Amending the bride as mal nm of honor was Mrs Hclnz llnmld Gmn man1 year Imdml lhe Northern Illlulc Tcrlumlngy lek land Lnkn has bran nwnrdcd an Inlernallunal Inlronhrldrzc Nlrkcl Mlnu lulmlnrship Tho nwnrd Valued at $300 wul rm mad or ohlninlng lint nu Imnoru Mrchnnlcnl linulnrcr lnu Course llnrnlxl mul lmlo or nnrrlcl leml Cullen lnlo II In lo Mr uml Mn llnlph Gmn Toromo Elmt Given in marriage by her in iher the brlda was attired in lull length gown which lealured very lull skirt ni nylon with lace panels oVLr tnlicin with vnecked lncc bodlcc The shoul derlcnxih veil oi illuslon iulic wan hrld by tiara headdrus The bride carried bouquet oi red roses RECEIVES AWARD Bukcia oi whim 3111411011 and mauve and purpie asters Adam ed Central Uniicd Church when Mary Mavis Owens was uniied in marriage in Roii Gard van Nouhuya Rev iii Scan oi To roniu oiliciaicd at the aiicrnua ceremony The brlda LI the daughter Nellson Owens Toronto The bridzlrnam is the son Mm Frederickn van Nouhuy Van couver 30 The soloist Mn Kathryn Iay lnr of 13mm sang Wed ding Prayer and Lord all Hopefulness accompanlcd by Ireland of Midland at the organ Trip To Vancouirer Follons Fall Rites Pholu by 5mm alum NEWLYWEDS AT RECEPTION 7171 YouéféT lolIawlnu lho mummy Mde Inppvr WM mm ablth In tho nervan were lrlmd ha bride Mn Vera Thompson Mn Lciln Lmrulh Mrs DcrnILu annn nnd MIM erdn Wm all ol Crec Inurc 0n mum mm the urddinx lrn la Norlhcm Unlnrlo lho ncnlywnln will mldo Nnnlrr ï¬lmt narrle 1th gaumxmnn Wfll Ben Rein hnr ï¬lnyncy mm In marriage by her brOa Hmr Willlnm Manning Cm mnre ha bndo wnro drm while hrocndod mile llnr car use was Tallsmnn ram and by leave Mrl lién nclnhm stay nnr alskr lhc brldcgmm ml ho hrldca only gllcngnuk VWLJddlng mule Mu provlded by MrL Lloyd Hull cl Cm mare The bride II the daughter of the lulu Mr and Mn Joseph Manning Crccmorc and mm Mm Flnmlng Thu bridegroom Ll he Inn of lhe late Mr and Mn Robert lum squng Slnyncf Bouquets pink and whlle gladloll formed an nllrncflva selling at the harm at Dr nnd Mrs Fleming Vddnn Crescent or the exchange ol vaws bclworn Mrs Marlorlu Hunt and Donald Jame Arm nlrnng Tm cmmmy was per formed by Mr James Gum The cellpla molorcd lo Van couvcr 90 where they wlll reslde Vows Exchanged At Home Ceremony For lrnvclllng the bride chase mustard colored lwrrplem sul with lenpardskin bat and black acccarsorlu The reception was held the Fellowxhlp Hall of Central Unl ud Church Guests were re cclvcd by Mn Nellson Owem who wore navy Ind whltc chman dress wth malehlnl ac tonalIns Donald Campbell nn Barrie attended as groomsman Earl Cooper West Gulllard and Ted Young 01 Barrie were ushers Schwecke of Bank who ware gown mauve chlflon with matching headdress Ind gloves Sha carried bauquct at while mumspnd yellpwuroq ï¬Eï¬M STORES ANN MNDERS Dem Ann lmdem Tllm manlhs oil mrjad to am 33yural 511011th am 25 He hfll never been married and Hm with hll widowed molher Hews me an In that am the type Ir would like to marryand ndded pro vided yan can vm lhu int asked hIm what tau and these nu ma quelllonn hu asked Return Pagkage T6 Mama With vae yau n55 ghautylho THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM LTD For many yeah The House of Seagram ha publLthed messages advocating Moderation in all ihings mludvn¢ the me of whisky At this time In the imam of SdeI hunting we say once again Only when the days shooting is dune only whcn the gun hemptynnd backinthomck onlythmhhï¬mwenjoy the pleasures of social relaxation Drluklng and Hunting Do Not Mix Be your Own best friend sportsman with loaded shotsuh or rifle in his 11min has go to be his own bén friend He must leavé noihing to chm Never not for an instant can he allow anything to endauga the safety of himself or his fellow hunters PLAN TRIP TO THE you users holhpmo onto the In Do you roll it up properly Do youpin your huh up at night And cream your long Ho cant tolerate thin va onen do you charm bed llnen1 Ho 1mm on rah Ilnen every mom WII mocked at these quea llonn and treated them aka But he wn dead urloua ow uk you Ann Landau In the co otolher pecull The young man he II lorry In so Involve andhe wnnll nothing more to do wlh her The girl plnnntnz to In Apnemny ml and hum on he In tho baby awn all the adv to ram every Ilde say she shoula no la horns or unwed motherl hnve the baby and put up or ado Hon man nobody he Du Ann tandem Ml girl dolnl HI rim thing 01110 On her third or laurth dale Ihe bemna lmlmm with thirboy uqd now in prelnanl 5115 II year old num who Ihould hm known better Lload promat or Earn1m Will wmgld yyudolJA8MlNE Bur Jï¬nllnt mother luvo MmJorInalher 33 yearn grlllogdqeq lhlqrqan mud Ilka uywnn Mom limo late for Dual sterl In young lellw lo decide he wantrnnlhlnz more In dn with her There are laws lorhlt Mdmn Romeo as he In about to ï¬nd mus In llfldinz bn your aluwer Mk through carefully MERESIED mm Dent Imm The Ilridld nni uk moiar advice so will not attempt to give her any Obvi nully the MI made her decision and in one which lhouid he made by the airi hemii BHNGY Du woman huyl she wnl no Ihame her unlLV or hit andlhe ynung man wmvnal he stuck far 21 year super money Also 1h baby wll get decent man Instead of belnl known an lllezlllmleghlld WILL OWDALE Ann under am In my early 50s One week tamr Horace arid were man and Min he told had to show hlm receipt Iar every um bought no meller how small Hawu an noyed because had spent $310 In the live unddlme on shelf paper cup hooks drawer 1111 mg and odds and ends perapn needs to not up new place Horace courted me or almost two years and was nochnrmlng and pleasant he had me com plelely fooled was golng with two other very no men at he sum time and could have mar ried either or them married for the second lime about Months anal lam hnvlni rea lrauble wllh lhll man and need your help ruzppnmz Exmmzn mun moan flnq this hurï¬lllallng amen The we 01 yea lhanld no lo marriage counsgllar or to clergyman and talk thin prah lcm out You need Illa help third party Dear Empty Every woman should have some mom to ipcnd as aha plumno quuu Hons BlkcdH her husband 11 employed You are 001 lol turn river your Income your husband and then be him or dollar have never had to account or many before have mall Income but we decided bermu marriage to everything and that hcwoul handle the money Now have In be hlm or dollar and hale ll Please tell me what In da EMPTY PURSE