Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1963, p. 2

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hurlu will run flxlur day other mm In Ilw arm um INC WM Ilrln Ms Lurk Om Dian NAK mm Anylhlnl llnnoy unlmr and KI Mllch xwu owl An Elmvnll llrktt holder bu the NAK am on lullnn Flume IHI nnm do phme ll Dynnmltg Rank llckrf ficldtr th tho mm In luma Lucky Squhke hnl Irkel lln um onF rlly Tq qu Ono narrlo mldrnt Ind nut olhm In Ibo lcnrrnl urea hold hIl lrlnh Hmpllnl Ewupmh Ichu hnvn drawn mml In nmhrldtuhlm on of the lap firlllllh rgqlni rawnil mm Humu Alm MIMI nun Cow glbll m3 Imp can le fill Can AIIHIHI Cm gum mnwn hlrnnmdn Iota 01ml VI 0mm VI ACT ITOtKI 1M mm mdlrl Cnnl Muul DOWJDNII you Avluoll Indmm up mu up Imqu up mnnmo Irncx Ixcmunl IN luau down 10 Ooldl dawn uh flnwn ou dun ILC Pant Cflnlmvhlcnm Cdn llrlnr CPR Cm Cemml Chlmull mum Pawn Con In In Con Imr Com flu Dan Bfldu Allmllo Sum at um am N1 mu hL 11ng Five Rrea Persons Hold Tickets Albulu Amubl Alum It Alumlnlum Alblnl DI Mbmn an But even thouih tha board has authority to go ahead with It and to make decillon with out going ha vote the member decided to put the ques Man on the Milo at election thl lull Reeve McAulcy laid Rem McAuiey reported to council on the Ichooi board meeting he auendod Friday night at Victoria School that time ha said the 15001 board approved by Ihow oi hands the idea building new whoa ELMVALE sumProsch hat Flo Area School Board might gain approval or new laxcom when In the township led Elmvale Reeve Alex Mc Auley lo pin or In locallan near Elmvnle Inn night One of his this complaint II that people do not recognize and film when they it For thin reason ha ha brought along callecllon ol Ina Illver place with which he hope demon In nddlllon in appraising ali ver Mr McCall will tell how to preserve Iiiver without ruin in it He has Invented apedai mm which inhibits uninh oi Iilvcr Poiishinl says take all the silver as almost all polish contain nbmivu and corm lm They clean Ihe meal by remnvinz layer obit BRINGS COLLECTION llo Alsa wlll appralsa sllvcr for anyone who brlngu place in and Ihaugh he wlll recom mend rellnlshlnz of place that wanants ll ha says ll dont llllnk lhlnz ll worth dalng prlaguplly say so Im nulls bm Should the voml approve John Arm McCall has studied metallurgyfland chemistry at nveral American unlvenlllu and ts at present consultant or saveral silver manufacturer and retlntsheru AFPRAISE ARTICLES seek New School In Elmvale Area Taronlo melallumls who Ipeciallm In sllver will be In Barrie lnmorrow Frldny and Saturday to explnln the hlnlary and value 01 allver to Barrie residents PA 6653 HEATING FUEL CALL Metailurgist Uncovers Historic Silver Pieces TODAYS STOCK pmcfs Compiled by Flynn Dumb St 50on USE In AIM lamum Mndu unaun Mmumu Nu om Nu Innm Dmnllf sunny Km hhndar yin Duhull nu lull Dam Found Dom Elm Dolmen Mlnu Dorm Tn hluonb UL but Wp ll rd hm Hull Sldddu Ham on Am Inllnd m1 mm Nlchl In UIIHUII Intrpm mm cm yum himv4 INDUIIRIALI MINING Counc lnr Dr Patcth doubted um Flo vnlcr would approve the 10room cenlrnl Ichnol proposal Itll be tough light This Ilsua has come up four or live llmex gets bnltcd down every ume Crosslnnd and Wang Bench were cited as the only locall tlu wllhln the Ichool area hnv lnz relatively new Ichool bulld lngs he surroundlng school areas someone at the meeting nld Flax was the last to con Ilder centrallzatlon News Mc Auley dl luck project Mr McAuley could no two advantages lo bullding the Adm in the Elm vale vIclnlly Thom would be ample accommodation lor cu chen in ha vllluge also Iaclll He DIVILhflDl bu mmlnlennnce Fan lhe Ive nnd one hall hour were nkgn up In d15 cuulon two cammlnee re ports whlc werlu both gm The remaining hour and hull was spent hearing depulnuony melvlng communications and enacting councils leglslallveluu thorny by passing on bylaws Wllh lha excepllon the 1963 budget meeting last nights Clly Council session was the longest Ln recorded history said Mayor 11¢ Cookp dauncuflmrted at 710 pn1 any luted until 1210 am was made by officers UP the Bengal Lancers and presented In Cnpmln Jnhn Cuppngu whn saved lhelr lives when they were Imprisoned In the dungeon Hyder All before you match Its famous flavour FROM BENGAL LANCER Whlle he was In Orlllla re ennlly Mr McCall wan shown piece silver which ha eels of ram hlxtorlcal value male the rthetlc quallllu by which Illver Judged In travels Mr McCall ol len came across remarkable places of Illver and ram Ihere are Included among his collecllon Council Meeting Oh So Lengthy Hi Unlawfl lam lm JIJIIIlIum 0M Hm ml SE 95 in IN LN mul mum rum Provo ma Imam num nmr mm mm lock mm mm on Unma Km erny Wllmy Mic Paw 1m Mum rm Nuund Nor Ont Nu man Corp lulu Perv mm Im rm Ham Pan Car Nu Ra link road ampom an 5qu Cm UnIon all Will 011W Wulcn 2mm wMMWgfik JIIMW burlIm Nlnznr Ge run Bay Lake 0mm Huliburlan Amman Toronto Sunny wllh low cloudy lnlervnll Ind Hula change In lam return Thun dny Vulcrly ndl no la 15 Hnmlllon 45 75 Toronlo 60 72 Pelerbomuzh do 75 lmnrmmfifiimmmuuum Ila puma Mn Verna Wilson Mercury the name and Dlnrlct Real Exhale Board mid me didnt know lhe Maple at Mr Dowlinxl address but Ihat would prob ably deal with real cslnle and 1an duped related to It 5mm Primarily lair warm wenlhcr is forecast Im mou of the province although Iomo cloudineu in likely and icw shower or lhundershawcrl onlth mid early Thundny Pnnlul clurlnl by noon Thun dl nulhuly wind 10 In is All BtuHa and district law yer have been Invlled to din nor mccllnz of he Barrie and District Real Estate Board be held at Baylhnra Motel be Iinnl np god fiv Gucsl speaker the special meetan will be anflng FRI ram Toronto Mr anL In 15 director of iteration or the Onlarlo Auocluuun Real Bgnla noardJ mambmhl drive will be held next was Added Mr Davis Objective of lhe new unll will be In compete In an Kringlny bnnd compellllnnl as pos He aided um We feel the younger children In adequat lnoked latter by various or zallm wllhin the city Pm ent members in good standing In the Kempenfell Trumpet Band alter it disbanded will be mnlnod In lhu Junior drum corps Realtors Invite All Lawyers To Meeting Thu Kempenlelt Tmme Band will be dlsconflnued Iflld Gra hnm Davis president of thu band um morning Mr Davis said new unll called The Golden Buccan em will be formed for hay between the age of and IB and separate allRid color guard party an tar tho 10 ll use Thefldlficr um was taken to Oklahoma but Ihm In no card It now The cup 15 owned Edward Cuppuge RR Col water and another cup wera made of the silver calm at tho officer on¢helr regun 131 The urn In Mr McCalls plny wan hmuzm 10 Candi In me by Alex Cupme father of lhe present Edward Cuppm of Goldwater An inscription on tho urn mm mhn Cup aza Capt in the service HEM and commandant oi the Fort of Vlliore whose ilbml and mm iriendship lightened the chain and prevented the Famine oi hi1 Broiher Oiiicm imprisoned in the Dungeons oi HYDEB AU Time cups sacred to mini Fritndship and Military Honor are prelenied by the unanimoul vmtitude oiz and there follow list oi names Trumpet Band Is To DiSband WEATHER ol fron 111d were received lrom Cll lo Servlco Oll Co Ltd at 1151 cnnll per gallon of all at dlv count 01149 cenls The Surlennl Company 1411 145 cenls per gallon dluoun 48 ccnll and 01650 on or can lmperlnl GI 11 161 tanll per gallon 11 dlxmunl can Illlnndnle Fuel and him bar Company 11100 ccnls unllon dlxcount 411 cenb 11rd IDflfl 01 11775 or Ian Flve bids or the supply nl fuel oil and can or the City Barrie were prcxcnted la council Imnlzhl and miened lonllhja finance committee nnuvua may Social Credit xociniian was given permission by council to hold parade an Oct in can auction with iha associatinnl rn iy belnI Iponsored by ELIE North Callezlata Phyllcnl Ed Malian department we Oct 20 to Del 27 will bu pmclalmed Buslness Womenl Week and Oct 24 will bangeclgred Unllcd anlons Day WNW The in and ham Commit iue suggested that the police da pnrimenl he naiiiicd oi ms cuuniry invitation race to he held Friday afternoon beginning nu ma um and that 1mm conlroi be emhiiahed lhe corner ol Si Vincent and Grove sirceis to permit the mean un Panlpqrcd racing timez Th9 ma Five Make Bids 10 Fuel Contract Ed May Bartlea Industrial Cammluloner lusgested that City Cauncll serious ltudy proposal or mun dpnlalr port 11 letter was llled and flflhfilr repay swayed See THURSDAYS BARRIE EXAMINER FOR FULL DETAILS JOHN ARMS MCCOLL Toronto memlurzm shawl lwa plea from MI allver which will be displayed at COUNCIL BRIEFS COMING THIS WEEKEND THE BARRIE BUILDERS Adjufled lnr umnnl Influ nncel primary enemy demand In September WI 315 kllnwnu ham yer cent higher than the pravjaus month AIlnwan or seasonal Influ ences he September energy db mnnd projected ll nnnual mu would mu in yme mm 31 hllllan kllawnu hmm 211 per cent of Ike energy do mand In low For the first nln month 1963 the lolnl Ly 210 bllllon kilo watt hours up lota per cent ovu mme period 14 yegr prfmary Energy provided by Ontario Hydra III Se tcmher totalled 299 hilllon llawnu ham an Increase of 52 par the lam month year n29 Hydro Consumpllan has climb ed 212 par cent since 1949 lpakuman for he Ontarln Hydra lald today Thu at mnrv urn may breakdown the money tollemd al In allnwn Proleulunal and ll names $6061 cammercl $1671 ad lndlcallom that the Bar rla Unlled Appeal campIn ll all to good start although the money collected comlnz in Ilowly To date 314194 has been lum ed in but olflclall believe the amount Actually collecled ll much higher than lhls Hydro Use Is Increasing Ream Jewellen on Dunlo flml hi week On the li an English snarling sliver wine Jul made In 1m Thu ea um on Ihe right was made In l7 and presented by hi Appeal Returns Total $14284 CELEBRATE THEIR IOTH ANNIVERSARY BY PRESENTING THE 1963 Then Sunday nlzht about nlna oclock nnolllcr Ileer wu kllled whlle walklnu roads Pollen Lale Sunday aflernoon deer owned by Thomas Robbin of RR Palmave was hlt and killed an aulomobila driven by Lona Kcarm Sclrbom flaa mishap occurred on No County Road was of Loretta Appmlmnlcly 200 damage we caused Ihc car The accident accukedén Lo No 10 Aldemd north Hum The cow belonged In An Ir wln and WM hit by neighbor Earl Campbell Herelord cow had It num ber come up In nlher un usual manner at 215 am Snln urdny Accnrdlnl to an Ontario valnclal apnkelmnn he Ebwvwandernd our mm mm home RR Allmon only to be by Iruck driven by nm door neighbor Three head cattle wander ed to the In roundup In the Alflston district over the Thank living Weekend Russ never chairman ol the United AWen paid It rall lylnz to we the way that work er are pulling their effort Into the umangn and the way Ill people are responding vanca solicitation 01300 cur purale 4240 Cattle Killed 0n Roadway Cuppnge the Bengal Slm Corps Brltlph Imperial Army after Cuppnzu uvedlhe ol Iccrs lives In dungeons Hyder AuAExamlner Pham mam EXAMINER WEDNESDAY act 1m report but driven by John Adm Township Murdoch 1m Mono Mill Thu animal wnl lha roped ll tha Alter on La Ilderond In 5111 RE Lonlo Mr Smith also poke on the dlfllculflcs Cnnadlnnl ace In merely belnl Canadian Can ada ha In own panlwlnr rob laml In heplnl Imam Mr Smith said lhnl 25 or so per cent oi our milllion in French speaking Ho Added that that subconscioul altitude that the French Canadian conquered meg till axial in their mind today We no En llish by majority by conquest he suggested and tha Fundy wu must admit were the one who wen rupoulibie for lim ina Canada Ha laid that Ike French penplo Inject proround Influence upon our daily lives The French people Influenced the develop mtnt of our nation Ind ye mu dlsazmmanb with them make harder for ul to live side by Ilde Canada cant aurvlva an In dependenfinallon unlm ll mm arrangement with 1h French Canadians warned Heber Smllh MP or Simeon North yesterday allemoon Address the Banla and Kempenfell Kiwanh Club It the Community Home Mr Smith advocated greater down undernandlng between the En Illah Ind French cultural Thorn mat pun to our ngllnh cuqu bean more and moreiaénmled with ax American culture he laid English French Must Get Along HEEER SMITH ADDRESSINGKIWANIS CLUBS NEW HOMES Ha re red again to His wen mee nuallon between the Frenchspeakan Quebewr and the Enzllsh and added mfl the Quebecer Ind he ha tho lama rhzhtx and mognltlon an when then well find than will be lewer lrrflanh The French slrcnzlh in Quebec will do that much are to drewth our own nation He said the particular and pe culhr geografhlc outline Cnnlda mm It 1mm remIn lnl narrowminded Canada is no laid out well at It muld by To kee our nnflon unified Ind Idemlled we must 1le rollclu Ihal accentuate the pop Iva and encaurale only up llnl and min manufacturer lo coma lnlu Canam He noied some oi the probi lema lacing Canadian today the Maritime with in greatest ocean produce market lies in the Eastern US aboard ihu Wuiarn province have ma market in he northwaliara United Siam than in lhu ml ern portion Canada Brit ish Colombia practically cut all mm Canada hy tha Rocky Mountains He stated that had It not been or the Tram Canadl 1th my and In Hammad rnll way ymm than wauldnt be Canada my r919ng cum ldentlly ind Ihosc prohkmx In r159 hagkjnlu hhlngylf on

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