ma numY osmium In no Inn FunTm NU Itle Menu Club 3n la 00 30 IAanV meeting of the allernnnn unlt of tho Unflud Church Wo men Trinity Church was held at the home Mrs Emerson McAdam Thursday Oct with good attendance Mrs Mb Adam presided Invitations were read from lhe VMS St An drews Preshylrrlun church to lhelr hank offering mceling Oct 10 and to Hand Head open Mr and Mrs Bun PM Hamilton visited relatives In town over He wnekend Dnnuld Swindluy and Wheel er Turunlo spent the weekend at the home of the farmers mother Mrs Frank Swlndlny Miss Gwzn Vruy Toronto vlsllcd her mother Mrs way dmjng thg waekeqd Mr and Mrs Legge Bonnie and Deborah and Mrs Graham 01 Anslde vlslkcd an and Mrs Wright Mom ay Miss Brenda Inns Peter bora visited her parcnls Mr and Mrs Lens during the weekend aunuay successful euchre and draw sponsnrnd by he Ladies Auxll lary of the Canadian Legion Beaten was held In the Legion Hall Wednesday evanng Prize winnm at tho euchra were Mrs Gould Mrs Norvnl neuchnn Mrs Harvey Mrs Dale Max WHqu Logan lucky draw Mrs larldge Palmve Mrs napkins and Bill Brown Mr and Mm Cransum were at heir collage 1n the Bracebrldxe area during the weekend Mr and Mrs Earl Hammcll visited relative In Toronto on Supday Rev Logan Mrs Logan and Jennifer Aylmer span Jhnnksglvlng wlvh Mn Logan hen VMcDrmott Mr and Mrs Garry Burton Ind daughter Pcterbum lpent Iho weekend with Mr and Mrs Letty Mr and Mrs Gordon Forbes 01 Ga spent Ihe weekend the home Dr and Mn McKerey Mr and Mrs Ell Murray and family St Jean Quebec spent Thanksgiving weekend the home 01 ML andMls Gordan McClain Mr and Mn Paul Huwlon Brampton visited the turmora parents Mr and Mrs nglun durlgg tha weekgnd AROUND SIMCCE CQUN TY 31 MRS wmum nnlu nul ï¬nd by am pl phon Tul hum when Wreflllnl Tnulhall Manuel munn gun Cllmvlnmmn Ham Clnldl wu nun Bunny Tum Tum nlpcnm IVIYU lIHlblll Am Copy mu mum to hur llam THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BEETON CFTO CHANNEL ocromzn x5 CARRIER MISS YOU uunenmk Noln VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 HM CTV mm Mrlm rlnI nnunnn mom mm Mun ma Mnun hlrol Hm loom Hm nunnnn mu Ynu wu Im IM LII Mm ANMM ruIn Ille mullvnmn Can us can loo no Want Ho GunMoll no mm mm mm wl Mmlon 1w July non crv llll Annulnl mm loot Iloo CTV Nu llll Annmu Imlro WM 0610 It on Mm rnunu Illo lyttuum In lournll Cowaul Ir mm Amund TM WMM 1m rmlnm no nncl Fullllu mmmmmm ma Spam Unllmned um cnc TV New 10 wmhu New and 1110 Mavll To Thl Vlclar MJNDAY OCTOBER 20 AS Tul lllllm 1100 En IN IND DIVE um Gollllh Outdoormun L00 llemlll FL Foylball Thus unending Ihe Interna lIounI Flowing Mulch at Caledon were Earl Lauder anlcr Hut chlnsou Ralph Hayes Jack Lean Jim Clark Kellh Lees Vlncen Hayes Mn and Mm Partridge Mr and Mn MnurIcu Hayes and MIL Leta chker Mrs William McLean and sun Robert Tornnlo were visiting her parznu Mr and Mrs Michael 185 week llbme arr Iha Thanksgiving hullday were Miss Helen Lauder llle communin saddened to hear of lha death of Rev Earner Grnvcnhursl llln Bar ner had bean minister of Edgar Dalston and Crown Hill church es several an ego Lorréme Johnson ballenl infloyal Vlclqyla Hospital in The Women Missionary So ciety ol St Andrews Presbys zerian Church Beelon heidl ihanlmliering meeting Thurs day evrnlng on 10 in their church and had as guests mam hers Tollchham Presbyterian Church and Ewan Anglican and Uniied Churches The room was alcaly decorated with Iuiumn flowers and lulinza and spe cial basket arrangement ol lrull vegetables and flours Mrs Crunslon presided and welcomed tha guest Tho worship service was conducted by Mrs Cran sion Miss Doanxhy and Miss Bell Color slides oi Formosa were shown by Rev Taylor social hour followed Reccnl vlslkors with Mr and Mrs Cecll Shemdown were Mrs Ella Thompson Terry Than son it and Mrs Landmy all of Rolling Hills Albem and Mrs Evelyn Grundhurl of Lung ley EC Mr and Mn Ralph Maya and children spent few days with Mr and Mrs McKenue in Tornnlo Mr and Mn Willred Service spent Mnnday wlth Mr And Mm Jruser llq Bay hits Wigglnx returned home Tuesday mm week vlgll wlfll friend in Barrie meetInK Oct Service was con ducted by Mrs Halsmd with each memher readan pan hm Ream ma an arllcla on Ihe wnrk of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Slruchan and Mn Camplin gave paper on the work of Mg £1233an no Klddo Ru llunl Column svoru hm mm or vm Army nmmm 1m Bunny mn Inlnl crv Nlumlu Nu Miller lluur num ï¬nin 1m lunll vunm Vu Chlnu mm Iluhhuk Detemhu my mm flonlnn till Chum PI mmv llumv nmnu mm Innl Ind lluuulm TV Nu lew rInI lluu nunn By 118 HAYES zern 0m To ml rrum Nm may mqu yumum TORONIO BARRIE EDGAR 111 desplln ll hlgh curd palm and tho vn4 ucs far on onenlng Md not iond eunuch lo Jusllfy In om cnll of Wu cluhl There rnusonnblu chance lhnl the next player mlihl double 1n whlch cngu sqvcro ppnnlly guuld null The hcsl lhlng tn do pass and nwnll dcvelnpmcnlm Double In general lake nul duublo lndlcnles nl lcnxl lho vnlun or an openan hld whllu nn ovmufl show us than lhu values or an oponlnx bld Thl hand loo mad or an over cnll of mu clubs and unhar murc auch bld would lmply lick of lnleml In he major nulls Pnrlncr may have In llcltnl heart or Ipndo Iznglh to pmduco mum and he but My lnnhmn lhAII vin lnlnr is he may cl he overcall Th9 numbrr mm that can probably bu taken far more Important than me number oi highcurd Inls Thm flu hnnd mum Your rllhl hand nfpanent den and blds One Demand both side vulnerable VhI would you now Md wllh each the followan hands Pass In ddcrmlnlnz wheth cr to compete nznlnsl an open ng bld he Hrs gunsldemlqn mhllon lufltlouhlS or takeout MESSENGER MEET The Messenger Gmup of Wu fly Unlled Church met In ha Churth School Room In Thun day afternoon wllh 12 mm herl present MrL Douala Cane Trlnlly Unllcd Church wlll be holdlnz II 6511 unnlversnry Oct 20 with mvlm at 11 mm and 730 pm llomewood managlnl tdllor The Observer will be the swim or both ervlces wlth sneclal muslc by the lrln lty Scnlur and Junlur Choln Evzryone wlll he welcomcd Some of the Holly and horn on United Church Women took the no orlunity Io lea the built in cup card and other kitchen renovations done recently in tho United Church mam Mrs Lennard arr received the guests Tho aocial Function Com mittee lllra McQuIy and Mrs Curr misled by Mrs Ernest Mchtchcon nerv ed cookie and In Boxes Christmas birthday usorled cards and miscellaneous small gills were on display and or der were taken my other our son wishing to order the above can conlacl Mra Warr card convener Thornton and community was well represcmed at the Inter national and World Plowinn Mullih held It Calednn Inst WM in foam Mom 05 9A9 99 man Kenna mm 4n um um um 4an4 on gum ON Lnuqus Mr ml Mn Hayes and ion Mlchnal ml by and Cecil Hayes Bnrrla at Hnyu Mrs Jean McAlIry Toronto wlth her Ilsler Mn Parlrldn Mr And Mn Klt chen Atwood will their dlulh tar and mnlnlnw ML and Mrs Mel Howell Mn wnum Crlllenden visit ed her sister Mrs Sath Pllkey In Stnyner lust week Mr and Mn Lee Bunting at landed Illa slmcoe County 0mm Producers Amcmlon hmquet and annual meeting In stayner Prashylerlnn Church Mn Ban linl received pound chem tn the lucky draw Recon Kuul with Mr And Mrs Crlllenden wen Mu McFIdden And Don of Argyle DAILY CROSSWORD 10 llqu blM IL nlluvo ll rpm imam umnua ollh folkloii 111qu Klan £10 In 1mm lnllnd um 171 Iv mu mu Imnmm Fluluna Ilml min luv 45 RumIn 46 ma no dnri Ambl ACIIOS LAnlll By MR8 GEORGE BOLT THORNTON chI CONTRACT BRIDGE Domou ll Employ to gun or Cudlmul In Cl wr vmldml achool Como Beta mini uu By JAY rlhh mm Map Wuurx imt inf Iln ll lu vmd ll mth Emir 390 all 109mm BECKER In One nouump The double not mad In lhl use because he nolrump vernal In on brief stroke drum at more accurate plcluro the mm show la la la pnlnu mlrump dhlrlhullan Ind menu In All Iulll douqu would lmply d1 lrlbullonnl bum which an lacking Pnnnar respond lhouzh openlnu hid hld been one nohump One Ipndo Even lhauxh lhm ll nmplu Ilrenllh lm Inkcuul double It bolltr lo overcnll wllh Ipade Thu run Inn 11 that precloul around could be lull by douhllnn and It mlghl becoma lmpwible Io Ihow bolh lulu later wllhoul Rolnl dnnxemuxly high Thu rule about hnvlnu Ian than an optnlnz bid or an ovmnll In lha one level nomeumu hu II be overlooked or Ilrllcllc rel mm Double Here the the but why to show the menu cl lha hand In doublz Although on he nurlnce It would teem that nude Ihould be lmmp lhls no necesurlly lruul Thu I11 nar mlghl have Ilnz elon made and lenth In henru 1n whlch can heart would b5 the helm hump lull Ulunlly lha doublcr does not have an Independent ml at MI own but when does he not barred lrom doubling Inc circumstances lndlcnla that that In lhe mos cflecllva way of shuwlnz hll allmnnd vlluel Emu or he Unled Church hnkey Supper which will uh plan Wednesday Oct Ilanln It 1km lbs Thornton Orange Idal all weather hrouzhk many old friends back to allend nnnlvumry urvlcfl In an Unl Ied Church Sunder Thu Church was beautiful decorated or th occaxlon Mus Wu provided lg Angus Unllerl Church Cholr lllson he gym Vlilgnr ova lha holiday week lend wen Mr and Mn June Simpson Palsy Stephens Part Dover with bar ulster Mn McCum INN WRECKED MJAIN MARSHFIELD England CF For the WI time Kn 21 year has plowed Inlo the bird Nelson Inn on tho Gloucester ahlre wiltshlra border Ind owner Althur Flower In In He has Inked the ocnl council to build hymn around his lnn mulled on Right hand of main road lhn Ilnry mnrdlnz mlulonnry workln lndln Mn mm mlnz named and played tha plnno for gun and mm Plaques with mealtime mm were much lroln Ilumlnum loll Kl plum and wm curled cm by ha children The Men henm usually meet the mend Thuudly ol the month New members lllll or boyl under nlne yam nl no no welcome rummawmq smwxcm hanksnlvlnz vlnllou wlm Dr Horton and Min Funcu chklum were Bert lrom Sal wyn Ind Mr and Mn Nurmln of Wagon Iduptedlha mggilm gm md was decanted with flower venet Ible Ind fruit or the hnrvut thumlvlnz urvlct lut Sun dly when ma congregation nltended For In Beluty an Earth wu the anthem nun Iby lhu unto chair or the mom Mr and MH Glam Holt men Thnnkulvlnz Sunday guest ol Ray Ind Vincent Hon ffmm problem hum By MRS ALLEN MILLER UTOPIB rumr Am hum 40 mil dl hm IMO PAYS EGTMEMILLEW ll FA EON ETCNAND lClJE NqulE LET ENDKOIT BAIE DE mum DECIDE CARTIER mung nppap mllqg up ms muo qm mun 115 Men 05 poo nqd Ill mm 1qu nun mq 31rd am In upp Im and III mommy WM lg mollwuu luunoo mu was mm ms FOUND on voun soSbilzssu are uusr 533 on OF L4 lm BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 63 11 all mm MAM KT RIMT AN WW6 mm WEN NW cm rm 1W MI Am mm mm mummum kéw 3m