um inmï¬ unmamncronm Mr and Mrs Ed Jurdan than vlslted recently with Mr and Mrs Gordon Jury Mra Jory Markham vlsllar the am home thl week number farmers Ire ab rtendlnz the world phwlnz mulch Lat Caledon We regret to upon ha den 10 Archibald Jamicson whlch occurred at Bmon Manor TEA SUCCESS gates were up alnled lo allcnd the nezlonli Rally for Cen 1m Slmtoe be held In Burton Avenue Unlled Church Del 22 The apenker Mm Jury Bnrrln nave challtnlinl and lnspimlunnl Her daughlcr Mrs Taylnr Ian anlo accompanied an lho plano by Mlsl Janlce Handy Tu hon losses were Mn Brawn and Mrs Dicker K11CIIENER 0nl GP Rev ntchurd Elssteldt 21 yeamld Luthegnn mtnlster lac mx teal challenle Hes whtle and hi ttrxt gharnu Is an almost Itlchm church In Richmond Va soulhurn city that in only partly dcscgregetcd His ï¬rst three month have been beset by problem and heartache but the youthtul pa tor from Kitchener remaths eph lideht that thing will move tgward mtutlun MINETS POINT Last July he and hln wlle mnvcd into house in while sedion Mchmand three blocks mm large middle clm Negro area he 710000 people In the old capital at the Conlederacy 92000 are Nezro Mrs Perryman visited friends In Hamilton dyrlnl tho weekend Her brother Merlln Moore and Mrs Moore mm Sank Ste Mnrle are vslung at her home 1th week Several lrgm here attended th nnuiversray mom my and Evenly mime My Eh ma moon hunting or week Lutheran Cleric Faces Challenges Inn WWW The mouse ea Ind open house was well mended muuy com lng mm oulslde polnu well as Edgar Crown Hlll and Dal ton The hoautllul autumn day added much In lho success The mans commllleo would llke to thank all who helped Ind es peclally Rev llld Mn 11 Thomas for lhelr hospltallty TllANKSGIVlNG EElWISE An uulnlnmllnx uvenlnl VIM uu MINI 11mman lrvm Min HI lulnl llll Ind ullmd Inrkm mm mm ho mm Nanla mllon lullonn Illfl JIM ll nu um MI 11ml Imtl llnllm lléhunl drip an Im II In In an mm uni1m muni Church Women me the home MrL Wal lace cough Oct Roll call Blbla Vera nr reading per ulnlng la Thankazlvlnl was In Iwcred by 15 number Ind live visilm Wonhip service was conducted by Mn Wurslm uh chm Plfllm or flu Iapic glvingltha Th Womenl Insulqu wlll mul with Mn Harry Wright an lh mh Roll call in lo be unswcrtd with hume made corsazc The program In cumin two mlnulo enlennlnmenl by each member on lho loplc Hallowuen WI TO MEET Cnngrnlulnllnna to Carol Mnnhnll Fnlnlcw AVL who MI In 75 yrnrs old DC 16 Mr mm ln Mnnhnll hm hm mr mldcnu hm Iinco We In Rlnd Io know In NH Inck nrnnnnn Iummer col lnm on the lnko shun Iur mmy run pmngan nmrahly In Ill 10an Vlclnrln lnxpllnl all an npmllon and uxpwll mum hmnn Friday Nu man Iirlcklnn Dim mulhrr of Mn Darn Flrl thrr mu Mn anm Mute Mm curvlrvl H1 numm lofl CHECK Ming on CH and Mr mm mmmcr lemon fell 1an hmke Mp low Inyl nun ï¬lm II pnllrnl In num hulpilnL RAILWAY MIN 10 An lnlrrrllml rrcullminn Iormrr rnllmml day wul louml In nhl mordl nl Mllllll Anmlnllun ll wn huvy mun Illa unvelupr Ihl wlnlrvl Icmllnl rm uhlrh ltlldl llemllnz Cum nmy 1710 lenlrnl ILII bl rw Jmey Comlurlorl Tltkrl Itpr MNI Tully Card rnvvml HNplnl Cur Alhloy Na Trnln Mm 339 luvlnx lhllndrlnhln 4417 rn mm in Tumnla ll Ilmwn lufmmnllnn an In mum nml hull occu wd Na pnmnum And My IIIMIIML Thu bullom ponlnn rlmlrd lrlnlll la Cnnlrhll Ihrn Ilrhvrml In cnuncvlln rnmlurlnr Tnlnl numlwr MIL Iam om an Imlar and HM Mill Mm mm In mm ut Hm IKn orannlullun mrnl rulumn rrlrrml In ml mrrdlul Tarn Cluh In lnlormnl llnl Ilur um Hundn Oclll By MRS EPONAGLE By ALLAN INGRAM smcoa COUNT NEWS DBLSTON plav1llnlo loin Ihe chmCH Mr EisslcldK sum during VIII plrenl hg1e Meetingswere held In home and he ma lnslrucliun 1n lhe tahh Vllhln shun lime he had palenlla mngrcï¬allon ul Two were while Lebanese doctor undying ln Rlchmnnd and his wlIc The arch or lullubla place to hold scrviceswa nmhlem and hm he wnsre buffed by III tellow Chrisllnns um uncommon nccurrcnce In lho Suulh today wurrEsA Imust He asked whim Lutheran church lo provida room or In tmcllnn Claus and was lumed down by vole it Helen Illumination In llmlled nreu very nllracllve nigh ï¬clure could have been made of 15 short time no wa had conversation wiih gentleman driving on with Newfoundland license plates lie wns Iravciling alone and said he liked Ontario lot and found the people lrien diy Ind cooperallvc lie was on hla way In Chapioan in Norlhern Dnlarin via No 17 Highway and Thessalon or shiny Irip His people lived in Ontario and he cxpocico lo acccpl position in this province vehicle was noticed low day ago from lire Yukon Fna prevumlon ls somclhlng be kept In mind 52 weeks the year There Ilwayn some rubbish and mm which will lccumulllo in the best rczulnlcd home and surrounding pm ptfly now ha lime to dis pase of 1th Thanksgivmg IS something e151 lo observa all year There mvs every day he somethan or which wa can be lhnnkml yrsuoww 2mm am IA 0201 PA PA Ml DENIS SHHAHD LTD LUMIEII ANI HUILDEHH SUPPLIES Humlly Chrcnldu 1911041 cum In muh an nubu The spirit of Thanksgiving taken root in the hem of child in the lamo gradual lublon moat of us have experienced Flue them Is cxcltement and Inticlpntlon which abundance awakens In our mlnda Then comes the pcnalvn moment when we 1an that all his abundance in Someonoa am to II Next we know the prayer of gratitude lhlt flow 1mm willlng lips and thankful heart Flnnily and nupremcly there In the name of conï¬dence 01 trunk in God who Low in uverywhcro so mnnllcaL The hope of your nolxhborhood church it that your nmllyn observanco this trndllloml out my cncournun tho nplrllunl growth of your chlldmn and renew your own precious Ml Ilnvrlu HILL MIRY SIIIIIJ SHRVI IAIION THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED T0 THI CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND DUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Ind nu Mulc Eumhm mm Annamull on ï¬lm If hnlm ll Rillmll Afllvllln SANDIIHHON MUNUMP 70 Ule MOTORS Mendy Tutday WainIda Thur4 John Coloullnl Lukl lullh 01114 Silll1 Hillll MUS1 lhom ATTEND IHl CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICI minhip nurlnn Am IAlnlulck council Ha mailed while Lutheran pamchlll animal or wane la hold Sundny wornhlp and mm wu lumed down 1emporary Ipace wu found above Name howling Illey II the search or permanent quar ten continued We ï¬nally luund Baptist conxrclullon that war muvlng nut Hrs dimlet It wal In conarexltlon and wanted lo lcll It hulldhw In In are that hnd became Neuro Mr Elulcldtl conmgnuon amulrzd the many and ht Resurrection utherln Church hnd hams It wn hr reuy good tonal Hun with mung mom or We wera ubla to get an Iltnr ram church in mother cityr HOPE FOB YQUH Tha mnzmallan nnw num ber All are Negro except lha puslor hls wile Ind the Labum couple Mr Elasleldl IBM he cell It home In Richmond Although iml lee sellmnsclou when he finds himsel at an allNegro mcellnl He hasnt me man hostility nmong whltes but eel by an no allogelheg lfllendly Butle wlllto Ms movlng Inlo the nearby white area will berrcomlnq lglo membefllll He sees hope or uqui despxle the many problem con lrlelng lhg tines VIM Vuprl SI The real hope lie 1n lha yaulh Ihe church And may snund bmtll but think things will get better when lot 01 um present unenflon lml around any more TRY EXAMXNER WANT ADS PHONE PA nu CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 400 PM THURSDAY suémd 700KB CARTWE AND STORAGE LTD Mn Em load PA Mm mu IL JOHNSON SON Mr Llrhlu lrnpl nERTflAM HOS LTD BUILDING MATERIAIS STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME UNTARIAN FELLOWSHIP Ian Sundny Btth 1100 Ian Hollnm Mull sunken Brother Chue Evenlnl Servlca Clncelled me Im Dlvhlonul Conxml It Drill Cnpgim Ind Mn 13 Ranch Phonl PA mm jREeuLAR MEETING i1 r1117 HAï¬rdY MI hw Timothy Illll Oxllll Pner and Bible Study FOR Mzmnahsmn rman EVERY SUNDAY 11 mm YMCA BUILDING THVE SALVATION ARMY BARRIE ClTADEl Omit mu Au All mu cnuncu and uuu In Ill lM pl puny In dulln ul ul um um ml 554 rumi hull mu 430 11 Val uh Tuhul uni uh and bull II In mu luu ad ad Im aI OWEN 81 BARE Wednudu pan BABRIE Wnulry st lllnlu 5L 00 11an SI 945 mm Sundly School or an pm Gospcl Am The Lordq Supp Free Molhodls Church mum at Imim ll Enllllb TM Chunh IN ï¬lri lo and our 11le Mum Dhl CFO 0111111 Iundly II In It Vlnmfl lmzl mm In In Gambian Pholn PA Mm Ihluly Bu Rand mlnndly MIMI nllllll Mme pm Kunlnl lenlu In mm lvm Mann non FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev flOLlON Pillar IA um IUNDAY SCHOOL 1le ma and ma wn BETHEL CHURCH ALLIANCE CHURCH Moellng temporaiily In quflngton Street Pub School Sunday ShoplOIO Woyxï¬lp Auombly 1100 PERMANENT BUILDIING SITE COOK AND WILLOWPALE ITEEL Ind COOK umzms nu Guru non lnlor Wadnndny pm Prlylr Blbln Study NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL 179° PLAN ATTEND ALL ARE WELCOME pm FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR MVNHAY FIIIVMII MIIDOI Jnnln Ballr Ithml IJII lllmuy and Toddlu ll mm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY DOUHLAI GAIIAWA nummn 1IIANMOIVINO llAflVlIn IMIIVM I4 mm COMMON WM MORNING WORSHIP BARRIE CHURCHVOF CHRIST WORSHIP SERVICES 159 Culllm Sf Service And Sunday School ram lesjllmonlal Meeting 2nd Wed pm Sundly Surylcn REV DAVID nzzv EA IIJ lunnlud IIIII Nulluy Ill Illvldrd Sum 50m ALL All WELCOME THE UNITED CHURCH moo mm BURTON AVENUE INDOOR €AMP MEETINGS With The HORD EVANGELISTIC TEAM WTECWTH FUEL cosPEL MESSAGE of London SALVATION FIEALiNG Pnyur i6 rhsxk Wod pm Blhl Study pm Youh Survln BEGINNING SUNDAY 50th Rog Vlrunlil Pular FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS CORDIAllY INVIIED Cllpphran Wordy SUNDAY SERVICES AT 11 sumy Church School II II MYNIMY IIUMII Illllmh Ill Ho mm um lm Illl TIIANKIGIVINH IV 37 mug Cnmmunlul Blahchurch moo mo LuvMarni mm NILlulu Ill MILAN HIT cu we Chnumum Burton Cor In Allmm REV BELL ILA ST GILES CHURCH MIL WIIker Orunhl nzv buLn EVERYONE WEIDOME nd Tunnll Ilmll Mnflrrl flu Wm om cuun Vllllorl ud nuldtnll throml THE THIN TlllllJll 0F TIMNKI THE MEDITATION ESSA ROAD You All WLLCOMI Seek Slut gouty CllUllCll SCHOOL Ian nm Iflulll THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAL THANKSGIVING THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EIGHTEEN MULCASTER 00 00 THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER Cum And llan hmfll To CIINII BAPTIST CHURCH leninr Ethnol IUNDA 1le yom mt um yun ll LII Cur Pullo Tum mo Junlar Edmol TIIANXMHVINU THAT BLEMV INITINCT TM llrnmnl llutllm 900 mm In Communlol 00 on Cammnnlol 100 pln Eunlnx Punt IN CANADA ST ANDREWS EV ADAMS ILA THANKSGIVING SERVICE Mlnlulu Ron nudlm an MA 1m UH Rn Co madn LLOYD 10 mm Ind Cholm THANKSGIVING SERVICES 945 mm BIBLE SCHOOL ALL AGES ll un FAMILY WORSHIP pm BROADCAST SERVICE OVER CKBB MINISTER Rev Williams BTh IAM Toronto It Dalton SERVICE 10 mm lundu School ll um um 100 pm COLLIER ST NAZARENE Owen Ind lanky ll Meellnt In mum School Auditorium Rev Weldun Bull Hold Dtmpley Dlmlor el Im Wnlch The TV Promum This In The Llfc Sundays Lnllmnn Hour Brenden Sun mo CKBB All Au minc CHURCH TRINITY XVI ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Gnnvlflc Etna Rev Waller Du Burton Avenue It OF THE PA 181 1100 mm Miami LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD cumu inï¬ll PA 022 Pularn Ruldenu PA WM Sunday School 945 mm Adul Biblu Class 1000 mm 00 am of CANADA Steel SI an Inn No 11 Rr nun Mnlllmil EMMANUEL WORSHIP SERVICE BARRIE WIllOWDAlE 1INITED CHURCH JOHNSON Sf scuoov Mllllllll REV BUMMERS BA Dlnclor ol Prllu Mn McKinne SUNDAY CHURCH flCIIOOL um fllunh School no Im nur txvunlun Thlnh Nunny lhmulh lo nu SUNDAY MASSES mm mm Mim 30 mm Wodnndny 730 Our Moohnr of Pupha Halp Noun FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 7304115 mm 600 ML 10 Im Kl IN JOIINIOM IT IUIIIJC ICIIOOI In ltnlrl NATIONAL TIMNKMHVINH SUNDAY CHVMII WHOM WESTMINSTER THANKSGIVING SUNDAY REV It MKIJl Ufl Roman Cafholié1 YouAIiEWELcém llanlll Ind thvlr Ind Mn Arrlm ColIn NO mm Holy Communion no mmgflomlnl Prayer 1100 Morning Punt EVENINGDEVOTIONS It Pmnllnl Im Th Ihnvllli UII Ynur lrlvlltll TI Wmhlp God TRINITY CHURCH 51 mam cuuntn mm st PA mu ll Coll Street Nut lo Pon Olflcq Th VEII Bud ll mam NUMKRY 10 INTIRMIDIAII Sundly pm 57 VINCENi ST