Whll lhmuumh lullnn um mom Ind vnlunlem du Ariélhar 11665131 an In rm to burlvd under the urn nl mud mm mm an AM nme dnllnl by Mrmmqua vl Ilm Flnru rdnrmny mull and mm luv lumhlad rlnun Maunl Toe In Imnll lumlnlhlu lurlnl In nl mw muor IVI mhu all llrurue wrhm comlnucd dlg rln mm mm lor ha L700 mu lmnrml In uhnl In In monlnl mmlrm llMy wurl nlurnl All Adenauer Quit ghancellors Post IIELLUNO lllly MP Tm ml anonl dam dim urn wu unlcd May he toplm Iprnyrd Marina IllIn mm In prurrnl nu oulhmk epidemlcl hm 0mm wnrnrd ha runlhlllllu ul another mmln umhlhla mm In ha mm 1an man mm Hm dun lrom lmml Tue lull Wrduwlly nml uni canaxle wnlor duwn Ilve Mplm vnllry rauunu an Illnnlwl 1000 dcnlhu 1mm lhu mine which Ind down Even Adcnnuerl bluuul my would admlt that ho ha been ma mnln nrchllccl of Wm Omnnnyl Ilronl million In lht world many No one hm duubu wlll um hls lmmcnsn Ind MI upcrlcncn lo the lovemmcn from any dnnzcmul 1mm lhu mum which ml down Allhouzh 87 year of Me Ad ennunr xllll upman phyllcally Int mentally In will re mlln chalrmnn lho Chrll Hm Democrmlc Party and keep l1 mu In Pnrllnmenl ml mnem lu mlnlslor Pmleuor Ludwlz Erhard 66 Polifldam hm nro alklnl whether he Adunnuor era wally will name In an end when he succuch an chancellor next Wed sdly by his cumm In an BONN Rculam Konrad Adenaucr has handed In hi to unallon dmnccllnr of the W425 German Federal Republic at he has held Ilnco lho lcl blnh yum no bul will not disappear 1mm he pollllcnl scene mwnum share develuxr Bayif meal tOIls Hciiycr laid press cnnicr cues that it is Canadax inten tion that the increasing flow of orders southward will attract arealer law oi UiS 0mm Canada ii heid Ihc press can ierencc after confidential lniks with Dnienco Secretary Robert icNamara and his advismi Hellm uid he still has hopea on in basis oi his talks Willi McNamara that he Pentagon will continue to participate In development In Canadian Cnrihnu ii runspnri piano de spita the fact Cnnzrcss recently Ionized oiiimm the us dnicnca bu 35000 lntfnged to HIV By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF Cnn nda Inland to place substantial delenw contract In Ike United States next year Defence Mln km Pnul Hellycr said Friday He said lhe low 01 orders will rlsa graduafly over he years Cmnda considers the need for alrcrm and nlhcr defence to placemcnls Hellycr said he Mri Pamsari said Friday he would make the call in acquaint the president pursnnaiiy with he depth oi reeling In the gov ernment Parliament and the country about the situation Hellyer Announces Canada Will Increase Contracts With 13 ThnéldbEald was almight Iorward and candid bu cor dill Tho mnTerlntlnn of about 13 minute was described by Mr Penman Ialer Ihrnuzh nn Aldo ll veryuxeul OHAWA CFPrlma Min 51 Pearson talked by telrphone May with President Kennedy thou the discard between the two countrlu over tho Gm Lulu lanai allugtlon PearsonKennedy Discussion Said fVelY Useful 99 Your No 239 For Examine Want Ad Talo phone PA mu The telephone number to call or 111 Business or Editorial Dept PA um 011T Telephonés also believes lhnl he pmflze Io prevent mnklni gloylullonl Axlrllnl In rune MI our Amnmz IIIHun nmclnll Um lelMl lumhlhl multl no utr and um unnlmr n19 um lb 100 dun lhl Mm rum ma unf hur rledly hm mllru from An mna lmul lhc pomblllllu Ill rphlomlc All pmunl In tho mm me nrdeml Inocu erd unmlv mum mm llmm lllruMrI mum Ilvruuuh nu duolnltd Alulnc my Ilrnylng rnrmuu at farm Ill mnln mu The xnvrrmmnl onlch In laveJulian and Him MI Jamar lur nnrllnmrnlnry 1n mlllnllnn Uml Hth would lmo nporruulnnn In lulyl nu lmmmlrnl ulwlrd la he lumrlml nul mnnm MIDIIll INVICIITKMTION Marl11W Iralvlnï¬ounnd Iur vrm rmmd llml IUHIDIHIM hm lnllrd la hm min lhnl lnndnildu mum Imlmh culnnlrnphlc loud ram lhu nr llllclnl Ink When In In ho becamo he llnl chancellor In new armm German Federal He he win an an at It mou men have rcllrcd lnlo prl VM had In no pol Cm wlll bu operating normal ly patmlllnu tho maln armlea except am all men Mm would normallyuhnyg MILJnya nll rm weekend wlll In on duly Vlihiho lnsl oi in long week ends here Ihe inarlo Provin cial Police are preparing fur heavy trniiic and Iho high nccld an rain that incviiably tom wllh 1L Inspector John Clark Bar ria Detachmcnl lhn OPP mid that all avallnblo policemen and cars will be on duly lar iralilc control this weekend KDNIMD ADENAUEH he qutsllon of the 05 Army continuing to buy ho Caribou plane built by do anmnnd Allcrnfl of Canada Limited Dawnsvlew Ontv Is not com plelcly dead although he ras pch such purchases had an dimmed by the congresslannl hatcheljub on that program Police Prepare For Heavy Toll trusteeship nv Theso were crlllcal or can dlan Inslslence that least lwa lhree trustee In propused prhntn lrustccshlp ol Ive mul rlno unions be Canndlnn The prlvnlu lruslccshlp concept has been frustrated in far and Fr day night thu Common rushed through cilslallon for edernl mum The dispulsrw them vlly read by ha Canadlm ov srnminl intimenéa mum or cc try at and President George of he AEHIO umu uunl ma home and MI later In fly Tar unis Km Ihq wgckend Mr Pearson called from his lm nullnn wu In luv mournlnl hut uprmlanl mm om lhn tnlnlwphl mounlnl Ihroulhoul lhc roun lry Mauro brucdmlrm muldonl Cnmmunlll mup In In Illllm Nrnlp Inld mm Inknu hnl rnulnem nl Ihl lam hm trlcphuned Mllnnnl Kaila urn lrnublo In our Mm lhu mum nahd lhnl Communm ply LUnln In lloml had 1mm aim in courl Inn rm mum at gun mm In nm In lhn clam In In MIDIIMHI Impr oul Am 11 hump Ill uqultled Uluama rum Chrllllnn Drmoml ldlf uld the mar nl Ella Ilrlclen lOM nnmlly nll Hu hlllnldn mm Hy mmnlr hill mm nlldlnll In Mu lhl dlmm um mHllnnl lunual um um mm In nullnn wu In luv mournlnl hut uprmlanl mm our lhn tnlnlwphl mounlnl Ihroulhoul lhu mm lr lhlrd Mill in lhl world 111 mm wnl Allzhlly dnmntd In Ml Wednudlyl randy Ind million lunl mum IIHI mm In 1110 v5 Army uld IhI Iroapl wm clamed through Bnbollberz checkpalnt In cordnee wlth utlblllhed pro cedum That meant the American hnd won their Intent but with the fluulanl am the quutlan 01 whether troop In will con voy hnva tn dllmaunl to be counted Sovlnt guard whcn pllllnl roulh Communttl Gummy tram tho Wu to tw lulrd Dcrlln The Wutcrn llllu lmtlt dllmaunttnl ll unnocel nry In Ill convoylt BERLIN AHA US Army convoy hold up by ha nunim In Eu Germnnr for more Ihnn Iwo day llnnly rolled lnlu Wm Berlin ladny an TNT ILS Convoy Gets Through MORE NUCLEAR 7851s WASHINGNN MP Th us Atomic Enlmy Commit lion announced on two un dcmmund nuclear uplollans Novndn In Illa Fridayone rellled lo wclpon dmla men Ind the sum or pancelu ll pom Bolh 01 law ygld um mw ymu newan Id In explaslvs arm less In that 10000 mum The mike mmd my 21 when he employees walhd their Jain comnlalnlnlml brukdown in nelofllllonl for thelr Hut conlrlcl Im Ilwnyu glad whan strike are over wu the to Ian Stukc com pany vicepresident And cum manger Tth contract lava me the but sallsmllon We hit In 15 ions commented Landon ndd eastern Causaln dlrao or ol the lnhmnllonnl Wood worker Amorlca The Ilrlk en yierocorllflad Feb In one of tho haglpleat Thanksgiving weve aver ad aald Mayor Mu William Buc aln Everythlnl look load Theres an enllrely different feeling In ha lawn The conlrncl settlement reached dunIna unionmanne men nelollallom lMa week In Thronlo was approved by the plants 65 alrlklng Employees at clmcd meeting HANOVER Ont CWThin commuqlty 4500 wlll cele bme une It happiest Thanksgiving an result of rlday nlihtu unlan ratlflcu lion of lamnnzh work coni track lo and Mmonth vio lencemarred mlko at me Hun nvar Kitchens Canada Limited plan hare Hanover Strike Over Wllh mallum llnh Immlll Iml mnlllm human Ilw gov Immenl IN Muted mm mm black rm The Inlml um nmund In llw mvml day ul rmnbm loday nr mum IIUI Iml drnl Ahmed hen llrllnl mm am my la mm Ilwollnl ny All MNHull Im Mr rllmmm mmw duper Inlu flu Knhylln Mmmlnim Im Mun leporlnr lnvernmml mm lvul My Mumd Ia nu rrlu lucrrllln Mr 11 unlml lulu mar Um like he uuu llldu mluhl cnmo dan ltrvlll wnm The Ilolluna pmvkmlnl council with Io turn nvcr In lovem meM lnvutlï¬alm lucnl dar umrnll lo Mp uman Iny mama Barbers Retreat Into Hills Pygmise Guerrilla Warfare BLACKPOOL England CF ruling Comorvnllvo plrly laduylprnpurvd ta wlmi up Ill nnnun cnllan hm wllh n1 n2 ldIowlld Airport lhlx mornlnu Am mm ram Moscow by way London were Rev Walter Cluck 51 Shenandnlh P1 and Marvin Mnklncn Ashbum hum Mm Thu Roman Catholic Juuil prim wul ruled by lho So Vllll on uplanm charm In mo Muklnm armcr Fuh roared put each ether over 1h Mlanllc man today to camplctu Iwnp of my Inspectstwo nuulnnl nr two American um 01 he mm priest given up or dead 10 an Cheers GreéfIQbrd Hailsham Rs UK Tory Convention Ends SPY SuspectSr Are Swapped Pluuo came to mamm Infldlnncr plead David Pat terson he tug at the tall when of prime lur uu key an ilthcrl farm But Burk Onlnrlo Canldn Spiurdny Two com nzwcrzmr GUEST 01 EM 1M lul mmmml mlul lo hum not an bud nuulm In mounllln an AIM nu bllllu lull Mort Ilw utml who thklllln anlm All Ahmed old ully In Wriqu Hut hll Imn wukl In Den llellnn mm rut Jrpod with mmunolgun unmet III ml war Inlml Immunmon boll In calla for Ilonnl Ind loot knM II populillnn 4000 IM ID cum mu Ml In an In In fluxlera Ml mamcnl convrnllon Ilmned for later In ch day whm Wu lo uldml ï¬lm rnlly In plnu cl Mumlllnn ndellnod by hi IncaHM from lnml overl llon 11mm ny whlr In In In rnnuunnmnnlby Mlcmlllnn of Somn lhnuahl FORIEH lime my Lord Mnmul Ilock ml In rhlnl III that ol Clunrtlor lm mm uer 0de Mludllnl ML lama mu mm In paulhlo mmpromlla rhnlu marMI In all mtlum of flu prly Mnllflmm lady rocclvod denlcnlnz nvnllan when in lap ped lo mu mlrum durlnl mnmmu debnla Chem and he rlnllnl hIndhcll lulled or man lhnn mimm mm wcrl mm mco Mlnlmr Lord ML Ihnm hnd nnrrownd lhc early and mnblllhed by null nrl Ina prim minluar now head Inn mo unvornmenl whHo Mne mlll II In hanpltnl In London nu WHO IX Announced Frldny anomoon when charm nzllnu lhn Sovlnl couple wen dil mined In Brooklyn chml court Fnlhnr Cluck wan nrmlod by Savle nulharlHLI 13 year ngu Ind wnl unleaccd la 25year prllon term lpy mu uun Ixu Idlewild Mnan Friday nluhl lho two Ruulnnl lvnn Elornv nnd wllo Meli Inndrn 89 drpuned by plane Ior Moscow by way Copen hagon waver gm bright Scholar Wm vucnllnnlnl behind the Iron mum when he was arrested yran Inle Mrlurkey wnnll Ila par of fostlvluu Ha know lull wall hes wanted the nest honor And most likely on silver planar Many or pqugn ex Othbcru I963 won Cub hrlnllomm 10 0m bum IM Token II II MIMI Imp Tho lIxnlnlncr wlll no pub llnh Monday Thnnhnlvlnz Dny Ilenulnr bllcallm will ruumo nm Iy Worst Ice Fought By Coast Guard Mr nlrkeyl Hands and teln lives look on hoping the choice has been made nld It Muster David will no change his mind Examiner Dhnml 5556i N0 PAPER CAMP 301mm FIRE DISPLAY director far he laid In that do holy0d ml MI In in II hul ul Jump Mvdma llrn many 110 II III mp Swim 110mm Lnlln American tounlrlu have looked up to Argcnllnn bo cnuw ll ndvnnctd Ilnlul lmhly endowed by nature II II underpopulnlcd wllh racially hm manna prcdaml Wu are HIM will hope ha MM having Arnmllna nl leader Democratic mava men In Lalln Amtden Tho pmldcnt ho council ho Orzanlznlion Amndcnn lulu Gonzalo Faclo Coal Him mid lhll week Just bclm leaving or Dunno Aim to Al lcnd lho Innuzumuon Argen llno Presidentelm Aflurn Um bcrln Iflln One he wealthiut nation in Latin America Argentina in mach by many polcnlinliy in most influential Latin Amer ican country WASHINGTON APi The America represcnied by recent setback iar democracy in Latin military lakeovm in nu Do minican Republic and iiandum may be nitsci in some men today when Argentina inaugur niu iner eiemd tavern meni um um num ber gymnasium but My bad no knowledge 01 any par MENTION DOUBLECROSS Newspaper men heard num bar of the Ionxaboremcn mu lmnz the In ey had been double crossed and bk trayed They laid there would hava been more than 1112 bal lala can Newap ma reckoned there War more than an num Hold Election In Argentina med exact figure was not Im ely unmnced By GEORGE FRAJKOR NTREAL CPD Striking longshammen vmd May by secret ballnl to accept sklke settlement pmfasnls advanced ll federal med nun Judge Rene PM Officials emerging from the voting hall said acceptance was by margin of about four in mm Shipping Federation Meets To Consider Issue Today Na Moro Thin Per Copy mummy ll Drmalri flur lh llflll Iml Marlin Ml nlllur Fl hunk See my on pm tilmum or Arzcnllnn an Inn under carclnktr government Ilnco March 1001 when Um mllIlnry In ousllnu lmndlxl lhrcw Iha Counlry Inlo cunnulon Twa packd clvll war broke out An 1th period Mlor Peron was custtd lho mzlmo President Arum Frondlll mudu vain mart link Argcnllnn he nmlrnlm cnmp aumdo lhu hemisphm Ha was tho lrsl Argcnllno pm alvlsll ludln pro Nazi administration kept the country ncuimi until the ins day the Second World War nmn Juan Peran antagonized tho other Latin Amuricnn nations with hi1 dic lnionhipt llul Argentinas Influence cm prncllcally nhscnl lmm In lerllmerlcnn pollllcnl Illa or man llflll two decades Hieracy Exceptionally high he Iklll 01 Argentina workmen ranks with the best any 114 dusmnl nullon and climate cop In the cold south 15 tom pcrnlc mu nunny warmerixm ay Low tonight 31 high tomorrow 85 See page unity of Spanlsh and Italian do Ican sunny with dandy intervals to day Clear cold Warmar ml ThEre aro iwo other local in Montreal smaller one cnm prising the checkers and the ship linen Their total is roughly 500 MAY CHANGE MINDS The checkers previously had decided to reject the proposals unless the new contract were put an twoyear basis Insich of ihreeyenr basis but it was also reported unuiiicinliy they worn ready to go along with the vote oi the big locaLille new dareswhich number around 1200 members There we nu immediate in dlcalion when the lhlpplng led cratian would announce its ac tion an the The led lflilél uwcnures aad ILA members In Quebec and TrailRiviera had already agreed la accept the proposall Total number member In those part has been estimated al600 or 700 mum ul new york said Im glad this over Secretary Treasurer Adrien Lemolna ofLocal 375the big heel of slewdares lnlrl II Official of the Interna iionai Mngxbommena Assurin lion CLCD which called the strike week ago Friday hur ried from um building interna lianni PM May Thom TM1m 1m Locayl Weather um Glcgson fIlfle abstention or spoiltu bal Iou Nprmnu canlam 3mmch Ilia Ion Um mllIlnry ndlzl lhrcw Iha NeVl Y9 Plan