PMIEES ADENAUEE OHAWA CPDPrlme Mln later Pearson Ian manage in Chancellor Adanauer Monday upmalnz the appreciation Canada lor the urea conlrlbuo lion whlch you have made the mum of freedom nlr Pear Ian tald the rellrlng ch Ger man lender that the understand In and rlendahlg between the German and Canndlan people ha hem urenzthened during mm of nfllce CONGRATULATES IKE OTTAWA 1CPPrlme Mln Inter Pcman nun birthday rectum to 0mm pmldcnl Elunhnwtr Monday 7er blflhdny Thu brlnl lnlormnl mcunlo to HA Elxnnhawcrl home nl Gultybburz Wfll ï¬nned Mlkn Ptnnon TOSS DYNAMITE MONTREAL CWA 1th of dynnmlla exploded Imrmlmly an the mbnnkmenl nu Manl rcnl nqucducl Mnndny Police luld Hm dynamite wul nppum tnlly toned by molarlxl 1mm wubcnd brtdu over the aqua 000 yenrlund wouldVeï¬abla $1000 grant lo 10000 uudmll nun11y SEES STUDENT HELP VINELAND OnL Northern Mini iiiiniuer Ar thur Luing predlcicd Suturqu he eltnhilthcnl ln he neur luiure oi nnlionui unlvcrlily Ichuianilip iund Speaking at dinner 01 the Universliy Brit llh Columbia Alumni IiuocLI lian inura divllian Mr Lning pryponq uo am nuuub unl CPNlmlyvelgh ships worn held up hm during the week end when lhlck 101 closed Sault Ste Mum cnnnl loch for 21 hours Fog map in Snlurdny nlzhl and held up 89 Ihlps until late Sunday momlnz Another 29 nhlps wan held up nix hour early Monday balm mud log patch fled All vouch bath unbound and dawnbound floured the luck by Norman Former Presldenl leght Mamie At their Gettysburg Elsonhawcr new with his wllc Farm Eisenhower prepared amps nzumsn 3mg 51 mm om WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF IKE CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY He laid the part Albam Ir lcclntlon mum on In My an lendcnhl will be do cldzd by rankand II mcmbm he puny llu laid In nn mencw lam ll my lnlmllon In lhl pa lo hnvn vole nl mm Mr chlcnbnkcr Inld ho lull lcndmhlp wlll mm It the nnllonnl Canscnnlln can vcnllon In Janunry RED DEER CHOppamlon Lender John Dleltnbnker laid Saturday night In relulu In be dlnnlcd by any group wllhln he Irazrtnlvo Canmvallve vmy CF Mumberahip in he Uniicd Church ai Cunnda he kept vnca wiih Canndna popu lation growth In the Inat decade Rt Rev James Mutchmnr church moderator mid In Prince Albert Mnndnyt Dr Mutchmar laid In an interview that in the but cenxua tha churcha memhmhip waa iiated at 9500000 zaIn of 27 per cent in tho Inat decnda SHIPBUILDING UP OTTAWA UP ShIphuiId Inn actlviiy in Canada intranaéd aubainntinlly in 1082 Transport MIniater Maliralth inIormed lha Communa Monday in return or Robert Bcwla Creditixto Quebec East The return ahawcd lhat ahipa with total mm tonnage 01 105009 wara built in leadinn ahIpyardI in 1952 TM compared with oizht ahlpa and 70270 groan tom the praviaua year All ahiph built In the two year wen renillercd In Cnnndn Albertans Stand For Diefenbaker duck at De La Verendryn Boule vard and Du LEulheAvenue They docllnad comment on whslhcr ha Incident mny hnva been Hm work exlrcmlxu as Minn for the Icpnralian of Que bec ram Canada CHURCH GROWINO Eighty Mr cm Eumpun alr rampart ncuvlly mu place are onvqumer th Iiu Canada Thu Spanlnrdl Idmltled Wm within tho threemil Interpreted by Cnnndn but ouuldo he llmlt Interpreted by SpainA threemile limit al lowing the canllllnet CapL Harry Oaks hi Clpl Fxnell lumled the two mull wero lwu mun tram an Imm nary line drawn mm hendllnd lo hundlund acres the buy but Hind rgmlha mm Ind urn6mm luv 11 pmcd In In which Interpretl Hon Ahauld bo lolluwtd Bath are trawlm Ind wen nleuled on 000 ball each Th two upstate lllllleHl ad learned or 1ng day ST JOHNS Nfld CPLNa Spanish lllhlng captain IP gcared In mnxlsmtal mun am Monday and pleaded no lullly In charge mm within Cunndal threemlle III rllgrlnl Hm The lhlpl were arrested by HM legion Inherits department ran01 ban Cnpo Fred Friday 11 flat Trepnuey my Am lb outhtm Avplon Penlnmh Theta was never erlod when was prlmo luster when mlnllans between Canad and the United State awed to we low ebb he Ia The arms prlmu mlnluer wan Ivan threeminute Hand In ovation when haaaked or the my on at tho 200 Album oflvefllonldelcgflu Enrllcr an Edmonton pren conlmnce Mr enbaker lnld CnnadlnmAmcrlcnn rela llam have reached an nlltlmo Spanish Ships Held By Canada Idem placed below the na llnnnl meellng representative will be tho ms mu olhi pounlry to celehrnté 7er blrlh dawneniny AP ertphola In Ila1 Alimony md llm MillM UM IIIIII mull llNl MIMIM II um rail worry MnM and mm In III munm HIDIMMIXIINSWI MWIWIH IN MI IMIIJNIIIHMIM Immumwm Il may VWMMH Quebecers Demonstrate Against Storage Oiflucléar Weapons Huge welcome IImu pm claiming Aberdeen an the birth place at tho qulnlnpleu mnrked 1h uplakpfu gown in do quicflolltudu of lhel hospital iloletlu hnllhynnd contented Red White and blue bunting ulunlly named or Fourth of July celebrntlnns and the like drum 1th window Ind bun paradl was held ABERDEEN 59 AmAh erdeen um loud Happy Birthday to It Flschzr quintupi 111 Monday wllh one ï¬lm hluexl celebnllonl the city has known 7m our Kllll Ind boy bum lo ML And Mr Andrew Fischer wgeronel riath old pgoydgy Hquulnluplell couldnt hiva gargy ls1haneach gnu mm whuv pn nded up lrom lwwemwu gath ered on lhedrlvewny berm lhl main dam the lezhlulure Many heldplacardl lame ul which carried the Rauembla meml Initial KIN chllled plumd wivinl men And worntn demanumed for nan1y two hour swimmin lora the Quebec lezlllnluxe call lnz nnPremler usage to up Em Mug nucleu weapon Quebec pmvlnce The demonntrutlon took 011 Iepmllu Husu English speaker won booted by menuv hen currylnz placard cl Lo anmblement paur llndepen deflco Nntlonale City Celebrates Birth Of Quints dud your GENERATOR hf mt Elhï¬duli nnd rand MinUncut rlwrk your vexmm IIEGUMA TUI uu we witn ask your FINA dealer to 71nd 1mm There are mï¬né FINA values for ï¬nter driving xmmi unuwun pan aumuam manmum mm FINA BRAND BATTERIES ALL HNACENTRE MMCHANDIII CARRIE mu mama 713me OR tip for troublefree battery service MINInk Announce New lllehlingSubï¬tance Slirinkslilés Ildmhhlhdmmbilfl Wï¬mmdh new hulln Inhaunu Bio13m vhlch Ill My hall In 31131 Idmulma growth In In an that cue whlh gently nlluving nln lowInduction Ihdnkm too plm Molt lmpomnl ol Illresult wan to thorough thnt Hillan man was mdnulned oven period ox mlny month Thnwu Immplkhod with banklanamvJBMQM Now BioDyna ll ofleied In Oink man Ind Ill podtory arm allied PupilIdol Axkhrlc It Illdm mmmnay bunk gunman renowned nunch haiku bu hunt uni landing rubtune with Ch nbl lty to nk hemm rhold fullnIeIAy It mim loch $£°ï¬m£uiï¬w up ad um Influx Premier Leann did no show uphnor dld Any other member loe xovemmeut The premier said In week he wouldum ut Iend Ha Inldvlha It time whin Quebec II tellln 0mm tn keep out prnvlnc hm would be Inappropriate or lum to become Involved in In nuclear Issue whlchihe re garded earn manor But Real Caouetw Iendervu the Credltlslo group In Ihaf Como mom wax there flankedby our of his Gammonsnppon CONVENIENCE of neighbourhood shopping QUAUTYof FINA guaranteed products ECONOMYof automotive store prices mum or dunml um am on youthHay Ochork you IIAKTERY TERMI UllllCAL WIRE shs we 5W0 Mom winalumni QUEBEC CHThu Quebuc city lecflon of ï¬rst Jenn Bap Hsla Sogiety Idopled mom Hon Sunday mun on tha Que bee government to esublhh lottery to 11mm educnflon Ln himom The nodezy mo mowed flat French ha the my wield And worklnl lamn in Quebec province minimum not Bequest Lottery For Education WtuleMMod Iwwlumcl mienrm upalunold outum In towaran smllhnnch mam hewnm II In mum lowcon Home Imprmmm Loammk to flu manna1 PM ha glad he dlwuu toplymum lo wh you badeL QWQBHNK and there are 1700 FINA Service Stations on II Juli around 1h com mm you where you can BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OHOBEE 11 on Lhoï¬riglual uendn called or the emblkbmen of Frenchlumqu new new In Quepec provlnce Dr Benoit Dulaur who Imm ducal the nsoluuon aid the majorlty lnlomntlon mum med by new media In di rected by urge Intemauoml agencies Ind controlled by or Anfloéaxan In mu Interest wen hardly buy them clairaaxliuiai ll 35 I8 118 Eigkil was FI or E3 15353531 Eapfrgfl ï¬nacentre he molutlon vm qdopled without dhcunlon Ihll In misty Queheoeu who commute Bde melanin in In Anglo American North Amerlql The annealed new Agency would th0 contMl wlth Fund Ivuklng people throle 3h ngm gag would throughoumnwmd ind 9mmme