Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1963, p. 6

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0n Snlunhy mnlnl lhll rulu mun lhrnurlm TM Hnumv nuulv lrnllv rm ml on ml ohm In nm unlrlpum In llnl 51mm Ind In Inn ml gallml mmldcnhltkmm lnlm wlru mnuol Meir Hun mujrrllml Ind pmlmhm ll Innhruu Mu llmhl nrcnmpmiul Ihr rummt Ind muml hale umnlly Inlu m0va Nm workhop In lmml ms mwlnlly prinlurvl In have Imluuvr John Duh Um llnlvrllll n1 Tumnlo lnxl lutltlr llw pmldrnl nl llm morn llnn Dr luh wn un wxn mmnl du In mu lml Mn Invk lllfmlrd Iml mule ml tonlhuuun he writml IHIMM WORKMIUI karnd upon0m by the hlmcw Cmme Am Ind Cull Aunrlnllun wn held ILlobe mm ll Illuo Muunuln Lodun nur folllnuwmd 11m rxrrlltm mullle Ilnn pnnvldcd by Mr Wuran tun pmprmor of lodge Idud la the rnjwymrnl Drama Art And Sculpture Highlight Art Craft Weekend Pnor to her marriage Mrs Elllson went to weslcrn Canada to nlnnltob Ind AI berta Mr Ellison also went west shortly Iflerwuds They were married In 1913 in Cll gnry All They returned to Ellison the former Nell llaines daughter oi Ell ahnth and oharles Halnes was born in 1884 in Bellevllle Ind came to Beelnn Is Child Mr Ellison the son of John Ind SarahEleon was born 1884 in King TOWnshxp mi in spent must of hi life slnce hat urge In Tecgmscth Tawpshlp BEETON Speciaan Octo ber in the Orange Hall Bee Ion Mr Ind Mm Edward Elllson Benton eelehrated their 50th wedding Innlvers Iry On this lovely lutumn day mlny friends Ind rel tlvc called to vlsl them Ind to extend congratulatlnu In this wellknnwn cougle who have spent most of their mnr fled lift and dual youth ln vicinity Mn and Mrs Gnry Allnn Sinclair nro Ihown ioilowinx lhrir wrdvllnu in Si Gil In Allcun llurch wiill or llnmy niiitllilnx nm hrldv Nnnry lnll Farlm in Beeton Couple Greet Friends 011 50th Wedding Anniversary lisnn Bcclnn celebrated lhzlr 50th wedding anniversary with reception in the Beetonflr Mn AND Mfis Edward 21 WED AT ST GILES AIWUI lump in wand unip hm th lhc Ililllul Imlrnrv Ian MIL Imen Tommo um nhuwn Ilw vmn lulu ponildllllu Iml hunt wmnl 1h Ilmlrnlu wrrt plnmi with ha knuwlulza gulrml Ind Irmmulhluxmm flumly mar on 111m gmupl ml 5m lnr gonml avIrv Iml ovulunllnn ltwrynnrwlrd wrrleml lo hm nun urrllul wllh unu derlvi wovenHun ml 001 ell lp QOD CUIJNJIU III IIINn INIIEIZII lava mole Ham nalah up In rm wand ulnmxl lulu muq lhtlr mam nu pllnunu gruup undrr implnmz InllfulHfln nl Mm IIIer IIImlUnI uml Il mm perhcl wollwr Ind Illppy Ind wummhlfo lime The Ilrlrhu Ind ulnlhm umluml 1m EVNMN nl urw llwunhll ml Men or der wmrm rallume nml wllh prvfmiun Inlkeup Thh wu hlghly rn lulllnlnl ml min much Inn Mg INhTfllImlON They have our children Mugnrek Mrs Garnet Wesl llke or Beeton llnmld Benton Oscar of Milchell and Mumlo Mrs Gordon Coop er dcccnsnd They have nInu grundchlldmn The Iamlly were present or the golden wedding celebrations They joined in family dinner be fore the evening pm of the pmgmn The cbuple reccled many clrds lnvely gin Ind flowers slnunch Orangemxn Mm Ellison member of the Preshylerinn Womens Missionary Society was mndn life member last week may Ire both mcm her 01 SL Pauls Anglican Church in Benton Also both are active pmicipanls in so cial communin and iamin cilvit the duuxhltr 01 ML and Mrl Cecil tht Duckmrlh Street Mr and Mrs Slntlnh of llmcmfl Gnlo Mn llm hrldrmnml parrnu nu couple wll mldo 60 Dun Inp Slml Wm Then they mov to Tecum selh Township where they armed for many yen5 re cenfiy moving to Breton after selling lb Ir mm Ontario In 1918 and taxmad In Kigg Tqymshlp unglll 1913 anga Hall They welcomed guests in Kheanernoon and evening supperllme they were guests of honor at iouinehiubuil band HIfPOL pm ma um IIHP mow ml In he xluinu guml Iuhilltu And nvcvuxlnl wry Inlhlnclar Hy nu cm In Aha dolnu wrlL Mu Judd Krin pound mum kmllm hm nmlnl Murmth lirkinl wu Ip minim rhnlnnnn wuh Ill ml pneuhlmla Iw wlumilln 11m Auxllinry ulwn multi lmlu Inmflhlnu Inward ml of lnr 8590qu unlufd ppld new ucwlmz mnrhlno was badly medal lnr Hm Lnldlnw rnIdlmu Mum Iwn unploym Al lhoJronl dcnk am new whm nnl busy and du nll he mcndlna lnr anlnw rnldrnu mnrhlna Wu nvnlllbln or 477 and llm AnxllInry honlhl to In mrdlur mrmhnl at he Luldlnw mldum lrnmlrr lruck Iu nld In Altr llulnn pmmluru In Central nu Iy Wlll onlrml lull newnhcr llxc luxllllry nt llm mil MIL 1m Iamllunl Innerth or Crnlrnl Inpply lhlnlml the mtmhrrl Prospncllvc members are Miss Agnes llynn formerly nn the ml Barrie lubllc School Mrs Dan Sullivan nzcnlly moved mm For Arlllur Io Bur rle lllrxl Parsons whaso husband dispcnslnu oplillnn ln llanle and Mn Draughl rtccnlly moved to Bar rlc from Tomnla 11m wnlls at the an mnln work momrwm very ny wilh luvely all pnlnllnxs on Inn by hm Alma lladglcy Mrs Clurlnllc unve lull rc par un llm rmnl lng dny Ilml mum $439035 Slm wnn wnrm In her pmlx or nulslnncn rcn dcrcd by many pcnplc and hunk rd evcrynna who helped WIUI thls prvltpl The October meeting of In Huspilal Auxiliary was lipid in Iho Iiichrihy rusidcnce Presi dent Mrs tiny Christie presidcdi Nemycighi mombcr wen pmcnt and our prospective membcn It was drcldul ml yrnr hand mmlm lor Auxlllnrf In dny nhnuld bu the Imxllnryn own mom nl MthruIy Ilqahlencc They were surprised at rule or the Toranlo arce Ihai pallcewoman marries pallce man aho mus Icnv he 1mm During their short visit Canada the trio met pallce uomnn in Montreai Ounwa Kingston on and Tamil Although few women do high way palm British policewoman enjoy favorable smuan one We have wamen In avery branch at police work Including he department criminal In veslignllo mid Miss Stewart And he women in lhe me today enjoy equal beneflu equal promoUon opportunities and al most equal pay 01 the ammemher LamI4 shlro Iarce only 122 are women and or these only six are on highway duly Jenn Stewart on oi Britains sevcn female palm superintend ents and constables Winnilred Cross and Sheila Criggull said during brie slop here that iew women have Job on highway pairoi in Britain UK Policewomen Zoom Thru Can TORONTO CmThree Bril lsh policewoman are 100an through Canada and the um States In sports carthe same kind lhey use to cover their pm lice beat in Luncashire Auxiliary Procures Sterilizing Truck family dinner served at thl Presbyterian Church Exnm Incr phnto PERMANENTS SE99 oa arrlck klglnmmmts on Emmmm ONE IA lMl 411mm it Plank was IKEEPIN THE TRIM Mn In dnnlled nnml Inver baby orm In am My Ind Mn 11 ey had turd her lnlrnl lo my or ha um hup Mn Goddcn wnnh lnur 1m lusllllnl lor Auxlll my munhm Thry was Wurlan whrn ha upon houn wnl hrld Mn hrlnlla mom had lry and mum tour lortha India 11w Auxllluy II In IUKK Han box And ranlunll vl uArh muln1 will mm on regular uhulum wllh medal Incrunn whenuvrr nncuury Mn Ch ck book ml out by he lospllal Auxllilry In 1900 Thll pram ha Auxlllnry 63 yum old is very lnlemnng llem And In only on lan lo thn 4qxlllnry Mr Chrlxflo announch the Shellcred Worklhup ll cxy 8er need um nylunl hlrlhdy curd And let well lmdl or en wrnppc ll dnzcn dressings 93 applicators and 510 Qlipl or ccnlral Iupply Mm Hngnn reported Mn Gnhla rafioned 60 Ar ticles wt or win In Septem us canlplclcd mend the ma tonventlnn he llaspnnble Auxlllnry Auoclauun la hnld the Royal York October 7829 nod 30 They no Mn flgy Christin Mu Nel uulnr In mmmnxn lulu In Trin lly Pnrhh all on Nov Ind Mrs Drum Murray will tonvcm ll wflh Mn Reach Mn Hrnnlon Mn Eva Graham Ilnllnx bring In ml at nmcerl or Nnycmbcr mulling nucnded menu In downtown building and parked my bar on side street when returned to ma car found goodlooking young woman sitting in It Sh was dead drunk and ordered her in get out Her answer Wu ll you dont drive me home Xl scream um you nnupked me and see you get out of that one de cldpd In drive her home When we reached her hnuse had help her out Ihe clr Her lather met us the door Ind wanted lo know who wu Dm Ann Linden Last nlzhl had the worst experience my lile It could have cost me my lab my reputation and my lnmlly Please prlnt thll letter lar other young men wha might Ind themselves la the same spot Thin preoccupation with em ngainaifngain dieting is keep ing Americans all One doctor finally said to his overweight patients Slop making led all case dieting Youdo not have to go hungry but you do have to slop overeating Cut By IDA JEAN RAIN Naval nitbent am ptrlodl cauy upturn lmnlhuuon ol evcn the most muons among the corpulenz Thu mm on qflckhd euy wny lo Ian 10 paund um muochLuze eat Ind hard on resist But how dlecflvo Is crash diet pm zrum reducing mm are Heel lng 7mm diet were onlena nlnir and you cauld reduce and he done with diean or good and Ill then am called magic dle would make unu You mud luck win It and llck your weth lo standstill Bu Ihla Isnt what happens You do not llve ha nwzm axe wer All lad dlels ignwre the real problem keeping the pounds nil Letters mm chunk diet ers tell he story repeatedly They write Ive tried Ill kind diets and Im Ill lat One overweight wrote My husband has begged me la slop timing beggsu Just wiydvup filler ANN LANDERS Key That Locks Door Is Key To His Problem TIL Reducing gEflécts Aré Fleéting In Quick Crash Diet Program nulln AM Attilam PM mm Mlln McFADDEN OPEN 7w lull III Every Night EM MONTREAL Cil Vivienne Dumnnil In Orcxan Iocini Wflikci nyu iiiontruil Chil drtnl Service Ccnira inn lnken lead in iMerracinl adoption in North Amtrlcn Ii Iaui oi Nuro children hnvo bun plated in whliu immu ime Ilnre 1050 Pruiudiu in mi my unlmi Iho mm width hm bun dcwivcd oi oppor iunil Mill Dumlrlil mid Recently we built beautiful home summing We had planned lar yum Dulldm have flopped Io ask when we bought our brick Frlends hnvo mpled our landscaplnz Ideas whlch wm orlglnnl lulu Incident ls just on much 1113 most dlulncllve allure of aur new hum the wlndowl There In no Mndow like our lnlho ally Now Inmlly we barely know 15 building two door Away and they In In Iha proceu 5m llnl In window exnclly in on Am harlot What can we do lo protect hit one dltUncth lealum aur homeI THE COPIED CAT Dur CII Did you Invent the window design and pllml ll It not you hlve no mm to an utluslve People haw been xlenllnz good Ideas Ilnco wheeland II wlll be ever lhux Ydixucvud mistake was 124 Ung Into lhe car The moment you saw someone sittinglhere you should have gene or liceman PAjENIV DESIGN Dm Ann Linden reallze lmllaflou II the hlxhest lorm Hallery but Im lick bdrm coglcd didnt give him my mm but explained what had happened He said his dnuxhler had pulled this stunt More and thnt sh hnd Inflated emouml prob lems The minule got home told my wife Ind she uid should have brought the girl our place My lather and did the tidal Ihlnl Did How can penon best protect binAxel In such situation won MIZED wn leaving your car uniacked Lu night it was an Intoxicaied young girl Tonight it cold an inloxicaied young mun crowned on iha floor with muyirey wrenph infiyis hand Why not take ndvnntsgs or every hit of scientliic knowledge tint applies to weight control Youywill lose weight luster by eating three moderate mulsn dsy than you will by hiring the bulk 01 eelories In one biz mes When you regard the excel caloriust any one meal beinl shunted 1m an obligatory psthwsy into Isl it makes sense to stop overeating the grand total of calories for the day is not in mass at your require menu you could not gain but more of your weight would be in Jelly tissue Why not trying eating the moderate meal day Plus Inactive mack 1n the late altemoanf By Uzi plan you best meet naturel energy needs You will enhnnco your vigor and lose exec welghl Why does help you to cut down on podium Fm on thin by eating less you con lume lower cllnriu Bu oqullly Important an amnllar meals you lessen your food ca 53y Thare cohfindn avldenbe um such In lend to more at slqrpge the tlssugl am to hlzfirerfserumfidmleseml leveL down on ymmporflon and you gm Jose welm without diet we Your 11m mistake UMETUnl TEXWSMAN ADOPTIONS aUlfiW SYYLE STRANSMANS WHEN IT COMII T0 COATSCOME TO 14 DUNLOP IT FUR lfllMMED COMS CLOIH COATS FUR FABRICS CAR COATS Mu 1mm Mathod ulnar ol the bridegroom wnl mnlrnu ol hnnor She worn Ilrecl lElllUl drst ol wlllow green punu do so Mn Douglas Johnslon ulster lnlnw of he brlde was bride maid Ind wore um 111th dress gold penu dc sale Brldesmald Mlu Shannan Jnlm lnn xhler cl lho brlde worn slmllnr dress cl Ipiceloncd penu d9 sale The Mlcndnnll huddmm were circlell mnlchlng material and vclllnl and they carried hauqucll n1 whlkn mums Armand Dancumausller Mont ml acted Ill hm man And ha ushers were Leoncu Dmeumous Ilnr at Shamrocks Quebec and mm mm EXAMINER Msfikvkdcronxnxsiinj Given In marriage by her la lher the bride were floor length gown oi while chlilon aver talleta the liiled bodice of lace dcsllucd wlih scooped Incckllnp encrusted wilb pearls and iliy poinlslenvcs 111a boul lnnl skin was enlmnced with bustle back The lingerHp veil of Iiik illusion was held in place by crown of pearls llw bride carried bouquel ni swcclhearl roses while mums and trailing ivy AHENDANTS Standard otmlxerl shade of mums deemmed the altar and suesLs pews wem Marked all by bow while flbbnnat St Marys Church or the double ring wedding certmnny of Miss Carol Ann Johnston and Eugene Deneumaustier Sept 28 Rev Amen ofllciated Mrs Pawell presided th organ and accompanied the Mr 10m Mrs Cancun as she lung Ave Marla and Panl Angellcus lha brld ha daughter or Mr and Mn Johnston Vancouver Street The bride groom the son or Mr and Mrs Deneumousller of La Flcche Quebec CIHFFON GOWN Quebec RéSidence For Barrie Bride llu All Phono PA Hm mm mm HAmcufs swd PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 3071 WATER Appommu my SELECTION 550 PRICE COUPLE SIGN REGISTER NIL Baystnln Lodges Receivinl he brides mother ware sheath of champagne and gum brocade with matching coat She chose brown accessories and corsngn of bronze mums The hridemoms mother as slsked wearing sheath powder bluu lace Her costume was acccnlnd wlth black neces Islam and comm bl flamen Douglas Jahnslan of Hespeler Ontario For travelling the bride wore the pleas sun brawn wool with belgo accessories and calsaga gold mqrys FonownigWhE wedding Mp lhe newlyweds will reside 119 Myrnnd Sheet Pay Quebec RECEPTION TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA uzm Slx Mom Ono Yur Two Yur 0f Up To 550000 In Thg BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest Slx Mom 0m an HERE ARE THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINTS NEW SUBSCRIFTIONS MRS ONEILL Rlpmlnllng Elmvnll Aru Phonc 7HRIJ WINNER THROW OFFORBYMAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL Ill be calling on you sobn Could Be With YOUR Help RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Member at Bela Slxmn Phl Sorority met the home Mrs Gcrald Wllllama Vlne 51 Just evcnhkg Mu Burt Pom presided urlng Ihe buslness session Fa11mm rum Ihe Sudbury chapter Mn Valerie Thompxon was Introduced Slx nzw prospective members were introduced at this open meetlng or rushm They Were Mn lnls Dunn Mrs Bon nle Darvllle Mu Franck Dob son Mlss Wendy Bonrdmln Mrs Eleanor Orr Mrs Kuen Duffleld Th5 history or the somer was zlven by Mrs Jean Ballenby Explanation of phi and brace let was given by Min Margaret McDougall Miss Helen Kelcku gave resume the Mansons social activities Mrs Balletshy my and mean convmer outlined the final arrangements or the bnko to he held on the evening Oct 11 and We morning of Oct 12 at the vacant premises at the Barrie Plaza The social convenér Mn Ben ly Mokrzn outlined the ncllvllles or lha mnnlh of October which will Included games nlghl to be held the home Mn John Lovell Wellington St on Oct 15 The meeting was held In fin form of an lmaglnary trip la the Barbados and Trinidad pn sentud by representatives of local travel agency Mlu Kay Yasmnka and Ian Dunlcdh who showed color alldul The next meeting will Inks the arm at potluck upper and comensyuuampnfly hosted by Mn Elnlnu King at her Marion Crexcen mldence on Oct 21 The director Mrs Norman Rankin Inlmduced the rcpresen mivu BSP Sorority Host Rushees SECOND HAND CENTRE Strand Repair Remodel ST PAUlS Refinilh 10000 polnll 25000 polnll 50000 polnn marinal Burl PA H171

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