Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1963, p. 9

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MUHT IN HOSPITAL Mm mll In nnndlnn Mth fink plum mpllnl luv lluy mmpm ilh mm out Ivl our 20 AMINqu rlrdnl In ha In lrlnAIlnlmX luumL Imidu Ml Ilnnlk Imludnl Lillian llmnfl ml Joan Mnlnnl ul mum and Joan Muun Inwn Ilrcldml lmhl ml yrnrl runwuthm um mnpru Unnl in Ollllln mm um nluu mnanIrwhu lu Lana Chm Mm Ilnmwny Inc Ma HIV my In Cnnmln lull Mnrrh Mlvrn mum Ilm llnwn dun IN Hmvl Avlrlnm Inch Mul yrlprtl ll wllmr Vllwl llnnnnny Inc WM luumled In Illlmlo 111nm In 050 ly Iln Mm lrn nlmilnr Krnun 5m Axlrllnrl uhm ll drrldni In Imr Nrmml BOSTON Cl Mnrunrd Hunlh Munlrcnl hnn bum rlrclnl nmnmlvnnl pmldrnl IInnnnny Inc an morlm Hnn lrmalc Imrhmhop uunr lrln In Innnvln and tho Unlled blnlrl th burn an 1M day wlll lu scmlllm lnlulllvo and en dmml wllh uvrul um Inynlly flu mnnlh or job nnd Innu tlal nflalu Dvccmmr and Jan urny Mm Mny July and Au usl um yrnr Hut pcrlodl lor lmvcl nml mmnnllc devel opmmll Dcccmbrr June and next mbcn Your mm on may be ll mu lnml In the palm where you will mgnrd everything hm hm penseven world ullnImlmm parlnnnl vlcupnlnl Therein you will have In conquer lhl Icndcnty and cum to be mor nmcclim Only In thll way can you 5an the must 1mm appur lunluu which will aim yuur way nml whlch hundlcd yrnp rrly rcsull In amulth Ichlcvrmcm lomorrow Is ynur blrlhdny lhe year ahead promlscs much In tho way 01 business activity alum with cnrruus nspecll when mclnl damnsllc and mypllc nunlys are concerned Harmony Elects Orillia Singer This tnn bu snllsfylng day you mind your and 0s nuld to hlgh princlplu and do nut demand ll unrenwnabla study each Ham on ynur Iched ula tnrclully so as to combat possible outside lnlcrlcroncc And do be cnrclul In wrlllcn mnllm FOR THE HHITIIDAY She Is eager to learnher In vorllo subjccls an spellluz and Bum that she had nllcndcd lchnnl with tho cthron of xevcn omcr Eskimo families 1n lhu Fort George Men or five yum and he Mousnnw schnul or am ymu TOMORROW Bay In nul 200 Mousonce and lnko sixweek here The allraclive young alrl got her first glimpse of bright lights Ins wring whm she 15 her For 3mg home on J9me Mary Munarlck 191 sen hunters daughter so Impressed Taroqu family at tourist camp and hale where she was wurking this summer Hm the Family invilcd her In llve with them Mary will look after ha chil dren for her adopted fnmlly have lhrne brolhcrs and oxfr slstorsv some very young at home am and 01 children am ccrhlin can dn good THE STARS SAY NORTH BAY om CHThe Mom dream of mega Esklmo girltn set and live In hlg citywlll como me this BIL Eskimo Girls LifeLong Dream To Come True Hrs Gerald Roberts left Ind Mrs Don Magoo knock pl Ihc dour Bunla harm as they hcéiu making calls for By ESTRELUTA UNITED APPEAL CANVASSERS BEGIN CAMPAIEIEIE mncsiloflh 01 came south to wailrcs course Guvbor Baby Foods NIAOAHAMLLS mman Babas are our business our gflly busfloss Tm mm mm 100 mm Blulmd md Junlov Food nuw null bll In nw WldITon wlm OulckTwlu um Eur In Ipnou out bhyl ma In up nhluultlan nl unuud pmllufll Clpo clan cmIV Ia mutual fllvmm Iml holu ullcolamlun Um uduclnu Your bnbys carnal must be modlly mgouihlo no or she In lo ml lull nulmivo bonohln ram hum Gorbor apocinlim dnvolopod rm oxdutivo controlled cooling molhod which break down main unrchou lo assure diquuibillw In addition Garbo Coronll mo scionliiicnlly ovmulnled lo moo mm of ygur bnlyyl oarly mlrilionnl 00d MI have nddod Iron mlclum and tho lLvilnmim Ihlnmlnv rlboflovm and nluclrl Imponnm Garbo Carnal mo Iwicmloslod lo lnnura unNorm qualily and mixabilily ley Ilil to smooth porfucllon In Iocondllnyllmlwuyrlghldownlolholml dourth Ipoonrul Lou bul no loan may have lho dullcnlo Ilavnurn bablol molar DIgestlblty and sound nourislmien assured by Gerber cereal research historyand sha Iavu bnseball historyand sha invetbnsebali Sincn wnrking waitress xknting and fishing She has in delgrmined girl has aver evcn accompanied her faiher on come much ui her shyness and his leal hunting expeditions converse lreeiy with anyone palgn yesterday Mn Manns and MM Roberts nrg only two at many Ban1e women lhe Banla United Apptal Cam who havalonered their time freely to help canvas la the campalxnywhlch olllclnlly be gan yesterday The objective ls mam Examlnsr Photo Ray Jacobs of Moose Jaw Sas katchewan aliende the bride groom lha usher were Douglas Marten Barrie brother of tha bride and David Zulu Toron Her hehddress wa an Irides cgylt jgwullpd hundenu llls Marjorie Norton Gt lawa was the bridesmaid She wore rilleel length dress 01 plus men and canled ban quel bronze and yellow chry nnlhemuma tha daughter of Mr Ind Mn Frederick Vln cam Morren nf Barrlrl Thu hrldegronml parents are Mr npd Mn lm Zdvlu Toronto mm In marrlnge by her In ther he brlda chase street lenllh melt ashlaned whlle nllnl come need pearls held herlhauldar lenglh vcll ol tulle llluslan She carried bum quel ol whlte and yellow mums Her jewellery lncluded Enhgllsh heirloom pearl duster Bronze yellow and whlle mums decorated he ultnra£ Summont Blvd Church Christ Toronto on Saturday for tha wedding or Mlu MaryMar ten and Ronald Zavllz bath of Ottawa Rev Ralph Perry 01 bugdoq officiated Church or Christ Toronto Scene 9f Saturday xRites ZAVITZMORREN chrmmn Slackan Ptlnt 25¢ or rm and fayrm yard Rod Humor Lyd Iannololln locklnFS to new for Illsuggg finally vo stockings receplion we held injhe church hall where the mother oi the bride received guest weerin two piece street Imglh dress oi ieupa brocade with iur irim Hen accessories were autumn brown and she en hanced her ensemble with mrsaga oi pink calnations The brother 01 the brldemom mien ISHOW 19 50 DUNLOP If pm 700 pm mo Inn FOR TICKETS CALL PA 55854 or PA um Pncceds to YMYWCA Bulldlul Fund CONTINENTAL INN Cnnmlulamry manage from the brides relatives In England were read the reception The four tiered wzdding calm wu dress or belge bran Her hat was designed matching material and Iha complemented her mum with com while camntlons nethu offigofifldygromjn won wan ocr 23rd Thm Shawhigl ll 0h ml WI mu Ln fluidly Ill LI II on ml SALE Winter is on its way and its time to stockn20 on warm bedding at cosy savings take advantage of this we Ind nu uuvumul um um nonn CME Knit ndertanrlnufi oi ed cranberry wool null will lhn bridegroom any black vdvu ha Tick 75c Avallnhlq AI CUSDENS PHARMACY 14 Dunlop Sr Elizabeth Arden Beauty Courerence ornusy Woman mun Vat Trinity Parish Mgr rtou Oct 16th um unfit vu Eu mu pm to show yauhaw to become prettier mm poised person in your home and out Mix Ardcnl Consultant Miss Chelsea Fellnws will ml you 31L Pmonll ELIZABETH ARDENS BEAUTY CONFERENCE FOR BUSY WOMEN BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 061 15 decmled by Add I1 I1 For luvgflllnl the mag defi Or Any 0DE Mombnr vim The Mia Fellow wlll b0 knob to answer your questions so plan be them Youll enjoy ll Na maltenwha yuur mlvlllel Elizabeth Arden can help you grow in Invelhen Ikln care makeup hair can palm hand and nlll urn 4B Calllor Sh fir $532

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