BC Lawyer Charges Students Brainwashed wNDON flamers th line must go pressure was reported from within his ruling Conservative party today VPrime Minister Macmillan headed lnlo what could he ha mast lulelul week of his politi cal career Macmillan met with the Earl cl Home his oxmu secretary and lruslcd friend Sundly and much lhnlr discussion was be Iicvcd ccnlred on pamphkl sued by the rightwing Monday Club New Proposals Forwarded613 Longshoremen UK Tories Cry Mac Must Go 3M MEMBERS Monday Club patrons are lhe Marques Snllsbury and fur mcr colanlnl lecnlnry Lord hnyd Maxim The group claims 300 member Including 11 member Pullman The pamphld nnld reapprai gal of Brflalnl leadcnhip wax needed and that ths will not happen until new leader tmerge Io dispel the exisung lclhm added thuldinlluslonmznt with our leader lends ulna business nmblflon and lha nmn lime hasbmughl about greater ncccplance Britain mend chm pawn Lard Salisbury win an of two ulnlexmmlhe nlhcr was Slr Winston Churchillwth Queen Elhubelh cnnsullrd More luk In Mncmlllnn arm govtrm mm In 1957 hard Salllbury ulxucd mm the cablntl hler lhnt year In dingrccmcnl wllh VATICAN CITY AP Thu numnn Cnllmllc cltrlc from Holland Iolnmnly wnund In an mwd mm We mum at my longer mm II no pm In lhu world mum la the mnlrnctp llve pllL The longshméï¬enï¬wen ex peded in present set collraq ngposals The As members voted Sunday to give their executive lull power to settle the sirike without luriher consulting mem bers on basis of the ntw demand Nearly 2000 langshoremen at ended the general mean In Montreal In discuss an medir lion talks vale marked deep change in me membeu posi tion and ended an elemem ol uncertainty that has plagued th ILA negotiation with the Ship pig XZedefalior ol Qanada In March the union execu ï¬ve mm In an agreement with the cherallon but the members mm In mien and TN Ind olhcr dcvclopmrnll In mrdlcnl urlcnce Are nl lho Imu or dlnloxun now pmcccd In In lhn llomnn Cnlhollc church ronrcmlnu NA nultuda lo mulltnl lldl In lho Held hlnh cunlral In mu llnltrd sum nmuln Lulln Amrrlco lndln nnd 11w whm Hm ulluuulan conllnuu lamlrd wllh Ilnlmlrl about pnpulnllon uplmlon ml do mnmh mud on lho tnmclrnm MONTREAL lCPEllorta to end strike of longsharemen in main parts along me SL Law rence Rlvcr were resumed to day Represcnuuvzs th Inter national bongshoremeni Assn ciallnn CLCD and of the Ship plng Federallon of Canada mt shortly arm 11 am with Judge Rene Limit duallyappointed mediator N07 0119 would comment as they entered he meeting which wag closcd the press NANMMO llll nlnrm nnlmverly 1m blown cm than luwyer lhnl udva puplln um bdrm lunlnwndml Ivy mlallnl nth In mnullc mmplrnry In Inle mrr flu whale llool nyl Ivm In lhllIn ulnmhln 11m clmrm Mu lcvrllnl 1th Ir Inlzw 111 Mm fnm Smlnl Cred Duallvn um Birth Control Pills Fact Says Roman Catholic Bishop GIGRNTIC CONSPIRACY Yur No 234 MI aham It lhe For Examine Want Ads Tele phone PA Mm 11131919912011 number to call or ml Business or Edlloml DapL PA 6653 Our Teléphones Indlvldual Romun Cnlhnnu by the rlzld IN Ihe church In lhll ml But Monday Club mum mld the relurcncca la Mnudlinx chancellor of Ihe exchcquer did no man lhe club will ofllclnlly hacking him Club lourm mid the major lly nl mcmhcrl would prefer vlununl lllflsham 55 hr the luccculon Cniholkhm Ilw has muln Inlncd Ill mumu ulm or lha procrtallun nl thlldrm In Ian nun 1930 Pope llul XI dcclnrtd In hmouu mlch cnl the new de mands the union members le used basis settlement put forward by Judge Lippe Montreal magistrate with ex tensive aperience in mediating labor troubles gayemmm polipyal the mpg Some pollLIcnl observer the pamphlet singled out Tm ury Chle neglnuld Mnudllnz 48 he most likely successor to Macmillan Dlrth conlml expected In debnlrd In den lama lmu durlnx lhn anlcan ccumtnlcnl cuunrl rimén IErrlnd In why My lhnl ha In dell rrnlcly lrmlraltd In Ill nnluul wtr lo manly IlhI In rm unlnll Um nl God Ind nnlurr Ind than who dulu ln mth ma brnndtd will the an have Iln Ruck to their nrlginnl demmdn In September lhe member re Jected conclllutlon board 116 onunnndatlon with whinh 1h unions own mreswtntlve an the board agreed and nglin stuck to original demands STARTED FRIDAY The 3300 ILA member struck Friday at Montreal Quebec City hobfllvlem and Soul and dichvely shut of trade In the St Lawrence River just at the beginning of the rcgulnr autumn boom perioda boom magniï¬ed thtx year by the schedulbd shipment of 60000000 bushels of wheat and flour to Russia through the ports PM Cutler union lawyer de clined Sunday to roves the na ture the new proposals He said he thouzm Judge Rene hippe the dually appointed mgdimr shpuld told Br Mr Cutler said the new de mands are hr tram our oric glna demands and are quile diflemnl from other proposals so far Drmocullc luly Mr lllmy uh In In Inlrrvlm Salun day thnl only up wclnllnl lclchm hulnwuhln ullml puplh ml the whale plan val pm wnnvlucy lain um Mrlulng In lunch and In ale um llu Idmol hand Ne laid sodhul Inlnl named an leuhm with Ilm allowing lhm to ll Iha mlmll nf illllfll III In In lune ulmul Imam Imy um whnlmvrr ml HAROLD MACMILLAN Emmi dent Kennedy formally ralllled th limited nuclear test Inn treaty Inlay calllrll ll clear and honorable national comm menl lo the cause bl mnnl survlval In marinqu cere mony In 01 historic rem room 01 the while House laid the agreement to ban all except underground nuclear mu wal 3m with promise and marks bczimflng hat could lead la unhcr EnslWert agree ments The president sqid ihe Uniiui Slates can and must keep our vixiinnce an obvious relat cnco to his earlier pmmisa ha lhe nation would be In posi Iion lo resume quickly almos pheric leslhlg nuclear mar am should some olher power violate the lrenly TEGUCIGALPA Honduras AHin move wipe out the last nrgnnized armed opposi ion In its rule the Honduran military Junta says it will dis eeive the civil guard created by deposed president Raman Voi Iedu Morales and revive the na uionai police under military control Oppnent 01 the deposed president claim he used the cile gumd to repress and in llmldale voters In the 1962 mu nicipal electians and wu plane nlng the same thing or Iho prgsIdeytial eleclipp Mammy den waldo Lopez Areilann indicated the militarys chiei concern was to get rid at something that civilian politicians mlth use to check the militarys tradition aiiy unhampewd yutharity pa the guard polltlcnl arm opposed to the military and said In existence was actor in the bloody coup Inst Thursday would act helwnn mmrlnlnlu panuh ml lmh on Mr HIM mmlu llw lvrulnwnfl In lmlr nm In Ipmh II SWIM Crpdll mil oMllrr Ill wnk 11 mmm IlumMs TIMII lnlunnon NIH ml Mr Nine had yrwluml idem and hid um mm In mule Ilhl alvmrm wllhvul Ivullnl lhrm up NY PIGEONS BEE KILLERS JFK Batiï¬es Nuclear Ban Pact NEW YORK AP 11 CH ullmalod £000000 pigeons long rounded he harming lcnlhcrtd Vlza bond or publlc mm have Inkcn on dmndod new publlc Imnuowlnled mes scggtrl dcalh The Ilnlul lho plum took In turn lnr the want lasl week km medial ex pert dlrcdly nllrihulcd lwo human dulha In men months la brain lever mum Ivy unxun mnlnlncd In vlucon deanl mum Dr hlnchfl Llumnn mhl lwwcnr study he mule the mth shan lhe wlld plzmnl no Dr Llllmnn mid he lunxux hrrulhcd In through the dust at dried drmlnxl causes lho brain lawnknown cryplw coccnl mmlnullllln about vegan Jn hll tlly tnrh nnr Ono Irncu onwrl yun Annul Civil Guard WASHINGNN ngsl LengthenHousieHours To Fight Creditistes Enid mm me who mn tho Imr dlu and lho lpend monlhl nnd rcxalnlnl Ihdr hullh Hall hr Islands sugar rice come collnn and menu crops were rcpomd wiped out by lhe wild wlnd and he 10r renflal min and Flora sllll lsnl through with Cuba Fortcuslcrs believe he Aknrm has Harm on In Why across the nnlion ngnin DI drmumll menial lha Nlnpany Armpm luman down Hm whlrh Incluan flanm Innklnu Hm plalll clam Ihop wllh dues dwdmll MIAMI Fln AWFor he ounh conseculho day hurri cane Horn lashed Cuba today dealing crushlngblaw to lhn almdy staggering economy Fidel Cnslroa Cvmmunlst rc glmc Only lwn dculhs thus Inr have been canllrmnd In lhc guarded mom mm the radio TM crew two cnasml shim hauls are missing In mvagu ms Company xtntrnl nmnngrr Slur snhl Sumlny ninhl nn ollcr mud hy lenllny llnll mlunnl nvmrnlnllve he lnmnnllonal Woodworker Amerlcn ICLCI may have re dum the men limpier mm lwlwern lho mmpnny In unlan rmuluym TIM INA HimQuin mu who wnlkrd am May In gt Ilispulg OTTAWA l1 Lnnudl Ahuulllnl mulrnl Jusl Lucan In In comprlillvr mdllon mm olhrr Imam Impcrlal Oil IAnIiInI MM lmlny ll Ihnlllll la mm drzvre nlm ll Mn flux llnvrn In hrlel In he 1an rnln minlun on lullun ho hum pIny MM Il Wk lirnllull Vlw clnllm llml lhr mm llllrl Innl ul Inlnllrm pmllml luly pumml null wumnla lam In nut thlvely hlph Maul Imh him ma ham Im IIIUIIIIRI rnlrulnllnm oi dnuM lul mm HANOVER Ont Cl An unnmclnl unIun allcr mu hullly nrrnnuul unlun man nunmcnl mcclllm lmlny may end tho momll lInnnvrr Kllchrnn 1Cnnndn leilcd Imko hm Canada Should Be Tax Haven Says Oil Company Executive GILLES GREGOIRE 1cm House leader the Credis Immlks with Alexis Caron Liberal member of Parlia munt or Hull and chairman Cuba Find 400 Dead In Haiti Offer May Halt Hanover Strike Evtm ll il wukl be ï¬lrrlu OntIQ Clnlda Monday Odobor I963 The Miami wcaumr bureau said Flora aflcr sitting In one spot just south Cuba for 24 murs strikan aul nk Orlcnla nnd Cnmngucy provinces now lgn bcRyn glow northward Inclmlly lmllrnlrd Ihal Hue ln cm In hurdon In ml hluhur In Tnnmln Hum clwwlmu lhl amllly cl prcullnr Canadmn rrnnnmy In rnny IIer lmul would lull nul ha bml HIDWI nnruln II In mum Mr Imlmmre mumnu dilllcul ll nlmuh Imvmvlnymrnl and lllllllllnll nnmllnn uwmnlllu Imluury ll IlIIIIl mum WITHIN hlr mpllnl nml per wnml wllh ullm Kammlel whhh do lml my UM wow lmlll Ind lulllml mukrll null hlnh tmmlmllnllnfl tn lo whim Canada In Ithcda all the south recast More Hum 400 fodles hnvo bten taunted in Unit mm This would lake lho 1w mllennhour slarm nuns Cubn for lhe second lime bring tho Bahama island onco again wilhin range and threalcn Flar ldn nuidu um dcslmcllon 10 Cuban rudla lad callnns lng human and bulmlnxs serious Hoods nnd lhe cvncunllon of mam than 40000 person mm Mr Slum 51M Mr llnlln nlnlrmcnl which he would nnl vrcoznim as an nflcr bocnuso lhc partlu ND not negollnllnx indlcaml lhal llw unlon would nhnply wan ln Hm we have rnaunh tomman xrnund now to tonahlcr rc numpllnn or nrgullnllonl Am wewnul la ml my to Irv vrnl mum vlnlmcv lo ml Hm Luvsslmlily wmmnc cllknn lnl IIckm hrm Imnnod curly In Mrlku by mm Injuncnan hut mlrnlnl In MI umnxlyun hmlml lnwn mllnlmd Mtk min wilh mcklhruwInK Inci CHILI Li llcmrgiyu Mr 5mm laid lho mccllnz mulxl not no cnnllnml mnmuliun of nexollnnann or wnrkinu azrtrmcm the committee on privlle gu during meeting Ihe cammillce in Ottawa today Mr Gregoire told the commit Be that Rea Cnouclles CH Snnflngo do Cuba and Victoria dc In hmnsn picmrc of havoc in Dricnlc and Camngucy prov inccs Oricnlc he principal sugar producing province Cuba and Flam in our day pmbnbly has done more damage In the crop than he mullCastro rebel have dorm In our years wifll 5m Inge Council volunlnry bul lbolhlcss wmchdog British press eth lcs hna criticlml amply mmc Jrllish newspapers or lhnir handling at he slrmm of 5mm dals or by he lrolumm VardKmlcr nflulr In 11 slmemcnl published Sun day but prrpnml Mum llw lcnsc week carllor ol Inn Dcnnlnul roped on he securlly mud or Ilm uflair hr lrnss Council 51M cxlrnsiw mmrlmz Um ltlul of Hm 1M9 Sluuhcn Ward was Justiï¬ed Mu Many Mmlwnn Wm ua llmh mmme Imr beau ty and all In help dim up Illo mlre ml WM leme lluumenl Anudlllvn mum dim am be main Social Crcdil party and not split from Ruben Thompsons SO clad Credit group CP Wire photo Press Rapped Over Scandal LONDON CPI The Pren PLOWING MATCH WINNERS In reply to the Credilisle blockade of the measure the gqxcrnrpeng gaye nolicc that it OTTAWA CPLA trials at musphere spread over mus ment Hill today as the gnvem mcnt look up the challenge cl Real Caunaues Credllislc to block all legislnlive action The Credillste challenge cm lrcd Monday on government measure seeking parliamentary authority to pay October and Nnvcmbar expenses will nsk the Commnns to pend rules governing the journmmt hour ralslng prospect of mundlhetlock Kings The Credilisie blockade was imposed lust Thunday night and Crediiisie bender Caaueite announcnd Friday ii applies to all government leglslnlion until his group demands or recog nition and precedence as the ihlrdnanking opposiiian group are met NOT Sitting raund the clack wouldnt be new for the Cum monst In 1913 during debate on the Conscrvntlve gnvcmmcnts naval nld bill the House sat for Wu wccks without Interrulr lion In Chicouliml Quailllr Cn ouclle sald that before the gov crnmcnt begins 244mm slllings it should sit normally and rec ognize La llalllemenl Mr Cnnmllc made hls slnlc mcnl Credililscs rnlly lnle Sunday nlgll In lhl Industrial ccnlre no mllu nmlh Qucbcc lly llu rcilmlrd his plans how up lcuislnllvc blnckndo In lho Commons unlll dc mnmh rm 1an Crcdmsw House leader Gilles Gregoire said the gnvnmmcnt shoqu slick lo regulation which do not inqlude zdlmurvn day sessions Tho qucalion he Credit Islcs ranking wcnl before me Commons privileges committee last FridayJhe mmmjnco was scheduled to meet again today and llmre were no lmmcdlale sign of quick dccislnn Through simple use of the rules on length of speeches and numbers syeakcrs he Cm ilistcs could prcvem lunhcr lex lslatlvu action CHICOUTIMI Que CF Rcal Cnaucuc any lnrliumcnl mud rorngnlzo hls lamcmbrr Ilnllllcmcnl dc Crtdilislcx lhc lhlrd opposlllun pnny In the Hume of Commons or hm wlll new lulcml metal clac llon Tlle dunnm xrnmso mm Hm August unlit In lhc Soclnl Crcdu pnrly Mr Cnuuruu and lol nl Vnvnlr unlurdny Rho nhnwn hm with hut brmhera lmrm Juno md 6m Mn Sampson duplmd her nut wnh lnctot ulnnln Vote Threatened By Caouette Force Caouetle Followers To Make $311191 Speeches No Moro Thin 7c Par Copy16 Page Increaslnlcloudinesx this mom Ingv then turning much cooler Law might 45 High tomorrow 55Fanummary see page two sus ud Ihe Local Weather The governments move to clear 1h for roundfllr clack simngs would one the blonknding Credilistcs In stage marathon filibuster or drop their blockade last mlnule com promise the gavernmen vmy tldn was scheduled Io some up for consideration the opcn ing the Cummnns 230 pm The Credillslcs could dc lay decision on only far about lghl hours Tha problem stems tram the Angus split in the Social Cred parly Mr Cnaucllc deputy So clnl Credit leader 11 the time and 12 Quebec MP5 severed all Me with naliannl Social Credit Loader Ruben Thompson who was In with only 10 support When Parliament revasscm bled Sept 30 me l7memher New Democratic Party clalmed precedence ln debate and rank lng nvu Soclal Credit llIe second rnnklng opposillon arty It then wauld be In an mpartant lncllcal position la moving nonconfldcnca mollons mo DE JANEIRO Reuleu President Joan Goularl today withdrew his request for my day stale selgo In Brazil allcr placing ll before Congress or dcbnlc His wilhdrlwal ol the comm vursla mgasun allowed re ported oppmilion by most flu nrazillnn Icgislalors tn sud declarallom Goulnrt askui for the declara lion lo allow him to deal with labor problem But somo ob server hero mush hc 1ch use lhe scigc to deal with Ihn righlwing guvemnr of Gunn abara stale Carlos anrda who has been accused by gov nlsleu of praadulng In lhe wnke of lhc Snclnl Crndll pm lho l7nluubtr Ncw Democrnnc lany Imcnmv nu lmrirnlly the second hmml In npposlllon ncxl lo lhu 05 Cum crvmlm lawm rum Quebec pravlnca broke away from nnlionnl Lender ohm Thnmpwn whn nnw head lump lo 01 murs The iplil unscl he pnrly lineup In It Commons Until Augusl Saclnl Crcdil wxu ha urond Innkan opposiunn party nn lmpnmml nrlltnl posillon hccnuse it pmvidud lhcm wllh lhc nppurtunlly to man nun confldrnm mulmnm 5M aluz wan lhe Inn bul me am Mur II II plum mm mm and Mrmm Mvme lime in IIMM IMlml Brazil President Foiled By House rlu mm mm uq luz wnn lhe Inn