in mm mm mo 1m In mu Inn Cney From me Chllltnn Neulmuulnl um cnc TV Nun Wulhar swam Nan Munm WzDNunAv ocrouzn xLu 1200 Tul Plflnn Poptyel Fuly Naundly Kevan Mavln 15m Qumlin Pluwnrd Surlm luxl Tue Thlrly Mullln nu Mull Gumhv shun Lawn sun wry Wendy Wondpeekn rnm 5mm Qul Nam Wellhu Spam qunu 0510mm Illdu runnnu meld Mnnu Club Kmdn En Hunt no 30 no no am an MRS am MULIIDLLAND cm The Strand Slandlng Semin els met In communin hall with 12 girls present under the lead ership Mrs Gordan RlxThelr project was Club Girl Stud On Guard mun ocronzu too nubI1 xu Povlytl mm Gunsmok New Walther spam uenneuy mum Junfllnn Pnly mm men may mm Chllltnn Neuml lnl Queu pcuw Nm meeting Vo mnnl Inslllule was held at ha home of Mrs Elmer Vard Nenly member and visitor were present Mrs Bert Murphy ave talk on hu mp the east mask of Canada The guest By EVELYN ARNOLD Congratulallom to Mn and Mrs Lorne McKee on he birth or son Sept 23 at Stevenson Mnmarial Hosp Alliglan Th Guardiicluh will open It all term Oct 21 830 pm Hostess will be Mm Ron Fox AROUND SiIMCOEVéCOTJNTY Mr Eniilrs Lennox ï¬lérk spent wok with Mrs Gordon at North Bay GAE CLUB The devonanm peeled was led by Len Slums and Run Fox The feature of the evening was debate on the loplc Resolv ed Ihnl capital punishment should be abolished The win ner was the negallve side up held by Herb Chlslen and Jack Marquis The alflrmallve case was presented by Lloyd Cum ming and Parker Peacock It was declded lo hold the annual pancake supper on Nov he St James Unilzd Church AOTS Mens Club held its first meeting of the all seasnn Oct under the chairmanshlp of yrffldep Mnx Gnodycar ll 7m mm ml nnlvrd by am Mrs iiace Murphy 01 Barrie wlll speak on Home Decorating Ind Color Scheme The next meetmg of strand Womens Institute will he held am pm Del 17 In Strand cam munily hall with the canvenm of home economics and health inchnrge AOTS WOMENS INSTITUTE And fun Wm Ill nrllvnM TI In an THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI DRIVENOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK Wm Ila mum In MANSFIELD TELEVISION pnommms CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VAllEY TAXI STROUD CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 16m IIDI nu TIIUIIDAV m1 iii no mm 1L moo 00 ms 11111 nnlsï¬l Fair from the district was nu In grad as planned due to pour weather Mort people enjoyed day It the Barrie Fair Congratulation lu lhoseiking grim Hy MRS DIJWNING Holly UCW will meet or the Ocloher meeting the home of Mrs McCorrislon Roll call is chfldmnof the whim Dew ions are in charge of Mn l1 Loughccd Program under convencrshlp Mrs Fisher In Stewardship and Rccmitina Lunch assistants are Mrs chey Mrs Irjrlgley All vv may Tniman amnion well known around Mansfield In Oranzcville Hospilal meehnx to discuss the bene ï¬ts of Central School for Mu myr wag egg mm hall Lebnafl enck spent few days for treatment heart condti inï¬a Toronto haspita Mrs James Ferris of Bramp lun visiting her ulster Mn William Fan1 Thu 1mm of Dr Ind Mrs Onved of Taranla was completely destroyed by ï¬re with contenu Saturday alter naun Sept 21L This house wal on the Mulmur Tassomnlin own Inc and was ones nwned and occupied by the lake Clillord Syno nnd Mrg Simon Mr KEllh Earlendar and dub Friday evening zaiherinz of friend iiiled he Mansfield Orange Hall in honor Mr Ind iiiin Milton Armnrong They have spent their married iiie in Muimur Mr Armstrong has been active in municipal ailuin and been tax collector in line south hail of Muimur ior live years They have been valued member oi Mansfield Presby terian church They were re seated with chmme klic en set arid an envelope oi money Milile DEmoYED nmlmn um mm Ilamln Noam maa mm Immm Ima all um Mllllmuln mm In In lonfllrl nu mm leh Nun 51mm llnl u1 mm 70m UM rm 1n Nu Illm nu mm lulu out speaker was Mn Hnrvry Mc Dowell of Easement who Md her work as member of the Viggurian 9rd uf Nurses Mr and Mn Mlnan Arm amng have moved to their home lnAllston ITV Nu Mulm Hull I117 1mm mm man flan mmE Spam Nun Summon TORONTO Toppu mm Sllven Show ma mm mm Pl Muon runvu qxc rv Nm BARRIE HOLLY ltrnr Club Dob wh ra Wrsl wn primarily rcmmlbla nr lclllng South mnko three no lmmp He so all the right lead lo but the mind but lhrn lulled cnpllnllza on But look the diamond lead with lhl am And mnde lhe norml mum of mu deuce lo Maw ha had nurlcd wilh our diamandl Opening lcad lhrtc of din mands Whlla ll ls good Llnlegy Io lum dcclnrer lnlo maklng mis lllm when you Ire ddcndlng hand ll ll certainly poor Ilrulnzy Ia up mlnu lnlo Innkan mlsuke Ddcnmll usually laugh enough willmut nddlnl lo lho burden by Induc lmz pprlner lolmalte Ann mar DAILY CROSSWORD Mule note am nun um mifnl Kllmol mu umn Alum lluni DOWN LINN mm Illllrll IO Brulfllll cnilrbneh In human to hmlnm IIIVIIIIUI VIII Play pm la niirï¬qm 11quan InnIo IIIrayn rlnthd WM A0110 Wrtnklu nanm an PM at mm um Frlenda who never have anything smaller than $20 bill when we ride with them in cab my man over 50 with full crop of halt and all his own teeth People too dainty lo pick up Cocktail gucsls who draw diagram on your living room walls while ryng to explain lha principle nuclear 11$ flan madam 5mm Wu yu Career women who demand equal status with men but dont do lheir lair rhareoi pushing while gain through revolving door Girls will lipsiick Ihal makes them look like Draculajs daughter ll midday Girls who say they never eat anything but smidgcn oi una llsh salad or lunch bul always order one pound sirloin steak when you take them lo dinner SouDI duler NoflhSoulh vulnerable NORTH Mm VKJZ 70 gxxog I2 104 Mix 02 JARu ii flmml By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK APlJmlngs we could all dn wilhoul Holly United Church war ï¬lled capaclly for Innlvernry ser vice last Sunday Gum speaker was Rev Robert Lindsayof Vic torh Harbour Thacross and lnbla and altar cover were ded lcmd tbs morning service Smell music or the morning aervlqe wax Iupplied by Thorn ton Junior choir Rev and Mn Varr sang dun Venner Lam bert of Burria Assisted In the venm wlhHolIf drolrr MrJ Nelson II went mm Vlcloxln Hospita Bar dnn Jdt plane mently lo ioln her Husband who recently wn waned In Germany The will remain there 10 three yam Sympnlhiaf the diurch er 55d nther reiativu In 1119 recent death of Srlgley Mu rqlher 1qu THE LIGHT TOUCH hm EdCole broke hung In Women Should Push Their Own Doors CONTRACT BRIDGE our 9155 on 503m uuu Q1 AQJDII liaran 11 Anna cIcnum mu Io Im at 10 In ILOquI mm i5 Mum Illck 71m Incl millet EWIII gmullom EAST Ev JAY BECKER nth p39 mam l1 vmu nunr AnnI ol mm MUM Anblln I3 om chloflIfl him Jum The lwo allowed hy he Iuhl indicated lhnl East had Illfltd with our dlnmmxh And Wu mould lhcrflnm ham Itfl Em in no douht n1 lo whlch wit lo return In cllccl Wcsl lald trap that HEM all lnlo Vxsl should have cashcd lha Ma hearts helm playing lho fourth mud ol dlumnndx Ha could loll from Bush playl of tho AM In that ordcr that East hid flan1M with our dil mond and would be Able lo win lhc next dlamond load ll East had sinned with lha NZ only he would have rammed lho eight um hlgher curd ll lrkk tun somewhat diflicult for East to lead hurt lhh point lnta dummyl KJM no he nude the more natural re um 01 spade This pmved to he Inlnl play bccausc dodmr cashed the AK enlmd dummy with club dlscuded the queen of heart on lhe queen ol nudes Ind than won the ml 01 lhu tricks with clubs South had discarded made and club from dummy II he diamonds were cashed and spade mm his nwn hand All the an 10 lo the lath Vcsl cashed the king catching he queen and than rclurned Illa live East mm wilh the nine but Ihcn had In ï¬nd the right mum to drink the con tract Tomarmu Duplka whrldn Any palIxl at which they pass out silly at to art you in lhe right spirit iun Doctors whu cant find out whats ailing you without first sending you lo hospital where they give yau 27 Ipe milled tesls Any buxlap your child tan send awaywith 50 cent or 5131 get something back in mum Childrens key which lire pelicls Recep tionist who put sumclhing that resembles household blu ing an their yeiids All gfrï¬ Her 25 who wear ugh swealm and all men over 10 Men who always hav mm handkerchief much In their brclst packet Driv er behind you who honk their horn impalienlly the mo mom lhc light tum men Pnperhack books that cost more than hard caverbooh used to Mrs 1091 Boolh has vxelumed home mm months holiday wllh herï¬nughters family Mr and Mn Ivar Potts than EobqRlIEHI wait the week end In born Oakvifle futown By MR5 ARMSTRONG Mr and Mn nix Hund have relurned mm motor Ir lo ullaln and NewYork era vlalled Mr and Mrs Marl man and Mr and Mrnaflarry er fried chicken In their hand or it hu oot an lel In boï¬ijadles nvhuvny Hollyr Sunday School held ea and sale of hnmemnde candy 1n the sbnday Schnal min onJSaturdly Oct hllween CABLE anq lulleréd rib injur reccnt alL We wish we speady recuvery Sunday School held suale hamemnde runu 7576 puom ugowam ml mgm Nqu uman Iwuv pomvan WGE THEM FOR THEIR WWIPWWMN 15ml umunN PXWP Mhm Wu um mungp mm lnluu LIYTLE GALLV awn OVER AND FIXED MannH mum mnMï¬m uzsbu mom my mm llLV uuuwmuu ans my 33 171