II rEnquoN nArrrAt TimoFQrABCsN Want AdiBEing Ql IE nAnruI EXAMINER WEDNEIDAYocI II rm II ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS For Flowers COMING EVENTS AdPans OPENING DANCE Call FrIda October l8 BEZZANT MID to am PA IVY ORANGE HALL Ar nAIvtEw IInnAce shanty PRXIDns OTdIestra only thle ENGAGEMENTS untonoun Itr Ind tun lerle nun ot Orlllle ern In nu nounu to elllllltnenl pr Ihelr Iletuhter Illlllyn Ellnbem In Wllllem Herold ttlutrh Mn ot Itlr end Ilrl nm Boyd Berrle wrooInI le to tell pm on November It run In ortllle Prelhytcrlnn Church MIDDLETON IRAVALISR nlr Iltd Mn trnu erldlelon or Oekvllle ntrh In nnnounrp the II IIement oI thrlr dIthter Key Rornlle In Dun Sheveller Ion nt tar no It Alnerr Enn lterl Port stnnlry The nu In leke Flee St PIIIII Unlled Church Oeltvtllr nn SelurfllYI Octoher 25 et prn DEATHS ARMSTRONG clan lLAt the Homewood Slnllorlttm Guelo Frldly October II 1968 IL lIyoen wlte or III II John ArnuIronI mother ol Nora Mn RIecIrIIock oI Toronto end Pul or Guelph llslrf ol the III Mn WAlter SIrIunI at Monte Prlvlte TunerI Iervtre wn held It the home or hu Inn on Mon oy Octoorr ï¬ntornnment Woodlan Itnuratrum Guelph commas ntnnIlI Downl Ihn Rnyel VIrtortI lloIptI rte on many Octonrr Maude Downlt beloved wl the lete morn Coootnu It to hlrnhult Raid Dundel In her urn yeer Drnr Inolher nI Mun fey Mldhllnl Rllph rent lord Gellln Munt or Mtnhurrt IIIx llmu Conner Irtprenu oI nunou AtIo Iurvtv In er lrendrhlldren III II Innochlldrrn Ruttn It the ntltronIMnrlntI hmerel IIo loo Klnl SI Well Dundel Sent on thy II Pm Intermenl Grove Cemetery DunnI Bey hm nrIIr rhllrkgr ï¬rm Lucky spat PItu afllléfwlluyéémkr or Lunch counter Adm 75 ctr run urn 3555Shllfliill ARRIVE enry FAU TEA Eglldln LWEIVI eccomp Id ues oy ct BIRTHS no to pm NAtrrs Am IuroITIANI Canoe TRUE BLUE HALL III mine In IGUFd°Ig1Ihfl mg 52 IIIIIIZIImtc um AUSPICES Blucheven LonA LZIuIIMJIIAIgIï¬ Aging TEA CENTS 31R Ell°crua BARRIE ART CLUB III mt lncludlnl Monday ea 21 ll ptlblllh In to next edlllorl at It pm Telephone PA um LIBRARY HALL MR mo wan known Art and Tenchcr DEMONSTRATING PAINTING OP FLOWERS RUMMAGE SALE Saturday Oct 19 Doors open em ODD FELLOWS HALL Colller SI Ausplcee SOROPTIMIST CLUB For plckup phone PA BIIZSI or PA 82065 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 45A DUNLOP ST Il000 DOWN An exmptlanally tine hrlolr bungalow goodriled bed rooms Balance less than leII Arrange to no It wllhout nhll gallon Norm Synnott PA 56681 EvenlnII PA rates 1095 DOWN I50 month II all youll have to pay to buy thI romtortohln Itomy lnsul hrlck duplex but rooms or owner Cnll Rumll Carson wlthout obligation PA 65481 Eveninus PA 6161 ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT PA 66481 Rumour or mm and DlItrIcI llul rm nonrn Ruth Marshall IIIAI ETATE enonzh PA war II cLAPPLntoN sr uAltnll IL HUD LACLY PA roost urnInn oI nrrm Ina Dntrlrt Reel mm It Ird IIAITIED FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Ilenltorr VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY Momre FundI Avntlrole lvnmu CALL Curlf xI terrnen rA ems Rlnnn Kou rA um John II It mm III IIoor PA um mm Nuttyrombe PA um Herald ramr IA Iran Illldred Moore PA III III HAYEIELD ST PA to ANYTIME PIInIy ol otlrrum pnllnl ltrlllehle REALTORAPRRAISER Home Fm DunneIon ROBERT HODOES REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST DARRIE Phone IA Hm Oppoltte And Stor KEITH REALTOR llll ligltntou Ave Toronto llU 73333 IMIIIIIE REPRESENTATIVE LES GRIFFITHS PA IIEIIIT Mount nmttton llor ll llnmttton On October ll 96 beloved hurbend In on Mon DArt Potluln or DeeIrIte Yudnn so tut 10th strut llIInttton In ht 61th yur nur ether or rm Gwendolyn ten or Tnmnlo And John Hub of Cnmmn OIL hm ltmt Shlrpe Coll Inlwood Cordon Ind Alex hath or In lteItlnI II II Jennm RerIIe Punenl Orinoer 11 It Ilerrle Unlon nANNIIr nonell IrAt 8cm borouzh Genrrel IInspIuI on men October Is Im nonnld ry beloved munno at In hll Inn yur nm run or or nonIo ot RIrrlI Wltllnrn summon nutuu et eIII rumI llornr Dunou sum Toronto eervlre on Prtdey Octohrr II pm Interment nrr hwn Cemetery Toronto WRIDIIT rrmmk nIpnsuo denly II In home srrouo On Iqu on unnoy October II we Iredrrtrtt Rllnlt Wrtlht nunI numna ol mtyn umm It um drer ether or Emma III mum MrrrerI nt Allncourl nun don ol ltIIIIImtnn Ind rumhe Ilrl Auhrry 5mm ot Nrwmm Ital mum at Mr Itan Drollly Slrouo na Mlhel In Peru InnI lllvenlde antno In In Tarn yur ltullnl In Jrnnetl Iunerel Iron lnIrtr Punrret mrIr Thurdry I7pr II II prrt Interment In JunI Cemrlrry htroud COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Friday October 18 pm ANDREWS IllIlSHYIIflIIIN CHURCH II rnrnrr at nwrn nnd urrlr Htr TIII CANMRANII In MASTERPIECES OF COMEDY RS Monday Nov 830 pm CARVET Real Estate ltrnkor IIII DAIIIIHS hurIIImI on on NIuIIt PA 1931 THE AUDITORIUM CENTRAL COLLEGIATE TlIKITIR rInIInNn Ivy ralllnl IA lIIM or PA mu sunarm Irv II IINIVIIINITV FRASER LIE TIoIIIzNII IlIll It nAIIIIII HM ESTATE llltOKhlI RUMMAGE 53 231311 SHIRE SALE ttmnu nurlnr Anprrtrnlr ITIIII Ilurtl KAI Represented by IIIIHAY OITIOHIZII II ARCHER COLWILL IO AM TO II IM fltrme IA rum YM YWCA nun whole In Own 5t Dorrie INN Inunmtr ISITIH AURIICITR TIIF LANE HAY SAIIIIBI CIILIRIII InnnIIIII Impnnn Al lmlth FM Intrhun IIIInnr rum ran IA In or PA lure In rn hrdrmnt Lowe IrroIr Irnm In In In III II lhnrenlvnru IDIW IIM nun mum In mntnu Inma III LII ml IIEAI ESTATE ROGERS PHOTO PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS DUNWP STREET EAST PHONE PA 85568 Save Mllen With Our Photo Flles EVENINGS CALL Mrs Norlne Roger PA we RazorsPA 53532 ConnellPA Mm MEMBER BARBIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTA BOARD SMITH 82 HIGH ST Joan LangPA Hm Del ColePA 84381 LL PHOTO MLS PA 00241 REALTOR Res PA D7889 Chnrlcr ReadPA IItm Mrs Loreen RiceOra Dons Member of Bern Ind Dlllflcl Rut IJIIII Eoem CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Imp no thI run your PIIAIM my 1nd nlortluu MAREL IIIAnnALl PA no DEL IERMEY PA CD151 WIO HARRIS PA um BILL RWHHILAND Strand RI FRANK NELLES PHOTO MLS REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST PA 61405 mm SEVENINGS NAP PA um Lts POPE PA Moor rnANK Nn PA MI Member of the DI nullIII ReIl mm Boero Ilï¬ IIORIY HOUSE no pl rold OII hellllll runnlnl wnler IIIII IIIIIe to rape puhlle lrhnnll WIII Ire for term Telt phone ma Now Lowll Ilrnrn nsnnoatt llnure Ior II In AnIuI clone to moon Item Atumlnurn Itornn Irm All ronvenlrnru Telephone in em or II Bull SL ItnIuI rllnzt IILDnooIl In home Wllh Ireld ylld end To Ilr oH lumen NeIr Celhollc Iltd Puhllo all 500 down Prlrete PA 05311 ollAWItY Avtu Humid three bedroom IPIII level Ilnlelled new man room mt tulty Innacur ed NIIA mortxe Lore down my menl Cell £1 or Inn cell lrnm owner PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Ttlnun tlsnnuutl IIouIe modern oll tInI tlnlrhrd rooInr In hm menl lrull teller rtnrml end errrenl loclleo II Gulhrle Tele phone PA MN rrrhn unnno huntmoo IloorI ltllchld le no OI Int Rent Itoo monthly ManI an or Irrenno Clnu lo rtty Iephone PA was lltu pm LOTS FOR SALE Eh rtvn LAnoe Ihotn Lou Cnxrnlll no Pelltlwlrtt Trrmr Centlcl Lnrroy telephone at FARMS FOR SALE Acurn hIlIIIfle tent or III with vlew or crmp Burden Inn CKVR Ioner Locum an Inn um or nrrrtr IlonI rand Ilor 1000 nth Avply Glen Dell Glen lluron OntIto IIIWI cm more WANTED TO BUY WANTED law wrll vlew he ItlouII AIIncII tlrton Lerlelt II nIrul lA Moat INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE Ind It you need exue covornle at any ktnd SEE STEVENSONS Ill Dunlap 5L PA MIOI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE no Thr bedroom bunn In no or Izento uyrr wIIIInI LIn Crnlrll 0n tlorI lo Colller Innt be rer It by publtrellnn In ma curmud DI ll nnlrn InuII nrmoInI rm It worm IIINIIIUM LAIISIIKII All LII Ieelr IIIrpunl II mm nllhln III on tnunton In on Thu runmum In IIrrrIl lo pI nnrrl prr IltlllIIorI II II All romerullu Inlertlonl Mr It wont on In nlan Intl II In In Innutoml Thu II In not put wuh ltlhltrI In Illon ullelectnly qu oIIIeIrIl nIINn LKITKII nux hnmu Inlomlellhn rumllnl Ium IIIIII1IIIIM lulu lthl Numb Inr IpII III II III Innt IIIIIII HP le let there nut he hurt ttnlr In our to or vultllrellrm Mmu II ne Numb tier word or Two am when urtu IPKIIAI mmrre mrIlnl lo we wont InIIn lmum rnr tot ntth Inn lInIn Mrllr Inr up In II Inm III In In IIumnIun Nam no Ill um IIan per word llltlll nu ruenIIIIuNII pom Inlertlnn mm rpmum Ie rm Inn In Irtmnt remIII tmm IIII Am Imuth In enr urnu or nulllone run near mm In be muna In the IIMIHIIMI rn mwnlhln In prInIn Imu tleemrnl m1 at nIIInn tnr In rnrtnl runI nIIIrn an nm Iaun In Ill nI the mnuumrnt Ml this lot lJIIIEIIGnl lI lnIll do MONEY TO LOAN WANT TO SWEEP DEBTS CLEAN Add em all up Pny em all off with oNE Lowcost LITEInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OFNOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Isl or 2nd Mort ago Loans Anywhere 0N LL nouns AND EAnMs NEW Low RATES LIII lmurrd IF YOU NEED MONEY In eoneolldete Illhll Ir CHILIIll molllllll Inortllle comlnl due ome Improvement CAnr worthwhtlo eeure erte or Phone PA 60981 Mortgage Funding evrr Slm sonsSears Ill NLOP ST Mzmber Into Mortpn anhn loclellon wonnvr lI you own ml eIutI proprrly we wttl tutu out or mono InorIIIIe on II At low Itmpln lnterell up In £07 ll IIlue Inn Imnr low monthly plyrnutte Arrnun nvrr II run or we wIll renew or buy your pre rent mortnu Inr cull No holl ulér no premlttlm no hlflden rhlrm Cnroy nut Ertetl Dunlap SIreeI Eul PA III RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT OIHCI nPALn so Iqunrn rut complete vrIIh run one pIIItlnr were In monthly Telephone PA 54930 All Pm HOUSES EoITITENT ruanIIIln moan mm In hou PoIIII er Oll heel PA Inlet elter pm rovn R00 hunnlow on to an III fonvrnlenttrh Sult Ior coup Telephone lo unlcrr ltousn or rent IIIm bea ranme Ion all hell Arelleble Dtloher rtlulled on Dunlap st Vut Tnlrphonn PA ems envnN nnntl lerm ham to and ronnltton snultr molly pre Irrmt Dn varo mo rlore Io Ichoot Telephone PA MI VI numr llunnlnw on nmo mo shInII Buy on huted or bllhroom lo Iurrounolnu Wntrrrrnnt prIvIluu Telrphnnl PA 1925 hluDlltN two bedroom rent Iull hllmtll um he an Av November lelel rr Iron UrIl vrrrnl Conlrr Irrepn PA erm IIIo nzunonu hnnlllnw Churrm III on tummy Convenlrnur LerIn wooded lol rIrnt no or wlth mum to bu ell Iznmmn InnIn Mlller out to PA llltol nvrT noun hunulow In nu to rnllee north at IIIrrIe nll hut hot um ptm un It monthly ImmmIm II tumult IIrm elephone new Emul thinll HOUSES WANTED In mu In Iwo or more Innnble lquIIr or rent HOUSE he hed Allnrl elrphonn IInIe ul NEW FURND APTS Moderate Irntnt ultra modern nwltlncu and Iumlture lult ury tlvlnz In downtown me Oulel end prtvntr lknt ltllltd Ior ndultr Coll MIII ltey PA Mm evenlnltr lVod pun IA WEI HIATIH mod two Imtnwn Au em In Ilnrtootl Imfllll only rem tMtuotor lotto errvlrl eln nun It door ctm Io echooll pnnn PA um sinful LOCAT nNI Tum room unlumlehed Iputmrnl or mt nrrtrmtor hupIHld Anutu Apply It Mrllomld Ill anrn RU IX unlurnllhed mm In eImuo In Tutphone pIn Averlmenl mm and hutad uPIIIIe IIII ten 0m lrhlnurrt IIPMIII ItInI on ItIIhnry II Telephone rA Irm ALLANIIALI AIKA mooI1 II min IIImnt nun hm hm Ind ttllIlIIN lIlr tlut nlonlhII Telephone AI Irro new It Illrhm nun Itnu Ina III Ilnr InI ImIIIIInI Mom Apply III nurton Am lelrrhene rA IlIrI Tour TIL iron unAIIITIn bedroom eIlmenl II to nut IIHII Mm Ill NNIMJHI WWW Vne IIWIIIIIMIIII tutunun rllltll norm run In nnnIntI rpn Mnem In mIpr Ina nnu HM Ieuer III III nIanIII Ar vlr re rtnlrnn etmt III pnom PA urn In unlurn IpIIImrn It run It IrIItM II nr Ionm Illrhm II mn rm hurt rnu nu In pu nwun llrmn AWI In IIIt ptptmnI utophm PA RENTALS APARTMENTS FORRENT ROOM Hnuu an Dunlap Well Two bedroom furnlrnen mo blle home no be mm In ollre Alro room lumtehed Iolflmufl APPLY or Vlolnm Street Tele phone PA H1 TIIRII ROOM urnlehld Illin menl pflvete enlrlnle end heth room nnrlrtnl clone to Inn monthly Include III II II on AvIIIlole November 11ele 17 one PA 6100 COMPLETELY ntrltllhed Cleltt Iplrtmenl IIvIn room lllohellp oldroum leI III II hedl contInert hut Rulhhle or hIIIInou cotlpl ply Collier SIrleI LADY wouLo Ilke mIaoI rm mol couple punllonore or ledy genllnnen hand home on nutn Ilhw Hllh when link 51 nond Illht um hut not or epertrn In ephon PA was MODERN two bedroom IPITI Inenl IIIIconlelned unmUy Io ceted In OrIIIIl In new hulldlnl Alro IlnlIIIT Iratun unrurp Irltert In lurnshed reIepIIono mun crime or ptn TURNIIIIBD Ihm room rpm ment WIIII Solace IIIIII prlvnle Menu on lmund Hoe lacled In north end Blrrle rlon Io Ior younx hunt Tolevhull PA uNrunNIeun bedroom Iplrlmenl Owen Inn Grove Street Laundry room wtlh er Beck and Iron cnIrIncu Perk No Appurnm Avellnble Novem hull Tnlrphone PA mac or PA llll rout LARGE room unmmlnhen heeled eplfllnznl on round floor at In ankty PerII end SchnolI Laundry leclllllee Ind pIrIrInI rm Avellehle It th end of October Telephone PA l1IIo AVAILABLE Immedulntr New Inn rnnIann two hedrnnm rpm menu In enI end tleI hot we Ker Iuonllrd Stove Ind remnrh tor optlnnel Jenllor Ienlne end pmo ortunr Telephone PA Mm or PA mt TWO nannoonl relrconttned end Imuo Ipnrtrnznt wllh Itvtnl room end Itltcherl ReIrllrnInr Ind llnve rupplled II requlred CrnIrt loutlon Aouttr only AVllIlhle manor III Telephone PA MIMI heron 91 DERRIAULT Aplrlmenu II Rte Street now rent bedroom Itto wlth snundnmnl lvelor IrrvIoe Ilnve reIfller emple perkllll Henry EL ml Inn ItthItI Rentel Alentl Iguana streIL IIlepnonn PA APARTMENTS WANTED nv RETIRED nuttnm Couple el lrnrllvn room one bedroom pt not end Mr true crntrel or Mr llne Cell Ernrrlnn Sweln Illller ltul lrleII lllelthnne PA HIM ROOMS TB LET IURNIBIIID lleflronnt Ior rrnI fentrll TrIrphnne PA euro run run HDUIEKEIZIINO Room Ior rent snull oomIpIIbte RentII own hut On our llne Eepnrm ent rlnre Telephone PA H111 n00 ro LET tn qulrt home Very untrnt Telrphone PA Mm Veonudny mntnp or rmrrmy mornan LAnrK Housmanle room lor rent Rdrlleretor nod Ituv rup nlted pIrkInI IItllltlrI VIrInIty honttnl Ind pIrlr Telrpltnne IA IDGBI ROOM BOARD norm ANII ItoAnlI urnttrnun preterrttl Home prlvllem Inr Iurlhrr lnIarmnIlon Ielephone PA Mm noon AND noAnn In home our Genm Ellctrlr mm terllltlu rnr lulther InlormIlun lelrplloltl PA All norm AND noAnIr he nly Vlll pm tun IIIId Downtown loutton phone PA Moo numr ANII IIuAnII Irellehle Ior ounl Indy ln prlv home om ï¬trr nd st Clone lo hue mu Ruromble Tele phone IA mm ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEARANCE TV Sets 35 up nlso Vnruum Ctutnere 320 and lltt Ltnllled qunnttty Ropnlrr to It mum at TV rot IltLI vacuum rlcnnm ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA 68601 It lttulcnstcr Street NEWSPAPER MATS ï¬lm to tdrnl Ior llnlnl hen lroum IIUCI EnroIeI etc ported InIulnIor 25c PER DOZEN Iltn Tu Apply IIIo Ilnrrlo Rxerrllnu Berrte Onurlo SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED ltlorlnrn liqulpmottl ROBERTSON Angur llIONE Ill osnn FREE Year Guarantee on Used lV IItclurn tubes plus sour wnrrnnly MI AND UP McF DEN IllltNllU AND APPLIANCE PARK lllllll AV IT NIIRTII IlInuIIII rtun nI Mvr NAMI Her erI 1121 AN Inrntvln rIIIIIhIrrl wlllr your mum Illtf IIInIttIlIIe nInrIAl IIII Inrltulrvl II In your IIrrl order lInItInen errclrltlrr tInIrnIInn ltIIl NOTICE WATKINS PRODUCTS now Arnltrtulo lrnmt DOIIEIIIY lrtntrltultpr Alrrondrr Arr IA l1720 IITIAIILIIR Lnrhv um um rnnvuIIon bone PA Ill pmon II or Trlm RESTAURANT Hoolhl OrLII TID lel end ChIIre ete Telephone IIIloll tr TWIN BAILCelrtue or ute rum mun new Telephonc PA mu rumm Inlormeuon ItlYNA DIRD wIIh cite lnr Telephone Slmud Tu or to Emu crownunr an LIIrte ePAcn IIIATIR or ll1l oll rpm It Ill wlth blnwe III or out otter Telephone mom on ooone wInIIom Ind Kreenl or me Verloullllll Ar no to KluP er Errand DnIerto ONI VINtlmren so urh rule nxoellent deer Aunxood mew II Interment wrlle Box II AllIIIon USED lfllL nmre duh or II In mo rondttton Tellphn Lekevlevl DIIIY PA 56 to pln AUTOMATICDII Burner Ior uh or rule Inrludlnl conrmu In excellent nondmon Telephone IA M145 nnmrornAron Irmatn ortrr Irtel Mllh In ert clue tondlllon Reeionehle Prlce Telephone PA WTII oIL BURNER oomPIeIE Ind CII Renee lor Dnfll In loud condlllolt Tel PIANO IIIndIrd uvrllhl Inr lele III lood condll CnoleClrIlle and Store on COMPLETE olt Conrmton hunt for enle Iwnnllon tnnk end IIIn mneletr AI onndltlon Telephone PA moo USED ronczn Atr oII nml hm nun alro zoogallon Ittel tank nlul InIIIIlIItpn II emuIv Telephone 101 Mlnulnl hlorlAr In renII propnne er nntunt an lnrlt lelle oven Ind ermlnl overt Relronehln Telev one PA MIMI IINoen uectrlv PanIne to rent by net or month rm repIr rrtlme on my nuke nl rerrlnl mum stnm Sewlnl Centre unm EA moo nwnlrnns oouInI eolfl reno It remind Sludent venul rnIu Buy Plnn Eur Tynewrtlel Co AII InouI our nrnt Trx then Dttn st Wen PA run UALITY err on In IT toner poIIInII or Cut Inn Impynd eltd neltvereo our Inteed IeIlIIy Dycll Food Itnrtnn Iellphonl PA war 15 INCH whetll oil Man mn lee lo um Ilruoy mounlefl tn Iood candltlon Cnn be run It or AIM stml tlnrv Ha HA F0 RECREATION room II In Tump ptmllt nun Io mt at play no pIpe Wheel lor antnwencn lhnne PA Irma or IT Ernncu street Ilerrle Movmn neotrto WuIInInouu IInva Ilnlla nnrl opuutt Md drutlnx Iehle Ilon rnronu ctr Trlepltone PA Small ouANImI or squnre hey wnnted Telephone PA MI HALE Ihrerhed Apply to Dnullu Keernen or pup mu axNrLz PONY me very mum all colon Tile Iwo nlnoronn an wlth It month old celvu It loot lor ll Teleohone MRI ON Yonnenln nrvlcerole ham el en opon nnrl Normnn Strand so Ilnnnronn Cnlm or nlp nlnnIhl old ulna llmtoro null only Duncen Cempnell HRIIEFDII Iolh ARTICLES FOR ME ARTICLES for SALE FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN IN PAINSWICK AT rut GRANGE HALL Wealthy McIntosh Snow tu plcsuGrndcd wlndInll ttlecs 50 BRING OWN CONTAINERS PA C3800 EVIRBEAILIND Rupherrlel nun In Ilth now Allo lew red Ind htnotr Hm FARMERS MARKET ettrnnhw TeleMoni DEAD STOCK Htghrsl price pnld lor dead or onppled cattle end horsee nnlmnle removed tree For test servtce PHONE BARRIE PA C1182 Collect or IIIII tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Hm lNO CHARGE It hour duI am week RR human Ontarlo Home No Im61 NIIJI Montana Prop FEED SEED GRAIN LIVESTOCK re Meyer Aw elro Ieverll luln In IIMTII IINGIIII rALI SeleAILThon Star Is rtnnt week nlu on nll utnI nuchtnu vnruurn stun pnltrherI in or much too no down pymcnt Stnler cnm unrrtn Telephone PA Mono noutlLu Dnlzsselt Ito smntt chroma nropdut kltrhrn llble to Mntrnlnr CItIIrI Ito UIIIlIy TIA hle vrllh rloctrlr outlrt II nootrmr chnln emetl no II III PA unto LIIIOLIHERV It you Cell IA elm Ior In ullrnele no home Inoutnn or hutmrene at run plr Ir yun Irrvtu Io terrle IIILI dlllrtrl Ilerrle TrnI Ind Awn lnI co Ll cuNEIrm how IIan Irmt Gun ltoun ernthlnl Iur pormnnnt lee mu rom plrte repIIrl Eur lerm Open runlnn on apom Illlhwny on PA Nut IIIPIIc rANrtI pumped or the mall modrm Ioqum any nhm only In Now Nutpped em Inna Itellnn dttvorel IInlr trurtt Ken wtntr IIIphone PA enrol IIUIIIIrn rrAIIre end Numtmtnl Ihrhlnrr III III nude to Irmlnri De Indole am onqu can The burntm Lnrnrnerctnt lrtnunI surrtu ll nnrnrta strut our PA um Ann Puttle Mr run Int Ihellnw Inn on It nnlrr NIqu nre lnr pm Ind mun lrre tor one It WIrIIr PA eotlt It um um In pump runNAcuI Ir oIIIIro turn our turner Ina II ourma rnIve hrelr AlIn one at mtd nun hethmum Artur wmm uooo Inert Iroonne or III tool IInm ADPII Normen nmtow llrlelow rIuInoInI In IIrltrrl Llrnlled lurrll PA um DOGS PETS rte cIrIIIuAIIUA nup Ipr Te phone IA um IIouNDI man old Ap II nutum rIqu wmm eleplrone ITth 4va rlIInn IllllllIAltUA IupoIr lhr Itluepolnl IIIII Reed nrur no pm nemnnnrn mx Trrrle Inn nmnnut hntr hurl Ind whttr II on In wtmflerlul Ielrh our rIr rt IIIIurte IA um ARTICLES WANTED WANTED FIREPLACE IIOIIH lo rul urrlmrtl IIIrrIL or Iterdwtmtl hltolornlr full or wrllr ROYAL IALM NUILHIRIIIS Ifllo er Inn llontl Toronto Cll moo IlU Im Illtlr nenIrII Tlrrtrr Meme lunnton To IN Wm nunu II III rmrnmm or bottom IIIIIII rerun GARDEN sumLIESTT II PXAT Iumul rm nun nr Apmuo III Imrhln VIIIIPI to hurt Ik nllme at Allltllllll rule In hquInI Mm 131 TREES AND anuns PIIINIII INIer no In lwolnfl IIP WI Int not III III Two Mr II IIIIII tum In Mn IhI UIIItII nr numn DlrlloneIA IIIII swArs Anrrnmn IIIn In In IqumnluIr no Iutt pmnnr Telephrne rA IIIII Every day Itmurnmtn mnl ItIr rm Tan1 It rtnuttmt nip Illele ntIy eule nl qmrtt er mu llttt um Flehrr Telrphorte lIlIlot strand AuuNnANr Eu Irnnuollon lIyLlne Sprrlnllyl rle Ina thrttly no rumorIon rnbuII IIInutty nno am noon nlm Order IvaLlne reIdytolry pulletx prnAIe Ororr Irorn Arnoln netnu cronr Vellly MI Albert IIWI I76 BURTON AVE ASR TRADE TERMS MESLEV EQUIPMENT CO ntl IIIIIIe POULTRY CHICKS IIENI ron AALE Inym are AppIy Krllh oy too are urn Slrnud like loo Gel lav FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplles Servtce Gus New Holland Dnvl ltrown tttntly Form Equtpment Ito ttIzhwny It too Cookslown Imm McIIEE IIARVESTERS Ittlunlondtnx torEn baxu NEW IDEA CORN PICKLRS HIOWII condttluncrr rotor PATZ HAHN CLEANERS rllo unlondcrr tecdlnz cm VERSATHE SP SwntlIrr oondttlonerl NIIIIII Phone Ilnrrto PA ram lIIEl NII el John nttlan IIrtt IIoI now John nun lollphnne New Mrnlold PA he or In And rolt tro rldInI hnrv Phone PA em Ion Apply Telephone IRI rellltrred Selurdey Gttlltrle Rellllcred Hem to month Potted one Cowl Loo hell Thornton tetr pnnnr Coolutown Hm Home Two nrrlrlmd stuntrd Bred rnere end lrldlnx 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