wnvrntrv alty torts nae DTthKlLL Mr and Mrs Willis Mcwatt ere at Toronto spent tow days with Mr and Mrs Elmer French Innd Mr and Mrs William Cor tti Xgilr and Mrs Morris Darby and daughter spent Sunday with Mr and htrs Floyd Valleutyne Int Pelicrlnwi lilr and Mrs llarry May vls itcd relatives in United States Mr and Mrs Dun Kcnwcll land family at Parry Sound vts fltcd Mr and Mrs Orton Brown Sunday Rev Thorpe oi Dalton preached at anniversary service in the United Church Sunday Mrs Dorothy Cade at Toronto visitcrl Mr and Mrs William Corbett Mr and Mrs lloward Cowic and family at Brnntiord spent tow days with Mr and Mrs Reg Drinklil cnown HILL My MRS DUNSMORE Mrs Ed Stilton was hostess atlter home here on Saturday evening tor miscellaneous showcr in honor of Mrs David Sutton recent bride Guests vattcnded irom Thamhlll Itur Iora Newmarkel and Midhurst thirs Annc itickartl was ctrhost less with lilrs Sutton itvt MEETING The Womens institute will mcct at the home oi Mrs Quinlan 143 Puget Si Barrie Oct 16 pm Roll call will be Name an fold tarm implement or tool and on new oncthat replaced it Motlo Soil the iarmersl TELEVISION hank it wont tolerate too many promissory notes Topic Ag riculture and Canadian indus tries eonvener Mrs Cough Lunch conveners are Mrs Dumunt and Mrs Handy Members are asked to note the change oi date Congratulations to the WI on winning second prize in the Wo mens institute 25th wedding anniversary display at the Bar rte Exhibition last week Kee at tort Manse Oct to and to 10 pm Donations will bereceivcd ior manse iuud IVY By ltllts WILMEB WILSON Awelcoma tothe community is cxtendcd to Mr nnd Mrs Bill Peacock Jr and iamiiy Thornton who have moved onto the iarm formerly owned by the Nelsons Best wishes go with Mr and Mrs Fred Nelson and iamlly as they take up residence in their new home in Barrie Mrs Wilmer Wilson is at ient at Royal Victoria Hosp tal Barrie The Womens Missionary so ciety oi lvy Presbyterian Church met at the home oi Mrs Hammond TMesday Sept 15 with 13 members and two vis itors present Appreciation was given to Mr Arnold and Miss Kirby tor donations Letter was read by Mrs Cochrane irom Evangel Hall ior supplies sent Mrs Gordon Cochranc conduct ed the program and presented Mrs Nelson with WMS oin Study book on iiong Kong was reviewed lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs ilnmmond and Mrs Don iiammnnd assist cd by Mrs Jack Coehrana and Mrs Rust Chlpchase PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE earunaav ocronnn no Tecm Time we never ltiitbtlliel are Zero One am To Tell the Truth an NHL Hockey 1ats Juliette roas Snort Unlimited TIDO cm TV News 111 Weather New Sports 11m Movie mum out HUNDAV ncrnnnn 1tts rm mum 12oo an runs Heritage Country Calendar NH Football World Series cnnnt Playhouse llhzel Flashback Ed Sullivan ltntnnaa rn ltttrrrnatlt Discovery cncrv News Weather News spam Mom lEspro ny lent HlNliAY ocronsn ta Tut Pattern also rnpeynu tarty rlzzo Noonday ltqtart tllti lttnvie tYnurI Not So Tough vsoo rrrrwnrd zso Surtrtl lltll oo Takc so no Mutlln Tile sluts crrd CHANNEL lAlUnlM ttcrottrm wrrttllna illTints Whit Train iunsmol Saturday Ntrnt Movie It to star itisrmrnt lnnxlsi lrrry latter CTV News Anrwsrlng Erntra mu ntrmttzn Ilrtl lrnzntl Silrflrum itallan Journal 22 225232 Around rnr World All 51 TiltIt mm Murrut tnntrrrnrr Ii someone you know is moving Friendly roll by the Weirmthngun mt vtiil help not oftIoncallaeliminatflnlmm Join tn rnrrylnl on our cnxumtlnllyltrailithmll min with tty Welcome V11 M1 the nunv nnrl ruir rm iautiiir yrnt itnuw who anrttnvlnl PA 66301 WILCOMI WAGON uoououuuunucuu 400 too see sat so no Gamay on sum Popeyes Party Thule Dante Cheyenne Nm Westher Snafu My Favorite Martian 710 Don Mercers rustle one arm Moore show one riaydats woo inquiry mo Country lunztion troo car rv News 11 it Weather Sports News 1m at some TUESDAY account 1t5 Tut Pattern 11m Popeyca Party 1240 Noonday Report lLto Movie iCrima ltnout Plulm 700 Password 1111 Scarlett iii no 71 so see Mutlln The Mole st Gumby too Fireball XL uo Popcyea Party 500 naule Danie no Gunamoke 15m New Wuther lpom 70a ilrnneuy no Petticoat lunrtlan A00 Patty Duh nao lien Carey no Front Pa mutton moo Nrwnuanluo toso Quest Cuc TV News wmhrr Sports Null htnritnrrn TORONTO Chinan Theatre tl Married An Angel llattorm Tcerflll Donna Item Wall Dllney Trelrllll Danny Thomas Mr Naval Arrest Ind Trial 171a llaulllau CTV News Metro Final Ptcm iilrton MONDAY ocroncn use rnrur and Hornlnl ll rt 00 Homemakers itulth Cub ID Min ltslcn no 1000 um 1115 11o nlrt rmrnlr ilaytlml with Uncle lobby rlrtur cut Morning Murtne Nmnda mu Kiddo Krtnnnr December Bridl lnr lie 14m ury nt Millionair ilenl looltnl At You lenlt in rnntllrt Hideaway runTint Mum Home Club Kiddo ï¬rl llunt alas Navy sitm snow Tn clum Yanlll 11 erlnnu Mrtrn nnrt Hun rtmon TtlllnAY mtinnn Vow and lnynln tint on with UMII ltuhby Mnrntn NaomiV Hitlrln Karin leper Club try Million lltnlinl At You In rnnlttrt run11m storm club Weather In Ilnt Itooe CARRIER MISS YOU ll your rant on not mine by 71 phone PA 82433 Ami It In Iii lie llvliverrd To Your litme THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS HRVICI VAllEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF ARS AND TRUCK inmind the mouse tea By MRS DUCKWORTH Several members of the 113 Lodge 542 went to Colilngwood Monday night to attend the LTB annual meeting Mrs Oibson Guelph is vis iting her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Kirehen William Glass Sarnla wh works at the radio stations Port Huron and MarineClty is visiting for few days with Aitred Willis Jr The Angus United Church an niversary services were both well attended with Dr Crnsley Hunter Toronto as the special speaker Sympathy is extended to Cili ton Brown and relativcsin the death oi his lather Clitton Brown in the Royal Victoria Hospital on Friday The funeral was held on Monday irom Jenneits Fun eral Home Harris in Angus Un ion Cemetery Tho funeral scr vlce was taken by Rev Willis Mrs Lyle Wilkinson Detroit and her slsterlnlaw Mrs Net tie Bush lelt Saturday by car tor trip to Ottawa to visit Mrs Bushs daughters Mrs Haggsr and Mrs Gysel Mr and Mrs William Gra ham nnd iamity Toronto visit ed Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Duckworthr Mrs Bryson Redtcrn has sold her house to Mr and Mrs Colin Brown and is moving to Aurora with her daughter and son in law Mr and Mrs Chester Ken nedy The neighbors held party inr hcr on Wednesday aitcruoun and presented her with dress er set as going away gilt Everyone wished her happiness in her new home Mrs Angus Morrison Cape Breton NS is visiting her daughter and eonindnw Mr and Mrs John Trota King St UTOPIA surprise party was held Sat urday evening by tricnds and relatives at Mr and Mrs Thom as Excli at their home to cele brate their 25 wedding anniver aary George iii gin visited iricnds in the community last week beioro returning to his CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER Wcst dealer Both sides vulnerable NOE 970 was on AJIOTBA WEB EAST aaxrso ans V097 VIII 0109765 ane not BOUT eats AKIOB OAKQIS ahablddlng West Norm Best South Pass Pass Dble Pu Pass so Opening landking oi spades You never know when the axe will descend in team at four plny There is no good rcraon lor what happened in this deal to have occurred but the tact Is that it did The hand was played liclwtcn Swltrcrland and Great Britain in the Womens world churn pinnshlp staged in Turin in 1960 When lirltlsh pair held the Northouth cards the bid dlng went as shown Wcri chose to noon the bidding with spade instead ot club and South doubled otter two passes For reasons unknown North lumped to three clubs but than wisely subsided whtn South hld three diamonds West led the king oi spades and even though her partner played the eight switched to low hrnrt DAILY CROSSWORD AOIIOSR 160 uirnl Chr almu montht lbbr In this pm Metallic mite mommy ll Itllntl II To tom and occupy camp 15 Ambl perinatal 10 Certain pllylnl null 11 Close to Ilrll name 300mm nlst lwtish manly as Dena African Animal 17 inun Artrm llnimr II Hut imllnt ahlrr It Uovrrn Wslrl Harlem4 IV lrered Ill hilarmul to IIvlod ultim 113w 41 rum ll Blunder DOWN Enclosed as lTIputry Abound 411pm 11 inat Alta ilmtnent prtntutly to Equipment 11 Itltlonal 15 tmmt 1118mm 71 HEEHN $5 MVSHEER playground as Muaio ROUND Stuccocoitus home in BritishColumhin on Monday Mr and litre JohnEilis vis ited Sunday at the home at Mr and Mrs Dan McFadden Bar rte who were celebrating their lath wedding anniversary DliLSTOit By MRS nanometre Mrs Iran Batman Toronto visited her daughterMrs Stan Watson or several dayslast week Two ot our young people won honors at the Barrie Fair Susan Handy won tour ttrsts in sewing and in cooking classes Ross Gough won the Parsons Seed Co Special Tor chum ion show man tdairyi in addi on to win ning in both junior and senior dairy rhelter groups Congratu lations to each also to tbe Wol mens institute who won in sev eral classes Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown motored to Sprucedala on Sun day to visit Mrs Deans They attended church services at which an ordained lady mirt ister spoke and Mrs Deans pre sided at the organ Arnold kcascr oi Waverly ex changed services on Sunday with Rev it Thorpe who con ducted the annivcrsnry services in that charge Mr Creasers topic was In htno with God Miss ianice Cough and Wayne Forbes passed their swimming tests in Junior Class at Camp Borden on Saturday Mrs Drury is visitor with lilr and Mrs ltarold Moore this week On Wednesday Mrs Drury and Mrs Moore iolncd in the Color Tour with the Bar rie llorticultural Society Remember the mouse tea on Wednesday Oct it irom pm and ti 10 pm Donations tor the manse land will be re ccived Everyone welcome The United Church Women will meet on Tuesday Oct at the home oi Mrs Gough Mrs Wursten will conduct the Bible study period ltoli call will be Bible verse or reading per taining to Thanksgiving Special speaker will he Mrs Jory Barrie Miss Elaine Sponngle has been awarded bursary irom the At kinson Foundation Dcclarcr now had no trouble making three diamonds and could have made tour but she played solely to assure the con tract There were wild doings at the second table where the bidding went West Pass Pass Nnrth should probably have passed three diamonds True the Swiss South had shown strong hand by Jumping to three diamonds but the bid was by no means torclng and permitted North to pass The plot thick ened when South biri tour hearts and North corrected to live dia monds East now come to tile and doubled Vcst ietl lilo king ot spades Mill continuedwith the ace catching the queen The MO oi spades thtn inliowcddcclarcr ruiiinl the lourth round at spatter in dummy with the Jack East in the mcnntimc dis carded two hearts ticclarer now cnshcd the ace oi clubs ond ruitcd 11 club but later made only intrr more tricks to bring her to total ui seven Its result she went down inttr ior nn lgnumlnious score at minus ll0ti points The iiritlsit gulnrd 12m points on the tidal Noimtly can any the indies dont bitl cm up sometimes in Monday Another Famous band GRANDMA IT United titatra Ibhr not It Ianl 21AM ran port as Ilytlfl phobia 27 All union troop an Citatth 29 Lane antsrt hetndul hum 31A erltlll at Member an an Own aurto Kk IIE MIIII MUGGS AND SKEETERA $Emmm JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS BLONDIE BUZ SAWYER atoms mans MN WORLD Oligill 10 W5 OWN WRAPit 0F ldt Til BARitiE EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER 1961 II GAME 1N tanner PENDANT Ltttvsatss mews oe BillSTOL WEPAQENT LE NOUVEAU VOYAGE or become WaltLY IT WM TO BE BORE AND THE EN lltgkrdBOT PART DE bitiSIOL AVE DES MADINSDES HOMMES RICH ETPAWRE ET DES sot mower Carr 01 Dr COU Rt LE QUESTl AU DE NEUVE aï¬riot Mon at to orrdatd outta oi qstlbug at fllttiln It dupnq KM SURPRISEDATVDU ELMO SUCN CARELESS WM SDEAKINBUKE MT tcr Tnkc cue rtMt maven son or me Guys WlLL nuu NOW HERE COME LARW will Nttitlont WMRM WK tiIUlN till AND SO DONT lOOK AND HANK puoioq sbesrrd ranuitoueql sue st eta rm as nth lHIRE HANGING AnouNt WHItVIW1 tmtarasnrtumu arsenihl wall 11mm mom zu cunt nl auo wns Tlltt GAMI ts OVER SAGE Noll DE TERRE wand 0on par aood pus haul 1111 slo ill ttlt iflil ml 13 86 PtP°i€t°N 13 DOYOU OLI IT WEN GATHERING TNEYRI nratcwa rItJ PAY OUR CHECK WALKING BACK COMEOVEQI TUWARD THE WHAT MAKES BOYS 50 SW til its von RJWK to nil AKR crtn Emily mutt ANU