Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1963, p. 4

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Aulhmlltd ll Elma rm um nuxm and mm unnml Au hllhhv IIIAH llllmfl all Al Ihnpl In mm II munlax nun th Au man mun NIUIAL nomuv rm nn Imam nuy unm Ilv mu null Inc mop au mum um um mum ml mnnm mum 0mm 94 Ima nunIon Ind mm In my mm Unlnnlll An Tmnm cm numu III in own In ll In now lull Norm In IR In no III rum 25 YEARS AGO tN TOWN iiarrle Examiner Oct watt Frank Hammond KC Barrie lawyer sworn In by Judge Dudley Holmes Is Crown At torney for County of Slmcoe succeed lug hnhk Evans KC 01 Oriilln Siuuoc County Womens lnstitutEs met or lIlth annual convention in loot linli ilarric ltlrs ltivln cho of Allan dute elected president ilouso build ing and construction work continua ac tive in linrrlc lesflllo advent of aulumn icddy Fuller lmtlly hurt in ti na mito hlnsl on farm at Egbert rrr pusal made to reduce size of town coun cll qutlshcd hy iloya and Boys municipal anticltors Regulations require that pro ceedings must he started before July if any year that bylaw must be presented nnt later titan Novi and that such by law he not passed until it hns racalvcti nssent oi municipal electors Aldor man Murray Mllls wanted to know what Town at llnrrio was doing in regard to race ilun for the GOVBIIlDFUOMlIl Don ivccdmuuir on viait here next week to men lnlcrnntlonai iiuwlnu Match lome 0t ltlrai William iark William Street actttug tnr autumn tea Nolhlng excel newspnlimrs when it comes to selling merchandse or bulld The newspaper strike proved con cluslvcly that newspa or are is one thcmost valuable ranc 151 slum owns The newspaper la the backbone of lhe reinil advertising structure Orville Johlcr vicepresident in charge of advertising or the independ ent Grocers Alliance vhlch operate 5000 stores said to meeting of his cxeculivcs in Boslon Retailers must invite people they must attract people to their stores The most powerful way of doing this or an store is through good and effective vertising in strong interesting and widelyread newspapers Leading newspaper advertisers have given testimonlas in the past to the effectiveness of this medium But never betore in our recollection have execu tives of three of the lar est newspaper advertisers an automub is manufactur er department store and grocery chaln made torcetul statements almost simultaneously about the importance and usefulness of newspaper advertising Davld Yunlch president of Macys New York probably the largest depart ment store advertiser in the country told executives Gannett Newspapers in Saratoga Springs NY Recital of these lacls is not intended as prelude lo judgin either the PCs or the Liberals in th matter Bolh have their convictions and think they are right Our concern is with the ship yards which have tremendous invest ments and facilities for employment of large numbers of skilled and unskilled laborers Why are the shlpyards in the dol drums During the Second World War Canada turned out hundreds of naval vessels and built up its merchant marine 112 mm Exam few short months ago the Progres sive Conservative government announe ed program of naval construction which would have given employment to thousands of men over long period After the sprln election the PCs were out and the Li erels were tin Subse uently the new defence minister Paul ellyer threw cold water on the naval plan and come up with some of his own pet ideas for defence purposes Now we learn that the frigate construction mgram espoused by the PCs may be orgotlen and that something new may be in the wind Lack of work or Canadian shipyards is blight on the nations economy Political machinations have not helped the situation either Newspapers Effective LaCk Of Shipyard Work Is Blight On Economy Today it Is claimed the merchant The Barrie Examiner w1hrubilsher Published by Canadlan 16 Hayfield Street DOWN MEMORY LATE WEDNESDAY Mm 11w avenge pmnn whilcwnnhos hi lmvjurllm and nm pm them all as princlpm uluul uuu Clubl Arlhur Powell was accoml Mr Iml Mn llarnltl lnllcrson won pulllnl mlnpcllllon Clnudn Crnlg lon at am lnu llny crowded wllh lllwrmen mar lwnlng nml perch lnr cal run In yam Clll Carley renorle Blll Garner Inuvnl his menu wcnr Alum to new modern tumIon wvml door we on Ellubolh Al lrlm lor Internal lonnl llowlng Match lho vorldl larg ul now on llnplay ln wlndmvn of lar rlo Arcmlu Slorn through cnoprrnllon lurlu Chrlullo manager John Weldon ol llnrrlo rcccnlly called lo lhr elmd lelvrbom legal llrm Mnurcn llnnna Alllnnml carlnn had lnlnlun hlnls In Part lilmpaon nnrlh cl lrlnuo llu ml m1 nuulnr nulumcr nl lhc Allanxnlo hardware More Hld ilwlrlock lerUflll ln newupnpor olllcn lwn 1mm rlnu nuplmrrlu unusual fur October unl plrkod lrum llll garden nl tool 01 empnnlcll lllll glven by Hurlon Ave Unlled Church cholr lo mlse funds or new hats Mosl classes mil were holdlng annual corn and wlcner roasts Belt Black reslgned mercury of Barrlo ndmln ton Club Rlln Parker vlll lake her Place Arlmlsslon realrlcled lo mem Jern only when lady lweednmulr ud drcsscx llnrrle Vomenl Cnnadlan Club next lhursdny Mu llnrry Norton of Barrln won that 120 at Mealord llah derby nCl me team won Tudho Cup for elghlh llme Blg polnl wn no or Barrle in annual meel Al Orll Hz were lllll llenlh Ross lllnlklu Ken Terry Jnck loucher Doufilns Smllh Raymond Keelch lrlnn Ilen Hwy 10 am new at BC hurl In car nccldcnt cmnlng from Camp Borden lo Barrie lo jnln Unck mm or Tud hopo meal in Orlllln Dauglu mm mot mg addy mntph ml min Golf We feel ioo that newspapers while Primarily directed at the newcar buyer general also give us some of the ad vantages of more specialized medil such as direct mail Because newspaper read crship is near universal we know that at the snow tme we are reaching that mass audience we are reaching the sin gle most likely group of pro ects we have present and satisfied hevroiet ownersft Cari Uren assistant advertising direc tor of Chevrolet which is one of the largest national advertisers in news apirs told luncheongroup in New 01 We regard the newspaper as the most local retail and urgent oi the media we use Consequently we feel that it is must eitective in reaching the respect at that point in his buyin cyc when he is about ready to tr for new car lng substantlallmage or the company who sell it He said lGA stores buy more retall newspaper food advertlstn than any other organization In the war and added No other medla that know of can glve you the cooperatlon ol the dual job or selling merchandlse and bulldlng solid lmage of your slores that comes anywhere near the new papers in the town you serve Navy If we need frigates lets build them If submarines and helicopters are the answer to Navy needs then sktart worklng on them But do some lng iiiakeshm methods to keep shipyards going are not enough Throwing crumos will not keep workhungry yards going Canada must devise some we to build it merchani flee and Keys angdign This is question that both our gov ernment and private shipping interest shouid answer The time has arrived to get at the root cause of our shipping troubles and come up with solution If we can sell equi ment of this kind despite the comparatveiy high cost of our production why cant Canada de velop merchant marine to compete with the ships of other nations navy has almost dise peared because of high costs of operetng Canadian ships in competition with the merchnnt navles of other nations it is difficult notto reach the conclusion however that Chn aria has given up her merchant fleet by default Surely the arguments as to cost apply equally to our manufacturingJH dustry and yet we find business men flying to all parts of the world to sell their products We are selling refrig erators to the British and freezers to the French Our tractors and our cars find ready market in Peklslanand lndia Newspéperg Lgmfited Bmle Ontarlo 15 pm¢ Brlln shim GenmlM ll you an unalvlu lo your men your my mm wlul hlvm Id In he on um and In mm the people In Ms vlrlnliy lulu Hm mm ulklnIMinl action pmllnd by omn kw rm ml Iml lhly ll III In ml yvur luu mp uln vd Mull tnrnurnlrmrm hula lnr mun hm1 AI Ivlu lhu profit wauld llh Io Ilr my VII and III Who uyl full lm ounlrfl Mur an or per Ionl hnvu work hlrd In lnr JIMIr hnnu qr lnrm Am lNII Ihroulh no Inn 17 lhflr wn my unable in my mu nn lhnl prawn IV are old IN lo vly Iut ulu uml hr In hmmr In dnhn il rln promnll line through mm and pic 1um on bnollel ndvurlln menu Ind raga 111nm ALL ll0lTlhlATE Thll II II lulllmnlu Dul ll plum lhI oppmillnn ll rtmendoun dludvunmr Munlly II can do Ill ll puhllrlly II trllklfl Am ll dnunl vunl In dn Ion much hll lelcvhlon II In mulnr um mu lha laverm II membm can lnully lh puhllc gym Thll lltinrlrcmuldoua puhlic Ind prnmnllon polcnllll um mu with Any government In 90 the opmlltlan mall of lhe llma mull Jun In by 1w erpmgnl glut lhlpn hullfllnl bridge and rand and lthnnll and hoplluln and lcllllll up hullh pll All In new Ind lncldtnlnlly vlul or lhl lovernmrnl And wllhnul dbnylnu lhn both he Hobart and Bennett invemmenll wen flood were my hal pm 0r WEI here Inmelhlni xnlnz ur lhcm which wcluhraknlnu lho bllnnccd udlmcnl at tho people PUlLlClTY POTENTIAL Thenrlsone lnclai al 10ml Ind It would mm to dame my mum THAT GOODI as DP Leader Donald MacDonald Aplly put llyou can gt gov ernmml or lhe government nlher lhln overnmcnl or the pegplg Thll ll bad to those us who helkva Illa good government in Hell me Ill government in power was returnedin mos 1mm wllh an Increased major In Onmlo everybody mm Premier Roblrl dawn ex md lhl navernmml major ly wguld be gegucgd In Brllish Cnlumblu practi tnllf Ill nhmvm wzn pr file at lean Edufldnfl MM and prablbly minority KovernmenL Instead Prcmlcr Bennett Iwept back nnbly In Mr Rohnm dld here it 1m year or so lhcre hlava been eluhl provincial elec lonl TORONTOII all pruvlnch Evenlme so load or II hm Iomcthlnl Ilixhlly out kllm wlh gut aynem1 QUEENS PARK Can Get Government Tor The Government AllOMlNATION DON OIIEARN LETTERS TO EDITOR POISON 51an VERA CflUl Mulro Mll Mulm Melonu Irylnl Io idem dlum hut II IlpInl gul Ih Nc oynln bed In hnvt lhm ibumlnn llonl mm In Ill omt ml man Thank ynu Mu ann lumrll nu lllupln Ln uni an pm clly Polluln mm ImMylnl Inln Ih nuns mm lnylnpnn Iliver nu mm ladnz Whll lllhl hu uny N1 ln your yummy al ltr you hm paid or In Why no nur rflVrlltMluvfl we lhu rooms nppnlnl la Incl nller our IHIIII In pullnmrnl Hill unl How can MI he called hel lnl mu amuer mul film lhrrt any love fur Mrl Minv mun Ihmvn In nurh 1Man N0 PROFIT IN IT Hm am of dmlncllvt nxlloml uhlch mum lha Burn Ilnph Fair he evtnlnx hp 1an IM FIlr Fnd Arhlnud allyur old uninr bud at lllrmlnvlt locked hlnucfl In room In lhc lawn hall to mu nrllIInI maul mm but hII kcd IIu whlth ll mud mm rrclpa 500 your old ll wn mm he Icrvrd In Ipcdul Hull 1m wrrt In nllrml lhe owning nl lhI lulr on Ihu Inflow cum 1cm rounlry nlr whlch hnd anma mum whlrh nn peculhrly lu own In In embodicd mm old cusloml Ind lrndlllonl whlch luv no tnunlcrparl In any ul Ia nlhtr hundreds 11er held emy yrnr Thll wnl he nnnunl nurn nlnple Inlr uhlcll people numd from Ill over Devon Ind olher pm ma counlry Imd Ihln year In Inccm Insured by lurlous Enlllsh nunMm EECRET BEE RECIPE he can use lain hu Ill uwn churnclcrllllc and pzcullnrlllu Inch the Widdecombu rnlr whlch hnl boon Immortnlltcd In Iona But while down In Devan on hullday HARNSTAPLE Damn One at he lyplcnl lealuru of Eng lhh country life la he mind In the cnuntry Inlrl whlch Ire held every yur 1n dlflcrml pam ll doesnt want the Maze harping And the news medln wlll report only In much crltl clsmucepl when on anllonal This one 01 he pmblcm lb new day to which our system hm not adjusted Par hflpl never will But or he mm 01 the system am can wllh our politicians would recognize he weaknes and show more mlrnlm Cer lInly Ihe writer turns 11m xlck every lme he pick up government booklet and Mel mlnmar plclure on Mnlrn an Thu mlnl REPORT FROM UK Secret Beer Recipe Is Feature 0f Fair lly MdNTYRK HOOD F0 MM IN lull nm II lap at mum DIII um mm bwniu nuolwlmut lhl day at llun Ilnpll Fnlr Imulhrr rullnm hnl lmml by lrndlllan anz Ihlle flaw parlan dnl wllh lloum mm on nl lhe Mxh Iman lhc andhnll 1th In dum In Illnlly lhe own hunde Vulcan wher II ulln flcll In villlnu In on lha day ll would Them xllll mm mm Il Ml nthr ha mclnl npculnn rrrrmuuy mm Md III men mwd Mrmlml nl lhc th um lhrn nllvwrd In IF mull at land It WA gum Munwhllo arm nclyl Iml been IIm under lock uxul by lur Innlhcr yMr le null were nlu pmm tml wllh mama IUHD Ilvu um 01 IWNImNIIl Ilm mmlu Ipnlllly lnr he acrulun OPENING CHIIIIMDNY van the prohtdinll ll lhu oprnlnz cmmony lar lXurnlnplel Fnlr Mr Atllnd drum In cmhxmo uhlch In rlmlrd pllk In wllh whit ribbon fled the MI nle In Inrrlnl null mm mnulu pllm punrhlmwl whlrh wnl pm unlul lo the lawn Ivy nlurm ml plrnln In ms Many people huvI kind In cl hold In rufpe but wllh on mm 01 mm ocmlon huwcvrr wo dld Illuw vhllnr rum lhv Unllcd sum In In Illmfl of III III hnmn In bnlllc This mipe kcpl locked 1n are the town hall through out lhu year Even the mayor II on Illowcd to know In ln maltnll which med Some my bolora he mm the brown in nrocru Mr Acklnnd on qulelly ram Ihop lo IIIOD buy lnu the hub nnd Iplcu bum only one Hun In ouch lhflp Thu ha emum that no one um llnd out he rlahl comhlnnllnn whlch II culled for In lho old mlpe Brand he town clerk Dooqslnple lfld nld Dutchmen dating buck la Illa 15m century It lim le vital herb and IDICCI which are added lo 19m ale Ind Elva lhu um pmporllonl of each In he used Mr Ackland was xlvnn he link 01 mnklnl Inur and hull lnllom the wired ale and It oak hlm Iomn lhrca hour In complete the pm Ill LOCKED Ul By THE CANADIAN PRESS lmducen Marie Antoin £131 In gulljpqugi IPnrlg labA Engllxh nssaull was repulsed by French arm Quebec The RCMP Arcticplirol vessel iiach reached Vancouver 19 yenrl Igo iodnyin lwailer an day voyage from Hailinx lhraugh ihc Northwest Paa snge She lhus became the only vessel to have made the northern crosainl oi ihe continent in both directinns In 1940 lbs had iefl Vancou ver June 23 reaching Hall inx on Oct 11 1941 after spending two winters locked in Arctic ice OcL 1961 TODAY IN HISTORY mxmnmxn uum flood idea to clean on he calnn since loss cam ml ol the bowel can occur un der anesthesia Rs ml Just maller convenience or dae lor and nurses It to lave ha gallant lhe ordeal having to trlrd by mm mlnl lflllcllnn unln the um hurd InaJamil 22 Try this and you too pmvo that God wlll hear cry when you call upon Umc lmublm QWhy an enema given as part of the preparation am when an In my case the npem lion Is not lnlema Mine was orthopedic nursery on ha lower xlremlties Dear Dr Molnarx Please write column on aneslhula Sonm nl my frlaads and feel ll no man we relase to have nocmary Iumry do not worry about Inylhlnz under alaud but Iha patient tardy lea he anesthetist had aur cry recently and was not are pared or the Inullmlc and lla ellecl Unleaa undanland ll would never again consent to lurxery Here an my rpeclllc questlona nuns EwH wlll lake lhm mlumna In answer your numemua quea lona Anastheslnlagy once Just matter of van other has become an ldcala Manna Many anesthellcs and many drugs In mnjunntlon wllh them arc now used wlth the amount and pmparlloas modllled on each can Thll am xood lhml do dnnl say that lt would be wlsc fur Ihe anesthe siolagisl nor economlcal lor the palienl In spend la of mm explalnlng all he posslbll lllcs But general aulllne of what to be done helplul th palle AM now Ill start th your list or questionsand my an 1W4 Thr anesthesiologist parich 1arly in major operaflan lt Ihe patient the dayor eve ning before the operation He sludics Ihe medical chart and lrikcsvlo assure the pqllenl goséén Mbwm In many hospllul the usual practice for flu surgeon and anesfllulologlst Io dhms ha Micnt and operation In ad vlancz and the type of anesthe lc BIBLE THOUGHT TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH AngStHesioldgyIs Intricate Science Mflm meal repremlmtiue Min CJtlmz Fallow will 11010 you now the 4110le Elizath Artm 13min Program can work WI10 for you THURSDAY OCIOBER I7IH FRIDAY OCTOBER IBTH Min Cllclm Fellnwu who will Im II our killlull th Counlu Dunlap only Lu Im in yml mnplb mmmy uulynu dun or your lmlivivIIII IHII mu aha Im mun unnulnml uhu mnpn In Illuw ynu II Cums mm Illnlrn pednlly Inian uptownlive can your Always wash fruits and Vega tabla ll you eat them raw In lam wash lhcm llrsl even ll ynu cook them Thla wlll Elva you added lately Never pass up than 01 being safe Dont you agree Dem Dr Molnar Would plrln tablets be mnsldered bah bllurnlesl Could lhey causa pumuralMns Aspirin ls not harhllurale It is snllcylale Both can cause pumura 1n suxcnplihle ln dividuals No it isnt an anesthetic it relaxes the muscles and re ducen the possibility oi giving deeu anesthetic Several types of miaxnnil are used They ro iax tension and this Is Meet any or ncgyrale This in lo lessen the pa uanls anxiety on the way in ihe opmiing room and to duce tho xciiemeni phnu which in normal in the curly am anestheuia Like nearly nil drun this can have slightly diilereni eiieds on dli iereni peopie accounting or ihe dizziness in your cm it doexnt usually cause that What 15 Illa relaxant that Elven Inlravenuualy and II it In Ilse an nneltheufi Horn Kiri VEIWTVB ques lions lomormw Ier Dr Molnar rlghl to chunk gut washan 1n be cleaned up aflerward right arm the um of auxum What the presurgery hypo ulpposed to do and why did llno cause drowsiness but gut dlzzlnexawhenl wu lylnz SALLYS SALLIES munmwmcnmocyg mammmt nun leuucE MRS In It all Jfl

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