate haul teacher lag night Wm The prayer of dedication the new schnol were led by Rev Thomas Page mlnlslu at Chur chill United munch 0n behalt the 1m board Mr Lucas presented M11 Bell wllh Bib In be used In the he Chrlaulnn Igperyislon Also Introduced wen mum Township counclllorl and board member and caunclflon In th audlence from neighboran mun lclpallpl Board member Introduced by Mr Benny were Frank Kell James Rainy George Luca andARugull Stewart Board secretarymama Ed gar Sturgeon said he had an Joyed sewlnulhe band and lhnt he was glad In ll school ï¬nished Donald McGee represenllnx the 0mm Hydro nap ofï¬ce said the new edmcn was cry from the old red admolhause He aid this central xchool was the mm In thin pm 01 the country to hnva electrical hem Ins Seventymen Vachools In Ontario now are so cqulpped hd nld Werld War Influences British School System the naw school was mud by MilletSalter behnlt of the architects Seller and Alum Barrie It was accepted by Frank Ken vlceAchIIrman Ihg Inan jagd From this primnry cducalian Iha Iludum zrndunla to our form high Ichoni wiih he diiierencu that here are three iorml oi educaiian grammar Ichool far lhnu who wish to Mar university high Ichnoi about the Canadian high lcthi law and the commer cinihmdcl Ind ncndcmln cour She laid England has llva Ichanl relaulllcallona wIlh mu uddcd recently There are two swarm unlu or the young er children the 1mm Ichoal lho junior man While In Manchester he Man chmer Educnuan CommInlon Irranged for her Ind her pm ncr mm Wlnnlpez when to our olher lchnull 1n the clly IllE cuminmums Spéillni Valr wo know it is not regular Iubject In England It comes under the hnlum courie in im ciaxs cl pupils with he ranging from no to 140 Mrs Caiieaux uid zine named they ware better tendon an earlier age than Canadian child len But their ailing on lilo wilai IWBI pounfl iha nid is the Brii hie echonl children begin their education almost one and half year hciare Canadian children She said may learn reading rlnilng Ind Irithmelic almost mmedlniely in their lira echool year Our children are not laugh Ihue subjects until near the end oi the year she added Sign YquGER my Canadian children didnt drink tea until much older they doubted me BOARD CHAIRMAN Don Really seen hm with Vanderflurgh Iefl mm an superintendent oi elemen tary education Department Education Mr Vander Eurrln Burbarshuppor wlll hold Ihelr final rehearsal Mon day or the big convenllon and show In Do held at Central Cal lcglnln 0d 15 26 mud Thu Chrans Holiday lnsll lhree weeks and they have two wccks at Easter the end of February may have another mid term break She closed her address by mentioning the holiday system it seems that every six weeks thms holiday period It bout Ith llmn over than they have lhn midterm break called tcnchcrl rmi by the students MANY HOLIDAYS The course the older child ren aka are not necessarily in line wllh their work many of them further themselvu In the am athletic and academic nub What are considered technolo gical when In Ontario and oth er part Canada are called school of lurther education In Enllnnd and are wholly lup porled by Industry she vlsflcd ans these schools and found out that Industry al lows employees one or two days nwcek to further melr educa Hun Barbershoppers Set For Show Many England Impede In women tween the Canadian and British school syslem is the inspection of schools Schools In England If Inspected every lvo years nnt Just classroamnnd teach lng methods but an enllre school The ins cllnn Inst sev Irnl dayn lad Mrs Colleaux Burgh wa guest speaker on Thursday night at the open ln the central school for lunlsï¬l Township School Area 152mg Mmonthe The Barri Public School Board will meet on Tuesday mm at eight oclock in he Pub li Uliliiiu Building on Hayfield my EXAMINEiI um Ans mom mm of he our township ldmll Bethesda Filth Lina Nnnlyr and Cherry Creek closed in June Io make way or the central uhool Emnlner thn 1mm MEETING CA NA DIAN WHIS KY CANADIAN WIIISKY am MW wmï¬mmm JZJYZIM Dr Scott nch From our experleuca it up our that mnnf nl Ihese nrgnnzntlnnx are ll equipped to handle the prayers Ion and rervlca of nod to Inch large groups The larger the group the mater he uccmlly ol supervision lo avoid mlrlaku whlch cuulï¬ result In lood pul ronlnl Health Department nfllclnll eel they cannot Ignore thls men to nur health and can Itderlnz adoption at tellalnttan to control serving at loud at there luncttnnl The rezulattana In all probability will be nlmtlar to the Emma Establtthent Rei uIatlon which enver all phases otfood handling At these nlherlnn nutbruks of food no sonlnz occulonully occur causing considerable can cem us Ind Iho Department 01=n11b Dr Scan medical um nor Health snId Fall upon Il regardlesl tbs Inn Ieasonablc weather when xoclnl ructylvllluarg being promoted such the many events where food prepared and servedto me groups some at the in email look ndvanlale the all weulher condlllanl to catch up on thalr holiday llmu September was an extremely busy month or slmcnu County Health Unit Inspeplorl due to the Ideal weather conditions which permitted cnnlrncmra continue that work at full xpeed THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 1363 Would Control Foods Served At Big Banquets Dininn the month total 1154 caiix wen made consisting at routine Inspection an the investigation at 291 com pialnta Se ember was the month for all hair throughout tha county The inspector mm In etian to visit the and cancel Iinnl at least one during the period of operation It in very gratifying to us and am sure the metal public that wa to al report iiineui We are preparad In ndvlu 1am Instruct group on the pm per method and nervlca then largo social Iathurlnga We have pamphlets availaqu Inr their Information and hope thny will seek our advice when the amnion arises It Ceï¬EAlOEGIlol Laml mmhler Dulu 64 HAMMER mania 111 Bndlord 11 Own it VIAU MOTORS PrIBJTroï¬ 2395