Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1963, p. 1

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ELMVMJ lSlnlllNo nrw nrnn lam Mu InInz lndnllrrl Um puMic wmlm wage Mme lllo villain puhllc wnrlu and hydro nun are lent lly dro rhnirman IL Lynn lnlvl cnuncll Wednmlny lam ml mm lmr WM nlreme In Mum Will Install New Doors Oulslnndinz nlhlolu naming Memorial lllnh Ethnol ruck mm Indmkd mm left Garry Smorkum who not rsl In the mllen nu ma run 120 yard mm In mom In 410 Mini run um anl ha 100 yard dmhnxl In Mr Marllnsaid his plan had been held up three years be cause the Department Munic ipal Alfalu would neither ap pmvc nor reject It Chnnce gelling dcparimenl approval in rescind lhe byinw were slim council agreed But the mniian was adapted in hopes oi spurring ihe department intn acllnn on several proposed suir division plans within the town ship same delayed or as long as five years by government in decision Sunnidale Corners Slam An angry verbal assault on the 0m aria Department of Municipal Allahs led all by Councillor Fnzd Marlin prnmpled Sunni dale Township Council Thursday In scck repeal ol its subdivis lonconlml l1ylaw KEMPENFELT ummo SunnidaleCOunCil Seek Repeal Of Bylaw Four girls who caned 01 he Mans share prize rib halls the BMHS track meet Ire shown here From 19 Are Judy Urbanskl Benton Juninr who cnllecled live firstsIn the 60100 and 200 yard dnshes me high jump and running broad jump Bel The Reridelvous lounge 951515012 mama HOTEL weny In plum TOP ATHLETES AT MEET GIRLS AREvPRIZEr WINNERS ROOM OPEN BAIL the mnn whm NH flrlal Ira plan In gum In my wall unuurmm wlll he nml Council Approved nn npplirn tlnn mo llcpnvlmrm II In way or mad nulmldy ol ll A7J1I nm In lilmvnlon shun lur road work dnno In tho vul nzc hum Jun In Snpl no luhllc wmlu rhhmnnn KM Knux mmlo Ms rrmvlla mun ll and Ihn mvnd am mu lo In In on nxundny lm lnlcrmtdimu dMsInn Tony Sknrdn Mllalnn nn In lcrmdlnlo runner with link In be running broad Jump umnd In lho hopfilcnvnnd Jump And hlrd In he no ynnl utnl Iqu Imumlmll Mllslnn Junior wIIh our Near his home another lawn ship subdivision plan has been d7 by 111g gnVernmLnl or m6 Rcev oyd Prldham mention ed analhcr subdivision plan on Highway 90 at Angus when nc lion needed rum bolh coun cil and Queens Park Cnuncil couldnt examine Ihe lWacre 20310 silc when roqucsled last wlnlcr Mr Pridhnm suggested paint so his fall before snow llurlnl Luau And Mon Luxurioul Fully Lkomod Loung Presents nghlly Enlerlalnmenl wllh CORD HAYCH blg HAMMOND ORGAN On Aug the minister Spooncrl promised me an an swer within week Mr Marlln sald Since lhcn Ive put in seven plume calls In the com munin planning branch without gelling any satisfaclinn tram hem 5H havent heard from ML Spw ly Laver Alllslon senior with lhree firstsm and 100 yard flail running broad jump and two secondssland ing broad Jump and 60 yard dash Sharon Pearson Allls ion senior lhree first in the standing broad jump 60 yqrd dash and high jump um sce yoars wilh Eb reason pra Elmulu tmlm acrrpled nu Invllnuon in nltcnd llm unmml dmnu nl Hm EllmnIuFlos Hm lllumlc ll wlll he held In rvrnlnx at 01 20 ml lnhmr llulnurnnl ml lo carry the power load hy dra dmlmlnn Lynn lmrlrd Hlncc lho pruml Inm tormm wnldnl carry me hm Iho rnumrer mu nvdmd lhc boonu am In nnhl TllllihfAN youll nuvor Iowa llnlaln mu lvwo mllu tun he an mHo M0 and 440 ynrd mm and mud in lho 100 yard dash Dan Shauglmrsxy Alllnan Mm also lnur mm In the ncnlnr leIIlnn in the lwo mile mm mllr nnd Jomung new runrdl In all of best Hula1n mu Foul éubdlvnslan plans in the lnwnshlp are now Mfcclcd by the delay Mr Marlin said Without an antral bylaw lownshlp can approve individual appflcallans whlcll moot lacnl standards lhen pass them bn la the department for gnvemmenl approval he explained Townships operating on lhis lmls appravals last cr than we dv The way ll now Mnniclpal Allahs really has us ovpr banal Dcpu Rceve Wilf Downer said it was Inn had the lnwmhip had adopted subdivision can jaw In 115s place the dcpartxpent weve 43 to hit Mr Martin filmed We shouldnt let these people push us around WHEN and In the running broad jump and third in the 100 yard dash Linda Cerswe Heelan MLmediate tw firsts 1n the 100 and no ynrd dash second in me high jump and min In these Yard dash Examiner Pho TONIGHT and SUNDAY Tun Town mman mm Md In Ibo Cmumuully Hnll Stpl 1201 emullvo mu an the lollnwlnx Tn dunnln 1500 lo lha Arllflrlnl Ire ruml and wnrdl pn In for tunnlm 1n lhl null 111 yeah urcullvo l1 ErrIda Lynn MIHI vlm lulu lml Hum Tarbell gem1m Llndn All treasurer Mlchul film pmvlndnl polktnlln wlll rhnpcronv MI dnncu All mu mml be rhuan helm mining Hm nnnm hall Tun ann welcnmrl muler ho hum um mm 1an 19 the lucky draw In Md he Arllllcll Ice Fund Arthur Flcid won lint prlu 8100 He bought hilllcmlmm Jlm nu thlt Lu llalmu wnl lha second winner Sho received 50 John Drawn luld tho mm Im mdx mnounItd In mm which wlill lownrdl um nnlflrlll lcu ml For the but baby boy or am Item 11 In months elm Kn lhy Ramon daughter of Mr and Mn Dov Ramon ol Wcsl llill wan first Ind Eunlco 11b Me damth of Mr and Mn Stanley Rllchle Elmvle placed lmmt Vldnrlan order of Nun up Dorrie accompanied by the local commlllee at lndlu eon dumd and Juducd lha nhow ICE FUND DRAW From lo 11 months old Glen mrtmmv son ML and Mn Dnvld Bertram Elmvnlc was first and Joan nonram daughter of Mn and Mn Don nld Dcflragn my 2nd In clul or hue up la xix months were Theresa Mario Vauderpool dnuzhlcr Mr and Mn Cm Vnndcrpool Wavzrly in prize nngcr Fcigchun son at Mr and Mn Don Fclxchen Elmvale 2nd Twenlyrnlne babies were en= and In Iha Elmvnla baby thaw and Mn Dnnnld Beflrlms ll llo dauxhler Juan won the sweepslnke line Ind won the Elmvale Lang gnphy Egmvmnm gmi snow Miss Sally Campbell of Town Io Ipcnl lhe weekend wllh her Enrcnu Mr and Mrs Camp Mr and Mrs Lloyri Fleming 01 Landon spent few days with Mr and Mrs Malcom McGIn nis Mm Maxgm Neely Tar nnlo Mr and Mrs William Hoo per and lllssDamflxy Hooper Tomnlu spell the weekend with M9 Manglq VGreenhw Mix Kerr Edmonton rclumed alter visiting with her sisler and brotherMaw Mr aqqMrnglbertW Mm Linnel Player visited on Thursday with her husband who patient at Sunnybrook Hos pital Torohgo mm mm Sllllu Mr and Mrs Morrison Dean are on motorrmno um east coast Mrs Verne Heardsall nlumed alter visiting lhelr son and lamily Mr and Mn Lorna Belfrdsnll ol praxgpton Mr and Mr Norman McMil Iar of nydcn Mr and Mrs Dv Luck Edenvlllewere Wednw day guesu of Mrs Mell flown Ind MIL rRowat ByMRS TERRY Mrs Ken McQuarrIe reiurned 1ng vgcitlon jg Florida Glad lo sea Magnum Jon klns homa from Turnnlo hospit al ml hope she has very many recovery DEIYIIN Mr and Mrs Pa ODonell and son of Toronto spenLSuno day with Mr and Mrs George Peacock Mm Sandra Drennaanpcnt flue weekend in Toronto Calvin Haddock pmzressrnz along with his new home here and scan he will bemnvlnz into vsmcoz COUNTY NEWS man Jenkins ol Creemora spent Mnnday afternoon with hla mggher here mm MRRIEiXAMINER SATURDAY Efinmtulnflans Mr and Mn Wllllum Blanchard on the birth of daughter in Allislon In Everett becomlng larger or mailer Dalton McCrncken has new home nearly wmplelzd which he built and this week hulldmr demollxhed iwo humes leaving two vucanl Iou We understand nenboer purchased ihemynnd is build twohome apartment on flu ny nomunsw Vislllng ma home of Mr and Mn Donald Ken and 1am lly were Dr and Mrs JohnMc Clan of Vancouver EC two Wei HA ELMVALE EVERETT Hvuyam ullrndlnx lho Irr vlru wan Invited la 10 down Alfllfl afluwnnh whm It trnlinn wu hrld lnr lb newly Ippolnw mlor Th Indlu rum both John and El Luloa Mrvnl In and rvoklu lob mm make an Followan lhn mnIn senIce nkbop Snell wmI an In dedlcnlo IIIru mm In lho Church The Hut than mu ncw Prnyrr book lur tho communlon tabla Inn In mcmory ol Muudw Anna Nevlb and Jahn Jnmu NevIIl by thr dnughlm The and Wu new memorlal book Ivan by lhn Woman AuxIlInry In mnmory Mr docclmd membm Thu llerd llem wm II newlyrcnovnled ncIly utlrh war roam med by IM Chancel Gulld trucked by he nov IL Wlx radar at Gmco Church Markham Alxu lukinz pm In lhn ceremony were Dr Mlle llunl princlpal Wycllflo Col lzze the Head nrch drawn of Sirncoe and tho Rev Tnml lmm Strand Tha luv IL Snell ca adjulor mum of thu diatom 01 Monica conduded lho ser nd Ihc uqnnn rwns COOKSNJWN Special The evenlnz Sept 25 In Anglican Church In Cookalawn lhv InslIlullnn and lnducllon lhe Rev Howard rcclm SL John Cookslawn Ind SI Lukes Pinkmon look place HOLIDAY INN VICTORIA muoun Mr and Mn Arch Mur but let last Monday with Mr and Mm Orval McArlhur lo vh II Lrelalivet In Lb west Mr and Mn Rica Auburn were Sunday vlsllorl or their daughter Mrs Robert Bell and Iamlly my Mr and Mn Jack Teflon Severn Bridge warn recent v1 llarl of Mr and Mm Gllchrlst and Mr and Mn New ton Hesse Mifmfd fir Jon Lee Brncebrldge visited Mr and Mn chfm 3n Su3day Induct Rector Ht Cookstowh There will no rervlco at Gulhrle Presbyterian Church Oct 18 owing to anniversary service On Slatlon necébnons SALES MEETINGS Almondlllunld Anommdnllon hr 175 Pouom By CAMERON Mrs Norman Pas nf Orillln wlll be the guest Ipeaker at the Fall Thankollulng meal lng of Gulhtie anen Ml alnnary Sadcly The mealng will be held in the church Oct II at pm wlth ladle at Central 0m and Ora Sutlon lnvllcd to Illend DANGUETS CONVENTIONS wgonmo ornpson in patient in Peneinnz General Harpitnl and Mrs Timing is In Scerboro Hospital Mervyn Ben coclr L1 in the Penetlng Hospital the result oi heart condition liglalfls DAY AT 10 May mornnz Johns United Church the Rally Day Service of worship wane dueled by Rev Highhnm assisted by True Snn day School Superintendent and numbers of the school Mr Trace opened the service Bob Famey and Sheila Elliott lend the Scripture verses Mrs John Bell told the story at an Indian xlrl saved lrom the lawn of liner ltev Mr Highnm gave talk The image oi MLulon Work and gnawed name ple turel oi lndin Christianity in or Ill the world and our prayer nnd money are needed or tel lowshlpnnd unlly Our money will help Indian pastors and ml slonnrlen in town at India Mr illxhnm laid AUTUMN LEAVES September drawn to close people speak of The Wondern of Nature as they vlew the chnnging color oi theieave of the maple in multicolored glory the village It motor trip by nghwny 400 to points as iar as Brncebridze and returning by Na ll and 12 to Midland and home by No 21 when the sun is shining is good route for seeing the leaves at their best PHONE COLLICT VICTORIA HARBOUR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION With Iovelywarm sunny wea ther there was good turnout of ruthlean la vote 10 make the af Iemm lime exciting the tire alrenanunded or both we own try And the village But the pen plo were happy to learn time was no Ire lrulud repaln were being made tbs siren min 1mm no CHARGE non IANOUET MALL Four easons GUTHRIE omaanvs lho rhurch erdfnl ml welmm ml uvrrynne Illlhnp Snell Inn tlpll Munl Aml Rev How Ind and Ipola brlcny ruvmd cdillon ol his Ix Acmra manull will be pub lished In 1m Mr Fugue laid councll Wu hLI undmlnnd 1n um lu mm wwld be en forced ID Mn Ihould clonr up rmnlmtnll amonz rurnl munlclpallllu MW can vlnm ml Emlyn Induntrles nullcllnl aulllnlng pmvhlum wlnlcr wuvkl mum and mu propmcd Munlclpnl no relopmtnl Ind Imn Acl were uplnlnod by Mr Poxuo hm tabled mer ducmlan Tho lonn iuu been panned by are not aylni Iliernhn lhatnx mien Provlslnm dc with this problem urn tonlalncd In Iha new asseumml manual Luncd lhl ytar by 0m Dmnrlincnl ol Munlclpnl Mlnln flccvu Prid hnm ell observance of hue provision should he made Imo dngary Men Pridhum expanrkd on this lhemc ii Industry in linrrie it not ruliicicniiy used under city messmcni while couniy municipalich am burdened with cquaiizcd assess mcni lhcn warc paying through the nose Thom should be ruiing irom the Ontario cavern mcnl Why Ihauid industry in lhu cnuniy be penniized whcn they are the one who can least aliard ii hq Isknd 7mm Flnmll liir Lawrence pointed out tho township had already poured lot of money into Barrie high schools over 1h years since Iha mwmhlp was 1le or high school purpom Wed be throwing all this money away ii we broke away irom Barrio ananaw he laid liwns DI per pupil pecl hat bothered him Mr Downer said This thing is rough or rural Ircas The rurnl population Ls going down while Darrin in going up lllmiorc ihu cost per pupil In Barrie caiculnied on Barrlel local assessment is much in than lhu cost per pupil or rural We get good vnlue In the 21371 rule for he loo pupils we send lo Barrie Mr DuII said doubt II we have 200 In the Slnyncr and Colllngwood collegial In any event new school are bum when popuIn Ian densillcs are greatest The area around BanIo Is growing Instal lhnn It towards the west ireasurerDm Dull and Calm tillar Lawrencn opposed such MOVE Statistics cited by clcrk John Payne predicting th need In new 51 school in Barrie by 1967 led Mr Dawner to sub zest pulling out of the Barrle area andpresslng pr an NHL lunal high school In the Coll hlgwood high school dismal cm hlng to obstruct the uturc pm perlly or the raglan or at our yuan people Mr Pridham Enid shlp are invalved Cuunc Everton Lawrence said Sunni dnies approval was aniy for mniily since majority oi our other municipalities have ni ready named to the extension While council objected to some aspects oi the county Ver sus Barrie taxation structure all members were unanimous in renognizinx the need far better educailnnai militia Reeve Linyd Prldluam and deputy leave Will Downer described educa tion as the key to industrial growth entire region yv VD College Participation Barrie aid SJMIdaIe Vlnnls fil pro Vegprgmg Essa Town Sunnldalea useuedslnrej 21317 oi all costs or EliHo District High School Band ex pendiiunsl For the Barrie North addillon Sunnidales com uibmlon will be 12177 pu cent of $156994 whth ls Illa Mal amount in benlacd by the pafi tlclpniing municlyalllles The provincigi and federal govern meals provide the remaining 75 per cent of the revenuaneeded ir ply or dis extension valued at over mi1iion dollars SUNNIDALE lCORNERS StubApproval or Sunnldale lnwnuhip partldpallon In con mutation ol In new vocational nddlllan at Barth Dishlot North Collulale came um township cwncllrllmrsdny at its October meeting held In the community hall hare but CANADA flmlng MIRRY Akin Ito9335331 WAY Wm Frendmmn Court revision will be held Ir December this year cnundl announced though no data has been let mummy The situation arasebecause the assusment notices war prepared from the card iiie not the assessment roll book coun cil was told Ratepayers as sessed for both residential and commercial property have two cards In than cases the sec ond card amount was inadvert ently omitted when the assess munt notices were prepared or mailing In other usmus council de cided phoe an appeal before the court of revision to recover tax money lost lhrnugh clerical errors In making out mus menl noflces No of them er mm were reported by assessor nay Lowe who said his wile nodced them and one was re ported to Mr Pngue by rare payer The errors now amount $7000 assessment total and ks In tax mqney Murune Cm Dnuy nohln CWWLWE Kll mimqéimfigxmmmmm mm MumthI hm mw mum wtch payments wmud an wemh the cm outlay for he lownshlpu paxllcipallon In winter works project in Mr anner inlnn nix the federal government bul cannot go lnlo eflect untll avled natal proclamallorl puts the mm diam 1n motlen will be admlnlstemdln Onlarlo through at Department at Munich nulfly No provisions in ha town ships bugge vtere made mrw Reeve Prldham thought would help with thy lownshlps pm posed naw ire hall would be better than Issulnzdebeh tu heald TODAY ONLY 7ON THE BEAT mg was thy mnhzed In STARTS SUNDAY 11°PI In force IiHUII alumna mm mm mm En Show II 700 00 nunu calm COLORI Starts SUNDAY 1ND BIO HIT Chlldxen 1555 FREE Nomination day In Frldny Nov 29 at Sunnldalo Corners community lull 1mm to pm or councll and publlc schaol board members an elecllon needed It wlll be Dec at elalll pnlllng sulSdlvlslons In the ownshln Polls wlll be open my In pl Coulicila next REEXs intel ing will be Nov New law ell starting at 930 am In color MAUREEN OHMM Ind RRMN KEITH snow sums Al nilsx Burle South on um fwd Admlsslon 75c EVERY MONDAY II 809 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT TONIGHT ONLYI Abovn NuServlca Clunarl MONDAY $35000 SHARE THE WEALTH 14 HIGH ST Admlxuon so IN BIG llfl RCAF ASSOC PLU5

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