cscn Iimndmmu mmn me hnmlcrnllcd lculllor nrlldu at he Cnnadlnn Ilnndlcrnfl The Cunndlnn Soclcly ol Cra nlivo Lulhercrnfl Bnma llranch held in regular mcclinz rlsidlnce Mn Clu cnce Corbcll Highland Avenue with mumch srnl The fact that there are more older women employ ed now than 10 years ago is borneout by the Depart ment of Labor in Ottawa In 1951 104000 women in the 35 to 44 age group were working and 201000 wo men in the 45 to 64 age group In 1962 there were 367000 women of the 35 to 44 age group working and 464000 in the 45 to 64 bracket Could this mean that older women are being view cd with increasing favor by employers Not necessar ily says Mrst Morris No matter what age the appli cagtnhappcns to be she must prove she can it into Jo One Barrie woman who is widow and grandmo ther of five has gone back to work in secretarial job She is convinced that the age barrier long handicap to women over 40 seeking to reenter the business world is giving way more each year She feels retrain ing is just one part of the change and admits that the mechanics oi daily life including grooming wardrobe perhaps even learning to drive all involve some adjust menL NOT HANDICAP CSCL Branches To Hold Sale Of Handicrafts Calls for older experienced oftlce workers are re celved only occasionally In the sales lleld five years have been added to the generally accepted age or those who seek employment noted the employment officer One might ask how aid is old Barrie National Employment Office files would indicate statistics for women registered for work in this area as follows 28 per cent under age 20 56 per cent between ages 20 and 45 15 per cent between ages 45and 65 per cent over 85 years Generally unemployment among women in the Barrie area is not any worse among the older age group than among the younger age groups However once the older workers are unemployed they have more difficult time getting back into employment In the industrial Held she sald Women of all ages are taking advantage of train ing and retresher courses The results in terms of em ployment var wlth the local demand for these new or sharpened sk said the employment ofï¬cer todlderwomen Vth wénttolook to ï¬t 15 67¢th centmte right now today on getting something spe cific to offer that an employer will want to buy According to Mrs Helen Morris Employment ficcr in the Womens Division of the Barrie Branch of the National Employment Service there are three im portant qualifications The kind of training and ability that is soluble The kind of personality thats winning The kind of attitude thats appealing Mrs Morris went on to say that obviously these traits are important at any ae But when on are an older worker theyjre especially important eradvlce BRUSH UP SKILLS Im sure there are many women in the city who have asked this question Women who after staying home to raise their families suddenly decide they would like to enter or reenter the business world THE BRRE EKKHNER SATURDAY OJOBEII mi Whét are the qualifications that an oldenwoman needs feta job if she has never worked bgfore or if she has been without job for period of years When youre builder you hiwe to be pro gressive and practical So build whnt people want to buy can see the day when most homes built will be Medallion allelectric homes with electric heat There are thousands now and more being built every day SKIRTING THE BAY Why do build only Medallion allelectric homes Gulld0nurlm 77 Blom Shoe West Tornnlo Nay 20 In 234 Barrie membm were urged la mgr nyllclc or his sale Mrs uyc mm kcl 11 member or Ihe Barrie Branch of CSCL demamlralcd um mnkinz pen holder mm moral thicknwu at so len lher She um he lrillxum dc Ixn or Mr demonstratinn bu urucd he mcmhm lo lry new glslinl Ind Ihupu fur lhil pm ccl 1M9 dcmnlulrnllan WM mm lnlmsllnu and lnvolvrd lech By EILEEN mon Mu Huyck wan an honour nllle mcnliun award or his nr ham orlzlnnl dcslzn mauld rd leather in the Canadian Han dicrnfl Guild lInlry Cnnndlnn aninna Exhihfllnn IfZ nnd nlsa In the rcrenl do In Canada murmk cxhxb imi meeunï¬lu hold on 0d 30 The allcndans dresses wcrc ashluncd alike at organza over alien with buw creslud over sklru The matron honor ware pale blue nnd Ihe brides mnlds chose pulp yellow The Klowér ml dress was slyled on simple lincl cl while nqun ovvr laifela Wm urnnlluns he brxdcsmnidx car nlqucs min applicnliun bullinx dyeing cmhaszlnu And dirrlcnsqugfll cnnmucllnn The bride was Escorted down he aisle on the arm ol her that She chose floor lunglh gnwn of while silk organza de signed with ï¬lled budice and scalloped neckline Irlmmed wilh Alencon lace band of small white lowers held the brides shoulder lenth veil of tulle il lusion She cnrrled lmuqucl of reg rose and lgphanollm Mrs Dev Cochrnne Barrie hum Eleanor Peacock Rhada Mac Shannan and Marie Black all of Thprnlonhu re the bridesmaids Miss Do Cochranc Bar rie was In flower girl Mastu Dunnie Clarke Darrin was the rim bearer VThn mnlmnflo hunor carried of KM limitHaw Tha bride 1h daughter Mr and Mrs Arthur Herbert Black or Thornton The bride groom is the sun Mr and Mrs Herbert Shannon also of Thurnlonr wedding trip to Knoxvilla Tennessee followed the marriage Miss Lola Mildred Black Thomlun and Donald Jackson Shannon Standards 01 white and yellow gladlnll deemmed the altar at Thornton United Church or the nflernunn ceremony Rev Wurr pmclnted Shiolst Orvnl Carr of Thom ban was accompanied by Miss hian Ispgcef olï¬zanlat Wedding Trip To Tennessee FollowsNuptials At Thornton MR AND MRS DONALD SHANNON talk to all kinds of people who are buying new homes ï¬nd they prefer Medallion ull electric homes and the biggest reason for their preference is electric heating They like electric lieutng because it provides more for thetrdOllurMh Tndtihhe lhu dnuxMcr of Mr And Mrs Frank Fem Allendan lhe ride was her skier Miss Mnry Fellls wearing gown or gnld pcnu do ale with mulchan pill box and lull hund ï¬rm She carried Dream brnme and yellow pompan mym1 If nulumn leaves IMr higher was Kmamlmnn or his brother Tum mm 1m HIE gllhlc hrde wnlhc mher Givcn ln marrlnge by her ln her he bride chase lradlllon Al 3an of while antique salin lashloncd on princes line wllh chapel Iminl lltr matching nlll box of wlln held hcr elbow length veil of silk illusion The bride carricd spray ycllnw rosu ona whilc llible Mrs Bruce Edgar urganist accompanied Miss ML Ggahnm us she sang The Wedding Pray er nnd 11 Walk Beside You Sladdnrdé yellow nndhronzc mums gludinli and aulumn leam jammed the mar 01 IE church For travelllng the bride donned mu pink sheath dress with matching thrwquaner length Jacket Rev Mr McCarral officiated at Ihe candlpllght 5chch uniting in marrlane Marjory Nam lzan Fallis HN and Kcnnelh Mul lhew Mchcr Baxter Ifrosbylrr Inn church was Ihe selling or he Sciolmlnbef cgrcrnony The newlyweds are making thelr home in Thornton Wallace Black was lhe xinomk man The uth were Dnul Black Mervyn Mae and Ken Black all of Thurnlon The recepllon wu held In the Thornton Communlly Hull where the molhgr the brlde received zucsll In bulge allcmoon dress with matchlng necessaries The hrldegrooml mulher asslsled wcurlng it length rock of pale blue rica while undvbiue carnation and the lower girl carded basket oi while and yellow car nation with lunch oi blue cofniiuwers Evening Ceremony Held At Baxter thlo by Smith Studio Tluéricwlywcds wmmake Ihdr home on Mrherlnnd Fnrmx Drndlnrd Thu rcucpHon was held the Baxter Cummunuy here the brides mother received guests in dress powder blue nylon lace am laflcln The bridtumaml mnum were 11 Persian blue MAL For lmvzlllnz la the wul toaxl Iho brlde donned Shel land weed Iult Mill 1on and brown uccmoriu Ind argue oycllnwcarnp1om Egbert The brldcgrooml par ams are Mr and Mn Mnuhcw Muller Ilradlurd The mid or wore gown lurqunise nylan over talleln The bridesmalds gown was slmllar slylc lnxhlnned at yellnw nylon aver mum Their headdressu wen whfln llowcr hats and lhay curled bouqucu of yellow and while dnixy mums The mid haunt was In Heather Gall Chccscman Bar ric Miss Panic Anne Harris at Ulnuia wns bridesmaid Th flower girl was Miss Llsa Mam Easier oI Sudbury ATTENDANIS Given in marriage by her in thcr the bride wore traditinn al gown at late and net over hriddl taiieta iha bodice oithe gown ieltured nahrinn neck line and long tapering sleevel The double net floor length skirt was accented with deep Inserts oi lace Appliqucs oi sued pearls and sequins added interest to the iront oi the gown Ii head dress crown oi rhinestanc and pearls held the shoulder length veil oi nylon net with scalloped Inca edging The bride carried at heart shapedbouquct oircd roses and lrniling streamers with rosehuds The bride the daughter Mr and Mrse Joseph William Maurice McFadden Camp bell Avenue The bridegroom it the son of Mr and Mn Rou Firederick Harris RR Im pa EQUAL GOWN Baskets variegated aladiofl created the background setting and Mrs Walker presidzd Al lhccrg Vows wue exchanged between Barbara June McFadden and Wayne Thoma Harrls at an al rernoon ceremony In Essa Road Presbyterian Church with Rev David Reevg olflpiating Tï¬e flower girl war boul 0n 9an from the honeymoon to northern points the couple wigreglde 567 Owen Street Ghats attended tram debury and Toronln The reception was held in lhe Church Hall The bride mother received Imer in sheath own or taupe brocade dulgn ed with petal IklrL White ceuorlel and carnage pink rum gomplelzd her costume ï¬t mother as sided wearing gown blue crept black accessories and cogug or pink roses Frorinveluni the Inllde chose mnherry red sun enhanced my white qccexsarlu The best min vlns Douglns Ros Hum 01 Utopia The brides brothers William and Donald McFaddan were the ll 11 icamon lam rock whlle nylon ac cented with yellow mall She canled basket of yellow and wlllte delay nqums Btroud SECOND HAND CENTRE nu it Hum1 Phnfll FA 45 In 0295 Repair Remodel HAIRCUTS smé Arlpammm only ST PAUlS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENva spn mm mm mm in 125 Refinlsh 550 Innh PA ï¬ler Flameless electric heating you see is safe and is the cleanest quietest most comfortable heating system Theres not good wife in the Jvorld who doesnt like cleanliness and dont know of any lnw that says heating systems should be noisy Will who reduced podndsan good food remarked In surpriscdlnnez ï¬nd like this new way of eatlng really dont crave Ia ovexent an mom plum the Vlrscern It you the Ming wmlderabl chances are you are not lna Rood ml numuannol as good lhelean pemn RP and reducing regime as chance Improve your nulrl tlanal status udvnhange your and habits What does It menu to change your food habits mean to changu the kind 09d 309 cal Emmi Vhabilx can be changed 00 cgpqcily ï¬hnlnlxhed The proper use the low calorle protective die the has reducing system In dale Ge arndly eeflng award calories Tho calorle the measure for the menu Inc in given load meal or in II recipe The number cul orie In food no clue ax to thc kind nutrition the food furnishes Ilrnn Ilmoxl constant Ind Ina that averwelzhl Individual tend to overeat dinner Ba In the Inww on calmIo timing The unheard lament cvery thin eat turn to rat In Mm cation overeating that in lallenlng or the overload ls mnvmcd Ia Make sure no to overeat at dinnerer at any meaL FRIENDLY FEELING By my JEAN mm How do you get out 01 the at lédy class once youre unruly In it reader asks stfnlly Set your first goal at 10 panda Cancenlrala an laklnl oftvlï¬ pounds ghe name as he other reducers Take the happy attitude that anyone can lose 10 pounds This adds 11le In the ventures doex more thin that or each separate luccesx pnr vide heartening proalrumVyou an on the right track Where In sum Decide which meal you ate prone to uverul and make thnl the ï¬rst point of attack you habltu any to nverboudnl the eve nlng meal plan to keep your dinner time calories wlufln 150 KEEP IN THE TRIM Make The Loss Of Tén Pounds Yourfifst GoalIn Reducing QUALITY STYLE STRANSMAN7 TRANSMAN WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME TO 14 DUNLOP 51 run IRIMMEE com CLOTH tom FUR FABRICS CAR COATS Dinner Caloric 400 Baked hamloan onlya nz whole kernel turn cup Mam ican style orear or com Inches lung margarine nr but ter pat baked tomato diced onion and basil rye bread slice margarine or butter cc black Lutheon Cllorlu 15° Choke 01 mp charged union or clam chowder upen ace undwich one slice bread Illced chicken or lean meat 01 mayonnaise tsp an appJe 1314 Minxpow Plckup Calorie 85 Glass of sklm muk nr buuer milk mbdest meals ynu wlll feel llllle dlssnllslled when you gel up from the lable Contrary In what you may think you wlll ml feel hungry lmm then until the next meal In fact 20 to 30 mlnutes tiller meal you wlll lcel nonlenl and la control Try Tomomwn menu mumum mum Dltldellcluul DreUm Eularlu 255 Cholcc of fruit julce or melon wedge panMate Canadlan style bacon one sllce Illln sllce loan butler ha pat dlemlc Sell mllee blnck of all or mufï¬nmm hall 312 Cook coveted In heavy skillet Or use special nanstick skillet 13m Cuminum Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 6ll42 PRICE