Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1963, p. 18

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CARACAS MP Romuln Hummuan Jahbcd brnwn lealhcr desk cover with his slubhy tornlingcr and spoke In Ibums of urgent Iorcdul Span sh The Cummunisk threat In Latin America rcnl but we cannot belleve hm only repres sive measures against Commu nist are sufficient mid the uelnn prcsldcnl We must combat povcrly poor distrihulian wealth and antiquami slrucluru of LaHn Amerlcnn cconomlca The man mi decade lo lace Ihrso prnblcms duci urc He slapped clinched bomb scurrul hands logcnucr nnd lhgmghl ur moment fim éipcrléncu or Venezunla demonstrates It can he done Al 55 llnlnumurl has run dcmncrnllc xuvcmmcnl In Ven uuclu 1h ymrs To keep It un lnx he luu auxhl Communlxu nnd rlxhlwlng terrorists nllke Ho hns bum schooh home and huspmuls um Inlmduccd lnnd xclurms He has lnrlcd lo Mrs Ngo Dlnh Nhu the con lroversinl First Lady South Vlel Nam sips tea yesterday Must Combat Poverty Says Venezuela Boss Venezuela is country when demnmilc govern mln has come Ln lips with bath communism and right dicinlurship Under Iiomuin Beinncnum lud ershlp Ii hnl slaved all the excel oi bolh ulremes an amid burgh ui knur ism It heading Inward ncw oitclinn ll pmhicml and pragrusand ihc prabl lrnu inning Lnfln Iimuicn In wholenu dimmed in this cxclulive lntarview with Pruldcni nclnncourl By JUIIN DL lllGIlTDWEfl Ask for this distinctively different beer at younfaveurite tavern THE EXCITING NEWTASTE IN BEER JUST HER CUP OF THE BnInncourt discussed Vene zuelan and Inttr Amcrlcnn problem In an IntervIew with he Assuclnlcd Press In III oI lice In MIraIIarcs PaInce sIocky dynnmIc man who spunk InsIsunuy and gestures Iroqucnlly he has rcpulnllon or courngn honosly IdcnlIsm ling wIly abuse 01 pQIiths Thu reds cars on his hands came from burn he sulleer In 1960 in bomb nllnck that nearly killed hlm nm nlluck was Ihu work rightwing ter rorists backed by tho Trujillo dictulorshlp lhen rullnx he Da mlnlcnn Republic Belanmur was an implacablu enemy righllsl Trufilla just as he an tncmy Cubas lellisl Fidel Castro In the slrccll Cnrncns Communist le cumpulxn that has gripped the nutlon or Hum ynnrs continuum Tmps xunrd slrmoglc huildlnx and seal of mm old sctliuns ol lhu own thvily nrmcd pollen pn lrol um bnslnm alum In pnlrs Better lhun most men Balan coun can Appreciate the dun gers Ihnl He ahead or ha ha been ham ruler and rcvoluliam my Today nearing the end of his elected term Betnncourt is ob viously convinced that Venr zuelas achievements prove that battle with communism and rightist dlclnlorshlp in the hem lsphere can hr wan But he is the lirst to recognize that the struggle is still tar from over in Venezuela or elsewhere clean up masslve my Mum and lo diversin Industry and agriculture during luncheon meeting with members 01 the Womens National Press Club in ncllmtourl cxpmsu confl Betanccurt said he invors greater participation by Latin Americnn gnvtunmrntx in the 115 supported Alilanco or Progress aid program for Latin America He dcplnrcd cuts in US foreign aid by Cangress if present cut in US iorcign nid stand he said the total US iunds or Latin America will be little more ihnn the ul most $400000000 annually that the Soviei Union contributes t0 deuce that dcspllalhe error lsm nallonal clecflons wlll he held nn schedule Dec and ncw government wlll like olllce ln March Washington holel Mrs Nhu In on an inlormal vlslt In the na tion capital AP wlrepholn sues man mmqu OFFIGEAa SEE us FOR Ind Symml Add Mnthnu Ind CnlcuIwn Olllco Iunlplntnl nepllrl IIUEINESS MACIHNEJ Dunlap PA Ma Colfnllulclnl sullonrry SIMCOE Mr and Mrs Lynn Illlngwonh and dauzhlerul Hamllton spent the weekend with Mr and Mn A11 and ljnLlAIngimranL Mr and Mrs Ran Brondfuot and family Toronto mm mg weekend with Mr and Mrs Har rutan Mr and Mrs Leonard DaWson Dawnsvlew spent the holiday wggtemt 1n lhclr qubln lmller Mlss Margaret Langmnn spendlnz thl week in Hamilton with her cousins Mr and Mrs lan Illlgmorlh Mia Belly fihdhopu spent Thanksgiving weekend In Hamll on Mr and Mrs Edward Lung man and family Mr and Mrs Georgn Langmnn nnd lamlly and Mr and Mn Ray Shaw and shower was held In Rugby school In honor Mr and Mn Norman Langman nee Janet Clarke who wen maxrind cenlly They were presented with hostess chalr pair or lamp and had spread mm the community Best wlahes no to Mn and Mrs Langmqyl Several from this communlu Algendedjhe Intelnation plow lngmntc1 Cajedon 719 week and Min Don McLeod and family spent the weekend ln sugbury 315151 V91 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS JOHNSTON LTD 269 DUCKWORTH 5T EMERSON WEBB BUILDER 14 LAY STREET PARSS CONSTRUCTION LTD l9 LAY STREET PRATT LIMITED 31 STEEL STREET Bud ALLAN CONTRACTOR 30 OTTAWAY AVENUE GEORGE DAVIES HOMES I4 SPRINGHOME ROAD GEORGE DAVIES HOMES 16 SPRINGHOME ROAD HOMER BUILDER I8 SPRIEEHOME ROAD GORD SPRING ENTERPRISES RUGBY NEW HOMES lOCATlON OF HOMES fully men Thunksilvlnx wlth thelr parents Mr Ind Mn Riga pmm ThaWI me the home of Mn Don McLend Wednesday evening with good attendance Tho president Mu Tyson Lung man presided aver ha meeting The dummy Mrs Dun Mc Leod rend the minute and trnsurenl upon Thcrawlll be An autumnnu hazanr and bnke ulu In the publc hall hero00L 19 under lha auspices of the Presbyterian LadleAld starting At 230 pm qiallylnvltnd Th dlslrlcl president Mrs Tuck of Crownmll was pr sent and was introduced by Mrs KeithMcLead Mrs Tuck npakg on lhorNorlh Wu Territory as 10 their way or living and what the InstituteIx doing there Mrs quk lhgn cqndygred contest Mrs Bemnl Johnsto lava report on tho arcn convénllon In Goldwater M11 Kellh McLeod gave reading The old llmosnnll Mr and Mrs Gonrgo Hodgson nnd daughter Detroit spent Thanksglvlnx with Mrs Ilndgson Sr So did Mn and Mrs Thomas Hogan am quan Barrie By MR5 ERNEST GASTON Mr And MnfinseFCarr and CRAIGHUBST FOR INSPEC Susnn oilamnla spent the weak cnd wllhMr and Mrl hymnI Miss Deep River mid Allan slntnn ol Chalk River spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs Slnton and Floyd Ilgwm In St Johns Church on Sunday wm In mem ory of Mrs George Bldwell and were zlycn by her lamlly annnd Mm Murray Bell and Irls Streeuvula mm Sun4 wjlhMr and Mn Emu Elgmero Mr and Mrs Hurvoy Prince and Gayle ol Pomborough spentthe weekend with Mn And My Curflajaldwln Mn Roy Minty Harris an PA 401 gm sowm THE BARRIE BUILDERS LPBCiAyLYX In llrllllemln rum Ill WI hm MI llllll In dell Ind equipmnnl lo Ivn ynu am but onlblI Iarvlu In our convent nl own by unle CELEBRATINGjHEIR IOTH ANNIVERSARY TONIGHT SAT SUN MON OCTOBER 18 19 2O 21 TONIGHT FROM pm to lo SATURDAY FROM pm1o p4 SUNDAY FROM pm to pm MQNDAY FROM pm ll Allenwaod and Mr and Mn Cllfl Brown and Inmlly ol Sud bury were vislzura wllh Mr and MEI Ernest Canon In ha week en Mr nd Mrs buwlx Can v11 ted 351 ISundgy M15 Betty CnsIEn ol iomnln Qua hpday The Man Wham Mr and Mn Gnome Snider was BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY 001051 69 Emma so 5n Thom Tpduy For The Best Deal In Town ORMISTON MOTORS HILLMANHUMBER SUNBEAM Aumerlud Dnlor THIS WEEKEND Ernest Ellsmm and Ernest Caxton lonk Mr Holden Io Sunny brggk Hgspjplyn flogging chrlncnnd In st Johns Church Sunday morning and xlven lhe mine 01 Lindy Ellen Mlu Shelln Arnold Banla upon the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Arthur Snlder Mr and Mn Cooper Mldhnnt were also visitor with them PA 84330 Hid 33 ML

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