pumr we uhlt In mm nnIy laur mm In qur Kama nnl Imwunl only Ivy 1901 lmlldrfphln Alhldln who Wm hlml nu Ilmc Han by 11me Mnumwwn and nnm lly Iran man Joe Mculnnlly In va mile Id wllh the old Nu Yolk ainnh The Mun mm Nu hlmlll ilnry Tnny mm llnhvy Ichnnlmn Tum UP 300 MIIIuy Mull 11L Hum MM nm Jug ruin IM 1m Hum 07 my nhnmld ClubI7 MII liui1llleklofl mm mul polnl my man 11 Obmul llulm ID lly Tlll AMIKMTED FNMA 113 min wu dominated mumlrIer hy llle nllchlnl 11m nnh had wry tam hal an urnan of I7I Int lhn lknlzer Ilnfl had MI mum nm Mum 100 11m muhly hunk mlln llnIr humc nun undo pllrhlng Ila Knulnx Johnny lmhu And Dan Dnldnlc wu nurni hit fly mm rim um m1 ml rm vullnl mum hll lrfl HIM lzclora Illa llsl lama ll hran lhal Koulu Hue World Sum Ilnr llld two llnm wlnnrr had lm nilchlnl Hundnyl 21 cllndm with An open nhsccu lerrn lha In hll Ml tool when tall earn hcd Inn luau ILNIIIING TOIH We hrok up he Yankees was ltlory my ll Vlfltl OMnllryn rarly ll Dmhur Slu dlum MI Nu chultnrd nnkm Wm husllinl home lirkinglhrr cumin Tho Dodger crlrhmlrd wllh chimpapne Sunday night nml woke Monday morning wilh Nu ohhekylul nniril mm who can cxptct 1000 chrquu In the mml FIGHT nzsuns 15w year later hvwcver Chime Hnwu was pro hackny player at Omaha Ind only 11 yam old The next iensan he mvvcd up the Nallonll smmu vlnu our com pulled muscle and all lhc Dodg ers bhocknl Moukn proud New York Yankees win our alrokhl knockout punch um brouxhl Joy to Lo Annalcl 105 ANGELES AP AI Ralph llauk might haw mul Iemi to Joe Cronin il wax good lhinn lha Dodger werent healthy It would have bcen halter story it this gangling youth had been an overnight sensation Instead he go humellck Gordie on nine children Ewan just country boy new before had strayed far lrarn FloraL 15w year later hvwcven Blck home It Flora he ind played every position Ind Ior five cam in one season Now Gordie Howe was golng to try his luck with New York Roug Yanks Had 171 SerieS Average TORONTO iCP 1me years have passed since big lsyearold kid 1mm Floral Sask wont to Winnipeg to at tend his in hockey camp GORDIE HOWE Detroit Red Wing great rlghlwinxcr will scl an alHlme scoring mark in he Nalinnal Hockey when he flvusmdtsTln Ihix lund became gash Théfé are 540 puck on the It In from or him one lar and flu Howe Needs 5Goals To Break NHL Record an In the Dndml lmn mum Imun Iml counlld unlrul Ihrlr 21min rmlrr umlrr nu new llmyur planr rule 1h mum lnulvl In up In lnur ol um pool rlnynl or nnne dwmdlnl on lum many lhay unl In pm with and how many Coll Ind Mtll mm In buy Th Dodw Ire obllnlrd In all my un vlunr In mom IM lho Nell and Call In oblluled la huy ml Mlclal bul Hm body In min In nmr lu Mu Marv Hmdlnl nul cltlrr InlrMer Lt Vnm re Ilrl lllldm Km Hun lull in minivan Illll Ilnan Hmel and than lhl Mm rmlcr MI MN lhll monnu 11m llnt rllhl lnnu In llw Nullonnl Hague ullllnl Inur plum an In poul up help Hm kulllml NM mk ml and Ilnuulon Calls nu cm Ilwnyl un Another pluhu hn uld We hum mm In lho nrznnlnllnn Iml hey my Mlllo ynunl CHANGE71 EX TEH um um would III In In cumn Ivy nnnthtr rllhlvhmded In In llchrr nml Inolhrr HIM pllcher LOS ANGELES AWHav Inz uxl wan Ih NMIDMI Lrnuum pennant by um and the World Scrlu hy our Lou Ann Doduu dont le me In rlul lht Ntw York Slack Exchlnlu 1n lrldinl volume his winltr Almaï¬gh he magimum only Tommy Dlvil hil IW and Moose Sknwmn 385 Ilon Hawnrd 155 ml lb malnllln anx wgsiglency aftV as Gordiel Ambition lo pIny In season Only one Park the nulm right winutr hockey ha em kynwn Howe goes Into lhe mason with 540 goals our short In rec ord 541 scored by Maurice mackcn Richard during hl career with Munlrul Clnl dicns Dodgers Seeking More Pitchers When he Red Wing 0pm htir 196344 season Thursday night It homa Ixalnst Chlcun Black Hawks flow will In startling his lath campalgn And this should be tho lolden une lhe scam in whlch ho became the greatest more in lho hil ory 91 he game mm long way lrom Flnrnl Hockey Lulu with Detroit Red WingsInd haa still Ix lufo in that own KoaII hel Icored In III 11 seasons In Illa league Mlurlco Rockel Nahum Iormer Montreal Canndlens incurinl us hold me liItIIme Icarlnx record with all In zular Icason play IInwe who matched goal In lo prem Hm danl Ihlnk Ihull murh rlmnce Iny Huh lnlnl In nrl up dynmy in Mn lrnlur hp nld We dont em know in la Iln nu your nnml all llmlprl Ihbnld Ive mnlrmlor In lhl Nullonnl Lug lnr Mr lhrml we run Irr Ullllly lull er Tum IH llw Ilrrnnlhrnnl hh poll lian In lhn World Serlu plly In Ill our mu ll Imnd hm Ila at hum um All IMr lulumun Krn Mc Mull pulled In munIr ml Jlnl GIIHMH had In he Ihllllll hum uman lhlm mu nonnan um Skowrnn Illa Ionkrd llh ludm nmnpecl More the World ScrleL hul in MI In the urlu and ï¬lm uld hl wu mp love ll hm and low In nmlmn Slmwrnn Inld Iller Hus lul qu mt Sundy wnnl la lune Ad been Inerulntlm mm pllchnr Larry Shrrry would he placed in Hm pool llul lho gun Ihnl lhe Dodnrrl think Hwy cnuld nun bum dell In ads nan But all our cnuld hr lhc name prlce ha Dndken wan to sell and lhe olhm VILM lo Iny Wu IV let UR rim any In play on lina wnh Gordie and Art Sirlion Gordie will score 40 All lhll yur um Delwil delnnceman Marcel Pranovnst ll Isnl pllylnl any dirtercnl hnyra jusl xiv ing him lhe puck mm And you know ml happen whm How cu lht puck In 10 proMon exhibition games lhl all Howe lmltd goals He hasnt been under 20 goals In the In years and last season best In me hit Ii he wand 38 Last he won his 3th mrinu Rifle wilh paInIa live more than mnnerup Andy Hnlhgale of New York Rang era He also shared lhe plnyafl cnrlnx leaderhip with leam male Norm Ullmam each with points And he hasnt slowed Howe Llreaxty has pllyed mm nmes 1110 nun Any ono helm him H0 hn rec mi 572 mist Ind record 1211 points Six Umex he hll hm lha NHLI mm vdughla player 9NsTfl TITLE mln Dll Clapper of 303MB Bru Ill hu Iver pllyed that lent But the my bl Gardi ll in he my play 25 And the smlnx records In leave may never be equalled son exhibluon games expec led to break 1h record early lhil season Detroll play In Iier lame in the NHL ma snn Delroll play It ï¬rst game In the NHL season at home thl Thursday nfllns Chicago 811 llawkl CF lrï¬avznl been In ring or had palr glovu on since thn Inst 11 tighL Im still undecided In way Id like In try it Iglin but my Ind family are nulnst II havent definite due when Ill make up my mind but Itnyopl belllqo lung been lryint to talk my ull mlo rellrinl EV llnce Iho In light Against Dick llger In Auzuxt Gen tald but um um who keeps telling me lo Ira1 oncqhmore Dan em chance to like up Vedneldly high when mm Jan Torre In lornundrr lht Tuned Armory Gznu will be In hll corner him Whll he tries lo make up 1111 mind the former world mlddle weight champlon new 32 bldu hll lime working on his mink farm and quarter horse nnch In Wu Jordln Ullh Ind Ruin lnl his broth Don or Int 51th at flu Ill be nncl TEANECK NJ AmGun Fulhmr shun the toughen bill at his me and in to Nip aging lplnggw um voice keep telling him to try one morn light And much bigger vainMn Winnerweal him to all It Irm uuuz EXAMINEul1 IUEspAY ocmnr Danny OShu Chril Rohefll lndv Art Hammon allled or Oxhawu while Dave Woodley John Arbour and Guy Allen scored or the Fills lalal mlhutu Includ lnx nine major and Ive mi conducu wu called Niagara Falls nilav mbmlu Tiger Still Undecided balance of competition dictates the ale has to be good year when ha show shape up the way It does now Our Iwo ballam team last Mason New York Ranger and Huston Brulnn havs holh Itrenxlhened themselves consid ably Hewsaid hm has been an Improvement It ha box vance Indication are if anything bemu than In your hexaid drawinl comparison with the NflLs biggest uaxon when Iota attendance surged 1590000 or the zlbgame uhadule The 55 year nld Vlawyer from Flemlng Salk com mented on the NHL ouuook In an interview But at the same llme he says the dxieam operation Ila hu directed president Ilnce me Ill mmldm expansion lame thing of In enllml At this polnt usweness rays by very known landard this has to he grand season or he NnuonnlHackey League MONTREAL CPClarenca Campbell mun seldom given Day buried Ottawn under an avalnncho of pan compkxlons to lend Illa Slampedm In 717 victory In Canadlan Fool ball Luguo luteflnckinl game at Calgary Dlyl aerial wiznrdry which uw hlm complete 25 5e hr 383 ynrds and two Prexv PrédintS TOP NHLSeason py ma CANADIAN PRES There In some nights when nobody can bell Eula my Ho proved It agï¬n Monday night much In the chagrin 01mm Rough Riders Tiédts iï¬cst £99tba11 ViCtOries He the league ll striv Ing lnslrad to Improve con dilialu that produce an uliim an expansion on solid level To expand he aald 0x NHL would have to 5010 eight Ieams and there are Jun not two contiguous title now equipped lo produca the kind of hockey werhnve we dont want In destroy the tlrumure by lryxnz to make it hlgzcr simply or Ihe lake of size We want good lolid parl ners who can do what we an doing now Turnlnr to expansion the NHL presldent uld the Emma of Vernon realize Ihc league nuds broader new graphlc ban otiice with ans exception each anon since 19545 But he shied awny from promA ail 9n attendancn Iguth Va rcauhed no per cent of our rated scating capacity at the six rinks last year iilail pretty much saturation You Just dont in higher than that And whm youra talking ï¬gure its contingent on how lhe race goo nnd many other tartan The win helme about 16000 fans propelled Calgary into sale possession second place in he Western Conference two pnlnll ahead of Saskaldlewan Rnnuh Hide and three In front Win peg Ottawa In lasing or the rim lime bulx gamusdropped Into shar 01 ï¬rst place in the loucludawna gm lha West 5le In the nlghll CFL acllon Hamlllou TlxerCala used we laslmlnnle loudlrlawm lo dump llle Blue Bombmzrrfl Vln mpeg Stampede Qwo lranl lino mardl Bill Crawlord and Tony Pljaczkawski received In In Juries In fourth quartqr Ind defenslve and Roy Payne 12 geckgamo alm takinl hard Calgary recorded first down on Days passing and no yards rushing Rough Rider had ll ï¬rst dawnon 135 ylrds nish lng And 221 through Ihe Ilr Jackson completed 10 15 ll Iempu and Stewart Wu one or UM pauwcflm Ions by Dayresulled in Stamps last touchd Hanging ml 251mm pass to Lunslord the Ottawa Ive was the key play in mm llplly much for Calgary aurth touchdown Their mlh touchdown rumble was hlghlighlcd by u715yard pass to flanker Bobby Taylor 1035 to Dlllnrd Passes to Manning um 33 yards and to Dillard or 11 el med slampedm es ynrd march for touchdown number Iwo by Dillard Pnssgs on ay hit Manning with two passes gnud 101 II yards ll Slampedm drnv 74 ylld In ï¬ve plays manual touch down by Columm Calgarys Jlx louchdownl were scored by halfback Lovell Coleman with two Day lull baclg Earl Lunslord end Poll Mannlnx and halfback Jim Dil lard Flu ware convened by Larry Robinson who also klcked field goal Ind xlnllel Cll garys other polnl came on lhlrdquarler my lunch Quarlemck Run Jncksan and hallback Ron Stewart both Candiam unrcd the Duma lnuchdowns Rlclne converted bath lllon Rough Elders took an early lead on 15yard Ileld goal Jn the in quuner by Man Ra cine Alter Hut Calnry domi mated 513mm flankmica villh Ham mle MEN lid hm your mm uhlmt Wyn The Ins pushed the delendlnt Grey Cup champion Blue Bomb er min poor position In Iheir flruggle for he lhlrd and last Elnyofl spot in the NFC Say alchcwnn holds the qpol at present and have an game in hand with our games Iell in Ihe xegular schedule Io Vinnipczl three pm Blue mberl earned 15 in down an 121 yards rushing Ind 149 Quarterback Kenny Plaen and Hnl Ledynrd Ind halfback Leo Lewis com plated or 72 passes or Win in vvuuluvflll man mixture or paulnl Ind runnlng called by quarter back Barnle Faloney Ipelled lhl dillmnca for Hamilton Tiler Cnls picked up 23 first dowm on yards rushing and 257 yard passing Faloncy com pl 91le passes ll WFCA up pointgetlnr led Wln nlpeg with eluhl pain on two ï¬eld goals llngle anda can vert End Funslon mzred Wlfmipeg touchdown Pace taillleaflfwo Buchdnwnl Inr Ilamlllnn whlle Garney Hun ley unl he nlher Dave Viki klgycfl lwg cranverls In Mn ur the um and linegacker Zeno Kare picked up an errant Ia era an the resulting kickolf far the other alum we Tu iiiGm Ticau deflated ncrowd IS 350 by notch two touchdown wllhln 12 secnnds In Ihe lash mlnul olplay Jim Paco drml ï¬ver mm the yarg 1an jar