Althuugh returns are coming slowly Barrie Unllcd Appeal Cabinet has every regson to ban Hev the largg lell be ch ncv Campnlgn chalrmnn RussDa way said tnday that only several thousand dollars have been turned over to the lreasnrer At lhe same time he said canvassers repan lhal pledge are aqua or greater than last years Hie re use 1mm Al many of the volunteer war km are the same as last year they pan qulle easlly judge the response In comparison to tha 1962 record drlve he sald How ever the Appeal cablncl hesl tales to release llgures mm Ira that am not actually la the bank 13155 indications Gbbd TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 119 5qu Block Ymdi Holllnxer Consolidated Gold Miner Limited The Company reported an operatinl loss at $476905 on its gold mining op eratlons lor the first six months at 1960 as compared with loss at $53873 in the comparable 1962 period Estimated emer gency gold mlnlng assistance oi $1122715 for the 1963 period compares with $95000 or the tlrst six month of mm whila investment and other income in creased to 51251887 mm 510 622 or net earnings tor the ilrxt nix months ended June So 1963 amounted to $1775100 or all cents per share as compared with 31802321 or 37 cents per share for the comparable per lod last year Seml annual ntalement are not consolidated and do not Include the Com panyn proportionate share oi the operating proilta at it rut Itdlarles Bum ll Premld and Slack Common lndnltflu Hinan Mr Davey remind canvas Loblnw Compmlu lelled Ne Income 01 Lublaw Campan le lelled lar ma llsul year ended June 1963 alter consol ldallng the account at anlnnal Ten Ca and lncludlnz upllal calm derlved mm the tale Investment nnd capital Mull ul US subsldlbry nmounled to $101 per than compared with 5101 per than or the 1961 ï¬scal yenr Alnmlnlnm Limited The Com pany announced It will lncreasa ll prlce or primary nlumlnlum lngol dellvercd lo cuslumm ln lhe Unllcd Slnlcs by l5 ccnl pound lo 23 cenl cllecllve 024 lober ma Tho prcvlom chnnxo by Alumlnlum mm In ll us lngol price was an Becam bar 1961 when ll nllcclcd rule rcducllnn ol ccnl mud to 22 cent lclinwlnu amllnr xeducllnns by major Us nlum lnum produce Alumlnlurn lellcdo Cnnudlnn prlcn for In no remnlns unchnnlcd at 24 crnl Cnnadlnn Funds Emacs11 Returns Slow sleep Rock Iron Mlnu Ltd Thu Company reported that or lha mu ahlpplng reason lo Scp ltmhcr 25 709281 on of Iran on were Ihipped ar compnrcd wllh 862751 lans durlnz Um com pnrnblu H162 period Moon CarperHall lrlmlttd Hr Browne Prcsldcnl ol Moors Com nId huslncsl In RILIIMIII Summary In Walk hm AVIMDI mm Buds complied by mu 13 Dunlop IL THANKSGIVING DIIY SPECIAL LAKEVIEW SUPER MILK BAR CONTAIN ll PIKCM To PEOPLE IIIII Tu him In 23 BULLETIN BRIEFS PleaseTelophono Orders in Advance PA 8515 sun hat here are only alx days cl their conlrlbullnn to of the campalgn to go He would peal Cahlnel anpreclale ll money waslnr ned in so lhe puhllc could know how well It nu mpo Community Co The was 1mg 15 msm It was 5777177 in 1952 The nine Ilencierihni do serve the heneiiis oi the ap peal are Cnnadian Red Cross Canadian National insiiiute iur the Blind Victim1m Order of Nurses Amciaiion or Retarded Children YMYWCA St Johns Ambulance Canadian Menlni Haalih Association March at mines Boy Scpnu Donor can glva what and how they wish They may make heir contribution in on or any oi the agencies they so desire They can aim lam the distribution the thlrd quarter cantlnue at very good DIN and 1963 netlnA come wlll show nlee lnereasa over 1962 barring some unex pected fourth quarter upset in the US economy ngher com pany Inlel better market pen etration and more elllclency are oilseltlng slightly weak gen eral nrlco structure and hlgher cost In the USbuslncss llrm Ileld 0n dlvldend promote Mr Brown geld the stockholders can expect the Company to mulntnln It put policy of paying out about one he of net income The current dlvldend of 27 cents US fund ayahle October 11 1963 In In humans 21 cents mm the prevlour quarlzr 1y payment In July rm Pllcer Development Limited Th9 Company reports net cam lngs for Ike um quarter ended July SI 1963 mounted to $984 55 or per share as com pared wlth mum or $030 per rhara In the corresponding per iod his year Slmpson President stated the Isles re rulls Include ha second com mnn stuck deIdend received lrnm Crnlzmanl Mlnea Limited smnunflng to 3556011 Canadlln Paelllc Railway Company Emerson Vlca Presldml of Canadian Pacillc Railway Company announced the company expected in haul aame 165000 bux cars nl graln of the Prnlrles before July 31 1064 Ho mld Iha his wlll be the largest movement alncn lbs 1932 53 crop year whcn lha CPR loaded 100000 box cm grain emu nmmiu Limitan Cnnndlun Bruwerles anlrl it had auccmlully devclnped pmccsl or preparing lrndlllonnl brew lnl mnlerlnll Into an cxlmclcd liquid farm for econamlcnl Ihln mcnl mall brewers In dls Innt locnuans Inn 11 DonIn Presldcnt my the new prnccsl known In canhrnw method will not mm qunllly or nnvour of ha Ilnul product CI dlnn FaunaIon Company lelled Thu Campnny dnclmd un lnmnl quarterly dlvldcnd cl null per common mm and so ten per par can prefer rcd share bolh pnynblo on Go lohtr 20 In Ahnrtholdcrl of mean Odomr 11 ms Dumber 1m ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY OCT I41h Community Concert Beginslts Season Ban10s lnlernnllnnally amen CentralColleglnla Band In tho um attraction ul the season prnvlded in Cammunlly Con my Amp Allan him at 330 vronlghtn concert at the will Central Cq11ezlule nudllorlun The aï¬nual mp box derhy sponsored by Barrie Branch at the Royal Canadian begion will he held Mondnf pm mudnnr tu thence punde prior to buaces will arm It Bnyvlaw Park and leave or lha 615 end plan 1230 Soap Box Derby Set For Monday Nearly 00 Camp Borden achoolchiidren araded behind line oi in true and float yes lerday to watch lire saier dis play um formed the culmination of Camp Bordens iiro 51er program or thin year The emphub placed on In 331er at the camp can be seen as one drive into the camp Every uni mm In have sf clal flan set up to mark Prevention Week Thu display itself was put on In mm the In hall and It lhema was the responslhlllllen of baby Ilnlnz as the schoolchlld ran wen all from grade llva and llx lust the 335 when they mould begln to act as baby III to CB Pbpulation Made Conscious Of Safety EXPLMNS TECHNIQUES Camp Fkahtmiel Ngim ex flre and the techniques used in puma them out whlle vnlun tcera among the schmlchlldrm were allowed to use Ire exLln zulshera to put out rznl llrcs Chm anrn explained that there are plane clasaenlpl tings Clan in are those in vqlvlng ordinary wood or num combusiiblel and can he put out with walerhns cooling and quenching dim is ail than needed Using water against cm or 011 has however can be dis astroul The oil will float on waler and only spread with the Cam Fin Chm Nnirn ex Ialne Alhp dflfgrept cxnsses 9f 0mm lorccasls Issued by he Toronto weather cities at Synopils high preuuro ccii moving aural the Great Lake today promich in weather lhmugh Sundny Warmer air moving Ilw rd irom lhn Prairies will begin wnrminz rend Sundly which should Beach in puk on Thanksgiving ny Lake St Clnlr Lake Erie Lnka Huron Niagara Lnka Dn lnrlo thrglnn my Hahbuflon Windsor Hnmlflon manta Noth Hay Sunny wllh law cloudy Inlcrvnl lodny TEETHER FORECAST TOPPED WITH DAIRY FRESH WHIPPED CREAM NOTE WITH EACH BUCKET 0R BARREL OF KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN hi Ap PUMPKIN PIE water Furlhermnre the may well bu burning much ut er heat than ha boiling pa of water Men oth Greyrand Simona Forester Ion at Camp Bot dal 1m nigh take part In weekend mmua compfllflon mu Therefore the water hitting will be converted to mm and expuldlnl 1700 limes causal unweerntnwa mmu Carbon dioxide dry chemlcuh or loam must be used on flru my chemical llra exting ulshern conlnln mostly blcnrbom ands Chief anm laid and pan or at boil over and begin to burn in ha home ordinary baking soda my be used nmogher lg um The third class ï¬re ll elec Meal Ire class Chld Naim recommended that it homo appliance catches ï¬re ll be unplugged and treated an ordinary r3155 Once again using water on an electrical Ire tends only In worsen um flu by causing more short circuiu KNOW opzmg Chlcl Nalm told thy children Ihal when they are babmelng they should know when the ex ll the house are and should ask Lhelr employer how to con ml the hcnllng appliance the house ml Ilmuld ho nec csnry Ha suld that in 1h event of ï¬re helr ï¬rst rcspnnsibllhy was to get the chlldran out of the houso They should then call lhu lire dcpnrlmcnl and My with their chargcs Clcar and cold lonlzht but nunny and warmer Sunday Northmly wind 15 lo 25 lodny bucomlllk light lnnlnhl Forccnst cmpernlures lawn avcrnighl hlxh Sun dny SL Calhnrlne Toronto Peleflmoux Tumor Klllnloo Muskckn Englh Day WW Londan Snull Ste Mario QUANTITY LIMITED To 014 mama II Mum II Err TO M1le COMPETITION AT 30an Show may to boudlha bun 1m mm mmr Tem ple Trooper NSweeney Ind Trooper Bobemon flla The dunner lnvolvcd In turn ing in nun Ilmn ware illust rated or Ule children too The ï¬re truck was called away and mall hut reprcsemlng house was set on llre It was blazan ï¬ercely before the ma truck could be many mm Lhc lulu alarm The campl flu pravulllan no uvllles no on In year add 001 onel Covey chairman the Camp Borden Fin Preven Uon Commltue Yulcrdny tha the children ware wuchinz their dlmlay various Camp Borden unlu were envied in competition They were reqnlrzd to run out hole In high pnuura nl waler mu add link of hole to tha hose may had al ready run out and hit the me with their water in again COMPETITION TM is only an part yearlong competition In whlch trophch Ara awarded to tha best largeunll and the but mull unit Also counting toward the tnr pth are Mr Hra program In their banuh the number 01 lectures given Ind ï¬lms mm on tha topic or lire ulcly um degree of Interest flown by unit member and the qunllly nl unl demonslrallnns the end at the year book complled shawan the In ugly ï¬lly at agnle TM book forwarded uwa where ll entered In competition wllh other mllllnry camp Ulruughout tho country Camp Borden uld Colonel Covey has won lha mllor cpmps campeuuon three time since I956 All lhll activity In the army lay of at lhe axpnyer The re lax Camp Borden In only ghoul genujm cnpllg Iqu lnu hi about $7 ygu know how Bob and MA wlfa nm became lntarutcd In reunment Income OM ANDERSON Brunch Mun9n 24A Chppoflon 5L Burl Canada generally SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Notlhh hnpp cou loann yenrnn Bob lnmlod In un Mo rnl roman ncumo policy And now Hull he In 05 ha wlll be celvlmr ch no from Sun Life every month And whrn llo dlu hln wlh will locelvo two hlnln of tho Amount cnch manlh Ian Iho llvu You never had to worry about retirement wNAL couuw out An ample supply ni iresh home grown vcietnbie with little chunun in pr cu made or good day at thu Farmers market ihla morning with car rot and beets telling or hunches 19 cents turnip 10 cent each but by tho bus 0125 carrot 50 but pota toes 40 cent bus at $150 bag cabbage for 19 cenu cauilnower 101 55c broccoli 20 cents hunch celery for in cents tomatoes 15 cents an as cent bu Cooking unions int 15 cents bmssei lptoull 15 cent qt pickling onion 25 cent qt parsnip 19 cents pm squnuh 15 cents each pumpkin unis each citmn 20 cent each McIntosh Apples brought 60 cents ban mow 55 cents weniihies 65 can crnbnppia 75 cents has pun 75 cents bnsi Tiny Tim lomntou 75 cent qt local will bc competing mains our olhtr mlmli nnlu Examlner Photo Egg were unchanged at 40 cents small 60 mm dot for med 65 cents large 70 cent or extra large good quanlty home bak lng Included pumpldn and mhm pies cookles am bread brow nlu crux Braide run told at mo each 11W EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE PA um PERMANENTS sl99 oan arrlck pawn Siam mamas MARKET Mk Fat 1110 BUDGET SALON PHONE PA I456 Mlplo Mum OPEN EVENING In Uh Amman Company of Clout Dan No Building Monlml Out Wnuld you vlmo cuppty wnh oul any obllclllonJuthIt lnlnmullon an Dun UM noumuonl Into Pall Iau all an annnmnxmmg 11 Third Annual Krmpenlelt Bay Dlitrlcl Campom wllx be head aISnow Vllley nextweek mum Commlulnner Major W11 OBrechtpxwppolnted Wad nesdny night at the Annual Dln her Dlxlrld Commissioner or another year anld We hope to see cvery Imp In the DI Mct represented the Camp one by an two Men or even our patrols SCOUTING AROUND No vlsfllnz rum from the Nunawaxaga mum are cye flux to the camp alto Afl pn lral are urged attend The registration lee 50 cenll per Icouz nr leader Th lee In clude the cost the Gamma Bldze The accen lhla year wlllbe on Cnmplnz ln Patrol and each patrol must be completely sellcannlned Patrol are re quested to be prepared to pm lent copy at their menu Ind cup at the dullu uslgned to eat patrol mcmber OFFICERS new slate at omcerl was elected the Annua Dlslrtct Meeting held In st Andrewl Presbyterian Church Dnuz Momhouse president the Disnch Council for he last two years wu reappolnled or anylher year ofllcp Last years secretary Yuhn Chaimm has been raaulxned la orgnnlxnUan Ind expamlnn New ofllcm Include Han bmok secretary William Law treasurer Major John McKennn Camp wudmn Commune Moore Camp Wildman Improvement Tom Bobler BI dges Mel Brats Honor Ind Awards and Paul Crease Spe clal Events Commune The dlnner was nllcnded by about too person Foflowlng the dlnner and dinner meeflnz Queens Seoul WImn Law and Mlko OErecht showed Illdu heir lummer trip to Greece to Third Camppree Next fiWeekvelnd SPOTLESSLY CLEAN ECONOMICAL FREE SERVICE DEPENDABLE pollcyl llolu returned coupon almllnr to llno mm below roqunntln further lnlormlllon on lhln Important Hun plnn Thln lntormntlnn led to tho pnymnnu ha and MI wllo wlll now xocolvn Chances urn you lm may look forward lo many hnpffv vollromunl yum Follow llubg example nll the coupon today Thonl obllgnllon 259 Innlllll SI USE COOP HEATING FUELS SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP DICK DYMOND Cal Tho Full Dlvlllon New innch 30am Phono FA 3mm Mann 1m attend the 11m World Boy Scnut Jamboree Tldbits Scouler Bah Marthe ï¬rst Edgar Troap was nanny notlfled he passed the ï¬rst part of III Wood Badgu Jlm Hawkms also First Edm ra cdved his Intemretera Budge lhu Fart Willow PoxInger Rovu Crew under Ihe Skppershlp Syd Kadlsh has new den In th Barfle Plaza The Crew convefllng on long Hon wide farmer workmcnl shop to heir den In In ellnrt to cram tho trea sury or xervlce work the Crow ls callecflnl piper bundln Any one with aura paper to man Asked call Mr mm FA 3495 Heavy Agenda For Council heavy ngenda ls lat for mudaya meeting Bank City Council well receiving my da pulaiions council will canctm ilsel with lienu oi communi cations iiva report oi liunding camrnmees motion deniinz with communications delerred business account and regard our bylaw FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Flu Departmen PA um Prfllltlll Pullce 6H Olly Pollcn PA H558 Ron Vchorll uolnlul PA 55951 OUT FOX Ole Mun Winter PA 53