flelumlng from 19626 are the deiendlnz Eastern Canada champion Niagara Falls Flyers SL Catharine Black Hawks Humfllun Red Wings Monhenl Jnnlnr Canadians and Pambar ough Pelea Four or the learn are In no Inn Sunday llnmlllon wlll play has to Pelubowngh and the Marlboro wlll vlall St Cnlh arlncsl Manncal and Oshawa will lhelr season at Bowman vlla next hlesduy and Kltnh war wlll open tha same nlghl No separate humusone or ï¬rs plnco nnd the ether In stay out last placewill Iealure lnlercoueglnte Senior Football League ncllon on two rants lo day Quw bchlnd quarterback Cal Conner Isnt expecled to have much trouble with young Mustang crew All5m fullback Jim Young wlll bolster the Gaels alluck num mining last Increusng ensue mem bcrshlp In eight cums 1mm 51x 1m youpnra Oshan General and Toronto Marlboros bulh moving in 1mm tho now defunct Mggmlomnw Junior grogIp leagues other new cnlry hnv lng moved ram Guelph New York Rangers at he National ankcy League swflched the Ianchise nfler poor iupport in Guglph nst emu STAM ACTION SUNDAY Queens University Golden Gun and University 01 Wow orn Ontario Mustangs halh wln nan In sensoropening gnme last week wlll ham or the lead In London In Toronto McGlll Unlverslly Redmen 11 lasers to West ern In Montreal last week tackle Unlvenlly of Toronto Elm whn dropped 2114 decl slon In the Gaels ln Kingston The loser wlll slide lnla the league galley MONTREAL CPIThe Gn zclll uyl xacullm of the nlno Canadian men League clubs will be asked this wlnler lo ahlfl the leagues headquarter to Toronto from Vlnnlpez The nawnpnper uy In story by 5pm director Vern DeGecr that he recommendation wlll be made when hu CFL cxtcullvn nets Toronlo nexl Febru Ontario Hockey Associa tla Junlor group upenl In 196 season Sunday with two new Ieams onu transplanted chm and nur puwpoaches No Iourco or he ccnmmtn dnuon wnl liven Bu Iho nary my he mova 13 md Io hnvo the support at all ulna clubs and CF14 com mlulnner Sydney Heller dints Io make lhe lrumlcr It uuuld mum lho nypolnlmunl of new CFL hend Halter conducts lcgnl prac tlca In Wlnnipcx KITCIIENER CPLA hodmy rlnycr who wnl cu whrn hll mad Almck mini hlnxn an wlm mm 1m Pmlun Mu morhl Arum Will nwnnlcd fudzmcnl cl mu and will hm couan court Judie Pnlncl lerlln uund Ihu hhmc on the menu lndnl lhu Icu lurlnto cumululed nn ummml dunner wuunca mu nncr Intlullrlnf Lemma plnytr Iuak MUM lunlmt lhu lawn lmlon uhlch nprrnlrl flu nnnn ernh mumd 21 nlltrlw ln 1qu lnrlns cull lm mrlml Inn ho wnl pushed nunlnxl lhu mrnh In garn lnIl Drummer CPI Headquarters May Shiit To Toronto From Winnipeg Hockey Player Awarded $544 Junidr 5A1£€dgue Id Open SeasonSunday By THE CANADIAN PRESS lly THE CANADIAN PRESS Battle For Top Spot InCircuit Thu Gmué Inyl lhu mnvo II FREE II LMI REPRINTS 23 EA REPRINf EKTACHROME SLIDE PROCESSING 35 MM 10 Exp Mounlod 117 12 Exp Movnlod 16 Exp Mounhd mzv II GM Nil In Him and lvlnlo KOOCOLOR Gian uni rn Nulllvn an lllnlrd Fun Mm min rnurll WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR uox TORONTO mom AlS PHOTO SERVICE Although listed new team Ith Ihe Marlboro and the Get emu are wellvknuwn In Cana dlnn Iunlor hockey new arena is planned or Oshawa but It wont be ready an next season Thla year thn Generals will play must lhelr name In Bowmanvllle wllh roar co rdnedaled ar Trenton PLAN IN LONDON Tommi will shut Ila home season In Iandon against Peter bmugh Frlday 0d 18 Thek remaining 21 home game are slated 101 anh Lea Garden in Tommo Thu Marlboro an comblnn Han of last years club and Tore onto Neil McNall Maroonn members of the Metro group Nell McNeil has disbanded The Manllei wereln he pmvhmxal group Ilnlll moving into the Metro League three year ago John expected In no reiady to play for MCI He missed last weeks encnunler through Illness JIszrncl pokrd In the eye Klngston last week expected to slur quarterback for he Blues dcslgncd provlde more can Iral ofï¬ce or he Icnguo for dealing wllh rndlo lelnvislon and udvcrllslng tllcnl us well conducllnz business wilh he anlunul and Amerlcnn Football Leagues An unidentiï¬ed Eastern Fool ball Calderch cxccuuva ll quolud 111th um shill II In no way In be construed as fcnmnhlp of commissioner al 12 Elnymg the muck Hawks am The Flyer begin Slay nextv Friday nllhl meeting the Red Wlngs In Niagara Falls Tho Generals were or year one the mast tented lllllll In the country But they had no se cede when the old Oshawnrlnk burned down 12 year ago Icama stroll showlng ngalnst the highly1m votedGael last week Toronto coach Dull Vhilo Isnt laklnx thuyenkengg In addition to will hnmmck Willlu Lambert the Reamer have such strong experienced college players as end Don Taylor and Dick Feldler tackle John Howler guard Brlnn Mur shall and ï¬llslur end Al Mcv Kcnzic Ill llmply matter com vcnlcncn and mint dlrocllon ul CFL buslnm Ha mum hfll bctn Inlurmcd ol lhu Illunuon There hnvo been several In lnrmnl lnIks weheki Kama wlgh fan lqluw Allhuugh Me as several oumanding plnycrs from lust years lillowinnln unit In cluding ace quanerback Tom Skypock While feels they still have slgong nuclcgsx Nulumllf ha heallnnt lever hl nw comedian and other Winnlpuz Hts But by love all Iho club led lhu head qunrlen movn In lho hes In crest ha Innflu You phonn lll Van llama BLACK WHITE DEV II IIHNTINH 10c lnrludlnl Fllm Ind lllnll Gemn lnlumm Muny ll DONALD BTIl REPRINTS 06 EA ANDERSON PA M085 CHARLIE nd Two of the leagues our freshmen coaches are in charge then new team Dauz Wil am will run the Oshawa team and Jlm Gregory in charge the Mullen Coach at Nell McNeil last sea son Gregory takes nver rum last years Marlboro coach mrk Erode now handllng Charlene In the US Eastern Hockey League In MonlmaIYve Nndnn for mer Quebec League senior de lenceman has taken over mm Claude Buel Ind Slave Brida dch replncc Frank Bathgale In Kitchener Ww COMPLETELY NEW KIND OFCAR FROM GENERAL MOTORS ACADflAN BEAU MONT 345 BRADFORD STREET Nanie Gaines And ackson OTTAWA 10P Ottawa Rough Hider Friday nominated quarterback Russ Jackson and delenalve halfback Gene Gaines or the 1963 Jeff Russel Memor IaLmnhv The trophy is awarded annu ally ln lhe Eastern Conlerenca Football player best cumhlnlng clean play sparlsmanshln wlll to wln and promodon of team splrlt LANYON GETS TEST CLEVELAND MP Ted Lanyana defenceman or the Grcuuharo NC club the Eastern Amateur Hockey League will In given live xnmc tryout with Clevgland Baron the American Hockey Lynne DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 110 mm In wnlrh Wolrmve And In an on awn7v Check nut orl lltllnll Kim Ina rhllul Clay also was told he must keep acllve In th Ilnx ll hell to reluln llls rating as Ihe Na challenger or VSaaayLlslnaa hegvywclzllg flkle LOUISVILLE Ky AP Cassius Clay was tapped ontha knuckle Friday for refuslnï¬ la meet heavywe gm George Chuvaln after aiming ï¬gment intent The wnmlng came Irnm Arch Hlndman executive secretary of the World Baxlng Mancin llon who attcnded hearlng called by Kentucky boxlng com mlssloner Bob Evans Evana nitrqu flatter Louisville promoter Bil Klng camplaknnd Ihat Clay declined to meet Chu Rap Clav Eor mt Fighting lChuvdld From every viewpoint Beaumont is lean clean and elegantpowered to match With zippyG or thrilling V8 And its the kind of value leader Canadian families expect from General Motors Who else can build so much for so little 0N DISPLAY AT YOUR ACADIAN DEALERS TODAY vala inr lérmmd televised th hard on Nov Clay signed ha document of Intent to ï¬ght he winner of the Chuvanlka DeJohn haul here lwn wtek ago but changed his mind later Chuvan butts and ï¬ghts lnslde could get an eye lnIury Chuvalo is dlrty lighter Clay said Em snld There has ban breach n1 ethic on Clays part In hm he has moral obli gation to ï¬ght Chuvaln Im highly disappointed In my hr cause his relnsal to go through with lhls haul because he had led me la believe that was BREACH wuwhmaam H204 hg wnmgdnmq 1190p or Lay villa and Kenluï¬x to see MEI ugm The commisslonr snld the Louisville henvywelshl fur the good 01 his future should keep active In In ready and when he gels chance at Liston It Is also important Tor clay to keep active to hold an to his No rating MINOSO CUT WASHINGTON AP Wash ington Senniom turned loose Minnie Minuso ioyenroid Cu bnn nuliieidcr Friday In the ï¬rst of several move expected in make room or new faces Mlnoso veteran of 13 yran in the major leagues has liie lime baiting average oi over 300 in service wiih our looms 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY0CTdBEB ll PA 61885 Mupln eals the Intema llonnl Baseball League reznlnea an mnelder and let three pitch 913 It was announced Frh shortstop wllh Rochester Red Wings the Inlcmnmmal League In 1963 was purchased through lhc Lean newly qulrcd umlInllon with Washin tnn Senators the Amerlc League ééncrnl manager Frank Po IOCkJZIId Ken lamlln 27 Turonla unloaded southpaw pitchers Cal Brownan and Seth Mnrehend and rghthnnder Run Hcmnn In Austin ma Texll League Leafs Regain Iniielder AI ml qr Wm