Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1963, p. 3

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Mrs Snmcrvillc was one live girls cnlcrcd In the com nclillnn whlch was Judged ln1hn nIlcmnon The cnrunnllan of tho nnw princcss took place In about nlnc nclnck In slum cvpnjnu1 The compcmlun was judged by Howard Crnwlnrd prcsldcnt or the Barrie Mllk Ptoduccra Assnclflllun Grnnl Jcmwy prrsldont In 0rHln Mllk TM fnnans hat she will suit bu Simcoo Counlya representa Ihn In lhc CNE compcmlnn In 1964 Mrs Burton Semenville whn rcprcscnlod Simtuo Cnunly 1n the Ins dairy princess compell lion at tho CNE In Tomnlu won the dairy princess campctlflnn he Slayncr Vcdpcsda MIL ll ROME mm mm llul xlnlry prlnrm runvpcllllun al hluymr hlr READY TO TAKE OFF III he United Appeal relay raca yeslcrday are lrom left cha Dairy Princess 2Time Winner UNITED APPEAL chairman Russ Davey who dldnfl run shown pull Llnda Marshall Also lmpnrlanl was an inter view whim dclcrminnd the dairy queens background knnwmlgo of he Industry and the general education he tonlcstunu The key quasiinn was Whnl would ynu do tn prnmule he dairy In dullry In Ihu qopnly or SlmcocT Tho comncllllon was spunson ed the Callingwmd nml Smy ncr Klilk lrvducun and Distrib ulorl The judging was based on pcnmncc doporlmcnl nnd sell expression in public speaking well as prnIicIuncy in mllking Time handling lhc cow and cleanup mulinc wore the slan dnrds by whlch lho mllklng wn judncd Prgducgrg Co ordiqating neard Int Il urnml tnnurmllvn yLnr film will npmmt film cnu Touuly III Hm CM mm wllllnn nul war Mcrrlck St Josephs Joan Caldwell Norlh and Jana Falr Central glrls of North Collegiate luv la pass the baton Insructlon took ylaco Just prior to the Mr Mnmlcn we mm mm warklnu with xlnrlcr lun ncmnl project In Invrsllgnlo In ltrnnl movrmmlx ulncltr lcc the Inn pmer Mm nl IIclxhl of 000 feel an Manlu Hum Ewllmlnnd Ha cnmn ln McGIH Unlvmlly In CurmnleMcmll Amlc nchnlnr nml Ima linen le1 IN ho Arrllc nln Ilmu Inc cludinx llvu lull Man In llu Cunndlnn Arcllc Mn Mnrudrn mm nu cnn mllrml th MrGHlI Arcllc Ter rnln Slum Klnup nml lhm Mn In llw Mnnlrcnl WIN Arctic Imlllmr Hr LI nnw finder of Hm Munlrcnl Ofllm Mr Mnrudm wm horn In Nrw wan upon Tyne England No grndunlnl from inmhrldno whcro ho was IIxhlhillnnrr nl SL Culhvrlnm College MW rnllilury suvicc 1n mnny Mi Mmdcn wlll Ipcnk on Thu Cnnndinn Arcllc and on Slr Mn Franklin Mkhnnl Mnrxdcn will be first speaker of the season or flu Canadian Club Ban at Ll hrnry Oct I5 at pm No membnrs the WInah Ion Farm Holstein hard at Al lislan have been rccngnllcd by lhu IIuIslelnFricsInn moda Ilon of Canada as Faur Sm Brood Cows One or these GIcnallon Hole ly Pasy and he oflmr 15 men 11mm Laurel Louise Another Glcnannn cow has been named Slnr flmad Cow Guest Speaker Will Discuss The Arctic Label Holsteins From Star Brood were stationed In front ol the Bank of Commerce Examin er Phulu relay competition dawn lha main street and three miles through 1h any DEATHS Abme Io member llm nar rle llurtlmllurnl Sucldy wlll Jam other llurlmlnuml oclrly repmeninllm wmemny mur nln nun lha annunl Du flu In Cunvenllnn nl Fawn Inn About mllu mum Nnlh Du Burrlel mm In mm Mung cd $10810 tompnrcd an mcr nxo summ nll onlmlo cnlu mmpnrallvcjlzc Thu thrco munlupnllllcs with hlghcr debt rnlo lhnn Orlllln ngn Dcnrh Hnmlllun Otlnwu mid Mr Kcyhoc Baeros neighboring lawn 0r lllla Is sultcrlng from an over dose at per capila debtMum debt to tho Iunc of $14060 for every man womnn and child AM Frank Keyhuc prescnlcd anllon report which the 0m lln lawn council lnblmi and said hat Orillla stands laudh hlgh cs In per capila dcbcnlurc dchl hymn lh munlclpalillcs In Ontario which have borrowed mancyvlhis way Orllllna lawn lnxcs nlso xlnnd high In comparlson In other mun lcipallllcs Ald Kcyhocl re port uld Average mm cnrdinu lo 1961 upon by tho Dmnflmcnt Municipal lnlrs are 1711 year or every pcmn In lawn hi1 xenon nolcd Emmas dt mum deb per capita according Io Aldrman Hersey chalrman lhv Finance Commiucc wna man 17 nr m2 Mr Haney mid lhls would Increase by about $29 ma Horficultuxists Will Attend District Meet Appeal rm us Davey thanked all at the campelllors and had prnlso lor molorlst who steered lo he nldellncs lo avald the oncoming runners The thirdplace school provid ed more cola lo the event dozen gallydressed dimleaders mad the Five Polnls area lnnk and sound Ilka loalball field special United Appeal cheer leamxed their antics Boy aid has diésscd In track and lleld logs ahemated algpguze VNaruiCnllegmte ran second Inlinwctil SI Josyphjs High The novel eyeopener star ed the Five Points with runners passing the Unkcd Ap pea baton down the main street and several adjolnlng avenues for ahnul three miles Central Collegiate finished Iar in iron and mivcd the United Appeal Trophy tram Ald Fred Smith Winning lime was 11 min utes and 17 seconds no threat to any Olynnpigmariu Orillias Debt Much Higher Rmusands of peopIc were made aware ol the United Ap peel campaign In Barrie yester day as more than dozen sec ondary schn students raced around city streets an Gnlulo Irrrrlniy CHEERLEADERS lmm St Josephs High School heauu fled the Flve Paint with thelr colorlul costume and cheer Publicize United Appeal With Race Cal Thi Dlvlllun New 259 lrmlllll sv SPOTLESSLY CLEAN ECONOMICAL FREE SERVICE DBPENDALI USE OOP HEATING FUELS SIMCOE myhua coor The arm will Jnn Ihe Allmon Anmu Union and Vmpm Enclcly member Wed ncadny mum at eight nclack hmIlrspenkc wlll IIB Drnnln Slnnc In chnruo lmrel nml puhllcily Oh meldy snId nhoul 200 dclcuntu mm lha Inne coun llu In dklrld Iro expected In nlltnd 11m Darrin lochy cnlulnl nll chum commillm In Ibo junior and mlull wellnns with cxccpuan the In clan In lhn yunlor Iedlon Thu prolod wlll duvelopcd under lhu Gavcrnmcnl Am cultural chnbllilnllan nnd Deve lopmcn Ad OTTAWA Special The Fed ernl nnd Onlnrln Governmmlu wIIl spent 51800 on lumlnl he Tiny annship mmh Into wildlilo managemcnl area wu nnnuunccd hero Monday by Azrlculturo Mlnlslcr Hurry Hoyt onlnrlo Agricullum Mlnlslcr war made Ilmllnr nnnaunco mun from Tnmnla Nouawmoxa HI Dairy Club Scnlnr lIaIslnln Heifers Norman Suulcs first Eldon Cublll so cund Tom Murch Ihlxd Junior Holstein Heifers Sharon Grieve first Kerry Murch second Sen ior Ayrshire Mullen Rhea Welt Ilrsl Sandra Weir second Nanawnsnga eel Club Slur Calves Lynda Vanclse first Eleanur Beanie second Gordon Walker third Bee Hci on John Vancise first Waynn Scan second Showmanship Gordon Walker first Lynda tandem second John Vancise Notlawasngn HI Sheep Club Lambs Paul Walker first Name Scott aecnnd Tom Plat lur lhlrd Showmanship Gard on Walker first Paul Walker secund Eldon Cublll mini DAIRY CLUB Natlawuaga Mi Club held their achievemem day at ha Great Narlhern Exhlhltlnn In Collingwond Winners of compe tiljgns were as follows To 35515 In the openanon the SAGE Ra Squadron throughout Canada number of aircrew miners have been um dugth xpeclal training at IlCAF Centralia To give them the finishing touches that will prepare hem for the arduaus duties that III ahead they will complele Ihclr raining at three week course which begins The increase in six dciencn summation whlch was marked recenin by the opening of Can adas SAGE Direciian Cenua at North Bay has placed heavy demands on he limited numbers of icehnicnl oiiicer in the Air Farce Nottawasaga 4H Clubs Hold Achievement Day At Fair Make Tiny Marsh Wildlife Area during the United Appeal re lay race yesterday Desplla the fact their school mates Edgar Training SAGE Officers OUT FOX Ole Mun Winter PA um WI nIm ho uml Maud arm to learn more about developing maximum rflurm Irom chnndl and lo nludy hclr died an llw wlldlllo Ind econ nmy mm um Onlnrio Dcpnrlmrnl Land nnrl Forum will Admer or lh program Thu no1 ls lulled lo the pro ducllan walerlowl Ind lur benrlnx animal and Ill unvelnp mznl will add to local lncoma well In pravldlnz now crcpllonnl mm In Iaulhern 0n lnrm of lhe loial cost Ilia Ontario governmtnl will provldn 388000 and the Fulani uavemmcni $66 000 Some 2700 acre ol mnrsir lan Ind adjoining marginal lnrm lnnd will bo acquired In lhe mint and om of lhe um 01 ha pmperly will be public hunilng arcl aflawasagn 4H Graln Clubx Wayne Case first Eldon Cubm second Stuart Manbb third Notlnwanga Com Club Leo Ms Don Cantu second Dce Coulis Ihird Grand Champion Livestock Showmnnship The following 44 members were eligible im lhi event Norman Suuiu Dairy Dee Coulis Swine Gorv don Walker Beef Pnul Walker Shem The iilic went to Gordon Wnlkcr with Norman Sonics runncrAup Arnold Isaac third Junior Ayr shlra Heifers Bill Weir Jersey Halters Judy Machcol first Alex Miller sccnnd Showman ship Norman Sonics first Ar oIdIsaac second Judy Mac Icol thlrd Nouawosaga 4H Swine Club Yorkshire Gills Norman Sonics llrsl Wayne Case mo and Dec Conth third Show manship Norman Sonics first Doe Coulis second Herb KIInck 01nd Leo second Dce Grand Ch Showmnyship The day day operation at Canadas Air Balance will he in your hands my Dunng Visit the emcera to RCAF Station Edgar this month SAL Reid 0mm Commanding al Radar Squad ivn who will be chlcf instructor far this course told the students You may havemnny jobs In do in the service that 11 ahead of you but there wlIl be law that will he as Important as the role that you are being txalned tar tn SAGE The first canise of 25 mice arrived at Edgar yesterday scan RCA Sigugn Eggar Inlxheil third In the with Ir nheeszd heartilyor the cause Coll II My Semihunch and find out how on you can warm Cowcoll Homo Imammaul loan lov Inymhu wmmwhlll purpom Tulk In Ilw manw Nul Iho HadMMwhollmwlwmIrmwhamlodomalnwbathloombygmmnolamflyl KllchenerDr Roy Hem mcridl 60 who angered den tal care or an rcsidenl in 1945 heart attack Slinl John NJ Dennis Hell 37 assisian to tho presi den and director the Saint John Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Limited 5an John NJbRev Luclcn award well known Salnt John Roman Calhallc priest whn scrvcd more lhan 30 year in cdcmptogls 3rdcr Monltvldea UmguySalva dor Fener Serra a1 UmguaA yan minister finance of hurt aluck Inlhrea years of operation the Ravel and Puhilcily De partmenn Reception Centre on Highway 400 near Barrie has 156654 9mm 961 mm mxdMay Oct 15 31985 persons registered In 1962 mm May 15 to Oct 15 520 signed In and Ihls year mm Aprll 12 to Oct 626 gt the Centre Is as been an but year to date Id Peter Head sup ervISor The number of via tors dropped shunt 200 in Au ust this year from July due malnly to bad weather But during the past wgekwev6 had I110 vlsjkan Flre Prevention Week has been irr ellcct news Canada slnca Sunday mornlng Harrle Fire lel Rally Irwin has sued Aerles nl polentlal llro hazard oundvln homes com merclal eslahllshmenls and In duslrlal bulldlngs Bull ldt unchecked could lead to lire He aslu that all chimneys be dermal and checked or cracks and leaks ll they are faulty he suggests Ihnt they be repair ed properly before fire ls star Ied under them Smokemnm should be clean ed and diecked and pipes and elbaws that have rusted out Mr Head saidfiat ihu avar age nugnber ofvlsllou the first Mum mmmiunsim ocronEns Isa ChigfylProvides Several Hints To4void Ravages 0i Fire By THE CANADIAN PRESS Redepiibn ceptge Greets 4146654 In Three VYedrs 48 COLLIER STREET IA Mill We Ilwnys glvn you precise pmmpt enuncau Icrvice Ask ynul doclm about our pharmacy next time he wrllu pmulpllau or you BRING YOURNEXT PRESCRIPTION Na Ilwnys glvn you preclsg mmpl enuncmu Icrvice uk ynul doclm about our bhnrmncy next time he vrllu pmulpllau or you DEATHS Two Location 90 Suva You Better CHRISTMAS thB FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE WHITTY thB WRAY thB and In dustrial men the Chlcl had alm llarndvlce given to house holders bulnddod ha all rub bish and inflammable waste mn crlul shuuldbe xcmoved from confined quancrs and Inserted ln cool plqce paflmmt wlll np precinle your full cooperation in having camplelo check made This is your responsibil ily us citixcn Barrier II can saw your place and loved one from this disaster 01 Ire As or men doing re pair jobs Chic lrwln said There are number of good men in the city that can do lhls important wuk for ynu and have yaul henfing equip men put In safe condlllon be Iore cold weather sck 1n equiv ment have it scrvlccd and clea ned by competent serviceman Those person who heat with wlood and coal should have met mpldalcd hull dings on their property are nsk cd to have hem taken down This will make your place more allrncllve and youll have got ten dd of anomer fire hazard said Chic Irwin film for each month 15 as fallnwsf April 12 In Aper 30 2973 May to May 31 5170 June Juan 301 11164 Jqu in July 31 0010 Aug to Aug 31 1933 Sept1 laSepL The mean close this year an Oct 15 Unless the good wealhe keep up Mr Head said he bureau would nut reach the 150000 mark Leaks couldbe found In furv names and servicemen should clean them thoroughly Alan wlth replacing any faulky equip mcnt begare fire ism the MI or his year 40524 were Canadian 46335 were America rand 524 were 931 nrelgrr caurglries shouid be replaced with new ones week In October averagcq mund 600 lo 700 II this any Indication coming trends we 111 He preparcd to main DUNLOI 81 IA 595

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