TM Ilnmmul inlulnlunll Mhlme hnulmn mm mum why IMrnro smnmy mm Mermm nlhmml llw us unlrun In kill lumlu or tile 7mm wmlh nl Yanmllnn CM hon plane lelch the Anny hid uqunlnl mm mm llven lnrlwh In Almlmn do In mlura Innhm upendlnl In rum he Amrrirau mm nxrlnlllmr xlrpmlmrnl Ipnkumun mhl vnrlou mrm tum umlcr comldrrnnm mluhl Labor Minister ManEuchcn two the Commons jl ï¬rst peek Wednesday same or the un premicnlcd pawnr3 with whlch ha plans arm special three man board federal trustees or fiveyear cleanup of Great Lakes labor lawlessness Among lhclr Jobs the Iruslccs could throw nul 01 otlicc SlU President Ilnl Hunks namm by lodernl Inquiry Ihe man ro spansiblo or violence and tyranny In the long hlslory at lakes shipplng strife Consmnllve New Dema nrallc and Social 0mm spokes mm eagerly Supporltxl he gov ernments movn Wednesday lo wulvo Common rules nnd pres forward with dobalu on hc cunA lmvmlnl Issue The spokcnncn criticilcd mmo details hr truslecshlp plnn but were unllcd ln sup port Ha hnslc nlmtu mum clean and dcmocrullc unlanlnm la Cnnndlnn lullnn 1n Um SIU Openan drlmle on lho trun lceshlp rcsquliDn he lnbur mlnlslcr warnml lhn Hm Great WASHINGTON nne Unilcd Slnlu Ilfl llurnlrnul lnllnllon uvrr Cnnulllnn Mwnl prlclng mllcim Hull muld hurl ho Canadian whenl Iwum Tho rclnllnlary US lntllrn wunld he Alum nl mlurlnz llxu wulld mnrkrl Illlrncllnn Inn mlnl lnnumnuu llxcd prlca when 11ml Inch lhmu mu gnllnlul Mlh Imnmunhl nnll other cmmlrlrl WASHINGTON IHI TIIII Unllul Slum IIII Ivrm Inlnmml ml Ihn nnmllnn guvrmmrnl In In no mlllnn 31 III Umu In My ulml llwnr IIEW Cann dlnn ddrnm rrmlrndl will 70 Flam In Ilw Ht In Nw Imu ulmr lrnnml Wnluu OTTAWA CF Backed wildly by Ihe three opposition parties the government lodny unwraps its legislative propos als nr taking tantra he Sea Imn Inlcmnlianal Unlnn at Canada and mu nUmr xallors unlans CRITICIZE DETAHS No New Contracts In Oiiing Canada Iniorms United States Exdcnlnl assistant Elizabth Barker 21 Gormlcy OnL won the Furrow Queen Illa over six nthcr conléslahls Wed Canada Grain Sales Threatened By US 99 Year Na 237 dlln Mum anuu Govt To Unwrap SIU Proposals 01 Editorial Dept PA 66557 0urTelephones For Examme Want Ad TeIe phone PA mm 1119 telephone number In call or the Business For Examme Want Ad T910 phone PA mm 1119 telephone number In call or the Business 01 Editorial Dept PA 66557 QUEEN OF THE FUBROWS Well mlhcr rrpllrd Ibo ï¬rst In Sn lho hole nawi lncludn Inmnml Inc Imer mu Mill ultrnwny pmgnmu nucrlnl nmuls lo cuxlulmrl buylml mnuho nununh Amnrlcnn whm mu 0pr IM clnl drnln Wing Mu whrnl nnlu ln lhc hale cl nllm 18 mm mmmlu nl IAM vrlyu Angry ul Cnnmlu tnr npmr rnuy rrlminx In mnpcmlu polity nl urmlunlly hwsllnl world whml nrlcn ulurlnu Hm urmnl nnummm who mull 1m wakmnnn Irle llm UR In nlllclnlly nmlmlcd LI gulcan ptvlltlu lmll llrllyrr ulll mum wilh Mernnrn Fvlllny nml Inch Ivy Mlnlllcr Dulry nIn may well In lnlnrvkw ullh mum nrll erlnmlny 11w lrnlnqun hm lwrn Awk In lnlnuuullvru nimul 1er dr rmo lmllll Um Cnnmllwn ml Ivflnlslmllun hml Ilnrlnln lv Inc In Ihw US Ind 1m hem nlmmnl luring Ihe lrul luv llnyn Ml ll may Iv nuunvsr 1m nr HI lnunllu lwï¬up nmllnn Mom clrrmllnuvul may In mulllun In My nhal II II tequlre He served nolice on the United States xnvnmmcm and American labor that Cnnndn will view with grave concern any vinlcnce or harassment against Canadian sniloular shlps In 15 ports 110 said balm of Candiam 5111p manncd by union under government lruslccship could seriously dlslurb lricndly reln Hun bemoan the we coun tries Allhouzh dclails the Inn lncshlp measure wont be dis closed until the bill is given ï¬rst reading Mr MncEnchcn listed the maln powers the rus lees Two men wore discussing lhclr slums In me Shirle MIL on the theory lhn um world had an opening or me said And you 9qu It nsknd ID other McNMnnra may In In nmnln mm linlr IMHO Mu nl wha drlonm Infllvlflfl Cmmdn may Ire Ilrlllhlllivlfl Iur Hu lulme pmllrulnrly In Hm llrhl nl Nullh Amt11ml Mmcr They would manage and con Iml live Cunndlan marillme un lons rcprcscnling some 21000 sailors Engineers and deck oh item Lakes situation is patenlially dangerous and may grow worse bernrg It bath nesduy at the World Inlemn Uonnl Plowing mnlchcs held at Calcdon Miss Barker has re turned to her arm job Wirephnm HERES ONE HAMILTON CP Striking employees of Ihe Ford Com pany ol Cnnada lelteds Oak lvllle plan voted unanimously lo return to work Iodny endlng strike that paralysed near penk pradncllnn at the plant An estimated 1000 thn 4700 Ford emplnyees had gathered in mm here to air grievance and listen to plans by union of inls or retum to work The us has nrruml Canada or nllcmpllnn In cnplure lame pnrllnn 0m commrrrlnl warm whml lnnrkrl llnouzh lunx numb mlprim Icnll no xullnllnz mrruy In mmmurrlnl mmkrll whrm Hm 15 nlm hm nn Inmer In mllmz whcal nml ancrnlly mulan k1 Illlh way llmx Axurrlcuu nrnluxn chmmu In Imll mlm hm hm ndurrd drnlllcnlLv PLAQUEMINE Ln MP Pallcc drove Negro youngsters out church with tear gas Wednesday after using gas and electric mule prod lo block Negro ail1n high school for whites ET hancd In blond ndlhundcr speech by lhrlr party chairman today In start now and lake the campaign or lhe nuxl election In tho conxulucnclcs he wards lhu doorslcpsfl Inln Mnrlcod thnhmnn and leader of he llvusu Com mom ranchrd wkldly mlhus lasllc ovnllan nfler 1011an mm 4000 dclnxnlc he party can lurcnco hm lhnl any lalnl hearted Tory wnrrlorl Ihonld leave oncc Tlm minMun Inhl ml un dcr llle prrunnl mloru mnvkrl nccwlunmd Ivy llm mm dmnuml lur whrnl MIIIM llw Inm Tur lulll nllmlnU whrnl wk mluhl Imw lnm Inrrrnuul zrn dunlly by lnurh III I5 llllll lvunhr Mun nnmlhm lnm ptluilvll mlxllllulml 000000 ml lnmlrru nn ml llfllnlml VAWW In Mllrhl rev tnue or Hm lunrnl up rrnr They ignorpduninn demands ihal may and ma wildcat strike and were lalei suppuricd by about2000 shift warkers whu refused to cross picket lines In the cllmnx an almost Iranlic afternoon ulllccr pur sued he Negro lecnngors ln all dirccllon alter they swarmed any Freedom Rock 941le Churda omtm started lobban grenade alongside lhe church nllcr Puller Chic Dennis Sonny shouted Hrcak up and get back to school when you be lonl Hul hrcnnw InnI nmullnn MIMI runlml Mlh lunnnu nhl nurl nunCummlmist mun HIM Inclurlm Java and Ill AI hwlmlr uumnnlrr llml prim mum lNunln IlmluIIRNl Iur lhe durnlhm umrlnrd dr lhcnu or or Um pmud nul lnfl PM July mm NIl ll mull Man llllillll policy Iw Irruml wkv Emlzlnï¬ ly uhrnt lmvm Mm unuhl Imll Hllllllul IF luvMm IIHIr llu ulmnl wllrnl mum 1mm nor Work 012 plan halted around am Wednesday when 2500 dayshill workers called strike that ofï¬cials 01 Local 707 United Automobile Workers America CLO declared 111 Sal The Inthth null Uml In he U6 aIn wuuld In nmwmhrr mu Ink Ct mullnn unmnnnn In the hm Pnl sllunlllm nmI mllM Imn deal In when ledl ll lhl Macleod Cheered By Tories Leadership Still In Doubt Workers End Ford Strike Drive Children Out 01 Church nmcxzoou CPD REPORT300 KILLED IN ITALIAN DISASTER Tho umlnllon launch um um hmdAy All Um Mn pom nlnle nmnmml In mm In outlaw mm ol In hu nmnm unlam In lthal lhey mmle In Commu hm united lnn uuvlllu Ha sald Mr Pearson had promised to negotiate nut of nuclear rule for Canada but that the governmnnl is spending rnil lions of dollars or storage nuclear warheads in this can try Dxipositlon Dleten baker said the avallablc More mulion In so sketchy that MP cannot know whether 1h sov ereignty Canadn is protected at whether Canada placed In subservient position Dnuglnx New Democra lic Party leader ald lhe ncw narecmcnl large another link in he chain which now bind in axed mum and man Info nuclear rule Robert Thompson Social Crodil leader said lull Informu lnn on the arrangement shnuld be given In he Commnns dc Icnco cammmce Thu gamma Wlll we win course We shall said tho war hero and conï¬dant of Prime Mlnislnr Macmillan who undunwnl ucccssful prostate operation In Londm lad Mnclcod sflld the conlmncel domlnnnl home pride In cuunlry and contempt or lhoso who run it down up your henrts It wlll Impan nunln he laid In pra dicllng his parlys fourth elm llan viclary lln unmd around any dIrcct commrnl on mlhinz backllnxo manoeuvring mon possihlu aucmsm In Mncmlllnn should he mumold leader drcldo lo resign OHAWA CF Prime Min Ism Pearson announced Wed nesday In the Gammon that Canada has given he Unltéd Slates yermission to stare de fenslve nuclear warheads for jet interteptors at the Ameri can bases at Goose Bay Labra dnr and Harmon Field Nnd All three opposition leader complained lhthe new agree ment like the Aug 16 Canadn US nuclear custody nnd com tral arrangement covering Ca nadian forces will not be made yuhllc MU11w mnlul pmom munN lnlmr leoc In Slnznwrr lho lnlnnl Mnlnyllnu rlIlrl lmlc rrnlre callnl uhIr Imul lull mplnmuurnn Ilvlkn II de Nil thmdny anhl nm rcnlrnl Mnlayllan lov rmmrnt Inuy wilh mmin mm mm luy Indanulnn hov llle illflfl Amwaml In hm mvn major vldou on In lmmr lmnl TM ilrflw hnl amelled he Sluramw Asmclnllon Tmlo lnlunu he ummunlul rbn Mm May an lymulmll wmkm nlllllnlwl will mm lwr nnlmu hmha uulm and Iumrd lbelr Mu Red Unions End Malaysian Strike GUESTS ASKED TAKE BIRD SEED ULS WQIheads WiILBeSt0red In eWIOundland POOHI England CF Gmm nl he waldan l1dlnvcn Jnue Alkcn nnd illflorxl MncDunnld been IIka In hrlnl blrd mxl lnslcnd canIulll Mnll can Ihnru lhclr wed dlnz lyreuunsl The couplu wlll marry Nov Is on Hmme Illund bird mmlunry my Himnu MnMn Barrln omrlo Canldn Ihurlfllyï¬cvoblr IO 1963 cnn has agreed to low 12 private lull III man lhan 150000 bushcls of surplus American When In Russia and EasternEurépc with he nlpu lation noun the exports will ya In Cuba or Communist China in dmsmn wnxdl so many words was just good bu Incss or lhu United Slates drew bolh bchr trillclsm and praise nnnounclng hl dcclalnn at his press confcrwcc Wednes day nlghl the prcsldcm nolcd lhnt more such lrnmucunn may be In he works The bov clbloc Inld may also chase mm grninl and min Mr Pearson relorusd lha Mr Dielcnbnker lurgels he as prime minister now has access to the records and that what he had laid wax cornch rcuciian ranged from Dcmocraiic Sirom Thurmonda denunciation that it amounicd to armlnx aur on any in Vermont Republican Senator Georzu Alkcns view that ihc deal should prove hen eiiclnl in both he Unlicd sum and he pmplo oi iho purchasing nullnns OTTAWA lCPllrimu Minln er lcarson Inld lodny lhe Knv crnmcnl lU hope or mile men the lonxshomncnl Ilrlko but In prepared lo lnko my llcm lhul are required Ha lold rrvorlm allcr cab Inrl mccllnu lhnl pmnnnl mu dinllan hy Lnlmr Minlxlrr Mnc Hmhm wmlld he on lhn ml dillonnl mm cunrnl medul non lalh lnll Thll rnnl on lndrll nllwly ho mid nlmlul In Hm Ilrllm Ihn lnlrrnnllnnnl Loun Ihortmcnl Auuclnllun Chm lhnl hm Mal up 5L Lawran lllvrr pom He said were is adequate pm vlslan or joint control over he nuclear warheads the us leased bases The agreement waa based substantially on dull pre ared by the farmer Cnnservatv goyerumepl Mr nierenSaker gala hotly this laflcr statement was not in accprd with the facts Auk whether he Imam mml Mu tnmldcml hnvlnl Mr men should be pushing ahead wilh nunnuclear mobile de fence mm Mr Pearson uald It wont be quile Improper lumnke tha agreement public or securin reasons me lull Ilul Tumlr Ily nnmflnn nmlmndur lo Unllrd Nallnm Candim ulnal Illm Minim PM PM Prepared To Stop Strike Kennedy Permits Sale To RuSSia WASHINGTON CP Frey bloc countries he also wlsh Io pur surplus Iced olhcr ngrlcullum FRENCH AND CANADIANS MEET IDLEWILD GETS PEACE PRIZE Nallnual Security Cauncll nnd lntnrming he upproprlnle lend ers cl the Ganges have can cludcdthnt such sales pr vatc dealers at American dol lars or Kold cilbor cash on da livery or annual commercial terms Ahould nu be prohibited by Lho govcmmc The sale of £000000 mntrlc mu 150800000 bushels cl whnnl for unmple or an cs llmnled $150000000 and add llnnal sum lmm he use ul American nhipplng wlll benclll our balance at pnymcnl and gold reserves by lhul amount and lubslunllnlly slruuzlhcn lhn chnumlc oullook or those cm rlnycd ln prndnclnn lrunsporl ng hnndllnz and loudlnz lnrm producll MncEnchcn Inlervcne Dtlanll nlly Mr Imrwn wk course but lho mcdlnllon um nnlmz on Icrwnnl Inlnrvonllnn by Ina Inlmr mlnlmr would he mund only lhn pmle nlkn broke IOWXL Hut min 1le mu not nettmrily nu UHF Mr Penna dccllnul to Ill mlu nl Mml plan tonunxlnory mhllrnllnn mlnhl ho um nr uluclhor he govtmmml uu plum or Inch ncllnn In llm emu olhtr mrnnn Inilcd uul while Hm prlmv mlnlmr Irn by air or Tnumla Inr lunrhmn mldml In the Emplro and Canadian clubL Kennedy dld many bushel dollar would when unle Kennedy did cite ï¬gure as an example show how the United Slalcs could beneï¬t 1mm lhe transaction He said commodities am hn nddcd Mnuln Mourléc Cmm It Murvlllm rmch loreln mlw 5n pr Mu IL qugul MP vlcc uni Prat Ltnu Carl Pauling nuclear scientist of Pasadena CaliL today my awarded lhe Nuhel Pence Priiétar 1962 by the Norwegian Nobel Commit tee AP Whéphuto norirspcclly how and how mnny ho Involved in MONTIIHAL CI MMKTI Chapm Imdrr Hm unnrnllxl Quzbcc Rrpublic lurly and we llrllish llmadmnnu formrnllnn mm wrrn nrmm an lho Monlrcnl walrrlruul Inlc Vcdncsdny by anlmlul Harbor noard police and charm wilh lmpuasmu IIMLKIOOII Enilnnd IllHim Prime Mlnhler Mnunlllnn lflll Hu Inmml Conwvnllm cnnlmnm here In In mumun lmlny Ilul ll wnuld noc be puulhh or him In Irnd Um surly nl llu nut 1mm mum BELLUMO Italy moun lnlnnu landslide plunged into he Valom Dam reservoir Wed nesday night causlng gigm III flood that wiped out whole villages and loll an eslimnled 3000 dead IIAVANA AI 03th Cuhnm mm hurrlmno Flam um unnmmnd Walnudaf nlum In lhu unwnnwnl unlml or flood wnlcn lo mwlc la ram llm Mo 01 lhoumrkb or olhm lwlnlnd 1n lhu WHIDIMO by 1qu union US Army authoritiessum moned help in lhecataslnr Pilesaid this esllmale of the tall was given to them by Italian sources The cascade of water and mud lhn overflawed the mm wn crele damthird highest in the warldall but wiped nut several village with total population about 5000 Soul lnlormallon ofï¬ce re purt said ward renching the US command Indlcnlcd he all may run into the lhnusnnds Ilaflans rcportnd lo Mn Harvey nyse commanding the US hulicnpter unll an as timaicd 3000 dead ancdcr snld disaster struck the lawn at 1115 when lhn sleeping papulacc was awakened In error by lhn roar of onrush 1m waler Ruldcnlx In nigh clolhn ch Into lho sincl and run In pnnlc lownrd hills nmund he town Few reached lhnt safely anc der said He mid most he Inhabhnnl were drowned or hurled In the ruln at wrecked hufldlng and mud There winE nporls mat the cnncrclc dnm uul collapsed flu Mn Mnon al chalchcn The US Armys Soulhern Eu ropean Task Force 15ml with headqunflm at Verona south of the disaster area in the Ila Han Alps sent helicoplers to the urea BODIES RECOVERED fitrnllnn aulhunlle sald 300 bodlcs had been rccavnrcd by dawn WthlhqusaIVxds rpjssing One of the hardest hit lawn was Langnmne cummunily of 4600 ahou 29 mile down stream mm lhe dnmvon the Want River tributary the Plave River Longamne the Junction 01 the Valon with he Plnve Tho town Longamnc prm llcally no longer exists snld Mario anrdcr awn secretary who was one at the cw xurvl van In Its place he snld there remains only an enor mous mass of mud he Emmi Wei im bnmw In IN mm mm Nut Ian ldllwlll Alma Quebec Police Arrest Marcel Chaput Mac Wont Lead Tories At Next Vole gdnl UVN dolmllou and Flood Waters Recede In Cuba 48 Dead As Landslide Whole Villages Wiped Out or from APReulem NEWS BRIEFS No More Thin 7e4Pnr Copy16 Puga Sunny and warm today Friday Iltlle cwler Low tonlghl 43 High lnmormw 67 For full summary tum to page two Local Weather Wash who led squadron four US helicopters over the area said the dam 12 mllns nnrth of lhl Alplne city ap PeFLcd MCI The opcmlinn at King Edwurd VII Milimy Hospilnl lasted about one hour was por armed by Dr Budcnnch 11 Harley Slrccl surgeon who xpcclnlhu In kldncy and blad der dinuses An official slnlcmcnl anr lhu operallon said Mnrmlllan had his prostate gland removed Thaw were no complicallons Macmillan 69 uniond howl lnl Tucsduy nigh nflcr he ex pcrlmml severe min during an nflcmnnn cablncl mccllnu The landslida that plunged lmn the reservoir apparently caused hune overflow Maysa said mm the air the dam Itself appeared In my place The dam held of the Valont River tributary oi the Piave TILPiave 1an to the Adriatic Sea northeast of Venice Police said the flood had swept away building ma tcrinls Iactory with largo stares at potassium cyanide turning the Piave intn stream airpoi sun Ve hnve mildica hm many more are dcnd Vice Prcicd qulo Pygsgamburgo said The ofï¬cial said Bum other luwnsCadissngo Malta and Piragu with total populallon oll500also wcrs wlpcd out LONDON CWPrim Minlsr lcr Mncmillan today underwent an operation or bladder eh slrumion and hospital scum Mid It was successlul mm lollnwlnl mull lwun Mmln and Mur villa no Frnnw cmmnn hum Wmhoal Police warned residents along lhe river net drink its wa ter and no lo upen any barrels they Iound afloat or slang it hunks The volume water released In the disaster was so great that In Belluno he lave of thl Piuvo suddenly rose usth ï¬elds mpg mgds HI sald Loanmno lawn cl 3800 had been all but wiped out Lungarone at tho junc tion of Ihe Valont and the Plave Macs Operation Said Successful Causes Flood