Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1963, p. 5

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Palnswlck Womenl Inslllutc ncld It Ingmar meeting In Pain szck Public School Nineken members and three vlilou were present lh meeting was up and by Presldcnl Mrs Slnrk Business was attended and dlscusslun allowed on Chrlslmn cmd supplied by lhe Sheltered Vorkshnp and Fire Ilelngnlshcr supplied by Fed crnuon Agricullure Order were lnkcn for bani MDUDH was cnrrltd that mem bers donate $10 In lhe UNESCO cm Coupon Plnn No 367 and la tend additional funds pusslblb II lnlcr dnlcl Mn Smith wns appoinltd dnlcgnle la Ihc Slmcnc Am Convcnllnn nlhrmllc was Mr Snrk Thu mum Hm mace the world xlcpvnds upon Inod WHILE THE ANNUAL even was mainly Inn and gamns here was some work Involv ed and two brownies from In pack shown nbdve as they mu oullheflre box in part th chafingup npernilon Patsy Lawrence 10 and Jana Painswick WI Give To UNESCO Mvdnllinn illnlnctric hnmcn lnwn more than vnougli circuits and outlets to handle all the npplinnccn youll ever use Thorea planned lighting innidu and out and new Cuscudn 40 electric wntci hunting appliance makes sure you never run out of hot water SOME WORK WHILE OTHERSiiPLAY The president rcmlndcd mem bm to bring an apron 51w rem nant or Ihn Sheltered Workshop to the Orlohcr mucking Mccllng closed uni refresh nIanx were and by the com millce was read by Mrs Tyndale Speaker lllr Johnson Ear rle Horticultural Socloly showed nldcs ol unlnmlllar bulbs and saw very lnlcrcsllng lulk hout them followed by ques llon purl dr Mrs Paddisun Ihnnked speaker WAS PIONEER ROAD The llrsl macadum hlghwny In he lulled Stale mm lldultn 1791 and 17 hum IMladclphln lo Lnnmslcr la one Uroinics luu Ranger Captain Mrs Gordon Sclwmd conducts Ihe testing Colplm right dont seem to mInd thclr asslgn men In the lust other mem bers of the pnck were tested or gimp llros whlch Ix Beam Rebekah Lodge No 90 held its regular muting with noble grand Mrs Cllfl Lennox pgesiding TS installation ceremonies Oillcen or lhc coming lcrm Bren fol lows Noble Grand Mrs Lillian Gnllnwny ViceGrand Mrs Rus sell llobinsnn Recording Scum lair Mm Frank Jones Finan cin Sccrclary Mrs Eldon null Treasurer Mrs Georle Chest Mrs Edwin Vhilnhend As sembly Warden Mrs Frank Jam District Deputy Presl dent and Ray Pelermnn D15 lflct Deputy Grandmaster were Introduced and welcomed am or ram Orillla Humth had Vaubaushena were also we cnmcd Dlslricl Depmy President Mrs Frank Jones Introduced her 5m consisllnfl of deputy mar shnll Mrs Donn floss Mrs Laurinc OBrien Mrs George Lumsdcn Mn Tom Bishop Mrs Georie Longstafle Mrs Norman Daugherty Mrs Hodgson Mrs We Alhupp and Mrs Glenn GHchrisL Mrs Lillian Galloway Heads Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 in en eaves one of lhe invoriie childrens games ol autumn The young Barrie misses above shown gather ing bundle oi leaves are lrnm the icil Boil Canon Nancy Pink Brenda Bur hidge and ilcaiher Dixon 10 They among lhe members of Third Barrie Brownie Pack who enjoyed he pncks annual Wiener roast at Springwnicr Park this week Brown Owl Mm Ivan Grnccy and Tawny Owl lilrs Dan Gibson were in charge arrnngemnts Examiner Phuios Paidhbfigfigié mm PERMANENTS Amie junmuse All For The BUDGET SALON PHONE PA H661 SlerpluVAvrglllga OPEN av But Im not just builder Im Medilllion homeowner us well So can talk with sincerity about what call stnying value Medallion allelectric home doesnt become out of law as quickly as others This means higher Idsale value better longterm investment Bafrie1nsrucior Given Cerfificate In Scottish Dancing Mrs Wilson is canducllng Scoulsh dance classes arm week In the city at Hillucsl School Auditorium Congratulalluns to Mrs WHsonnl Owen Street who re ceived her preliminnb certifi cale from me Royal Scottish Country Dance Societyth week This Is primarily alleadglnz cer lilicme and Mrs Wilson was one elghl person who took and passed the mm The number 01 non in Ontario Momma Each and dancing certificate now and 12 The Harris woman travelled to Toronto lo Bk lhO examina Ion which were prepared by lalan MacFarlane Scottish dome teacher and supervised by Miss Jean Mllllzon culmina er ol the Royal ScolllslADam Society Mlss Mllllgon ln can odn lo vlslt vnrlous clubs she has completed Imu ol emun province and wlll vlsit branch es in the United Slalasnnd Erl lLsh Culumbla beloro returning In Scotland In November During an Interview Mlu Mll llgan noted that strict examine Hon of teachers are held in every country tn preserve the authenticity of the dances Al though she added the latest book published by the society is one of modern adaptations NeniyIwo manual on dance carritd by word oi mouth and found In ancient tomes have been Ipprovzd and published by the society during in 40 years and there are still many mare in existence Miss Milligan who is still dancinl says The siep lake llille learning bui Ihal is whai makes hem inter esiing you can always be im proving nut Warden Mrs Frank Car ler Chapluln Mrs Wyman JED nuts Conduclnr Mrs Norman Dougherly Muslclan Mrs Wu Allsupp Color Bearer Mrs Richard Dennls RSNG Mrs Hester Smllh NG Mrs Russell Jory Il Mn llodgson LSVG Mrs Ah Grnnlnga Insldu Guardian Mrs James Brand Oulslde Guardian Mrs Bruce Butler Mrs Jones wkhcd the new ol lcers happy and prosperous year Short nddresse were aku glven by Mrs Whllchcnd Mrfloy Pelcmmn and repre scnmlvcs from vlsltinz lodges 0n behsl at Denver Rcbnknh Lodge Mm Smilh presented Mrs June with sin and Mrs Galloway presented lift to Mrs Russ lha close 01 10 meeting lunchzon was acrvcd by Mrs George ansdcn and her corn mllcc PEOPLE D0 READ SMALL ADS YOU ARE Dur Ann Landau Im 1+ yearold 1H and aulltlle nully you can explain why am like am Ill be gratalul lor um mu nun mm mm Last week we were at flea hop thats dance and there were two fellows there that looked good to me kept wish Ing wasnt going study with Freddln When saw Freddie dancing wlth anotherxlrl and holding her close almost jumped out guy svkin at awnr Denr Ann Lnnden My huy band and bought home nenr the high SEhDOl because we have three children of high school an and was sick and Ilred oi driving kids back and ionh Uniorlunaleiy the house lug lwo extra bedrooms Im going steady with the bestiooklng kld in the school Freddie lms everything girl could Vpoulbly want 115 smart handsome popular and lie has flipped over me But the problem is my crazy ieellnil Sometimes when we are io gather am bored and wish he muld go home Alter ha leave miss him llim crazy and wish hed come back tham not Ind cbld low and high Do you think Im mgnlallyjllEBRIiNDQ Dur IiiEmil The ixithow hotcam mutlne means yau have Dog yc matqmq mqtlpna1ly steady with anyonemi matter how dreamy Its unwise and unhealthy er girl your age in have heavy emotional in vesmcnl in any one Iellow Now it seems my husbands sisler wishes to unload her high school girl on us becuasa they live on he other side own and lho bus line does not run within seven blocks of IEHL In addition to lhli my own brother wants us to keep his two son weekday only he said be cause we live near school and hi wile must have an opcrnlion which will put her all her lee for three months Bunlly spea n1 my awn uuca Monger are more than can handle and dont want the responsibility hm more ANN LANDERS If ng Be DreamY But Its Dangerous Dnrlap My hushlnd any 11 up to me My malhar warns refuse Ill be branded by the family as selfish mdvmem Help please 0N lflE SPOT If you do not want to do it be as blunt with themn you were with me and any mm makes more sense than knuck ung under or enrof what the relalim will say or think My boys were seven and nlne years of ago My husbgnd had his own lrucklng huslngu and was away lmm home great deal When the doctor Inld me would have to be hospitallzed or several monlhs didnt see how we could manage We could only obuln partMme help and most of that proved Inemclent However amazing how sellsulliclen chlldm can be when put Idthg lest Deu Spot Roaming and boarding high sclwol children is an enonnoua respunslbiilly no tomeniioq the Addiflomi work SELF RELIANCE read he letter In your column today mm the mother In TB haspflal Since have lived through the expzrlenco wanted tn In her know haw my case tuggedi out returned hams well and happy alter10 months Three years hm we bid baby glrl Melee that stayed away from my tamlly that months and did not risk infecting them Incidentally the boy learned to do great many thlngs tar themselves and will be better husbands because at ltMRS OAP Diu Mn Many thanks Natural GAS Whatever homo plnn to buyblg or nmnll look for the Medallion alun of allelectric Hvlnu ll manna lhom nm many llvohetlcrvlvctrlcnlly idunu lmlll In To gel the commute story on Modnlllqn allelectric living contact your1h lo aunrnntco your exlrn comfort nnd convenience nnd lo snfogunrd your homo Investment gust Cant Beat Jar yourllne letter appreciae your taking the Hm to share your experience with us THE BAN EXAMINER SATURDAY OHOBER 1863 LWiiiffm lLtchcALLYV J1 Mn Elwood Webb and Mrs chk Campbell are membern ol Ibo new executive of the ladles secllan of the Barrle Gall and Country Club and not Mrs Emerson Webb and Mrs Fraser Campbell appeared ln the execullve llsled In Thursdays edllkzn The Dramlner BRIDAL SHOWER Mls Gall Pnddlsun was guest of honor at 11 miscellaneous shower held at the llama of Mrs James Dullleld Jonathan Cum The hustess was asslsled by Miss slurry McNult Mrs Evu Forbes and Mlss Penny Burkel Guests Included the brldes fellow work ers of the nlflce stall 01 Devil hls Canada Ltd Mlss Paddlson will marry Dunald St Clnlr at Slew Lowell Unllerl Church ay WEDDING GUESTS LADY GOLFERS Guests In the city today lo attend he DeGeer Barnett Wedding In Central United Church this afiernonn Include the publisher the Sudhury Star makes and Mrs Nola Intended weaver Iha enml mm Illa nl flu cllylnd alum Wedfllnl nn nlvenulu hlnhdm b11ng panla mum ohm In Iln whiten Ina muum In all llam Interest to women rudm ol um gnu Your help In Inpplylu nun III In mull appre ciated Please plum The Banlo Bummer PA 66537 Ind In or Eileen Dlxun or Audrey Conlxnn lbs Wam uul Department You Plume Eileen Dixon or PEOPLE AND PLACES Audrey Wuhan PA 66531 Meakes Michael Dudowldl all nl Sudbury Mlssleuy Scott Tomnlu The brlde Miss Eva Denise Barnett in the daughter nl Mr and Mn Nevllle Barnett of Don Llll Park Sudhury The hrldearanm Roger DcGeer In tho son nl Mr and Mn De Geer of Mlnulnz The brldel father wgs formerly the Man agiqg Edllar of the Barrie Ex double rlng ceremony at Central United Church united in marriage Miss Edilhwenice Penny leknson and James Frederick Preston Wand The aflernoon the were perlurmed by Rev Donald Jay Sept The bride the daughter of the lale Mr and Mrs Alfred Money 01 Grenm The bride groom is me son Mm John Hunter and the late Samuel Wood Stralhcona Prince Ed ward Island For her much day the bridt chase Iwo piece azure blue ensemblc Bulge accessor les and corsnge pink Tull mun N555 campmcd her on me The malmn of hnnnr Mrs Jean Dunn was attired in an arcMd toned ensemble with black accessorles anda corsage ol yellow roses The graomsman was Dan Dunn The reception and wedding luncheon was held at the res dence Mr and Mrs Herbert LeMny Duflqrin net The newlywed wlll tall up rcsldcnce 190 Owen Sheet Aiternoon Rites InCentra1 United

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