Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1963, p. 3

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éay Teachers Salary Deserves More StudY ALBERT FISIIER Slay ner poses happily wilh King and Queen the animal half of ED SPlCflER ER Slay ncr measures scmlth made by one flu cnmne tors in lhe plowing mam Pre Ilduul of he Come and Wes Tmchcrs salaries probably dc servo even mm nllcnlim than Hwy nnrmally receive cspchally at budget time Dnuglns Spry lald mccling of flu lnsmulc or Trustees here Smnrdny Addrcssing more than 50 pm plc nl Commcnlnl In Mr Spry Cumphnllcr nl Finnntn or the anunln Board Educnling shall hrs calm hrlclly lhu hlsluricul cvalvcmcnl ml ury schedules mud lhe phllasuphy behind Mm He sail mm llml many of ya rumsent nmlvcly nmull hamds bu In most lnslnnccs lhu phllnsnphlu and prcssurcs which mnlhule leather and school hoard mcmhcrs In In luruc clly are Msu In evidence in he nmallcsl mm mm ANOTHER HIM rr vcmrul salary schedule In lrauhrrs hmer Ink Ihrro per 10th up In mo 1900 In 1920 and I920 In the IIBKLHL he HIM perhan may hn on lhe hrlnk ulhvr llr mlvl bdnrt IWL Hm mm mun pmmlum In srlllnl mint In mm In hnrgnln wllh null mhrr Ixullvhhmlly Th appur luulllu or Invnurmun and un lulrnm mm In mmlnn mm hrllnlluxl In lmrlwn la llm pulm lhnl nrlxonl board lonkrul or Imam ol mprxmmlixluz lhe mgm ml HmrHy nllrr um lwcnmn rnmllmn ln llml Muva Imam will mm hr cnrll nrndn or nmyp pl Krm 1w mld Aml nnrFnnn the 11mm mud II Ilngln Inlury xchnl ulo unhwl mmnmlllm hm nnl HIOWNl IATUIIDAVII me Cnunly Tnulu um Ilnln wmuk ur rude mie IuI am It Mm payers Annclnflnn Mu II will vlmmuldmL hm nmldenl mlmn the combination that took top spa in the Class Jainter Plow Sad competitivn at the Simcoa Branch at lhc Ontario Pluwmcns Associalion Ed unlil allcr World War 11 did it ind widespread ncccplnnrc ho jnh think we may say that he leathers by and large like the single salary achnrlulc nllhuugh many must have lhe uncxprcs 5rd cmvicllnn that lhnrc urn ccrlnin suhjccls and urluin nil levels whirh maril mun consid erallun than nlhm Mlcr asking what are fire main consldcrhlinns wilh which board shuuld concern ilscII In sellan lcnchcrs salaries he said The Nrw York Slnle Ed ucullun Authority sungmls five rtspansihllily rxporicuce willi lr or outside flue syslcm quali fltuliuns umplonal service rc cnnnitiou and lillcrrnrca In ln cal lhin grandmas Me an smco no mlucnllon sy Alrm nr hm bnanl wishes ln produce nn InICrlnr product It must canshlvr ch llvnlnclnn Mr Spry xuld Vn lmpn gnlrrlrnm lhu Imroducliun vi mlnry nclmdulrs oppmn In Invllvidunl vwzolinllun IM In mm lhc nlidily he lllllc mlmz nrunmwl drrrcasrs wllh llm me llm schmfl nyhlrm mm In the mlnl ol munur nnw In he oneroom choul nllunllun HMLI Mlllm Mo mud mum likn mlnry ccllnlulel Iwémlxc they Immun lrnchrr mlnllly by drrmmlnu lendwr mmuwr rrmln mum Wuhan In the prnlruhm al lmcl Hood pruplo Inln lllo pm lmdnn pmnwh In mvitc nrnhlh build rmtruimml llulu vy hannlmn lhr Hm inr nnn Arlmnl rnwluynwnl Impruvo mm mlo nml rslnbllnh rnmmn nmunl compexilnn did terrific Bright sunshine poured dawn on the arm 01 Everett Mar shall Saturday as farmers And horseshoe puchers competed in he Ccnlre nnd West Simeon Plgwing Match Nenlymree person compet rd in he plowing part at the yrogram thle many more showed horses and pitched shoes at lha arm nearflyevale Centre Ind Weslsimcoe Flaw mcn Association match near Vyevale Saturday The class is open to all in nu mm Sp the at Slaynu snld lhu turniqu was about what was ex pected He commended the inn lurmws by hath man and Ira tnr and man And hers Hot Sunshine Graces County Plowing Match nu nun The cnmpe the time he said RESULTS Clnss Jaime Plnw Sod Man Fifilwlr Vfieuer all mu Class Jmnlcr Flaw Sod Harry Priest Everett Man shall Class Jaime Plow Sud Slmcoa County Eldxcd an mun C155 Jaime Plow Sluhhle Wyli Bowman Gnrncl Gra am classroom anchors ndmlnlslrm lars and board mcmhcm streng lhcn lhe pusifion of the board by nllmcling and rclainlng high ly nualificd leathers assure cun Ilahlo lrcntmcm for all class room lcnchm PROCEDURE llcxardmu salnry ncgatlnllnn Mr Spry said Pcrhnps would be useful In llslrlhn ilrps whlch summu in my negotiuufin procedure might follow First the board uhnuld met In discuss ln gemml lerms Iu linnncin silunlinn or the com lng year In dclcrmlnuwhnl In crcnm In lho tax 1ch will mull rum vnrluu adjustment in InL nry Ichudulcs 0135s Prmtar Sluhble Secondly the Board or Cum mince would lhcn me will he Itnchcrn rcprcsnnlallvu Io rccclve lhcir mquuh or lhn current ymr Mr Spry tnnclur ed by Inylnl hn hnpul mmu he mnllm lm dllcuuld wnuld move Mmh llclal whrn Hm llmo Inlvul or lullhcr tnnlldtrnlinn nl your Innchrrl 1mm mtlon USTIML Ind Fnlo Mnyur Lu Cooke lixllnlncr llml Murray Maw Hnward Sage Warren Euler Class Tractor Stubble Don Priest KEIIH ROBINSON ol Conkstnwn wholl compels in the International Caledon uon rum nzv nunum Class Tractor Sod Hydrau lIc Bill Thomas Ruben Glflen Murray awn umun lulunu Class Tractor Sod Maw ElvioodchIlg mm Anusu Clas Tracker Keith Robinsnn Morley Mar ihnlL Class 10 Tractor Sod Utlllly Keith Rablnsnn David Maw Nelson Saga Murray Brown Mary Sampsun SPECIAL We plowed land by cumde lor yam or under was by Best plnwed hand by inninr compelllar mounted plnw was by Robert Giflcn He won the Balm Co Ltd firophy Donl know how many of them have seen Puree but nldcr lumen are trying lo keep their young folk dawn on he tnrm lha methods keep lnz them In touch with the soil 15 through plowing matches such as lho one near Wycvnlc on Saturday It wasnt his mnlch not like Ihe Inler nauonal which gm underway tomorrow but was inm csnng enough Mcrv Franck RR Bar rlc whos plowcd In matches or some years but M15 the oldellnu Snluldny ndmils lo om ol lhe purposcs 01 such compctlllana help show the young ones lhnl arming can be Interesting GOOD EVENING Thu Th like mnnl mclnl he snld We act to meet lrlcvllds 1w lmvcnl seen Hm unv or some Umef Iksldcs ha mud good plawman Is nd vino vmn mu Mr lrnllck was obviously concerned nhoul no number ol youngslcrl who choose lo work olhtr than wilh he solln Plowing mnldus Mcnl as wvll nuendod nnw nI lllcy used he Than lure lndkcnllnn um ho number at armor is on he decline he snld In or plnwlnz IIerL tho Clnss pluwmnn nuld in 50 nu umu pawn mould bu Ml nlnnu in hume wnmu Cnnmlnn Ila mvlm IrpnrhmnuY Dullnl Flru Pvcvcnlmn Vrrk and every nlhrr wurk TM As Inclnllon n1 Cnnmllnn Flrn MM Ilmll ml llm Cnnndlnn lumi nllnn ul Flm Chlds mlvmnln lhrrl Ilmuld nlwayl lye snnmma pmunl In llm home with rmle The Mint Hm Ildly Tnmmllm Mllnnnl mm Tlmr vnn ponulllu nr mu chlhlml Fires In Can Be Nu HIM HM By STEVE uh 9r drgcndrnl Irrvfullnn lulr Ihrm luo wlnln unl II rlnul mlwlurlnl llum MEI nl Hm Criminal Icr II can Illa In Him Ilm liqu 7M IIW Murray Maw Keith Robinson got another prize for coming the longest distance to competii in this week won pair of first prize in tractor classes the flowing match on the arm 01 Everett Marshall MW MarySampson ha plowed by woman Best gnlng plow team prizes were won by Eldrcd Bowman and Everett Marshall Bill omas had lhe best plow cd land in Irachxr classes mounted plow as tho comput ilnr being residenl of Iha countyhul nnl ncccssarily in the branch area El Emmardvfidrbscar nnwe topped the horseshoe pitching Emms and Mitchell followed then came Mllcs and Giddnns Rawal and Morrknn McLeod and Pallcndcn and Ronald and Frnllkk JONESCU so deal Man and horse must combine to plow good urrnw 31an can do an even bellcr Jab if hes lnmlliar with the bar 55 in competition This partlcular mMch Ccnm and West Slmcoe Branch of On tarin Plowmcns Association has been going on or man than 20 years Ench ycnr ll mnvcs lo dimrent farm in diffu cnk township As for the lurmcr on whose land the mulch is being held he gains loo He get 10 of plowing dam with no wort his own part Compclihm are always gond plowmcn so no harm done the land Mr Frnllck would undoublcd ly hnvc born pleased In have hnurd lhn hricl chat with cilh Robinson Cookslnwn Only 12 Kchh has been plowlng cum pcullvcly gr 13 Lynn Inuuvu No dcscribu hi imch In malrhcs quie nlmp nuts just like to work will the sell nun And hr docs good Job 00 Frldny he wnn couple oi Irqu Nnnh York comm tlllnn IumIL Tomorrow hell tompcle In he Inllrnallonnl nl Conn Smylhu him In Calcdon nxnlml plnwmen lrnm ll caun lrlm ncluding Canada Homes Halted Cnnndlan lnnllm tho hmmrx nl llre lilo rummlllrv lulu lrnwn uxn pledge nr Hrs pnlrly unml nnII rm Thu nruuuvrly Alnlrd path Hm pluluu my mum no In mm In Iml clmm flulhn will gnwline nr nlhrr flammable lluuull lhmw nwny mnkhu wlllmul Hm mnkln crunln lhry nvr nul plnm Iml nshrl and ma In nnylhlnu hm mu rmllnlnrr mul rnvr Hm um lnlnrr on wwrlrn Ivor Thu xmlllvn vlnluu nmlle llml lurullnx nppllnnru nml rhlmnryn Mll Iw hrckrvl mum lnlnvnlA llml wond wrnk Inn 11 mwkn plpu wlll Irnrrlc4l wllh mhrllul Ilnl nwlnl mul In lmw nuly qunll llul rlrcnlclnnn tln clcclnul pnlll ullh mu 11m mmmllleo Inyn lhnt wllh caution and Enrl Flm lmcn llnn Wrrk an be nlvelrhrd lu ind 1111 1mm If YourellRED All IHE ME Im Tim HuhI lull Minn lululm luhfl nib onmean Mayor Cooke Sakurday welcomed guests to the annual meeting oi Insfikule or Trus lees spousaled by Ontario School Trustees and Ralepayers As sociallnn GARNET GRAHAM cam parafive newcomer to plowing matches placed sacond 1n the Common Interest In Education And Politics Mr Cooke said think there has bncn the mislnkcn impres sion that there Is not common interest lri educatim and muhki pal allalrs We recognize the need equipping our children for Lhcir luture rule lnjlik believe hat more and more educatlun becomes lilclong need col that In our community every persnn has right to an education And do want to express appreciation on bchnlt the city of Emle or ha work you are doing and unholdinl the meeting in Barr BUILD OWN ROCKETS South Africa plans to build its own rocch missiles and missile scientists now are being cruilcd nhmad PORK CHOPS WING STEAKS LEAN LOIN LEAN TENDER SIDE BACON HUNTERS SPECIAL BYTHEPEE CATSUP LIBBYS CAKE MIXES DUNCAN HINES CREAM CORN Liam5 mm ONTARIO NO COOKING ONIAKIU nu uvvnlnv ONIONS roon MARKET I6DUNLOP EAST School Inspector Scott Favors Correspondence Courses Scott inspector at Puhltc Schools addressed the annual School Trustees and Ratepay crs Associatlon meeting here Saturday on The Structure and Function at the Department Educattqnf Class Jaime Plow Stubbla compefitinn at the match Sat urday Garnet Elmval ls By means charts Mr Scott showed the various positions and omensIn the Dupartment of Education He sald Mr Grant Sum dale annship asked that teach ers be able to lransier their sick leave from one distrch to another He ma the board is considerlng dalng this This is one thn luncllnns the Dr partmnnl ol Business Admlnls llratlon APPEALS 10 um Speaking about the turrcspom dcnce courses Mr Scott said This has always appealed to me sincn was In Northern 0n larln and mm them came by dog 515d He gave glntisllc Io shuw that than is increasing emphasis an ccnlrallulian m79° behind his team at Maude and Pa Following his talk Mr Scott answered questions Hl was asked What qualm caliuns are required by each cr or oral French Mr Scott said ha University at Onawa Tcndms College glvu cenlflcalcs for ellmcnlary and separate bilingual schools But this tines not entllle them In teach in separate or ele menlnry school that ts not bil ingual he Iaidt ln was where teacher ha regular ccrtllicalu and speak French fluently he can qualin to leach French in clementAry or separate schoolsl lhls mars prlmarlly to orlfl French During discusslon pcrlnd nus sell Pague snld dun thlnk that untll we show some inclina tlnn to crlucnta ourselves we will lnsllll much cducatlon tn the ynung lhlnli we should make cduqlltlon lilclong re They require an ordiriary tenchers certificate ll OZ BOTTLES LBS PKGS 15 OZ TINS BARRIE 00 00 00 00 mwm WEE

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